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Will DE force us to farm for Bard's parts?


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I would say yes, it will be another frame obtainable through wall grinding. DE are doing this because it works. Even if people are whining about it, they are doing it or buying it. Therefore, it's working.

What's the point for that grindfest? Having huge number of players at the same time to boost their stats on platforms. They just want the game to be high in the "currently playing" and to achieve so, they understood the need to add easy and quick way to introduce new frame/gears. While people are enjoying more quests like Second Dream or TWW, they take a while and cost a lot for not that much for them at the end. But creating a very basic grindwall is very easy and it works.

Enjoy your grind.

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21 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

weeell considering this is a syndicate quest (cephalon whatever she was called) and like titania we did get bps of parts during the quest soooo i would take a blind guess and say, no grind? .-.

Don't forget, Nidus' quest was a syndicate quest too and we didn't get the parts as we went and had to farm the new gamemode for his parts :^)

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22 hours ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

-after The Glast Gambit, we received only the Nidus' main blueprint and we were forced to play this boring infested salvage, to get more parts.
-Do you think DE will force us to play the Pacifism Defect endless mode to get the blueprints for Octavia's parts?

-We aren't ever forced to play a game mode or farm for a thing, also I found the game mode fun, I mean at first it was bad but that was because of spawn bugs and was fixed very fast.
-Again, you aren't forced to do anything, you either want to farm them or you don't, Also I would love the PD game mode as an endless mode in game, so if that's how they choose to do it, i'm fine with it.


Also if you really don't want to farm them you can farm relics, sell the prime parts and buy them with plat, pretty easy.

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1 hour ago, TheyreFood said:

-We aren't ever forced to play a game mode or farm for a thing, also I found the game mode fun, I mean at first it was bad but that was because of spawn bugs and was fixed very fast.
-Again, you aren't forced to do anything, you either want to farm them or you don't, Also I would love the PD game mode as an endless mode in game, so if that's how they choose to do it, i'm fine with it.


Also if you really don't want to farm them you can farm relics, sell the prime parts and buy them with plat, pretty easy.

There are 2 types of grind. One type which is reasonable, might take you a while, couple of hours, but with determination and a couple of tries you can get what you want. And than there is the second type which intention is to force players to spend money to buy plat to buy weapon/frame. Hema and nidus are nice examples.


You could, as you said, sell prime items and buy the frame with that plat. So ,depending on your luck, you'll have to buy nidus, hema, octavia and other new items and frames if this trend continues. So this will either effect your wallet or your plat spending priorities.

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Considering the amount of Demand for Bard frame - I am guessing from a business standpoint it will be a 100% grind because they want to tempt people to buy Bard frame directly with plat. People would be more likely to buy plat and skip the grind to get her - allowing more funds to the company.

Also with that said it is better to lower expectations that - it will be similar to nidus - where you spend 20 minutes just to have a 10% chance just to get one part.

Edited by xxswatelitexx
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To be perfectly honest for myself when I know a new Warframe is coming I start saving up my plat, no way will you see me hoping beyond hope and trusting in RNG to get my Warframe parts. To me the whole fun of playing Warframe is playing the "warframe" I get no pleasure at all farming parts and that may not be true for everyone but for me you'll never see me farm for parts anymore.

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6 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

There are 2 types of grind. One type which is reasonable, might take you a while, couple of hours, but with determination and a couple of tries you can get what you want. And than there is the second type which intention is to force players to spend money to buy plat to buy weapon/frame. Hema and nidus are nice examples.


You could, as you said, sell prime items and buy the frame with that plat. So ,depending on your luck, you'll have to buy nidus, hema, octavia and other new items and frames if this trend continues. So this will either effect your wallet or your plat spending priorities.

Got Nidus within an hour and a half, had Hema ticking down in my dojo day one, and I'm sure without a problem I will have bard frame day one too...

Like in all honesty I see people come on here and complain about the most random things, like Hema I could understand to some degree, not to the degree people are band-wagoning at, but still. Saying the Nidus and Hema farm was insane, is in itself false.

Nidus was a very easy farm, could be done solo if you wanted or with clannies, the hema, is a bit different but if you are in a clan that is storm or higher and you do not have enough active members to get it done, then the leaders of your clan are dropping the ball. Outside of that a single player could fund the Hema, I put all but a couple hundred into ours and a friend finished it off, and we were a shadow clan.


TLDR: I have literally everything (outside of the founders pack), and think people saying these types of grind are to force a pay-wall are fools.


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2 minutes ago, TheyreFood said:

TLDR: I have literally everything (outside of the founders pack), and think people saying these types of grind are to force a pay-wall are fools.

If you got lucky that's good for you, but a majority of the people apparently disagrees with you from their own experiences. Mine with Nidus was a nightmare. Slow, tidies mission where you get a ton of useless mods on C rotation instead of the BP parts. I know a lot of people that bought him just because of the grind.

Hema is easy for shadow clans, especially if you have m8s like yours that already had a ton of mutagen samples laying around. To other clans the inactive players aren't the only ones posing a problem, but also newer players that don't play orokin derelict, not to mention i heard a lot of MR23 players saying they don't have even 100 mutagen samples. So farming for hema posses a problem, when the drop rate is lower than neurodes and you have to muster 500 of those buggers per person. Once again, i know a ton of players that bought hema and i know even more players that still don't have it.


I'm hoping they put the parts in the mission or that they are dropable from a boss. But if it's going to be another C rotation fiasco than i wish you to have the same luck as me and so many others, and than i'd like to hear what you have to say about fools and pay walls.

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Nidus was pretty quick and easy, and I liked the salvage a lot more than, say, Defense or Mobile Defense missions. Hema is directly dependant on how much mutagen samples you happened to have at hand already - farming that 5000, alone, from scratch, is a major hurdle, but luckily you could just join a clan that already has it and take the research from there.

As to the bard frame - yeah, with 100% certainty, getting the frame will require you to actually play this game, or pay plat if you don't want to play it. Wether or not it constitutes as "grinding" or "farming" depends on your view and on if you, personally, can find the required missions enjoyable. For example: I liked the Nidus salvage missions, and it didn't feel grindy at all. On the other hand, standing in a corner in ODS while waiting for the infested to die in waves was just... boring. AAAAAAND takes a really, really long time, even if you have 3 clan mates to do it with.

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You aren't forced to do anything. There is a choice and it's yours to make. a) farm it. b) buy it c) ignore it

It took me 3 days of farming to get all the parts for nidus. No i didnt count the time i spent finishing the quest. 

Edited by Serbian2G
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Everybody getting all filosofical here. Forced=doing something against your wishes. So technically if you don't like spending plat or grinding you are forced :satisfied: (if you want the frame). 


Honestly if the mission is interesting and other/alternative rewards to bp parts are good (relics) than i don't mind farming Octavia for hours and hours. But put me in a slow mode, where i have to wait for ever to get to rotation C only to get vitality or some other useless mod... well that is just insulting.

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