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Remove the Infested Cyst


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2 hours ago, SerYreS said:

Made me cringe to see someone calling literally god as a warframe useless.

Made me cringe watching yet another person on these forums quote me with a severe lack of reading comprehension.


The implementation of the whole thing needs a complete rework because of the infection the frame is useless to me and i'm stuck playing solo until they put in a cure which should have been there from day one instead of this half arsed mess we have.


I didn't mention, not once, not even a slight hint, at the frames abilities being useless. 


I said, plain as day, that because of the infection, it's useless.



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21 minutes ago, TonyWong said:

Ok, so there's something bothering me about the way the Helminth Cyst is set up... basically you inject Nidus and you're contagious while you have one on your neck.

Now the basic question is... why infect other frames at all? Why not just restrict the Helminth Charger to Nidus users and those who have unlocked the infested door if it's just one charger?

My speculation? It's not just one charger. I think DE is planning to make the warframe affect the resulting charger.

Ex. Ember Warframe -> Charger w/ fireball? Short range fireblast?

What do you guys think? (Yeah, it's basically Eevee)

If they were gonna put that much work into it, then the Charger model wouldn't be a copypasted Grineer mutant, and the Hema would actually convert hitpoints into ammunition rather than just causing you to take damage every time you reload.



This update was rushed out before Christmas, and unless DE face a wall of feedback, nothing more interesting will happen with it. Please note that I am absolutely not calling for people to get abusive with DE! I am, however, stating that unless DE look at the forums and see literally hundreds, thousands of posts from players telling them to get their sh*t together, it will not get fixed.

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There's also the fact that they dropped this first stage of it, during the holidays.  Remember that devs are people too and I believe these devs truly enjoy their work.  But time off for family and stuff is important too.  Fixes, tweaks and whatnot are coming.  Of that, I have no doubt.

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Here my feedback: DISGUSTING, USELESS, HORRIBLE. Must be removed.

Here my reason:

1- I started the construction of a Helminth Charger but in the other warframe is still present.

2- I payed Hundreds and hundreds of PLATINUM for buy Colour palette,  armor set, syandanas, helmet and any other kind of stuff for make my Warframe better and now this cyst ruine all

3- I am scared of play other warframe than the infected one, cause i don't want them to being infected (and i have all the frame)

4- Is pink and can't be coloured: my warframe main colour are black and light blue; NOT PINK

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5 minutes ago, MollAgdeduba said:

Here my feedback: DISGUSTING, USELESS, HORRIBLE. Must be removed.

Here my reason:

1- I started the construction of a Helminth Charger but in the other warframe is still present.

2- I payed Hundreds and hundreds of PLATINUM for buy Colour palette,  armor set, syandanas, helmet and any other kind of stuff for make my Warframe better and now this cyst ruine all

3- I am scared of play other warframe than the infected one, cause i don't want them to being infected (and i have all the frame)

4- Is pink and can't be coloured: my warframe main colour are black and light blue; NOT PINK

Constructive feedback i see ^.^

How about a simple solution : 

- Add a way to drain it easely that is not kubrow incubation

- Add a section in cosmetic to hide cyst ?

Edited by trunks013
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Why would they add a cosmetic to hide the cyst when it's always been part of the plan to remove it?

I'm floored that so many of you actually think they would keep the cyst around permanently. They knew it was going to upset people, but it's a small part of whatever story they want to tell with this frame, and that it's temporary.

Just wait. The cure is probably coming in the next few days.

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I really don't care about having a cyst on my warframe's neck, but I understand those who do. But I also think that it's pretty cool to have this disease going through the system infecting every warframe and making people stop going into relays, dojos and even entering squads just to avoid being sick.
I don't know the purpose of this, if it is something that is going to be huge, or if it is just a way to let us have more than one Helminth Charger.
If it's just a way for getting the charger, instead of infecting everyone just by touching, make the disease pass through when we shake hands with someone infected, just like real life. This way, those who doesn't like it can be free of it, and those who wants a charger, just need to ask to someone with a cyst in their neck.
If it's something more, well, it's difficulty to suggest anything when you don't know the purpose. But I will try anyway. What about a quest-like event where every Tenno needs to help to find a cure or a vaccine? We are lacking a quest-event for a long time, it would be the perfect excuse to bring them back.

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18 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Why would they add a cosmetic to hide the cyst when it's always been part of the plan to remove it?

I'm floored that so many of you actually think they would keep the cyst around permanently. They knew it was going to upset people, but it's a small part of whatever story they want to tell with this frame, and that it's temporary.

Just wait. The cure is probably coming in the next few days.

It may be a cure or the cyst is something we need to farm.

The hiding part was just a short idea that would please those who are getting upset with the cyst.

Edited by trunks013
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On 1/2/2017 at 4:10 PM, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

Honestly I was going to make a thread about this pretty soon, because it's so damn annoying. I found out my Mag got it and it was ready to take it off (which made it so noticeable and really bothered me  so I had to trash one of my Kavats. There's literally no reason to take it off because within the first 30 minutes of playing you'll get it again. There needs to be a way for it to never come back I already got my charger I don't need another one. 

Changing the color won't change anything you'll still see this massive cyst on your frame and it'll still ruin your fashion. 

If this is really true thank god. I still hope it doesn't take long for them to implement this cure I just don't like seeing this anymore

Finley I hope they don't take to long on this cure.

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Well, we did farm a lot of antiserum injector fragment during the grind to get Nidus. Perhaps DE will use it for the antidote (serum)?

The cyst could be worst if it adds negative stats modifier, luckily it's just an eyesore. It doesn't really kill a frame aside from the aesthetic aspect


At this point, all we can do is just be patient, let DE do their work

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1 hour ago, ShadowFox14 said:

So what you are saying is: we can make infested grineer out of kubrow DNA, but we can not make infested kubrow because...? You didn't explain my main problem with this thing. Also by the way you described it, why would the infestation make chargers? Or anything other than Ancients, Moas and Boilers? Those are the strongest infested units, so why bother making crappy cannonfodder units that are completely useless in every way? If they can make anything out from anything, then why does the infestation choose to make a little bit of everything?
Also: why do we need kubrow eggs to make a charger then? We could just take grineer or even a Corpus Crewman from any map and make a charger out of it, right? The infestation just needs something to feed on so it can reform it into infestation, so why do we need specifically a kubrow egg for this?
Another thing: why did we need to get infused with infestation, why did we have to make a cyst out of it and then drain it into the egg? Wouldn't it be enough to just immediately infuse the egg straight away, and skip using ourselves in the process?

See, this is why I said that it's completely non-sense lore-wise.
And biology-wise it's even bigger bs. I studied genetics, and I know that this is a game and the infested doesn't work the same way as genetics on Earth, but you can't just take a giraffe's DNA and make an octopus out of it. The infestation is supposed to absorb the material it gets in touch with - so if it consumes a grineer, then it wil become a charger. If it consumes a MOA, then it can become one of the infested MOA types (there are 2 currently). That's it. A grineer won't become an infested corpus.

Even if the things you said are correct, you can't explain how the grineer armor came to existence within a kubrow egg, infused with an infestation from a warframe's infested tissue.

I have degree in biochemistry and I'm sad about your biases:/ maybe armor made from bio matter? English is not my first language so I can't enlighten u :) but just look at the advance CRISPR has made  

Edited by Triptaminas
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5 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

Limited as in draining it for use for the creation of the helminth charger? The cyst grows back in a day and continues to grow larger as usual.

Limited as in after a time we wont be able to spread the infection anymore, and will need to get one direct from the room. The spread seems more like an event thing so everyone can get in on a new feature, regardless of actual progression.

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2 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

I'm not a fashion frame player that camps the relays.
My end game is joining lower level games and helping new players out of tough spots.
Now I'm a risk to them.

Imagine how invested you'd get in your new favorite frame, or the community, if you had this purple thing on your neck that another player caused?

You grind for a week to unlock nodes, farm the resources, fight the boss that drops your frame, wait three days... and finally, your frame is imagined.
Then you go into public to enjoy your sleek new ninja, and "BLECH," covered in brown gunk that makes purple things grow off your neck 6/7 days a week forever.

People are going to pay platinum for that? Or grind up against RNG for a week for that?
Players who know this game without the cyst can see past it, sure.. we know DE has fixed at least a few major things that didn't work out.
This is one of those things.

If it bothers you as a player though, it's your responsibility to not be complacent, else this whole game could get the Trinity treatment. Think about it.

I'm new only few weeks in game and this feature is amusing too myself :D like I said I doubt it's permanent and it's just crucial for future storyline /event :) stop complaining cause devs can just clean your frames from that parasites and denie access to future quests (at least I would do that) 

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8 minutes ago, Nyaa314 said:

Merry christmas! Have this space AIDS and hema-roids!

Yea, more likely its for people who were like ' i sold nydis parts, but i want charger! Wahhhhhhh, DE its your fault, im gonna post a hate tread!'

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54 minutes ago, El_Lobo144 said:

Finley I hope they don't take to long on this cure.

you and me both.... I wish DE gave us the ability to cure the cyst in the same update as I'm glad we'll be able to cure it one day I'm still annoyed by seeing this on my frames. I can handle the extremely small one but when the cyst reaches it's final form it hurts me inside ....DE please don't take too long ;_;

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Dear DE

 I have recently spent over $100 American on Warframe. I am now afraid that this money has gone to a company who seems to have blatantly disregarded it's player base. I am not asking for a refund, but instead an explanation. We have been vocal about what we want, but you have hardly even addressed the issue. We are stuck with something that degrades the game for many of us without reason. If the outbreak has lore-importance, I beg of you to tell us so that we understand why this mechanic was implemented. If not, please explain why we have no cure yet. I hope this does not fall on deaf ears.

-Sincerely, BadgerBoy297

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1 hour ago, Triptaminas said:

I have degree in biochemistry and I'm sad about your biases:/ maybe armor made from bio matter? English is not my first language so I can't enlighten u :) but just look at the advance CRISPR has made  

thank you for your contribution. here is a link to my current thread which gives my reasoning hind my statement. since you've a degree in this relative field, maybe you can pour over the topic and point out any possible errors in my line of thinking? link will be posted below the next quoted line.

2 hours ago, ShadowFox14 said:

So what you are saying is: we can make infested grineer out of kubrow DNA, but we can not make infested kubrow because...? You didn't explain my main problem with this thing. Also by the way you described it, why would the infestation make chargers? Or anything other than Ancients, Moas and Boilers? Those are the strongest infested units, so why bother making crappy cannonfodder units that are completely useless in every way? If they can make anything out from anything, then why does the infestation choose to make a little bit of everything?
Also: why do we need kubrow eggs to make a charger then? We could just take grineer or even a Corpus Crewman from any map and make a charger out of it, right? The infestation just needs something to feed on so it can reform it into infestation, so why do we need specifically a kubrow egg for this?
Another thing: why did we need to get infused with infestation, why did we have to make a cyst out of it and then drain it into the egg? Wouldn't it be enough to just immediately infuse the egg straight away, and skip using ourselves in the process?

See, this is why I said that it's completely non-sense lore-wise.
And biology-wise it's even bigger bs. I studied genetics, and I know that this is a game and the infested doesn't work the same way as genetics on Earth, but you can't just take a giraffe's DNA and make an octopus out of it. The infestation is supposed to absorb the material it gets in touch with - so if it consumes a grineer, then it wil become a charger. If it consumes a MOA, then it can become one of the infested MOA types (there are 2 currently). That's it. A grineer won't become an infested corpus.

Even if the things you said are correct, you can't explain how the grineer armor came to existence within a kubrow egg, infused with an infestation from a warframe's infested tissue.

even if the things i have said are correct, i CAN and DO explain how/why this makes sense riiiiiight here. 

and no. i'm saying that the genetic information inherent within the cyst overrides the genetic information in the egg. You know, like how the rest of the infestation works?

Edited by ObviousLee
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DE has said that the disgusting thing is going to be removed, but what worries me is this is [DE]lay that we're talking about here. How long is this gonna take? Will we even get it this month? Given the state of the charger and all of its placeholder assets, and the fact that neither Ordis, the Lotus, nor indeed our Operator have anything to say about the infested virus spreading among all warframes does not fill me with confidence. 

I have no doubt that DE has some kind of removal/inoculation system in mind but the question is with the rest of the Helminth material being so unfinished how close is the cure to being finished? This is what worries me, had they even been working on the cure before the break? If not then they will be starting development on it right now and who knows how long that will take. 

If my fears are in fact true then I would ask that DE roll back the Helminth portions of the Glast Gambit. I hate the infestation and I hate this disease. Aesthetics are very important to me and I will often find myself using inferior gear as long as it looks cool, not just in this game but in all games. If I had my druthers I would just jettison the whole room from my ship and replace it with ayatan storage. In fact while we're at I would also love to throw out the Lotus with Helminth, then delete Ordis, put a collar on the Stalker then at last I would be free to re-found the Orokin empire with the Tenno as its God-Kings! But in the meanwhile I'd be good with some sort of anti-fungal powder. 

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