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Warframe has just established a two class clan community


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First with the Hema and now with locking out the large majority of clans from the Ignis Wraith research Warframe has established a two class clan community. We have a small portion of clans that have the Hema and Ignis Wraith research available for their members. And we have the overwhelming majority that either lacks one or both of them. 

Like in real life we now have upper class and lower class clans in Warframe. While some of the lower class clan have a chance to get the Hema research they will never get the Ignis Wraith research. Elitism is now permanently a part of of clans. 

When the current event is finished players and especially new players will try to get into the upper class clans. There is no other way for them to get hold of the Ignis Wraith. And why should new players help farming mutagen samples when most of the upper class clan will also have the Hema research. So two birds with one stone. 

Lower class clans will have less appeal for new or even existing players; they will struggle to get dedicated members. Upper class clans can be picky or just use direct or hidden plat entry fees. 

I really dont like where our Warframe community is heading. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)kamil_demon said:

basicaly you either can or cannot research, no middle

If the Hema seperates things so does every other research.
And so does everything in the game. Either you have the credits/ressources/time to do something or you don't.
And with that the Hema doesn't seperate anything...

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9 minutes ago, k05h said:

When the current event is finished players and especially new players will try to get into the upper class clans. There is no other way for them to get hold of the Ignis Wraith.

Ignis Wraith's blueprint is going to be tradable though.

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I think it's a little premature to make a claim like that, seeing as we don't know where else the Ignis Wraith will appear down the line. Also, re: Hema research: There's a difference between something taking a long time and just not being able to do it at all.

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31 minutes ago, k05h said:

players and especially new players will try to get into the upper class clans

never thought about it this way
now i actually like the way they are distributing rewards for this event

thanks OP u made my day :thumbup:

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Hema does hardly create a two-clas system, since you can always buy it with plat. It's pay to save time, which is one of the two corner-stones of Warframes financing.


And the Ignis Wraith, that's the same as every other event weapon. With every event there are people sobbing about how new players are now at a disadvantage because they didn't get one single event weapon.

Also, the same with Excalibur Prime...

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22 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Even if that were to be the case (it's not, really), what would be the problem with it? Since when the Warframe community is in a Communist political system where 'equality among all peers' is promoted?

Asking for equal opportunity is not communism. DE is going to exclusive rights to top clans to the mass production of a content. Simply for the fact that they were lucky enough to have an active membership at the time of the event, because it was literally impossible to downgrade and cull your membership when the event started. Also, why do they have to give the research to the top clans anyway? Why not keep it as exclusive to people who did the events, then later on have it appear as invasion reward like the other wraith weapons?

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1 hour ago, k05h said:

Like in real life we now have upper class and lower class clans in Warframe.

More like "Clans with active people that work together to achieve things" and "Clans with little to no cooperation".

DE is aiming to make people actually care for the clan and contribute to it, Hema cost is intended not to be reasearched by the only 5 people who bother to contribute to research for a mountain clan. It's intended for a Clan with people who cooperate and work together. Active clans got the Hema research done in little time, as well clans with active people got the Ignis Wraith.

Solo clans are taken into consideration to some extent, but they are a case of "not the intended use"

If anything, DE should add a 500 and 750 peeps clan tiers.

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OP has a point. Even if the Ignis Wraith blueprint were to be tradable, it would allow active clans to profit off of less active players. When something fundamental to the game's core mechanics, in this case weapon mastery points, cannot be obtained by working for it, the game is headed towards P2P.

DE should make some sort of guarantee that the weapon will return some time in the future.

Oh by the way, Gorgon Wraith has not returned since its inception for an event years ago.

Edited by WolfTitan
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For a time after starting to play this game I felt like I moved to a country that has higher living standards while playing.

Then I started to feel like that country got invaded by the country I live in.

Barring 90% of clans from something by design is bad.

Giving the weapon with catalyst and slot (as those things were given in every other event) only to less than 5% of players is just sad.

I guess, as there are already clans offering Hema for free as a way to protest against insane research requirements, so will there be clans offering Ignis Wraith for free as a way to protest against the insane event goals.

On one hand, DE won. They are not going to give slots and catalysts for Ignis Wraith like they used to with other event weapons. Most likely in preparation to introducing Dex stuff as blueprints as well.

On the other hand, most players who need a slot and a catalyst won't keep this weapon in their arsenal. They will find someone who will give them the blueprint and a spare for free just in case, and then proceed to build, level and sell the weapon to never look back on it.

Edited by Flirk2
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10 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

More like "Clans with active people that work together to achieve things" and "Clans with little to no cooperation".

This is just wrong. Even when all clans did cooperate to their best 90% of the clans would not receive the research.

But what drags clans down in a competitive event like this is new players. If a clan actually takes in a large number of new players to help them in the game this clan will have no chance in the current event. If your clan does something for the community it will be punished by an event like this. 

Edited by k05h
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Hell, if this gives us more tangible way to attract dedicated players, I'm for it. Events like Rathuum mean little in grand scheme of things and being first or second means jack S#&$ for what a clan can offer. Prestige means nothing in the end, what matters, what can you offer to a recruit to come in. 

Is research too much of a bonus? Probably. However, it is a step in a correct direction with clan competitions. 


So I ask you, what would be not too far, but still worthwhile to be fought for?

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11 hours ago, JalakBali said:

Asking for equal opportunity is not communism. DE is going to exclusive rights to top clans to the mass production of a content. Simply for the fact that they were lucky enough to have an active membership at the time of the event, because it was literally impossible to downgrade and cull your membership when the event started. Also, why do they have to give the research to the top clans anyway? Why not keep it as exclusive to people who did the events, then later on have it appear as invasion reward like the other wraith weapons?

Come now, the requirements are per number of players. Right now, if 10% of the players complete the event, then it's done. The opportunity was equal for everyone, each had one week. 

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Plenty of new things are being harder to achieve barriers before they are re introduced later. Doesn't mean the Innis wraith will be unique to this event. Plus if two weapons are enough to separate clans into classes then there were already classes to begin with. 

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