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Remove the Infested Cyst


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Just now, AXCrusnik said:

This made me laugh. Imagine someone saying that straight faced to someone with an orange-sized cyst with 3 inch hairs growing out of it.

Good thing that this "someone" is a pile of pixels on your monitor and 1's and 0's on your hardrive. Someone that's not even you.

So I can tell you with a complete straight face: "It's just a game xD. Stop being so upset. :p"

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Just now, VisionAndVoice said:

Good thing that this "someone" is a pile of pixels on your monitor and 1's and 0's on your hardrive. Someone that's not even you.

So I can tell you with a complete straight face: "It's just a game xD. Stop being so upset. :p"

I can also tell you with a straight face: "I legitimately thought that was funny."

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42 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

That's the thing, this is not really an mmo. Where are 2 occasions where you can see more than your teammates. So it's not like you are walking around all over the place.

BTW, RPers should be able to adjust and make that part of their play until you get the ability to take it off.

Yeah but it's not like you could avoid it, it's not part of the game like hey if you go to Derelict you get awesome drop tables but a certain creature there can infect you if you don't kill it from range.....

That's how a game works.

This is "If you play this coop game with other people you are infected. Period. Done." - and cosmetics and colors and such were supposed to be the main revenue stream for the game."pay to make your frame look AWESOME, but we'll make it look crappy anyway".

Nothing about this was well thought out, or well designed.

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Just now, Nelizar said:


[DE] themselves have stated that the removal will be patched in. I'd be upset, sure, of that blemish. But this is a game. Not a damn car. xD
Sure, it's still an item I guess in the right mindset. But [DE] have stated before that there will be a damn cure, so why flip the hell out about something that you'll be able to remove as soon as they can possibly patch it in? :P
Doesn't help anyone, and it only helps fuel the fire which doesn't NEED any more fuel.

Did they say that there will be a cure? Steve only said that there is a final stage to it. That's it.
And yes, it's a game, BUT: people payed real money so their frames can look the way they want them to look. This cyst ruins it completely.

This whole thing about the Helminth charger is an unfinished thing as it is now.
I mean, an infested GRINEER that comes out of a KUBROW EGG that was infused with an infested cyst that was sucking out your frame's infested tissue. Lore-wise, logic-wise, biology-wise, everything-wise it's a total bs.
And this thing: you get infected by any means, you will stay infected, even if you drain the cyst. It will just grow back like nothing happened. I currently have 15 frames infected.1 So in order to make it go away for 1 day I would need to make 15 chargers every single week. And then it grows back next day. Awesome.

Also, if they wanted to make a cure to begin with, why did they release this half-assed, unfinished content without the cure? I mean, we waited 11 months since the Second Dream for the War Within, we could've waited another few weeks for Nidus...

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Just now, ShadowFox14 said:

Did they say that there will be a cure? Steve only said that there is a final stage to it. That's it.
And yes, it's a game, BUT: people payed real money so their frames can look the way they want them to look. This cyst ruins it completely.

This whole thing about the Helminth charger is an unfinished thing as it is now.
I mean, an infested GRINEER that comes out of a KUBROW EGG that was infused with an infested cyst that was sucking out your frame's infested tissue. Lore-wise, logic-wise, biology-wise, everything-wise it's a total bs.
And this thing: you get infected by any means, you will stay infected, even if you drain the cyst. It will just grow back like nothing happened. I currently have 15 frames infected.1 So in order to make it go away for 1 day I would need to make 15 chargers every single week. And then it grows back next day. Awesome.

Also, if they wanted to make a cure to begin with, why did they release this half-assed, unfinished content without the cure? I mean, we waited 11 months since the Second Dream for the War Within, we could've waited another few weeks for Nidus...

They did, yes. xD They said there would be a cure for it.
It only ruins it because, either, some people have OCD or their overly sensitive. Seriously. I can understand OCD and all that, but most of the people here just seem to be whining for whining sake.

They wanted to give us something for while they were on break. I don't blame them for getting it out not in the best state, but it has been stated, as well, that there will be revisions and modifications. Once again, they were about to go on break. :P

My statement ^ above explains the "Half-assed" work you stated.

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2 minutes ago, Censium said:

At least according to Steve, there's a phase involving the cyst no one has found yet (?)


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s6t9ch5u_bigger.jpgSteve Sinclair@sj_sinclair

@Yuemeria30 understandable yet is strongly grounded in what Nidus is. Future cure of course (plus there is still secret final stage 😱)


Maybe we're missing something.

I guess it's possible, but if we are, I sure haven't found anything out about it yet.

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On 31.12.2016 at 9:44 PM, blackheartstar_pc said:

I think it's funny seeing all the people get upset over this. Watched some folks in my clan rant about it for awhile last night. My question is in what way is it negatively affecting you/what does it matter? Ingame I never got a coherent answer just cussing and how "stupid" it is. Which doesn't explain why it is oh so bad at all lol. If something like this gets them that upset I wonder how they make it day to day in real life. Imagine their reaction to bird dropping unexpectedly being on their car one morning and the rage it induces lmao.


Personally I find the concept of a ingame virus that is contagious pretty cool.

Your analogy with the bird is just not correct though.
This equals much more us buying a brand new car, showing up at dealership to pick it up only to be informed by the salesman that they painted it pink and there´s no way they´re gonna reverse it.
Or someone taking a hammer to your brand new car and as the police finally arrives they´re just like "lol why be so aggravated? It´s just cosmetic, the car´s still working perfectly fine"
I paid a lot of plat (for which i paid DE good money) to make my warframes look good by purchasing cosmetics. To me, this is an integral part of the game. If i do not like a games aesthetics, i won´t play it. Now DE just goes "lol, here have some S#&$ty cyst to F*** up your frames appearance"
As with someone damaging my car (which i paid money for) i won´t tolerate someone damaging my frames either (cause again, i paid money for them).

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6 minutes ago, Nelizar said:

They did, yes. xD They said there would be a cure for it.
It only ruins it because, either, some people have OCD or their overly sensitive. Seriously. I can understand OCD and all that, but most of the people here just seem to be whining for whining sake.

They wanted to give us something for while they were on break. I don't blame them for getting it out not in the best state, but it has been stated, as well, that there will be revisions and modifications. Once again, they were about to go on break. :P

My statement ^ above explains the "Half-assed" work you stated.

Making a cure must have been a lot harder than making a Charger reskin for the kubrows, using the kubrow mesh and animations and sounds, right?
A simple item with an icon that's already in the game. I mean, have you seen the in-game icon for the charger? When you finish the mission, it doesn't even have the Charger, but a KUBROW on the picture.
I don't want to dev-bash or anything, but it will sound like it: this whole Helminth Charger thing could cost like 1 hour to make.
They could've released Nidus with the last hotfix, and then implement the charger in today's hotfix with the cure. Oh wait, there's still no cure. Then maybe next week. Or the week after. Or in a year maybe.

If people don't know that there's an additional thing that you can do with Nidus, then it doesn't hurt anyone. But they chose this way, and now most people are freaking out because of it. Which could've been the better option?
Release Nidus without opening the door, waiting for the cure to be ready and release it then OR put Nidus + unfinished stuff in the game, make half the community angry AGAIN, and then release the cure sometime later, nobody knows when?

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3 minutes ago, D3AD.3ND said:

What about the part where the operator says "We're immune to this infestation" does that not mean anything?

Operator itself is, but warframes are partly infestation so there can be some changes, because we dont know how they react to different infestation strain

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Lets put it this way, I was fine with the Vacuum nerf before it was reverted and tweaked.

This feels like it was totally not thought out.
The device from Vor that affects your frame launched with a way to get rid of it.
The device from the Grustag 3, same thing.

So what was the point of this? ..To sell players on Nidus, introduce a new pet, and hype the new mission.
I didn't finish the mission for Nidus because of the cyst. I thought that even if it's unintrusive, it's ugly and gimmicky.
..without finishing the mission, the whole neck stab thing means nothing to me yet, so it doesn't really sit well with the lore..
As for making the charger, there's only one charger, so after you've done that, there isn't much purpose for it..

If it were only a cosmetic problem, despite that being a source of revenue for DE, that's their choice.
(Wasn't mine, and that's the upsetting part. No way to opt out.)
..But it turns out, it's not only cosmetic. Your allignment is affected by transmitting the cyst to players.
That part doesn't matter much to me personally, but for a mechanic based on choice being affected without choice, that's a bit dumb.
We don't even know where allignment is going, yet..
Astute players may quarantine their frame once infected.. forcing them to remain on the bench, and sending another frame to risk infection.

It's potentially a big deal for at least a few good reason, but mostly because I have no interest in retiring My Favorite Frames, until this blows over.
It should be blown over.
Either they had a plan that didn't go well, or they had no plan.. and that is affecting multiplayer on a viral scale, albeit benign, though hideous.

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"Secret final stage".


PR speak for "we screwed up by adding something we hadn't finished yet but we're not going to admit to it or fix the issue that seems to be annoying a lot of people. Instead we're going to say there is a *secret final stage* when we finish adding in what we didn't have time to for the Christmas cash grab".



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So at first, I thought the Helminth Cyst was pretty cool. HOWEVER, it quickly became annoying and ugly. Aside from being used to breed helminth chargers, it has no other function and is very, very ugly. Additionally, spreading it (willingly or unwillingly) causes your morality to tilt towards Moon, with no way to restore it. There's also no way to make yourself immune to it, as even Warframes in storage can get infected (Haven't touched Volt Prime in 3 months, pulled him out to check and yep, there it was on his neck). Draining it just resets the timer for it to grow again as well, which is just delaying the inevitable. Even if you never get Nidus or enter the infested room, you can STILL get infected.  For players that wish to remain in Sun or Neutral Morality or are interested in FashionFrame, this is VERY annoying, and I hope DE deals with this problem quickly. 

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FIrst of all we got enoguh of those threads, use the search function.

Secondly, the Morality change was caused due a bug at the end choice of Glast Gambit and has nothing to do with the Cyst

Third, you can expect this thread vanishing and beeing merged with alot of others with the same subject.

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