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Coming Soon: Devstream #88!


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I would absolutely LOVE to have the demo of Limbo be from my account! I've always been a fan of his Rift mechanics and have used him as he is extensively. Seeing how he'll differ in the new version and giving feedback on how I think it works would be amazing!

Thank you guys for giving us players a chance like this! <3

Edited by SuikoTenshi
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You can Demo with my Limbo if you want :satisfied:

#1- Companion Commands -  This is something I've been asking since the first time I ever posted something here to be considered for asking on stream. Companion Commands I think would be a good Idea as you could tell them to not attack if you need stealth, or to use an ability when it's ready when you need it rather than waiting(in some cases hoping) they use it... I'm looking at Huras and Shade stealthing me AFTER those wardens see me.

#2- Unarmed Melee - I am going to push this still. The structure for this is already in the game. I'm not even asking to change it (though I have Ideas) Just asking that if no Melee is equipped to be able to punch and kick bare handed.

#3- Staff/Pole-arm - Honesty I can't even tell the difference , the weapons look the same the stances all look and feel the same. These weapons I think need a Rework. First off Staves should be given long sweeping and vaulting attacks, Pole-arms given attacks that more use chopping or spinning moves. I think a Spear type should be added with lunging and swiping moves. If it's blunt , it's a staff, if it's bladed on the sides or at both ends it's a pole-arm, and if it's bladed at one side it's a spear.

#4- Glaive - The Holding mechanic ... Well I think it's needed for it's use in quick melee But I think if you Equip the weapon in hand you should just use the alt fire button to throw it... Same for the Whip Swords like Mios

#5- Alt Fire - Like mentioned in the previous point Alt Fire doesn't get lots of use. What with the wide array of weapons each one could have an Alt Fire, even if it's as simple as firing a single shot on a burst weapon or switching it to a different element or shot type. ( Syndicate Blast Effects Should charge and then given a button that Allows us to set it off when we want/need to )

#6- Quick Fire - Can we get something Like quick melee but for your guns when Melee is equipped?
Like changing the Quick melee button to fire your secondary weapon from the hip while your melee weapon is in your hand?
This would help with Melee focused players with getting through Grineer Energy Sapping doors or taking out other distant or flying objects without having to switch.

#7- Better Stats Display - A while ago you added a Noise Stat to the weapon's Stat display, Thank you for that, very helpful! I think though we could use a Range stat for Melee weapons though, because some weapons Look short but have long reaches (orthos). Putting Reach or Primed Reach on a weapon is all and dandy but 165% of ... what?
Also can we get a more ...accurate display of Accuracy ? I don't get why or how -2 accuracy drops 33 to 22.

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Any info regarding the Outer Terminus? It was mentioned some time ago and I'm curious to see what's been thought up.

Also, not really a question, but I want to both thank and congratulate the coding team and anyone else involved in the Tennogen Prime model issue. Really, I've never seen a more dedicated team that cares about their community this much. You guys are awesome! :clap::cool:

Edit: Finally got my Limbo builds finished, I'd love you guys to try them out. Here's a brief rundown.

A) Rift Defender (Max duration with minimum range, great for Rescue and Mobile Def.)

B) Continum Brawler (Overall balanced build with high Strength, more enemies in the rift = more damage.)

C) Cataclysmic Crusher (Max strength with minimal duration, cast cataclysm at range and pop your enemies with rift damage. Recast again and again for more damage. *note: best results with a EV Trinity.)

Edited by Rhundis
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-So while the star of this show is Limbo what other frames are on the horizon of reworks? Maybe Oberon who a lot of people keep talking about, a second revision for Volt to put him on par with the other two starters, or Chroma who feels outdated when compared to the likes of Equinox, Ivara and the reworked Vauban with the active switching?

-There has been an overwhelming amount of tennogen skins and helmets, but in comparison plat based skins produced by DE have been severly lacking in comparison when it comes to ammount. Basically, are we ever going to see again permanent (aka non-seasonal/time limited) non-deluxe warframe skins on the market made by DE and sold for plat, like maybe a continuation of the Immortal series?

Edited by RahuHordika
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1 hour ago, Shockwave- said:

1) Will DE ever allow us to fuse 4 revealed Riven mods into a new veiled random riven? This would increase the sale of riven mod slots among those who are now simply liquidating unwanted rivens. (The need to save 3 unwanted pistol, 3 unwanted shotgun, 3 unwanted rifle to fuse, in addition to wanted rivens, would force purchase of 9 extra slots). DE could even add a catalyst requirement that we could build in the foundry using up stockpiled resources (nanospores, salavage, etc)

2) Bring back the Artax rivens. Please don't create such exclusivity. There are many people who still wouldn't mind and Artax Riven and you are telling us we can't have one because they aren't good enough. It's a drop in the bucket in terms of table dilution. Coupled with the above change there is no need to drop the rivens, as even a bad riven is still usable to fuse.

3) Will players be able to mute Bardframe sound and visuals for those of use not using the bardframe. I foresee many situations where players will not want to see or hear 2 or 3 bardframes in the missions going at it.

I agree with #1 how about orokin ciphers? You only use em.for crafting mirage's adventure

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I am interested in showing my build for the sake of improvement of opinion of limbo

My limbo build was designed for jumping casting cataclysm and throwing javlok or prethrowing talons waiting casting cataclysm before a group approaches my trap and then setting off the deployed talons I use a zenistar with blast for additional crowd control may be a very contrasting build to showcase the trickier aspects of limbo and make him seem more interesting to players who have dismissed limbo as "trash" or a "troll frame"

Loadout slot labeled as run

Edited by (PS4)pyronarf
Forgot to mention I was interested
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Ok as a limbo player I need to let this out.


Ok I'm good.

As for when I use limbo, I primarily like using him on spy, rescue, mobile defense, sortie defense, and the Kayla De Thaym boss fight. Limbo to me is the best way to protect a hostage and a master of holding choke points.

With what I've heard from past devstreams, I like the idea of having limbo pop in and out of the rift using the dodge key. Giving him the power to control time as well while in the rift is not only awesome, but also gives him some much needed crowd control.

Suggestions I'd like to make are as follows. I would like rift surge to become this slow time ability. I would also like to propose an entirely new ability where rift walk is.

I call it "Lens". Limbo spawns a portal (much like volt's shield) that causes incoming fire, allies, and enemies in the normal plane to go into the rift and vice versa. The augment for this could give a speed boost to players that pass through the lens.

An ability like this could go really well with the rest of his current toolkit.

Finally, I would like you guys to monitor my account so you can see how I use limbo.

I hope this rework turns out well!

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Perhaps we can have a little talking about the reworks and/or revisiting we already had of different warframes? who might get more revisions? who seems to be working fine? perhaps talk about banshee whose prime is about to happen?

With Volt in particular, i wrote an entire post, and a couple of players left their opinions, either agreeing or disagreeing with me. If you haven't already, would you like to check it out? thanks! :D


Edited by Arandabido
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I have a question,quite important for me.

Will the darksectors rework take in consideration players that have a solo clan? And if possible to answer, how?

This question follows the hema resource cost. Wich was quite hard to aquire for some veteran clan owners that were left alone in their clans.

After all the time,resources and probably money invested in their dojos, it's normal that players don't want to throw away their clan to join another clan, or rebuild their clan because with was composed by irl friends or don't have the time to manage and rebuild a clan, and probably some other reasons.

I would really apreciate an answer to this question.

Thank you for your time and work.





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Will there be updates for old stances with only one or two combos (instead of three) in the near future?

Will Kubrows (and probably Kavats) see AI improvements? Also, will we get a way to command them ("Open that locker", "Attack that guy", "Come back", "Stay") in missions?

After Alloy Plates have been replaced with Ferrite as Void resource - any chance that the same will happen to Control Modules? I think the 10k I have by now will last for a while. Or could you please allow us to sell or discard surplus items (resources, planet nav segments, ...)?

While the new forum is all nice and shiny, could we please get a proper source editor instead of the WYSIWYG from hell?

Will we see more operator cosmetics in the future, possibly even from the syndicates?

Speaking of customization: Will we ever see the alternate sniper scopes @[DE]Pablo promised us ... I think about a year ago?

When we got the Tenno Lab, you said that Vauban would move there eventually, too. What happened to that?

Will we get any events this year? Last one was Tyl Regor, which happened two years ago.

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Some questions on potential changes to game mechanics.

You've said that you changed your minds about making an overhaul to how Damage works (known as Damage 3.0), but are there any plans to at least change how enemy armor scaling works? (I.e. high level Grineer have so much armor that they absorb 99% damage you do. You can negate that armor just by equipping Corrosive Projections, but in random groups people will bring Energy Siphon vs lvl 100 Greneer most of the time. Thus the current design punishes solo players and people playing in random groups.) Wouldn't it be better if Armor was not scaling with enemy level, but was strong enough baseline, like up to 70% damage reduction for the most heavy units? And Corrosive Projection was just gone? That way, the many abilities / mods / status effects that can remove armor would be much more relevant, but enemies will still be killable when you don't have any means to strip their armor, you'll just have to shoot them 3 times as much.

You've also talked about improvements for warframe Shields stat and mentioned the Shield Gating, but in my opinion the biggest downside of Shields is that they get bypassed by Toxin Damage and Slash Procs. Any plans on either removing this weakness or letting us circumvent it, perhaps with a mod? Like, Primed Redirection that provides the same stat bonus but also turns your Shield into Proto Shield?


P.S. Oh and by the way, any ETA on the Deluxe Skin for my beloved Ember?

Edited by Macalar
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Question: Are you going to make a way to remove the attributes of the original Arcane helmets and apply them to other helmets, Syandanas, or other cosmetics? It would be great to finally use my full deluxe skins, or the newer helmets with the added bonuses of the Original arcane helmets. I wouldn't mind any of the negative effects at all if I could always use the helmet I visually prefer.

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