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Remove the Infested Cyst


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I think it would be interesting if once you have a Helminth Charger, you could use it to drain cysts, and that would basically act as a DNA Stabilizer for it.

I do think there should be a way to just avoid the mess entirely for people who don't want to bother with it though. It's incredibly easy to be infected by other players, and there's no warning or form of prevention.

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so I took a small break to this game at the beginning of the Christmas season mind you I have been playing it for like a 2 years now and after being told about space herpes, I just can bring my self to do any missions DE please fix this like right now, like drop everything else and fix this please.  I love this game I just can't bear the thought of ruining my fashion frame.  Further more people who are enjoying it are abusing it as much as they can.  basically you made everybody a troll.  Thank you for the game but please fix this thing that completely ruins the game for me.  I mean I was okay with other changes like the relic system it was different but not bad this is just terrifying my operator is just going to have to quarantine herself until a cure can be administered.  thank you and have a good day

Edited by JydiLehi
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Here's a thought, if they're going to keep this Awful idea alive, make it so frames can't get infected twice.

I can build a new rhino for a disease mule if I, for Whatever reason, NEED to make a second Helminth Charger.. ever..

DE, this idea sucks. Flat-out SUCKS.

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they need to add a way to get rid of them asap... seems pointless to spam chargers you'll just get infected again... and waste 100,000 creds and some resources for that core...

Edit: this begs the question what about folks who didnt bother with nidus? are they gonna get locked out of whole helmith thing entirely? i know my clanmate didnt get nidus and has zero interest in getting him.

Edited by LordLokai
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On 12/30/2016 at 8:42 AM, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

> wait 7 days

> get an Egg

> drain the cyst

> resume Fashionframe

> Repeat 30+ times on a weekly basis because it only works on 1 warframe and doesn't prevent reinfection

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Ok, so every week, I need to farm a new Kubrow egg, to keep my frame from having neck cancer.
Every week.. so I get 1 day of Not neck cancer.

Cancer is cancer. Cancer... Cancer.. Cancer.

I've had two clan mates bail until this feature gets patched out.
...Could we maybe, not get infected more than once?
...Or a FOR CREDIT vaccine..? PERMANENT vaccine.

This mechanic means to me, if I don't want to farm Kubrows, which I NEVER want to do, then I have to play solo.
I run a clan.. solo is not an option.

Whether your intention is to force more people to be involved in Kubrow farms,
or make everyone hate Nidus as the new Troll God..
it's an awfully gimmicky and disreputable execution.

Seriously guys. In the words of Michael Jordan, "Stop it."

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Seriously getting pissed off with DE and messing with my fashion frame, don't glue S#&$ onto my warframe without my permission or give alternate ways to remove it, jesus even when you drain it into an egg the damn thing grows back, this should have been a priority on the update.

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On 1/1/2017 at 5:39 PM, Jorencice said:

Is everyone here joking?

Its just a pink cyst that literally impossible to see in missions while your flipping around 16000x explosions.

I mean it covers like 1% of your total frame...

Right though, of course it just shows that there will always be something people complain about. I personally think it's pretty cool that it ties in that way and we get a charger pet.  Maybe a little nasty but still a cool way to do it.

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On 12/30/2016 at 6:40 PM, XshyaX said:

I have 8 infected frames. Does this mean I have to make 8 chargers to get rid of it?

Yes. Yes it does.
Oh, and those frames can get infected again.

Either DE wants to throw in the towel on this game, or they think that everyone just craves having 40+ new helminth chargers a month.

Yep. Puppy Genocide is the temporary cure for cancer. GG DE.

(PS. 40 was understating it. I have 17 frames. 17x4 = 68)

Edited by kapn655321
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Just now, kapn655321 said:

Needing to make 68 New Chargers a month is a big deal.

Or you can let it sit there until [DE] patches in the removal for it. :D

Seriously, making such a big deal out of it is totally stupid. It's a lil blemish.
I may not be the one to appropriately say that as I do not have OCD and all that, but seriously. It's BS how many people are taking this tiny lil feature and blowing it out of proportion. v.v

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3 minutes ago, Nelizar said:

I'm going to state this, and while I do understand that people do have OCD and some issues:


Do you own a car? A car that you love, take care of it, clean it and polish it? What if there was a HUGE ARSE TUMOR on the windshield? Would that be a big enough deal for you?

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Just now, ShadowFox14 said:

Do you own a car? A car that you love, take care of it, clean it and polish it? What if there was a HUGE ARSE TUMOR on the windshield? Would that be a big enough deal for you?


[DE] themselves have stated that the removal will be patched in. I'd be upset, sure, of that blemish. But this is a game. Not a damn car. xD
Sure, it's still an item I guess in the right mindset. But [DE] have stated before that there will be a damn cure, so why flip the hell out about something that you'll be able to remove as soon as they can possibly patch it in? :P
Doesn't help anyone, and it only helps fuel the fire which doesn't NEED any more fuel.

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Now don't take this as Dev-Bashing or anything like that, but I think it should have been painfully clear that people would get sick of the infested cyst (No pun intended?) I already bred the Heleminth Charger, and I am sick of getting a Cyst on ALL of my frames every time I try to play public. I'm not the only one irked by the lack of a solution, most of my clannies and many in the region chat are as well. I reccomend making a way to either get rid of it using a very cheap blueprint to build a serum, or make it so that you cannot get the cyst anymore after you have done the Glast Gambit quest and already bred your Infested Charger. 

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2 minutes ago, ShadowFox14 said:

Do you own a car? A car that you love, take care of it, clean it and polish it? What if there was a HUGE ARSE TUMOR on the windshield? Would that be a big enough deal for you?

Frame is not a car. And you don't even polish your frame, you colour it once, and run it as is, maybe mixing it up after 6 month pass.

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