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Stealth nerf on Riven mod Chance?


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Ever since DE tweaked the sorties reward pools, with unnecessary junk I have been getting only the junk.
I get a slight feeling that the riven mod chance has been altered, as there was a bug that it appeared on the Uncommon section for a while. Maybe the game itself auto corrected the section it has to be in it.

I kinda want the old DE back. The one that was transparent and honest.

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16 minutes ago, TeaBegging said:

Well past 2 or 3 weeks I haven't gotten any riven mods. Don't know the exact date but when that patch happened. The Drop chance for me at least has been drasticly.

it's called "random" number generation for a reason, and you're just getting unlucky. as far as we know the drop rate is still 20%.

Edited by marshmellory
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2 minutes ago, marshmellory said:

a.) it's been 3 weeks since the riven mods came out the first time

b.) it's called "random" number generation for a reason, and you're just getting unlucky. as far as we know the drop rate is still 20%.

a.) its been 7 weeks since riven mods came out the first time (November 12th, not sure what day you have in mind though)

b.) DE doesn't use a "real" random number generator, so its not really random at all. Every lootdrop gets it own weight and much more stuff. Im not going to explain it all since its alot but if you are intersted, Void_Glitch wrote a nice post about it.

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2 minutes ago, Evers said:

a.) its been 7 weeks since riven mods came out the first time (November 12th, not sure what day you have in mind though)

b.) DE doesn't use a "real" random number generator, so its not really random at all. Every lootdrop gets it own weight and much more stuff. Im not going to explain it all since its alot but if you are intersted, Void_Glitch wrote a nice post about it.

you're right, for some reason i had the release dates of the war within and second dream mixed up? that's my bad.

but b.) of course it's not TRULY random if you want to be pedantic, not all of the parts are weighted the same, but a 20% drop chance (which was datamined, i think also by Void_Glitch?) for a reward still in no way ensures that you will get that reward which is why people are able to get no riven mods for long stretches of time.

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Since the sg/pistol rivens have been released, I've not received one.  Period.  I've done sorties every day, and was wondering this very same thing.  Aside from terrible riven reroll luck, I thought it couldn't get much worse.  I imagine the next rivens, instead of having a drop chance for me, will require me to sacrifice my rivens for a chance at a new one.  Just kidding of course, but I honestly didn't think I my chances would be this bad.  I jokingly warn the team on the final mission about my current luck, and BAM.  Space junk.  /shrug.  I still love the game.   No worries.  I just keep farming kuva, and laughing at my horrible rerolls.  I should start taking screen shots of my kuva journey.  RNGesus and I have not ever really gotten along.  -Em

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Well I know that I've had 2k endo 5 or 6 days in a row. Wish De had upheld their previous idea of stopping 2k endo in a row.

Yesterday that trend was broken with a naramon lens.

If rivens are going to be classed as the same category as endo it should have the same damn drop rate, in my opinion.

Edited by Naith
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I have had the same experience, I play the sortie every single day, not a single riven since the "we made rivens more common" patch

Have gotten a bunch of reactors(I have 25 built ones now with no frame needing one), 

Have also gotten a ton of lenses, including many greater lenses(I'm putting lenses on very meh weapons because I cant be bothered to sell them)

And I'm up to 57k endo stored, and I swear I'm getting more 4k endo rewards than 2k endo.

I even got a legendary core and an more than one exilus.

Come to think of it, the ONLY reward I have NOT received since that patch, is an orokin catalyst, and a riven mod.

That combined with the number of complaints about this, makes me suspect something is wrong.


There's "RNGesus hates you" and there's "getting more gold and purple rewards than bronze ones", and I'm sitting at the latter.. ironically while caring ONLY about the "common" riven drop.

Edited by enizer
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10 minutes ago, enizer said:

I have had the same experience, I play the sortie every single day, not a single riven since the "we made rivens more common" patch

Have gotten a bunch of reactors(I have 25 built ones now with no frame needing one), 

Have also gotten a ton of lenses, including many greater lenses(I'm putting lenses on very meh weapons because I cant be bothered to sell them)

And I'm up to 57k endo stored, and I swear I'm getting more 4k endo rewards than 2k endo.

I even got a legendary core and an more than one exilus.

Come to think of it, the ONLY reward I have NOT received since that patch, is an orokin catalyst, and a riven mod.

That combined with the number of complaints about this, makes me suspect something is wrong.


There's "RNGesus hates you" and there's "getting more gold and purple rewards than bronze ones", and I'm sitting at the latter.. ironically while caring ONLY about the "common" riven drop.

Ironically I've gotten a fair amount of Riven drops, yet no catalysts or rarer drops, also get plenty of Endo, but I still think it's just RNG.

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16 hours ago, TeaBegging said:

Well past 2 or 3 weeks I haven't gotten any riven mods. Don't know the exact date but when that patch happened. The Drop chance for me at least has been drasticly.

Literally just got a pistol one a day ago. I have been getting rivens at roughly the same rate (1 a week or so) since they were introduced and I have done sortie almost daily. 

I am sorry for your luck and I really hope your luck turns for the better soon, but it is just that. Bad luck. : ( 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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