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A weight system, and way to make energy syphon passive.


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let me say whenever i say my valkyr loves her furax wraith, she cant part with it, and then someone then says nah galatine prime all the way, it makes me want to cry, valkyr as a warframe has more personality than any other (sure its all about violence), and that personality is geared towards if i don't feel the crush of bones against my hands ans get blood on my fingers, im not happy. currently you can use any weapon with any warfame with no downsides. there are small upsides if you use a sword (broad category) with excalibur, or a bow with ivara (i realize any projectile weapon is better for navigator but also Artemis bow benefits from the bow only thunderbolt mod too). the weight system will be applied to primary and secondary weapons too though not to the same degree as melee weapons.

Energy Syphon is a must have for almost every warframe, its effect far outstrips every other aura we can stick in that slot (with a few exceptions in some cases like corrosive projection in grineer sorties) the need for energy syphon to be made passive to warframes has been discussed ad infinitum, my weight system will make that possible with the limitations DE is probably looking for, and also makes it a stronger value based on your loadout choices. energy syphon will be renamed weight lifter, and will reduce the weight cost for all your and allies weapons.

if you have played Mass Effect 3 and seen its weight system, then you can tell i am trying to build off of that somewhat (this is my only reference to that game do not judge anything i say based on ME3s system).

each weapon has a weight cost associated with it, each warframe has a different level of strength that governs their weight tolerance. don't get me wrong there are no limits that you cant use X weapon, but it might be unwise to use X weapon with Y warframe.

if your warframe is set up with weight less than tolerance then your warframe will gain energy syphon.  if the warframes weight is at or near tolerance then it will not gain or lose energy. if your warframe is overburdened with more weight than its tolerance, it will actually drain energy.

different warframes have different tolerance levels this is based partly on the warframes size and role on the battlefield. warframes like rhino and frost will have a high tolerance level, while warframes like loki will have a low tolerance level (loki in particular will have the lowest) warframes like Nyx will have a medium level of tolerance. generally stealth frames have very low tolerance values, which helps cap their damage and balance the strong point stealth is in right now (i include banshee in this category as well however she may get a weight reduction bonus for using snipers and accurate secondaries like lex) damage casters will be second to lowest, CC frames will be middle of the road, they rely on casting and damage output with weapons. weapon based warframes and tanks get the highest tolerance levels. overburdend warframes may also see a speed reduction, the effect is less or nonexistant with warframes that have high tolerance levels

the energy syphon effect scales inversely with the tolerance levels. warframes that have low tolerance will gain more energy for running lean and will cost more energy if they overburden. warframes with high tolerance levels will have less energy gain for going lean but will also get less penalty if they manage to overburden (you will have to try to overburden certain warframes to do it). if a loki runs nothing but a dagger he might get 3 energy per second energy gain, a rhino with the same dagger will get 1 energy per second (numbers are not final). in this senario you see loki is better off running just that dagger while for rhino the benefit isn't worth the cost he might as well run galatine prime which on him will still net him 1 energy per 2 seconds while loki would be a little over tolerance, either not getting energy gain or losing 1 energy every 5 seconds (this scenario still assumes melee only).

ceratain warframes will get weight reduction bonuses for using certain weapons, excalibur will get a weight reduction bonus on the weapons already mentioned in his passive. Wukong will get a weight reduction bonus on staffs and polearms, Valkyr would get a weight reduction bonus for fists, sparing and claw weapons however those categories will already have low weight cost so likely she will just get a damage boost from using these categories allowing her to use these weapons and exceed the damage from heavier weapons we already see too much of in meta. Mesa will gain weight reduction benefits from pistols, particularly from akimbo pistols and also from conventional rifles. Ivara will gain weight reduction benefits from bows and to a lesser extent crossbows balistica ant thrown secondaries. as mentioned before banshee is likely to get weight reduction benefits from weapons designed around accuracy, snipers in particular will get a nice bonus, lex will get a bonus but not aklex or any akimbo pistols, the weight bonus may also apply to weapons that are silent to help with the fact that her passive has no effect on them. banshee should be more about the snipers creed of one shot one kill, sonar should not be an ability that gains much benefit from spray and pray or aoe weapons.

as for the weight of weapons it is based in part on size and power of the weapon and also on riven disposition, tonkor and synoid simulor will have massive weight penalties (so miragulor gets a nerf out of this), as well as galtine, and jat kitty. pistols in general have much lower wieght penalties but akimbo pistols will have twice the weight cost of their normal variants (some damage increase may be necessary to balance this out). a caster may appreciate forgoing a primary and going for a pistol and sword to give them adequate damage while getting the most out of their abilities. weapons like snipers that have strong riven dispositions will likely get lower weight to help balance it out however will not likely be lower than pistol categories, it might be on par with a weak disposition akimbo pistol. ofc as you may have surmised daggers fists sparring claws will be low weight single swords and dual daggers will be middle weight, dual swords, tonfas, whips, etc are medium high (some of these categories may need a buff to bring them on par),  heavy blades and hammers will be high weight (some weapons may recieve buffs to be on par).

i also want to suggest that stat distribution should be based on the weight of the weapon. hammers and great swords should have low crit chance and attack speed but have higher base damage, reach, and stronger slam attacks (including those in combos), there may be some good status in this category that can easily be spread through slam attacks, not to mention that most weapons will have innate ragdoll, momentum, or impact/blast procs. lightweight weapons will have higher attack speed crit and status abilities but much reduced in direct damage, with or without cover lethality they are likely to have stronger finishers. everything in the middle is likely to run the gambit of status crit and direct damage. Scythes will have stronger finishers (with new animations to make it look awesome as only the scythe category can do) some light melee can be used in quick attacks as a 1 handed move, allowing the player to reload or possibly shoot their weapon even while meleeing.  channeling cost may also be attached to weapon weight, lighter melees cost less to deal damage while heavier weapons cost more, weapons with high blocking values cost less to block. while heavier weapons will cost more to channel keep in mind they are likely to get more out of it with raw damage numbers without crit exceeding a dagger with a crit.

weapon switch speed will also be partly based on weight, the heavier the weapon the slower the switch speed, this will make that switch speed a greater variable in the game, switching from galatine prime to tonkor may seem agonizing, close to 3 or 4 seconds. quick melee is also affected by this switch speed. to help compensate, the longstanding bug of switching to melee while doing quick melee forcing you to switch back to your primary then to the melee should be fixed. switching from a pistol to a dagger may only take half a second. keep in mind there are mods already in game to reduce weapon switch speed.

this system will also come with its own compliment of mods, a warframe mod can increase its weight tolerance (keep in mind this will affect the innate energy syphon bonuses) while weapon mods can reduce the weight of your weapons (the fact that it costs a mod slot is more than enough) with the exception of corrupted mods you wont be able to drop a full weight class with these mods, they you might get close if you mod your warframe as well, these are mods not ways around the weight mechanics, attempting to make a viable loki that can equip heavy weapons is likely to suffer in his abilities, the ones he needs to survive.


i know its a long post i poured my life out, i hope you like what you read.

TL;DR: innate energy syphon for using lighter weapons, values depend on the weapon and the warframe, stat distribution is fixed to make different categories fight different and all melee categories viable. this system encourages build diversity and not using the same weapons on every frame. choosing which weapons to use is more strategic. if you want the details read the above.

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Or we could not add a weight system that penalizes players for playing how they want and heavily limits build diversity. If someone wants to play something like a Nova with the "heaviest" weapons they have, that's their decision. How dare you say players should be punished for playing how they want in a game as diverse as Warframe.

Also, gotta say that I love how you added the part about gaining energy if you're under the weight limit in the TL;DR, yet conveniently left out the part where you'd lose energy if you were "over burdened".

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49 minutes ago, GOLANX said:

Energy Syphon is a must have for almost every warframe, its effect far outstrips every other aura we can stick in that slot

Not really, though. It's useful, but there a number of Warframes who don't receive its effects while their togglable powers are toggled on, and there are many methods available for replenishing energy. Mod to fit the situation.

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I think it adds an additional layer of unneeded complexity for something that is not so necessary limiting the personalization possibilities (and Warframe is all about personalization). If you think you have a shortage of energy, go with Zenurik's passive.

Edited by Drufo
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Wait, you want to deny the world of the humor of Nova totting a Galatine? Sir, you speak heresy.

It's a great idea, but warframe isnt a fallout or skyrim where you have x-carry weight and going over that just makes life unfun, to implement a weight system to limit players from using what they want just seems like a good way to pester the majority of the players into carrying smaller gear.

As for energy siphon... *coughs and removes it from his support frames* its a totally optional thing. Like common sense in the world, some people decide to have and use it, the rest scream "YOLO" and do stupid stuff.

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Sorry but I have to disagree.

This would cause so many problems and annoyances it would never be worth it.
Beyond that it would shoe-horn frames into rolls far too harshly.

Basically you're going "If you don't equip Loki with a Covert Lethality Dagger you're going to be actively punished for that by not regenerating energy as quickly!  Screw you if you like a whip or tonfa or heavy blade weapon!  Go with the Covert Lethality Dagger for insta kills + energy regen!"

Also this would be largely useless.
Take your "oh this would nerf miragulor" and throw that away because it wouldn't.
Instead of having a Mirage with a Synoid Simulor + Akstilletto Prime that they never use + a melee weapon they never use they will instead just switch over to just the Synoid Simulor and nothing else and still come in below weight (unless the synoid simulor alone is enough to max out every frames weight and make it impossible to use without a constant energy drain...which even then a miragulor can get around with energy pads or a trinity).  Exactly like the old tactical alerts of "You can only have conclave points of this high or lower!"
In short it would be far, far too easy to cheese and would make the entire point moot as it would be too easy to get around.

Finally: this wouldn't increase build diversity at all.
The only thing that would happen is people would go "this is the best gear at the lightest weights" and that would become the new meta for the vast majority of frames in the vast majority of missions with only the smallest differences here and there.
Further this would actually punish people wanting to branch out because "Oh I want to try this weapon on this frame...but if I do that I'll be lowering my energy regen or even causing an energy drain.  Oh well, guess I can't even try it as it just won't be viable...."

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i want to increase build diversity in a game where you see the same weapons over and over and over, unless someone is running covert lethality you never see a dagger, and you certainly don't see dual daggers fists sparing other kinds of melees, this game has a lot more weapons than galatine and i'm hoping this bring more out into the light of day, the riven system certainly isn't going to do that. my system gives a nerf to some of the combinations that everyone has been hating like Miragulor while a much needed buff to the weapons that need it most. I'm sad my efforts have fallen on deaf ears. i guess Warframe will always be a 6 weapon game, filled with soo many cool concepts and ideas that are leveled as mastery fodder then thrown away because there is no way it can be Meta. I want players to have reasons to not use the same thing over and over, to not shout at me for being an idiot because i wont put galatine prime into every build.  galatine prime is fun in my system it would go great with rhino, nova could probably pull it off if she ran without a primary or used a weight reducing mod.

the idea is like when you are modding a weapon instead of having every weapon as a status weapon we have weapons with different stats, so Dread is a great crit weapon hek is a good status weapon other weapons you build differently. my idea here just applies it on a larger scale, just as you wouldn't put status mods on the dread you wouldn't run loki with galatine prime, with the right weapon he would excel and be better than he is now.

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48 minutes ago, GOLANX said:

the idea is like when you are modding a weapon instead of having every weapon as a status weapon we have weapons with different stats, so Dread is a great crit weapon hek is a good status weapon other weapons you build differently. my idea here just applies it on a larger scale, just as you wouldn't put status mods on the dread you wouldn't run loki with galatine prime, with the right weapon he would excel and be better than he is now.

Except your idea goes to straight punishing of people if they don't run with the one and only "best build" for each frame.

Take your examples with Loki:
If he is running around with just a dagger and nothing else he'll have a large energy regen per second (your example said 3 so lets just go with that for sake of example).
Say a new dual sword comes out that is super cool and nice and you want to use it on your Loki (Say you're a free player and only have like 7 frames (and I've seen lots of accounts like this even at the higher MRs)), the only problem is that if you equip that new and shiny dual sword you're going to be lowering your energy regen to 1.5 due to it being much heavier than the dagger you were using.
That player is now being actively punished for wanting to try out new weapons on their Loki.
Basically you're idea would make it so that the only viable build for a Loki is a covert lethality dagger and nothing else as anything else would just hurt your energy regeneration and you would be gimping yourself if you decide to equp the weapons you have or like.

Or say you're a new player that doesn't have any daggers let alone covert lethality.  Now you're just going to be punished for using the basic weapons you have by being forced to have no energy regen or even be constantly losing energy if they want to play their Loki simply because they don't have the absolute best "light" gear that they can use to actually do anything with that Loki.

Instead of increasing build diversity, all your idea would do is heavily punish players for wanting to try out different builds because now they are going to be gaining less energy, or even losing energy, if they try out other weapons.
And this would have an even larger effect on new players.  Oh you're a new player without many weapon or frame slots and you only have medium-to-heavy weapons?  Hope you won't mind constantly losing energy on the frames you have with absolutely nothing you can do about it!  And good luck being able to farm up the mods that will lighten their weight while also leveling up the damage mods you need to be able to do anything!  Meaning new players are going to be completely screwed over with literally nothing they can do about it!
Their only possible action against this is to tell them "Well you're a new player so only equp your MK1-Braton and nothing else...otherwise you're just actively hurting yourself by even thinking of using a full loadout."  which is very much the opposite of fun.

EDIT: We're not disagreeing with your idea because this game is a " a 6 weapon game, filled with soo many cool concepts and ideas that are leveled as mastery fodder then thrown away because there is no way it can be Meta.".  We're disagreeing with your idea because all this idea would do is further limit and kill build diversity and make it harder to try out new weapons.  Especially for players that don't have 100% of frames.
After all, it doesn't matter how shiny or cool this new weapon is, its not the right weight category for the frames you have, just trash it as its simply non-viable to use on your frames.
Further this idea of yours would heavily punish players for going off meta.  Oh you don't want to be a covert lethality Loki/Ash?  Oh well, enjoy getting less energy per second, or even losing energy constantly, while the people who stick with the covert lethality Loki/Ash will be having a much larger energy regen than you could ever hope to get!

Edited by Tsukinoki
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1 hour ago, GOLANX said:

i want to increase build diversity in a game where you see the same weapons over and over and over, unless someone is running covert lethality you never see a dagger, and you certainly don't see dual daggers fists sparing other kinds of melees, this game has a lot more weapons than galatine and i'm hoping this bring more out into the light of day, the riven system certainly isn't going to do that. my system gives a nerf to some of the combinations that everyone has been hating like Miragulor while a much needed buff to the weapons that need it most. I'm sad my efforts have fallen on deaf ears. i guess Warframe will always be a 6 weapon game, filled with soo many cool concepts and ideas that are leveled as mastery fodder then thrown away because there is no way it can be Meta. I want players to have reasons to not use the same thing over and over, to not shout at me for being an idiot because i wont put galatine prime into every build.  galatine prime is fun in my system it would go great with rhino, nova could probably pull it off if she ran without a primary or used a weight reducing mod.

Penalizing unconventional weapon combinations, i.e Loki and Galantine, is not the way to encourage weapon diversity. If anything this would further decrease weapon diversity because people would not go with weapons that they like, but rather weapons that do the most damage for their weight class. 

Rivens are actually good at encouraging weapon diversity. My clan mates are now using weapons on sorties and raids that they would have left behind before. One of my friends is even working on an endgame Twin Viper build. I myself no longer feel like I am a liability for bringing a Burston Prime or Paris Prime to LoR. We can know use weapons we like, rather than feeling roped into bringing Hek or Tigris. Our Mirage doesn't use the Miragulor build that everyone claims is the best. 

In fact the problem with Rivens is not how they function, but how people think. Everyone wants max "Paper DPS" instead of damage and utility. They did before Rivens and would even with their removal. The issue is the same one at the heart of "meta" builds. There will always be people who simply want big numbers, and penalizing them will just make them find ways to get big numbers with the new guidelines. It won't make them use new weapons once they determine which is the most powerful for each weight class.

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35 minutes ago, GOLANX said:

i want to increase build diversity in a game where you see the same weapons over and over and over, unless someone is running covert lethality you never see a dagger, and you certainly don't see dual daggers fists sparing other kinds of melees, this game has a lot more weapons than galatine and i'm hoping this bring more out into the light of day, the riven system certainly isn't going to do that. my system gives a nerf to some of the combinations that everyone has been hating like Miragulor while a much needed buff to the weapons that need it most. I'm sad my efforts have fallen on deaf ears. i guess Warframe will always be a 6 weapon game, filled with soo many cool concepts and ideas that are leveled as mastery fodder then thrown away because there is no way it can be Meta. I want players to have reasons to not use the same thing over and over, to not shout at me for being an idiot because i wont put galatine prime into every build.  galatine prime is fun in my system it would go great with rhino, nova could probably pull it off if she ran without a primary or used a weight reducing mod.

     While it's admirable that you tried to find a way to fix a perceived problem instead of simply complaining about it, I must agree with your detractors.  This is a system which would make recommended builds more stringent, even if it would change around which weapons were in them.  The biggest problem with it is probably the penalty to going overweight, that is, losing energy, because that then makes weapons of high weight or warframes of low strength one-weapon builds, in order to still be able to use abilities.  If you think there are only 6 or so viable weapons/builds, then you, and those who are apparently yelling at you, aren't getting creative enough in their weapon builds.

     As far as the necessity of energy siphon, as an example of a kit that both doesn't need or want it, an ember world on fire build simply has her 4 running the entire mission.  Enough enemies die to continuously replenish your energy via energy orbs, and since it's a toggled ability, energy regen effects stop working.

     Unfortunately, it is also for the same reason I found your first post in a positive light that I find your second to be lacking.  Most of it doesn't even attempt to assuage the concerns and critiques of those who took the time to attempt to clarify the game state; simply complaining about them not agreeing with you.

P.S. The Hek is not a status weapon, and will never be a good idea to use as a status weapon, because that status percentage you're seeing is actually the added status chances of all the pellets, not the chance per pellet.  So if we assume you have scattered justice and hell's chamber on your Hek, even when the status chance stat says 100%, it's actually about 3% chance for a pellet to proc a status effect.

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What is up with people wanting to slow down the game/penalize certain playstyles recently?

People want to bring back the awful stamina system, want to nerf everything that can do low level content, want to make so you cant 'steal kills', and now you want to penalize people that use 'unfitting' weapons?

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While the effect of ES is nice, i do agree with many above, that it is not "a must (anymore)." between focus and arcanes, ES has been somewhat outmoded. If you want energy recoup without having to use ES go Zenurik or use equilibrium or use healing return. there are quite a few other option/combinations of options that can replace ES, if you know what to do.

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This weight system would solve nothing and only narrow the choices you can make.

Taking your exampl: you like taking Furax Wraith on your Valkyr? Then do so. You're free to bring anything you want to a mission, just as other players are free to criticize your choices and avoid playing with you if they dont want, no matter the reason.

Though I would like to see a base-line energy regen implemented in the game. Having to bring Zenurikall the time to get half-decent energy regen is stupid.

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The problem is not weight, but attack speed. If attack speed mods had different effects on weapons, heavy blades wouldn't be the go to weapons for every occasion.

Right now, mods aside melee weapons are distinguished by their range / sweeping arcs, damage and speed.

Polearms have long reach but do less damage than heavy blades, but they are also faster. Whips are in between these two categories and so on. But once you throw in attack speed mods, the slow balancing factor of heavy blades (and other weapons) is completely nullified. Now you can take advantage of their reach, sweeping / arcing combos and massive damage all in one. Naturally galatine prime is the obvious choice here because it has the highest base damage, great status + crit chance and is predominantly slash based. A perfect weapon for naramon spin to win cheese.

Obviously heavy blades aren't the only weapons with great reach and crit or wonder-slash-procs. If attack speed mods weren't so effective then we'd see way more diversity in melee weapons. Players can opt for raw power with slow attack speed, versus fast strikes (daggers/ rapiers etc...) for status builds and so on. Yeah naramon cheese would still be an option, I'm not saying this would somehow make meta mlee weapons not meta anymore.

Attack speed is already unique to every weapon class, making their interactions with attack speed mods isn't a stretch. That's just my 2 cents.

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All Warframes are able to pick up and throw a bombard around like they are a sack of rice.  Any weapon's weight will be trivial to something that can do that.

I get that you want to try some flavourful diversity, but even for frames like Ivara, Excalibur, Valkyr and the other frames enhanced by specific weapons you have to actually use those weapons if you want them to feel even remotely effective with their related powers, thus feel forced into your weapon choices.

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7 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

What is up with people wanting to slow down the game/penalize certain playstyles recently?

People want to bring back the awful stamina system, want to nerf everything that can do low level content, want to make so you cant 'steal kills', and now you want to penalize people that use 'unfitting' weapons?

The 2017 syndrome.  Then they would ask to nerf volts speed power to 80% speed because he makes it to extraction first.

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12 hours ago, GOLANX said:

warframes like rhino and frost will have a high tolerance level, while warframes like loki will have a low tolerance level (loki in particular will have the lowest)

i would be more happier if Rhino/Frost pair with Galatine/Fragor result in the faster fire rate, cuz they are ... well ... "stronger" than some other frame, while use dagger for example, have some chance of missing the attack. :3 While dexter frame like loki can have more range on whip/whip-blade weaps and so on .... would be cool if DE can do that ^^

About the energy siphon ... i dont think that it's a good idea, as in the energy should need a rework, not to be entangled with which weapon u carry, cuz that would make things complicate with less return value. Sure if they able to make it immersive then great, if not, whole thing fell apart.

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12 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Warframe is about customization. 

Implementing a penalty for using weapons on a frame that doesn't "match" them stifles that creativity and is a bad idea.

This. If I grind/buy something - I want to use it, when I want to use it, with whatever frame I want to use it with. Leave my Loki alone already. :)

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9 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

What is up with people wanting to slow down the game/penalize certain playstyles recently?

People want to bring back the awful stamina system, want to nerf everything that can do low level content, want to make so you cant 'steal kills', and now you want to penalize people that use 'unfitting' weapons?

first part, the game do have pacing problem for long time now. not suprise to see ppl ask for it

second part, not sure which playstyle u mention, but i can imagine some "playstyle" would unavoidalbly disrupt and annoy a different "playstyle" of other squad mate, so again, not so suprise, it pop up all the time really.

however, i dont think this thread belong to any of those 2 scenario, as this could bbe a systematically nerf or particular buff for some combination of weap (more like introduce a new stance mod, but seriously involve core mechanic) 

DE wont implement any of our half-baked ideas this anyway, so chill


Edited by FireSegment
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Energy Siphon is useful, like most Auras - but it's silly to suggest it's a necessity. Corrosive Projection vs Armored Enemies would be the closest to a 'necessity' and even then technically you can get away without it (though dealing with Armor is always done in an objectively superior way with it...).

issues that allow for effective infinite Energy cause Enemies that drain Energy to exist... and those will stack up aplenty, which sufficiently punishes Players that aren't using these abusive choices to have infinite Energy, while not affecting those that are breaking the game to have effective infinite energy.
classic Warframe though, doesn't want you to cheat, then gives you ways to cheat, and punishes you for not cheating.


at any rate, it works nicely in Mass Effect as it's a core part of the decision making (having fast Abilities or the best guns - though in Andromeda i feel Bioware went overboard with softening this trend, Players can bring the best Guns anytime they please, which will only increase Equipment obsolescence but that's off topic).
however, Warframe is a game by large designed around Equipment being effective in a completely Equipment agnostic way (generally). that means that a Warframe or a Weapon don't necessitate a specific choice in the other department(s) in order for them to be useful. instead, generally useful of their own regard, with some specialization options for your other Equipment that can make that first choice excel.

it's probably unwise to start trampling on that.

1 hour ago, Nezha_Rose said:

Then they would ask to nerf volts speed power to 80% speed because he makes it to extraction first.

Speed does have some longstanding issues, however there's much bigger fish to fry.
but, someday. just issues high Strength causes with cycling Melee swings at mach1 - which while amusing, should be clamped a bit. but in a positive way, rather than needing extreme Power Strength to trigger some sort of bug that allows Melee to be used while sprinting without movement speed being reduced, allowing Speed to increase the movement speed of the Player while swinging Melee, but to a limited degree.
quite take and give there, really.

Edited by taiiat
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