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What would incentivize you to play more Archwing?


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2 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

Innate, VERY large vacuum radius. I'm talking 20m or more.

The old momentum system (I don't like feeling like a watermelon that's had wings duct-taped to it). The orientation system can stay though; I like the feeling that there's actually no gravity.

A more accurate mini-map that changes depending on what orientation you have.

This x forever 


Don't know how many mods I've not gotten due to it




 My 2c - controls , tighter and smoother axis/yaw inputs. 

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I'd like if the missions were more mobile or had a larger scale. Currently with mobile defense/interception you are put in wide open space and then told to sit in one spot. Pursuit and Rush were the right sort of idea, but aren't as enjoyable due to other flaws with archwing. I might enjoy something like a multi-objective formorian assault type of mission, sabotaging a large ship or space station from the outside, exploring/navigating dangerous terrain (a nebula or asteroid field), or a large space dogfight over a colony.

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A "right yourself" button, and a much, much larger vacuum radius.

Seriously, that's it. I like the mode overall, but I hate the motion sickness. I don't like starting out the mission facing right side up and ending up playing the whole thing through on my side because my camera decided that's where it wanted to be. It's horribly disorienting to navigate like that through corpus archwing tilesets.

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Zone of Enders + Burning Rangers + Armoeed Core+ Attack on Titan + Titan Fall + built in vacuum + better orientation and field of view options + recycling pallettes from other tiles for more robust Archwing level variation. Ideally optional shifting from running and right into Archwing mode in Archwing missions, similar to  switching to your operator or more closely, similar to Titania's ultimate, but more fluid. This was a concept that got me excited about this when the first preview was shown.

Edited by UrielColtan
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  • Option to use old movement system. I absolutely LOATHE the new one (I even kind of liked AW before, but not anymore, simply due to the new controls). This is by far the most offputting reason for me.
  • Megaboost to the vacuum effect, please?
  • Some non-raid AW boss which is a big enemy you have to tear down in stages. Think old space bullethell games, those could have some pretty epic bosses to fight. The J3-Golem for getting Atlas is decent, but it's only one boss. Maybe having an entire AW planet could allow for more variety like this, with multiple bosses and such?
  • Big focus on improving abilities, both damage- and utility-wise. Just so you know DE, Blast damage really sucks against armored enemies (partial Finisher damage on all abilities perhaps?). And no, don't do it with AUGMENTS!
  • Fix the UI: "Reloading" for AW comes in two parts: Reload delay (the time it takes before the ammo recharge kicks in), and how much ammo it recharges per second once it kicks in. The current UI helps you understand ... NOTHING of that. Also, Corvas has an insane 3 second reload delay (while all other AW weapons have between 0,1 seconds or 1 second delay). Buff that please?
  • Quickmelee general unsmoothness and afterburner clunkiness. It's slow and clunky and boring and frustrating. What am I talking about? Well, if I remember correctly (haven't played AW in ages now, go figure), do afterburners, then melee. Now your afterburner will no longer work, it will instantly make you go upwards instead. Have to wait for that slow as molasses holstering first. Not to mention that meleeing keeps the camera REAL CLOSE, so you can't see ANYTHING. Urgh, I don't even wanna think about this, it irritates me so much.
  • More weapons along with also making the current ones more interesting (Charge-attacks on melee, anyone? I wanna use Knux as fistlaunchers, just like Tyl Regor!). How about autolocking missile launchers and big laserguns, more fitting for space combat? Why retort to so many simple rifle-esque weapons? Only the Fluctus (and to an extent, Grattler) feels unique (and useful) for AW.
    Also, DE, can you please look at this: The Velocitus... "the magnetized barrel accelerates a metal slug to tremendous speeds, piercing hulls and obliterates armor". Oh that sounds like a railgu- *deals Magnetic damage* oh for crying out loud! Isn't this the epitome of reading failure? I mean, it SCREAMS puncture damage...
  • Less simple-coloured. Seriously, why are enemies designed to be so annoyingly difficult to spot? Brown/Grey asteroids blending with Orange/Red enemy-markers in a dark background... everything is so hard to see in AW (with the new controls, this is even worse as, yaaaay, you can get confused in more degrees than before!)

There's probably more, but that's what I could remember from the top of my head.

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They need to make the combat more fun.

right now its just glorified target practice with little or no skill required.

Id rather they make it like more of a dog fight style of game play where you your guns are mounted on your archwing and you can only shoot in the direction you are traveling. also make it so you have way more momentum.

Tbh they royaly screwed up making this game mode by giving us robot wings. they should have just let us fly our liset.


Also they need to make levels flow in between archwing and regular play. Give us missions where something is happening outside of the giant space ships were in where we need to go outside and fight off something then fly back onto the ship to continue are mission. Maybe the ship gets blown in half and our objective is on the half of the ship we weren't on.

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Reverting / combining the movement controls for a start.

6DoF was a flop for several reasons.

1) The controls were not finished for it, keybinds are not unique to Archwing and shared with base Waframe. This means I can't bind Roll to Q/E because for me Q is Gear menu and E is Use. I had to bind them to Num Pad 9 and 8, then bind those to my Logitech G600 scroll wheel Left/Right buttons. In fact I have a secondary custom config on the G600 I use exclusivity for Archwing. Which should tell you how horrible the current control situation is. Archwing NEEDS unique keybinds like Lunaro or using a vehicle in a Battlefield game or even like using a vehicle in Unreal Torunament 2004. 

2) Simulation Sickness and movement/physics behavior. 6DoF movement in Archwing is sloppy. While it's a nod to realism with inertia... that has little value when it feels like your sliding on ice... which is completely counter to the feeling of the rest of Warframe. Archwing should control like a humming bird, not Disney on Ice. This is compounded further by the bad controls. Spinning the mouse in a circle will cause you to roll left/right, and spin your view point. Which contributes to nausea brought about by the slidie movement and lack of directional references.

3) Enemy AI is not programmed for 6DoF. You can see it in how the enemy always flys and aligns to the old "Up" axis of the 3D game space. Having to program the AI to play nice in the 6DoF space is something DE just doesn't have time to do (what with everything else the AI team has on their plate). It would be simpler to just leave everything to play in the same vertical orientation.

4) Level design. Sliding movement does NOT play well with the tight environments of most Warframe tiles. If the movement was still the crisp non-slidie style like the Razorwing has, DE would be able to repurpose almost every existing Tile as an Archwing level. Razorwing shows that most of the existing spaces work. They'd just need to be redressed and slightly rethemed to work. Which would one things like the Grineer Ship Yards or Corpus Cloud Cities. Instead of having to both think and design around accommodating the 6DoF and slidie movement it would just be a concern with the free vertical movement and smaller player/enemy sizes. Which means we could get more Archwing level variety faster.

Archwing needs to go back to the locked vertical and crisp, humming bird movement system. 6DoF wasn't finished at all. This isn't a space sim. The feel DE should be replicating is Zone of Enders 2, through and through. A fast Hack-and-Slash Spectacle Fighter in a sudo-3D space. Which is close enough to Warframes ground game.  Or if you want something more recent in a similar style, try Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1&2... which also has lock on and free fly.

Greater Affinity Share range, increased item pickup range. Both of these have been standing issues since Archwing launched, along with Enemy spawn rates. Along with that is the revive process on allies. Right now the process is fly at the downed ally while holding "Use"... and pray it soft-locks when you fly through them. Yet another reason why crisp non-sliding movements is where Archwing should be.

Edited by Brasten
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I'd like to see Archwing actually behaving like some of the other space shooters out there, as well as coming with some better enemies:

  • Full, sharp 6DoF movement. It should be sharp and responsive and it should allow you to roll and move in any direction you want. There need to be no more 'up' and 'down'. We're in space anyway. Plus, sharp and responsive 6DoF controls would help a great deal in navigating Corpus trench runs.

  • Removal of the map and replacing it with a radar that a player can actually extract useful, three-dimensional information from. Also, more information on the main part of the screen, in the form of markers, would be helpful.

  • Fewer animations, more instant response. Melee and shooting should happen as you press the button. The one thing I dislike the most about the current animations is just how long it takes to be able to shoot again after using my melee weapon.

  • Faster action. Both the Archwings and the enemies need to be a bit faster. Especially under water, I feel as if I may as well have gone in without my archwing: simply swimming with my Nukor in one hand and an Okina dagger in the other would probably get me across the tile just as quickly as using my Itzal would.

  • More interesting enemy AI. Why don't the enemies try to get behind me and shoot my thrusters out?* Why don't they fly towards me while spiralling, instead of just charging at me, relying on their armour to take the hits? Why don't Carriers get to support their drones in some way?

*Obviously, they can't do that, but getting on my six seems like it would be good idea in a dogfight anyway.

Edited by Cythphn
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To even begin to play this so called "mode" there's a lot of work that should be done starting from being able to collect the trash from space easier and from a greater distance, having archwings with abilities that can help you complete mobile defense (like Amesha) and such types of missions, being able to level your s%#4! for once without spending the whole week on it - that's including being able to unequip melee weapon and having mission types like survivals where you can just level up + having better controls of the warframe and less complicated levels because often you can get into tiny weird freaking spaces, stuck there and stuff not knowing where you should go from x direction to y for example - while it applies to most maps in WF it's especially annoying in archwing missions. You always bump into something or get stuck somewhere.

Also consider to bring sentinels there is only for the vacuum (which should have a way bigger radius of effect there)

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Interesting subject choice I'll list my top 20 because i see many things wrong with it. But would require actually breaking these up and talking about it in length.


My Top 20 (Short version)

1. Better controls in the same ball park as Star Wars Battlefront EA.

2.  Fixing the motion sickness feeling from it.

3. Able to auto correct your angle.

4. Loot both needs to be alot better and we need a very large vacuum cleaner to go with it.... insanely annoying to try to loot things.

5.  Proper barriers so we don't knock our selfs around like we are drunk drivers.😂

6. Better melee system to be able to dart from target to target correctly.

7. Let us bring our sentinels..... 

8. More interesting maps because it feels like the same three over and over.

9. Speed up sharkwing it's horrible but to do so you will need to redesign the maps to allow this.

10. Proper skins for the enemies the giant corpus lookers with two opticors on the back as jetpacks are very lame.😂

11. Larger maps and with ship sets have a larger roof barrier.

12.  Infested Archwing and weapons especially for my Nidus.😆

13. Able to train by flying around the outside area of our Dojo.

14. Allow us to wall run off things because why when passing a dang large rock can i not fast run across it instead of banging into it.......😡

15. Different revive animation for when rezzing team or yourself.

16. Better range and lock in when reviving others.

17. More mods in general that add very unique styles to the Archwings themselves.

18. Weekly Archwing quest that is up to 8 people through LFG.

19. Missions on the ground that let us call in our archwings to take out enemy ships trying to bring in support.

20. We need better customizable archwings. They are classed like our frames. Let us have custom armor and sigils on them and break up the areas we can colour at once.

These are just top 20 but so many more reasons to be said. Archwing is interesting but it needs alot of work to make it worthwhile.


Edit : I want to add one last thing because this does bug me... Give us a version of archwing survival. Just have the air change to something repair stations for some nano virus in our archwing.

But there is more.... like a proper minimap with a navigation system and a light trail system like Fable.

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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It would be nice if instead of flying around, we could play AW on the ground. Also, instead of using the AW powers, we could use the warframe powers. Also, instead of using the AW weapons, we were allowed to use the normal weapons. And lastly, instead of AW enemies, we could go against the normal enemies not in AW. 

If AW had these changes implemented, I would play AW ALL the time. 

Sarcasm aside, I just wish it will not be forced upon us. Don't really care for it but if other people enjoy it, I see no problem if DE continues to support it.

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Fix the damn bullets coming out of the side of the gun.

It may seem pretty, but the fact that the bullets don't match up with the barrel of the gun irks me so much is hard for me to even want to try and get used to the new controlls. It just feels so unpolished and cheap.

We didn't have this problem with the old controls. That's another reason I want them back

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