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About the average Nidus player


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6 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

I played as Nidus but never had problems with stacking. I feel you were just unlucky with those peoples but the majority of nidus players already know how to make themself stronger.

Also a fact the nidus can be as annoying as ember with her ulti build. All missions what I did with nidus I killed the most assisted the most and out damaged everyone. The kills itself not problems the problem lays on who kills.

Everyone who play this game want to kill -snip-

Now you, my friend, have a greater understanding of things. While I'm happy with getting the job done and my assorted profit, after maxing some primed mods I started dishing out damage, not to make others feel small or anything (Tho tbh when I was new I never minded the older players carrying). This is why I also found it ironical to tell (not ask) people not to kill in a killing game.

7 minutes ago, TonyWong said:

Most people don't know that parasitic link allows virulence to also originate from the linked enemy/friend. (it wasn't in the vids or the description of the power at all.)

Also: just ignore them. If someone was taking all the kills, I just stop and soak up all the shared affinity. :p


10 minutes ago, Magnar21 said:

Nidus, being a snowballing frame, sometimes does have trouble getting rolling. I play for +dmg and range, and don't always have enough enemies clustered to get rolling. Had a mesa in a Neo defense, and the mesa just spammed peacemaker, -snip-

When I get in some ember/simulor mirage/whatevs hyper dmg squad I also sit back and soak dat exp. And I'm no troll, as I play nidus sometimes I know he needs the snowball to roll; but seeing this level of whiny-ness prompted me to check out on you guy's experience so far.

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I've never seen any nidus players like that, in fact it has been quite the opposite. I was was running a grineer exterminate and used my 3 on a player using nova, they then proceeded to go all caps rage mode on me, telling me not the cast link on them because they were a speedva and the power strength ruined their build. I checked the end of mission screen and saw that their abilites used were at 0, which means I had no affect on them at all.

All frames can be toxic if their user is toxic, you can't just lump all members of a category under a hateful tag just because you had a couple bad experiences.

For example what if I were to insult all the users of a different frame by saying things like "all mesa users have no skill and have to rely upon aimbot to get kills" , "all Excalibur players are either newbs or try hards" , "all rhino users have to rely upon it on iron skin to survive because they are terrible players" all of these examples are inaccurate generalisation that do exist and hurt this community.

So how about instead of spreading hate on the forums you suck it up and ignore them, we have an ignore button for an reason you know.


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4 minutes ago, Miser_able said:


So how about instead of spreading hate on the forums you suck it up and ignore them, we have an ignore button for an reason you know.


Did you even read my post or did the first lines trigger you?

The frequency of this phenomena in a given time made me seek out other people's experiences and most of the Nidus users here are pretty chill (unlike the ones I found ingame). Personally I find it pointless to whine and kick the ground in PUGs. Perhaps I was just unlucky and I really hope so.

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1 hour ago, ArchPhaeton said:

They go like this;

> "BOO Don't kill, me want to build stacks BOO" > Proceed to verbally harass whoever doesn't bend to their whining

So what's wrong with these people? I have my Nidus and I play around, I spam my 1 to get stacks and it works ok. Never I've had the need to tell others not to kill in a killing game, straight out it's a joke and a bad one. Also it's not like I'm tailing them and killing all their targets... Neither is it needed to reach a million stacks or anything.

Also it's not my fault my gear out-damages most other tennos out there. Perhaps it's a selfsteem issue for their niduses not taking the spotlight (?


I really hope this trend will calm down as the Nidus fever subsides. The least thing I need in my fav game is a community as toxic and whiny as certain other games out there.


Lets dissect this shall we?

Paragraph 1- false generalization and salt

Paragraph 2- removed ones self from generalization, say you are better then them,

Paragraph 3- (not so) subtle brag and insulting all nidus players

Paragraph 4- claims to something is a trend based on little evidence, blaming the toxicicity on nidus, insult other games.

Now I ask you, where in my first post did I seem "triggered"?

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2 hours ago, ArchPhaeton said:

They go like this;

> "BOO Don't kill, me want to build stacks BOO" > Proceed to verbally harass whoever doesn't bend to their whining

So what's wrong with these people? I have my Nidus and I play around, I spam my 1 to get stacks and it works ok. Never I've had the need to tell others not to kill in a killing game, straight out it's a joke and a bad one. Also it's not like I'm tailing them and killing all their targets... Neither is it needed to reach a million stacks or anything.

Also it's not my fault my gear out-damages most other tennos out there. Perhaps it's a selfsteem issue for their niduses not taking the spotlight (?


I really hope this trend will calm down as the Nidus fever subsides. The least thing I need in my fav game is a community as toxic and whiny as certain other games out there.


When you Larva 20 enemies by jumping in them and then flip jumping to get in line to virulence them... just for someone to nuke the larva'd group miliseconds before virulence hits. Draining your energy leaving you with 0 stacks. Now lets make this happen a few times in a row. I think a Nidus would have the right to complain. Im talking about sorties and long run stuff.

2 hours ago, Eleodon said:

Mode salt : ON

Well Nidus have a st*pid gameplay just like Ember or Mirage, so people who "main" him (LOL) musn't have a IQ < 60... 

I met a couple of those Nidus : "HEEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT MY KILL" "My stacks !" Blablabla... 

I'm bored of Nidus, but as I said before, let the time kill him step by step, and it's already work, we have less Nidus those time.

Something tells me you have an IQ below 100. And I get the feeling you target larva'd groups on purpose.

1 hour ago, Gran_Maw_Sigmus said:

To be fair, it's kinda a &#036;&amp;*^ move to shoot your Tonker/Simulor/etc. into my Larva full of enemies before I can hit it once or twice with my 1, but I keep quiet about it. 

Other than that, ignore 'em. If they can't keep up, too bad.


This occurs so many times...

1 hour ago, BeeOverlord said:

If they don't let me build stacks, I just build one stack and link with the ally that would benefit most from power str, while also granting maximum damage resistance.

No one ever complains (and I do always stay silent.)


Sometimes a scrub wont allow you to get 1 stack at all, irony is those missions also always FAILED.

42 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

#200% range no problems with stacking :P

Yeah now try to pull off the combo before someone nukes the larva'd group lol :P

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Yes, nowadays there are some bad culture going on in warframe. This is just one of them.

Another one is player with secura lecta asking others to let him kill because of doubled credits and boast of all the killings in the end mission screen.

So you see, someone started a mind-controlling scheme innately and many monkeys fell for it.

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5 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

rage, zenurik andpizzas take care of energy

not sure what u mean by decreased survival? o_o

Not just my survival but also healing team mates and pretty much safely reviving dummies.

Zenurik wont be active from the beginning of the match.

Rage how lovely you just got enough energy to pull a combo off and the same things occurs again. You sprint to a good spot. Pull a huge amount of enemies but before virulence hits someone nukes the larva'd group.

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6 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

rage, zenurik andpizzas take care of energy


ammo/health/energy pads are so basic I have no idea how people roll into missions without them.

I also roll my lecta for creds and I dont demand people not to kill; as I mentioned earlier that makes no sense in our context

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3 minutes ago, jmthebigman said:

Not just my survival but also healing team mates and pretty much safely reviving dummies.

Zenurik wont be active from the beginning of the match.

Rage how lovely you just got enough energy to pull a combo off and the same things occurs again. You sprint to a good spot. Pull a huge amount of enemies but before virulence hits someone nukes the larva'd group.

okay lets put it in this way: if a mission is not a defense or mobile defense i basicly never use the ultimate cuz everyone is rushing away

in defenses however getting stacks has never been a problem (pick spawn point at start of wave and pummel them)

zenurik takes 120 seconds tobe able to use

rage now i understandit does not supply forever but if u happen to own certain pair of infested melee weps rage can and will supply when it is needed

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38 minutes ago, jmthebigman said:

Not just my survival but also healing team mates and pretty much safely reviving dummies.

Zenurik wont be active from the beginning of the match.

Rage how lovely you just got enough energy to pull a combo off and the same things occurs again. You sprint to a good spot. Pull a huge amount of enemies but before virulence hits someone nukes the larva'd group.

I found it profitable to cast larva and judging from the distance I cast virulence just as the first enemy is halfway to being grappled. This keeps the window that others can poach kills off of the larva'd enemies tight,  this usually lets me (75% chance) get virulence to hit before.

Edited by achromos
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When I'm playing Nidus I just kinda lazy-frame my way through the mission. Kill the odd enemy, maybe use my powers a few times. Usually it's pretty clear early on how hard a team might tilt or how much I might actually need to contribute to be 100% the mission will succeed. If it looks like the mission is getting shredded (like what happens when you get a competent team with really well kitted hear in a level 60~ sortie with an easy modifier). Figure if folks are kickin' that much &amp;#&#33; and enjoyin' themselves, it's no skin off my nose to take it easy. If things start to go south, then I've got everything I need a to turn it around in short order. Shoot, with a little duration, Nidus' 2 is amazing entirely in its own right, given it's basically a nearly a Vortex-lite with strings attached for a quarter of the energy.


It does kinda suck to end up with a Mirage+S. Simulor combo or three on the team in something like a defense as it usually means there's not much to do, but eh, that just kinda happens from time to time. Actually haven't been running into that many of 'em as of late come to think of it.

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4 hours ago, Eleodon said:

Mode salt : ON

Well Nidus have a st*pid gameplay just like Ember or Mirage, so people who "main" him (LOL) musn't have a IQ < 60... 

I met a couple of those Nidus : "HEEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT MY KILL" "My stacks !" Blablabla... 

I'm bored of Nidus, but as I said before, let the time kill him step by step, and it's already work, we have less Nidus those time.

The irony in this post.....

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