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9 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

It was supposedly being released shortly after TSD until suddenly 

I still waiting for these 2 months to end, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

"If I had to guess" is not confirmation. Its Steve saying "Dang, will you people leave me alone, I don't know, it will come when it comes. Stop harassing me about Chinaframes mistakes. Chinaframe forced our hand, not the other way around". 

Its hardly an official confirmation or promise. Also, you never know. it could be coming as a surprise. They could sneak it in there now or in a later patch for U20. Don't think they will wanna take away from octavia on her release. 

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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21 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Well, so it means no umbra on U20 as it was expected regardless of players waiting for it since way before u18 (The Second Dream) was released.
Looking forwards to the next cinematic quest. in order to finally have a reason to jump back in game

They confirmed that Umbra is coming post U20, weeks before the U19 release. 

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26 minutes ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

They confirmed that Umbra is coming post U20, weeks before the U19 release. 

They said he was going to be "In the next big update" & "The next cinematic quest" 

I seriously can't wrap my head around why it's so difficult for DE to release him.....for real guys

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21 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Well, so it means no umbra on U20 as it was expected regardless of players waiting for it since way before u18 (The Second Dream) was released.
Looking forwards to the next cinematic quest. in order to finally have a reason to jump back in game

It's a big let down, I sympathize. A little under two years and we still don't have him. IIRC they even said he would be coming in update 20....so....what's the deal DE

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16 hours ago, StinkyPygmy said:

"If I had to guess" is not confirmation.

Clearly it's not, but giving a guesstimate like that makes it sound like "we're working on it and we expect to release it in a couple of months". 

16 hours ago, StinkyPygmy said:

Its Steve saying "Dang, will you people leave me alone, I don't know, it will come when it comes. Stop harassing me about Chinaframes mistakes. Chinaframe forced our hand, not the other way around". 

Actually if you check This post you can see that DE wanted to give us Umbra asap after the Chinese exclusivity period ended. The problem started with the constant delays and all of the secrecy that started shortly after the 2 months from the previous tweet passed. That's were all of the harassment started, and as much as I disagree with it, I understand why some players lose their minds. Releasing The Vacuum Within claiming that it had been expected way longer than TWW quest, so it would be released before didn't help much since there's plenty of other things, such as Umbra, that have been waited since way before TSD was released.

16 hours ago, StinkyPygmy said:

Also, you never know. it could be coming as a surprise. They could sneak it in there now or in a later patch for U20

I hope you're right on this, but the statement "Umbra will play a major role on the next cinematic quest" after having U18 and U19 named after the amazingly hyped cinematic quest they came with and seeing U20 to be named "Octavia's Anthem" is the main source of disappointment regardless of the few sneak peeks we have been given from the 30 pages of patch notes for the next update which have a lot of space to hide stuff.

16 hours ago, StinkyPygmy said:

Don't think they will wanna take away from octavia on her release. 

That's exactly the excuse reason reason they gave to not release Umbra in late December 2015: "We want Umbra to be special and not get lost in a sea of releases" (in the context of Atlas, Nezha, Wukong and Ivara as the closest releases atm)

5 hours ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

They confirmed that Umbra is coming post U20, weeks before the U19 release. 

Source? Iirc, they said that Umbra was initially having a role in TWW but the script got scrapped and Umbra was delayed to the next cinematic quest.

3 hours ago, oxalispescaprae said:

Umbra coming soon 2019, It'll be the second TWW for sure ;D

It's sad, but after all the time waiting I expect nothing and I'm most likely going to be let down anyways. 

1 hour ago, Xsoskeleton said:

I'm going to like how forum is going to scorch since U20 is not Umbra release. wwwwww.

Forums are already raging with the balance passes, I'm not sure if this will be enough to keep players looking for umbra distracted. At least not me, but I'm not going to spam the forums with salty threads or anything like that.

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2 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

Clearly it's not, but giving a guesstimate like that makes it sound like "we're working on it and we expect to release it in a couple of months". 

Actually if you check This post you can see that DE wanted to give us Umbra asap after the Chinese exclusivity period ended. The problem started with the constant delays and all of the secrecy that started shortly after the 2 months from the previous tweet passed. That's were all of the harassment started, and as much as I disagree with it, I understand why some players lose their minds. Releasing The Vacuum Within claiming that it had been expected way longer than TWW quest, so it would be released before didn't help much since there's plenty of other things, such as Umbra, that have been waited since way before TSD was released.

I hope you're right on this, but the statement "Umbra will play a major role on the next cinematic quest" after having U18 and U19 named after the amazingly hyped cinematic quest they came with and seeing U20 to be named "Octavia's Anthem" is the main source of disappointment regardless of the few sneak peeks we have been given from the 30 pages of patch notes for the next update which have a lot of space to hide stuff.

That's exactly the excuse reason reason they gave to not release Umbra in late December 2015: "We want Umbra to be special and not get lost in a sea of releases" (in the context of Atlas, Nezha, Wukong and Ivara as the closest releases atm)

Source? Iirc, they said that Umbra was initially having a role in TWW but the script got scrapped and Umbra was delayed to the next cinematic quest.

It's sad, but after all the time waiting I expect nothing and I'm most likely going to be let down anyways. 

Forums are already raging with the balance passes, I'm not sure if this will be enough to keep players looking for umbra distracted. At least not me, but I'm not going to spam the forums with salty threads or anything like that.

Steve and Rebecca said it a couple of times in the U19 launch stream that the Umbra is planned post U20.  It was a 5+ hours stream, so I won't bother rewatching it but I know what I'm talking about. 

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On 3/22/2017 at 1:41 PM, ----Legacy---- said:

Well, so it means no umbra on U20 as it was expected regardless of players waiting for it since way before u18 (The Second Dream) was released.
Looking forwards to the next cinematic quest. in order to finally have a reason to jump back in game

Maybe it's a surprise :satisfied:

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23 hours ago, Death_Master_ said:

You mean years of teasing us and then done messily last week before announced deadline?

There hasn't been "years of teasing".

The devs had to speak out about it because China's version of Warframe had it. They mentioned a number of times during the huge "Umbra" hype months that they wanted to implement it correctly, and not shoe-horn it in.

Every other time Umbra was brought up, they stated they wouldn't talk about it.

The main hype fuel for Umbra is coming from the community, NOT the devs.

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