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Coming Soon: Weapon Balance Pass.


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1 minute ago, 00zau said:

Easy solution to self damage weapons: Self damage only uses base weapon damage, no mods. Boom, fixed. Base weapon damage is actually somewhat within the realm of warframe HP pools. With falloff, as long as you don't point blank yourself with an ogris shot in a no-shield loki, you'll live.

Agreed.  +1.

I'm totally okay with this mechanic in games where you have a moment to position and survey the area before even firing, and enemies take some seconds to get to you.  In "realspeed" titles like that (think Fallout, for instance) YOU are responsible for screwing up.  Right now, as is in Warframe, I don't think that's the case as much.  Enemies can all too easily just be there IN YOUR FACE without any real warning.

Also, Leaper rocket-@#&$-block is a leading cause of me never using Ogris (or the freaking Kulstar).  It's a thing.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


The Ice Beam weapon: the Glaxion. Probably one of the most exciting weapons to imagine in combat, yet it has received a cold reception.

  • Cold Damage has increased to 333 from 250.

You are half-way there.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)THEFREAK420 said:

Anyone who thinks the guns were OVER Powered is a bum, too lazy to forma their own 5-6X. I'll bet you they've never been in anything long enough to see level 200 enemies.  Good luck now with that. How is a gun thats awesome considered for noobs? Then why complain?  Because youre Sub-noob. I'll say this much, theres no need for a simulor in akkad, until maybe wave 50. Thats noob crap taking it in there, but for higher level? Doesnt mater, i already deleted Destiny 2.0. Formerly known as warframe. All the scrubs crying for a nerf will be on here soon crying that the sorties & trials are too hard. Because theres not gonna be anyone to carry them anymore.

So long, farewell, and GTFO.

I've been running Kuva and Sortie missions with a stupid Flux I've forma'd to hell and back.  You NEVER needed the Tonkor.

Level 200?  Got my Rift sigil from the Interception mission weekend event.  Got my Clan the replicatable Ignis Wraith BP by rescuing 250+ hostages with just 4 actives.  The Tonkor was just another crit monster people loved WAAAAAAY too much.

Edited by Cytobel
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1 hour ago, Ragingwasabi said:

Can we buff the daikyu too pls?

Same draw speed as other bows (keep 5 sec time limit)

Increase status chance a bit to reach 100% with 2 dual stat elementals (right now its 99%.. )

Make it slash based

A damage buff would be really awesome.

just give it a bit more crit around 15% so 10, 15, or (20 could be insane with a crit riven) 20 (maybe some damage aswell) needs to keep it original draw speed to set it apart as the "heavy hitter" status chance change is a good quality of life change and slash based would help with procs but overall wouldnt help against those heavy gunners



also the projectile speed is mmmmmmm not good enough for some of those long range sniper shots

Edited by DrinkingSpace60
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To be honest i dont mind most of the changes anyway here

The tonkor i wouldnt mind it getting self damage and the shorter time on fuse which i would prefer anyway though I would of liked the crit chance to stay the same and maybe it be higher mastery than 5 and maybe go to MR 9 or 10 especially when it will still be very good and good for end game still anyway as long as you know what you are doing with launchers

The simulor changes to both of them make a lot of sense in my opinion where they are more status based as well as making more useful to use the manual detonation which is one reason i dont like the simulor now with other players because they leave them laying around everywhere

The orgis and the buzlok where as it seems to be nice changes to the weapons i don't know how to feel on the MR lock they will be getting 

And Last big note I remember having in this is the attica seems to be getting to the near exact same stats of the zhuge depending how much they increase the fire rate. I could see the crit chance and the mag size but the fire rate should stay a bit lower than the zhuge to make them some what opposites with one having a faster fire rate and better status and the other higher damage and crits.

I know i may be nit picking a bit from this but i do like some of the changes but others seems like they are forcing them

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)THEFREAK420 said:

Anyone who thinks the guns were OVER Powered is a bum, too lazy to forma their own 5-6X. I'll bet you they've never been in anything long enough to see level 200 enemies.  Good luck now with that. How is a gun thats awesome considered for noobs? Then why complain?  Because youre Sub-noob. I'll say this much, theres no need for a simulor in akkad, until maybe wave 50. Thats noob crap taking it in there, but for higher level? Doesnt mater, i already deleted Destiny 2.0. Formerly known as warframe. All the scrubs crying for a nerf will be on here soon crying that the sorties & trials are too hard. Because theres not gonna be anyone to carry them anymore.

yeah i never see and too lazy to frown my own 5-6 forma....



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Miter         OK

  • Mastery Rank increased to 6.<Why?

Harpak         Ok

Hind          Ok

  • We've added a single-shot Semi-Auto Alt Fire to the Hind that has increased Damage, Critical, and Status Chance.<Is this like the stratavar/zarr or like the quanta? Can we get clarification on what this is like, and whether other weapons will get this treatment of a switching alt fire mode thingymabob?

Panthera           Good

  • Mastery Rank is now 7.<Why?????

Paracyst              Good

Mutalist Quanta      Good


Buzlok        Ok

  • Mastery Rank increased to 9.<NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! WHY??????

Glaxion      Ok

Ogris        Good

  • Mastery Rank requirement has increased to 8.<Why??????

Attica        Ok

Tonkor       Good for the game

  • The Tonkor now deals self-damage like all other launchers.
  • The Tonkor Grenade trajectory line now appears on holding the fire button (Default Left Mouse), and grenade fires on release.
  • The Maximum lifespan of grenade has dropped from 5 to 3 seconds - grenades are quicker to explode
  • Genades bounce lower and explode sooner, making them more likely to explode where they are shot.
  • The Critical Chance has been reduced to 25%.<No, above changes are enough this feels unnecessary and like a punishment to the community.


  • Something different please


  • Something different please



Edited by Darkvramp
Change in oppinion
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no fixes for the mechanical problems that make Miter and Paracyst useless?
Charged Miter Blades are like 1/20th the size as uncharged, and Paracysts' aiming convergence makes shots go all over the place.
the former should just be fixed, the latter can be addressed by having the Projectile streams aim in a 'triangle' pattern, rather than completely converging on the aim point. i.e. shooting a triangle pattern that will adjust its size based on the distance of the target point, rather than having the Projectile streams intersect at the aiming point.

Tonkor Grenades being less bouncy? but how will i make sick trickshots then? that's my favorite part about the Weapon, bouncing Grenades off of half a dozen walls and Headshotting Enemies. :/
seriously, this is the best mechanical feature of the Weapon, that the Grenades are so awesome for Trickshots. please don't ruin that?

Ogris AoE should be even bigger.

no numbers at all about a Hind Semi-Auto Mode? also not really sure why a Burst Weapon would benefit from this.

if things like Panthera Alt-Fire are still going to use the Continuous Weapon Damage Model, at least increase the Status to 50 or 60%. so that it'll always be capping out the status.

- - - - - 

Harkpak is already tied as the king of Burst Weapons, with Sybaris Series. it doesn't really need the Crit Chance boost.
but okay.

increasing Crit Stats of Buzlok AND having Beacons give a Crit Bonus is overkill. i approve of the Beacon bonus, just don't stack it with increased Crit Stats by default as well.
or atleast only increase Crit Damage, and leave the Crit Chance increase to the Beacon?
additionally the Damage increase is a bit steep, better off at 50.

it sounds like you've probably made Attica a direct upgrade over Zhuge now. reversing the problem doesn't solve it.
one of these is a medium/heavy Crossbow, the other a light Crossbow. pick which one it is, and give Damage/Crit Stats to reflect that, as well as a Magazine Size to reflect that.
so one that puts down a lot of covering fire, another that hits hard.


- - - - - 

everything else looks good.
Simulor Series, unbeknownst to most of the Community, does have a lot of great unique features, and these adjustments will actually encourage Players to use those strong features, rather than ignoring them for simply mashing the fire button.

Boltace stuff sounds quite interesting.

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Holy jesus you took the tonkor out back and made it regret ever crossing your path, a 10% crit nerf and a self damage change? I think one or the other would have been fine, or maybe just a 5% crit nerf. Well I guess i'm going to be tripping over my shoelaces a lot more now, thanks.

I am excited about the buffs to the glaxion/miter/panthera/ogris though. Maybe i'll be able to get more than 10 minutes/waves into a mission without running out of ammo for the glaxion. And maybe i'll revisit the others to since I always liked the idea for the sawblade launchers and the ogris was a classic.

On a slightly comical note maybe yall should release a mod for explosive weapons (or maybe warframes) that reduces (self) explosion damage, call it sketchers. Cuz you can't trip over your shoelaces if you don't have any!

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)THEFREAK420 said:


My mistake.  RIP your Mirageulor.  Nobody cares.

Simulor and Synoid Simulor were both inflicting some SERIOUS damage numbers, WELL out of line of the other weapons.  Either they got nerfed (in some way) or EVERYTHING ELSE had to se an almost exponential damage shift upwards.

Hell, there are more than a few weapons that cannot come VAGUELY close to that stack multiplier with a beastly Riven, a doubling of base damage, and even in-mission buffs like ES crit buff and Roar.

I'm sorry you went for an even lower-hanging fruit.  I mistook you for another Tonkorhead inappropriately.

I admit it's sad to see some of the range fall off of the stack combos, but those guns are totally dead no--OH, WAIT, NONE OF THIS IS FINALIZED.

I'm looking forward to the chance for other things to get tried out.  Still, I agree with your salt levels (at least) when it comes to Panthera and Miter.  They're still not weapons, not even with those stats.  We're going to need more mechanical reworking than just simple number tweaking, plus the Miter is likely going to be instant death again when we run into it in missions and some Grineer derp fires an automatic spray of death over cover (even if he's derped and hiding "behind" thin air).  Worse is how many players who RIGHTLY roundfiled those pieces of crap will feel IF they're made into half-decent weapons.

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That Boltace change is interesting! 


THANK YOU for buffing my Buzlok and Attica <3 Their potatos and formas and rivens appreciate it very much


I'd like to second someone's motion to buff Silva and Aegis though? Perhaps with Oberon Prime? ;)

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In the game that didn't have endgame at all they are nerfing the single good weapons, that can make that stupid and pointless (and endless) grind a bit better.

What balance you are talking about? This is PVE game, I'm do not care of how powerful my neighbor's weapon.

If you dislike Tonkor or Simulor - DO NOT use it! Simple! You hate their owners? Add them to ignore or play solo or with friends! Easy!

"Why I need to play solo?" - I dunno, you hate that someone doing your job. Yes, YOUR job, you - always pointless Oberon or Nyx, or Inaros or Ember or (put here a name of the half of frames) random noob with absolutely stupid weapon (i.e. bow at survival). Or good frame but without proper spec (i.e. Frost at Hierakon but with lower than 230% range) or with stupidly eyebleeding energy color.

Hey, how about Zenistar? It is stronger than Tonkor and Simulor both! Would u nerf it too?

No really, they are buffing some stupid weapons. Great? Lol, no! Just imagine, 50th minute of the survival in the Void and you are with... Attika! Just a dream, kek!


All of this clearly shows me, that they didn't have the idea of how develop their own game. Nice.

Maybe add some ENDGAME finally? No way! Let's nerf everything good around and add some paid OP stuff.

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