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134 runs and counting. You win DE, I'll pay for Nidus


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Congratulations DE,

Over 130 runs and the Nidus chassis will not drop. I have plenty of Stretch and Metal Auger. Endo is always nice as well. 

I have purchased one frame, Ivara because i thought she was cool and i wanted to support you guys. But everything else, even Vauban Prime didnt deter me and make me break out the wallet. Not this. ONE stage, ONE rotation with a diluted table, on a VERY BAD mission type. 

You broke me. 


I'm not even going to be all dramatic and say how i'm quitting, because i know im just one player, and my departure means squat in the grand scheme of things. I know plenty of people are going to come in here and say how they got Nidus in 3 runs effortlessly. Thats awesome. Luck was on their side. It should not be this much work and frustration to enjoy your game. I know you have to make money, you have a model to sustain. But essentially breaking your playerbase down to complete and utter defeat is not the way to do it.


*edit* part finally dropped after 147 runs. Thanks to those who reached out here, and in game and told me to keep on and not give up. 


Edited by kaioshade
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I won't tell you I got it relatively easy, but I will tell you that I enjoy this game mode a lot more then I do interception. Sorry, I don't agree with it being a "very bad mission type"


My sympathy's though, I know the feels. More Praying to RNGESUS is the only thing that helps.

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I personally like the gamemode more than half of the other gamemodes, but I do see where you're coming from. Most people I've spoken to got him in under 30 runs (with myself only taking 15 runs), so the parts aren't really exceedingly rare compared to other things - like Ivara's parts are. It's mostly just RNG being RNG. In other words, a gigantic d*ckweed. 



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12 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

I don't think the rng is that low for this but it never hurts to increase it a bit.

Oh but it does hurt.

You increase it a little bit for this case, then another case happens and you increase it a little bit. Then another. Then another. Soon there's no such thing as random rewards and there's absolutely no player retention as the people who cried about RNG realize that it was the very thing keeping them playing.

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This mission type bores me to death since I used to run JV a lot and this is my most hated part.
The time that I'm going to spend farming Nidus was spent grinding for prime parts and other stuff instead.
I sold them for plat and bought Nidus.
I didn't have to spend real cash and buy plat, I just had to find an alternative way to get it...

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8 minutes ago, Oranji said:

This mission type bores me to death since I used to run JV a lot and this is my most hated part.
The time that I'm going to spend farming Nidus was spent grinding for prime parts and other stuff instead.
I sold them for plat and bought Nidus.
I didn't have to spend real cash and buy plat, I just had to find an alternative way to get it...

I have enough spare prime parts and such i'm going to do that. at least i got a boatload of relics from this place to do that with


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1 hour ago, kaioshade said:

Over 130 runs and the Nidus chassis will not drop.

I really want @[DE]Rebecca to verify this is accurate and not hyperbole at its finest. I don't doubt you ran it a lot but at some point people tend to lose track and start inflating the numbers for dramatic effect.  Unless you actually kept ticks on a scratch pad or something, in which case, wow, dedication.

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4 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

I really want @[DE]Rebecca to verify this is accurate and not hyperbole at its finest. I don't doubt you ran it a lot but at some point people tend to lose track and start inflating the numbers for dramatic effect.  Unless you actually kept ticks on a scratch pad or something, in which case, wow, dedication.

In theory, after 4 million players have farmed Nidus, it's likely that one will have luck this bad.

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I feel ya. I ran out of patience after 25ish runs. Id have been fine if it was rotation a, but 20mins per chance with random groups and not even a prume? No thanks. I bought him after that but ugh i dont like using him on principle now. Thanks de but id rather take one of my 300 oberon sets and use that instead

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On 2/12/2017 at 5:23 PM, Chipputer said:

Oh but it does hurt.

You increase it a little bit for this case, then another case happens and you increase it a little bit. Then another. Then another. Soon there's no such thing as random rewards and there's absolutely no player retention as the people who cried about RNG realize that it was the very thing keeping them playing.

I never said keep increasing it over and over. As an example if the drop rate is literally 5% that's insanely low I'm not saying buff the drop rate until it's to the point there isn't random rewards but there are drops in warframe that are so low it's insane. *cough* vengeful revenant *cough* or sortie drop tables there's a huge list 

Edited by SolaireTheSunWalker
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135 runs at 1/7 chance? uhh.... Anyone wanna crunch those numbers and tell me what those odds are? I'm guessing somewhere in the 0.000000000001% area?

You sure you aren't embellishing the run count a little bit?

I feel your pain though. Breaking your population is terrible practice. They've done that to me a few times. Old detron/brakk farm comes to mind.

Edited by Skaleek
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Well damn, even I don't get that bad rng. Nidus isn't even worth the plat though, besides 135 runs takes what...maybe 5mins a run for all 4 rotations...so...11 hours or so? Can't say that rng is any more arse than acolytes dropping their rare mods kek. Still sucks though, but if you're giving up on something like this, I expect you to end up a plat payer.

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On February 12, 2017 at 4:56 PM, kaioshade said:

Congratulations DE,

Over 130 runs and the Nidus chassis will not drop. I have plenty of Stretch and Metal Auger. Endo is always nice as well. 

I have purchased one frame, Ivara because i thought she was cool and i wanted to support you guys. But everything else, even Vauban Prime didnt deter me and make me break out the wallet. Not this. ONE stage, ONE rotation with a diluted table, on a VERY BAD mission type. 

You broke me. 


I'm not even going to be all dramatic and say how i'm quitting, because i know im just one player, and my departure means squat in the grand scheme of things. I know plenty of people are going to come in here and say how they got Nidus in 3 runs effortlessly. Thats awesome. Luck was on their side. It should not be this much work and frustration to enjoy your game. I know you have to make money, you have a model to sustain. But essentially breaking your playerbase down to complete and utter defeat is not the way to do it.


I acquired 8 Nidus Systems amongst the multitude of filler mods that dropped before finally obtaining the Nidus Neuroptics I needed.

I feel your pain.  Nidus is great.  The long journey to get him isn't.

Two points of constructive feedback that I find paramount for DE to consider as the game reaches Timesink Saturation Point:

1.  Players are now having to make exclusionary gameplay choices to obtain gear.  The risk/reward factor DOUBLES.

It is imperative on DE's part that if they must choose 1 path to follow at the expense of another (often literally as in paying), it is IMPERATIVE that these long journeys and choices reward the player with outstanding gameplay.

2.  Institute timed-exclusive secret RnG rewards tied to the game's current build or quest that will very rarely drop and reward players for enduring these longer journeys.  Once the next quest hits, make them available in the market.

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