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Nidus, aka the biggest supporting point to "Tenno are the bad guys" view


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Am I the only one who finds this... I don't know, strange?

Technocyte infestation is a horrible and extremely contageous disease, where one loose spore is enough to corrupt a living organism into a misshapen monstrocity, which spreads it even further until it corrupts the whole available area. And then we have a frame who does nothing but spew infested gunk everywhere. 

I mean, what the hell? Aren't we supposed to stop the Infestation, not spread it?

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But Nidus' Infestation doesn't last, at least not during gameplay. Lorewise I'm almost positive he's controlling a different strain of the Technocyte (see Glast Gambit questline for more details).

Of course, in the System's inhabitants' eyes, Infestation is Infestation. It would be interesting to see if Nidus would leave a negative impression on NPCs in future quests.

Edited by PsiWarp
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Nidus is a potential danger for sure, but the fact that you can use him to fight typical strain infestation kinda debunks alot of fear surrounding him.


He is his own strain of infestation, and everything that spawns from him is under his tight leash, do the ravenous spawned maggots ever at any point attack friendlies? No, only the enemies of Nidus.


The tenno are a sword that would be dangerous to anyone were it pointed in their direction, Nidus just happens to be a more volatile edge.

Edited by NoXHeart
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I think the more supportive point would be A: Lotus' disregard for tradition and other people's choices and B: (Potential Spoiler to those without Nidus)


B: Listen to what Ordis says when you first enter the room as Nidus "I wanted to purge -- clean this room, but you need it"


That right there is an issue. Ordis didn't rid the infestation that is infecting himself because the operator "Needs it". What you need it for is rather irrelevant, the fact that it is the living, untouched stuff that's being used should be a major concern to those who are not Tenno. Not to mention how few people in the lore must know it's in their.

But yee naw the Tenno are certainly questionable in their methods.

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39 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Am I the only one who finds this... I don't know, strange?

Technocyte infestation is a horrible and extremely contageous disease, where one loose spore is enough to corrupt a living organism into a misshapen monstrocity, which spreads it even further until it corrupts the whole available area. And then we have a frame who does nothing but spew infested gunk everywhere. 

I mean, what the hell? Aren't we supposed to stop the Infestation, not spread it?

The tenno fight to stop the things they do 100 times faster, by example, we had one event where we had to save the kubrows, our method was slaughtering them.

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Did you not do/not pay attention to the entirety of the Glast Gambit?


The Glast Gambit highlights the fact that there is an alternate strain of the Infestation used by the Mycona people as an immunity. Think of it like a smallpox vaccine. Nidus could very well be this second strain.



The real reason why we're able to have an Infested frame and weaponry is because the virus itself "can be easily grown, thrives in any environment and is as easy to manipulate for the creation tools and weapons as any non-organic material." -Cephalon Cordylon


Which means changing the virus to be usable in weaponry and in a Warframe is a snap for anyone with a know-how in bio-organic engineering.

Edited by ChargeBeam
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The next major quest will supposedly deal with warframes and their relationship to infested. It also might have something to do with Nidus himself as he's the one who opens the infested door. Warframes themselves might just be made of a benign version of infested flesh.

Edited by Yonm
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38 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Of course, in the System's inhabitants' eyes, Infestation is Infestation. It would be interesting to see if Nidus would leave a negative impression on NPCs in future quests.

I look forward to meet the people again, but instead of such high praise get comments such as "Ew Nidus"

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13 minutes ago, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

all frames are created with infestation. we used to believe that the Tenno were just infested who maintained a separate sense of mind(among other theories)

This is further cemented by The War Within. The Warframes are based on the infestation, Nidus might have been an attempt to regain control of it.

Also, the Red Veil is keeping actual Infested on the relays - you know, places with lots of civilians.


There a little to no good guys in this solar system. Though the Glast Gambit actually made me like the Perrin Sequence alot - I really wonder why they are friends with the Eco-Nazis who constantly tell me that I'm impure, or why they are opposing any Syndicate or the Tenno who support them at all.

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Also during the questline they


Mention how the myconians harvest the infestation biomass products.  It's true that infestation is a horrible weapon but between the questline and the very nature of warframes it's clear that the infestation isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It can be a bad thing but it's clear there's a bit more to the infestation at this point than zombie outbreaks.


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