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Who else is excited for the Weapon Balance Pass?


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Partly a thread for showing off, partly a thread thanking the changes :P

Seen here:

Who else is ready? Keep in mind that I have these Rivens before the announced changes, and now I'm so happy :D




Got some more forma-ing to do, but I'll get there.

Show your appreciation to these underused weapons: maybe a Riven or an elaborately made, 6-forma build?

Edited by Beggining
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I'd be happy if this is simply Weapon Balance Pass: Phase 1 and look forward to further work on Weapons.

I do have an Attica with a Riven, could add a screen shot here later. Oh forgot about the Glax, I have one without a Riven though.



And my Glax has a tater and three formas atm too.


Edited by SPARTAN-187.Thanatos
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10 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I'd be happy if this is simply Weapon Balance Pass: Phase 1 and look forward to further work on Weapons.

Yeah, they've still got a lot of older weapons to look into (Convectrix, Despair, Tiberon, etc.) Hopefully they'll get around that.

10 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I do have an Attica with a Riven, could add a screen shot here later.

Please do :D

Funny thing about Attica is that I didn't know it existed until I got this Riven: I'm glad DE focused on crits instead of trying to mimick the (lovely) Zhuge's stats.

10 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

Oh, forgot about Glaxion; I have no riven for it, though.

Any love for these underused weapons :p

Edited by Beggining
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If i'm honest, i expected worse from reading the thread title. But hell, am i positively surprised. I really like how they've put some effort into these changes instead of just going "nerf to the ground" à la trinity. I didn't really expect the simulors or the teltace to get mechanic changes or even buffs like the heavy status increase for the simulor. I'm looking forward to test them out since they look kinda interesting. The tonkor nerf was just a matter of time so not really surprised there.

But looking at all these shiny buffs. Like wow, finally. And also another sign that they do indeed care about balance and not just using rivens as an excuse. The only thing i'm bit worried about is the glaxion damage buff. Not because it's not needed, it is. But, anyone who remembers glaxion capture targets should know what i mean. Just look at what happened to corpus techs after the supra buff.

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I'm happy to see Attica getting some love. I've enjoyed it since its release (yes, back when it was garbage) and it was the first Riven I picked up after The War Within (nobody was really sure what to charge for Rivens and I ended up getting it for 60 plat). Little bummed it's not a crit Riven, but it's still quite a nice one I think.


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9 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

But look at all these shiny buffs. Like, "wow, finally." It's another sign that they do indeed care about balance and not just using rivens as an excuse.

I was just as pleasantly surprised as you are XD

"What?! Balance? They didn't abandon that?"

10 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

The only thing I'm a bit worried about is the glaxion damage buff. Not because it's not needed, it is. However, anyone who remembers glaxion capture targets should know what I mean. Just look at what happened to corpus techs after the supra buff.

Yeah... *vietnam flashbacks to Techs shredding Defense Targets and Players in Sorties*

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Ecstatic. Literally leaped over my desk and tackled a coworker in an exuberant hug.

Well, not literally. But I'm pretty happy about it all, despite having only 2 of the weapons involved (Synoid Simulor and Tonkor). I'm happy about the nerfs. I've come to realize that there is a time and place for the Synoid Simulor, and that it's pretty much always "not now" and "not here."

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33 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

If i'm honest, i expected worse from reading the thread title. But hell, am i positively surprised. I really like how they've put some effort into these changes instead of just going "nerf to the ground" à la trinity. I didn't really expect the simulors or the teltace to get mechanic changes or even buffs like the heavy status increase for the simulor. I'm looking forward to test them out since they look kinda interesting. The tonkor nerf was just a matter of time so not really surprised there.

But looking at all these shiny buffs. Like wow, finally. And also another sign that they do indeed care about balance and not just using rivens as an excuse. The only thing i'm bit worried about is the glaxion damage buff. Not because it's not needed, it is. But, anyone who remembers glaxion capture targets should know what i mean. Just look at what happened to corpus techs after the supra buff.

To add to this, I hope they do the same to weapons like Machetes, Latos, Gorgons, Dual Daggers, etc. that need love.

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already listed my comments, so i guess just linking.

31 minutes ago, taiiat said:

no fixes for the mechanical problems that make Miter and Paracyst useless?
Charged Miter Blades are like 1/20th the size as uncharged, and Paracysts' aiming convergence makes shots go all over the place.
the former should just be fixed, the latter can be addressed by having the Projectile streams aim in a 'triangle' pattern, rather than completely converging on the aim point. i.e. shooting a triangle pattern that will adjust its size based on the distance of the target point, rather than having the Projectile streams intersect at the aiming point.

Tonkor Grenades being less bouncy? but how will i make sick trickshots then? that's my favorite part about the Weapon, bouncing Grenades off of half a dozen walls and Headshotting Enemies. :/
seriously, this is the best mechanical feature of the Weapon, that the Grenades are so awesome for Trickshots. please don't ruin that?

Ogris AoE should be even bigger.

no numbers at all about a Hind Semi-Auto Mode? also not really sure why a Burst Weapon would benefit from this.

if things like Panthera Alt-Fire are still going to use the Continuous Weapon Damage Model, at least increase the Status to 50 or 60%. so that it'll always be capping out the status.

- - - - - 

Harkpak is already tied as the king of Burst Weapons, with Sybaris Series. it doesn't really need the Crit Chance boost.
but okay.

increasing Crit Stats of Buzlok AND having Beacons give a Crit Bonus is overkill. i approve of the Beacon bonus, just don't stack it with increased Crit Stats by default as well.
or atleast only increase Crit Damage, and leave the Crit Chance increase to the Beacon?
additionally the Damage increase is a bit steep, better off at 50.

it sounds like you've probably made Attica a direct upgrade over Zhuge now. reversing the problem doesn't solve it.
one of these is a medium/heavy Crossbow, the other a light Crossbow. pick which one it is, and give Damage/Crit Stats to reflect that, as well as a Magazine Size to reflect that.
so one that puts down a lot of covering fire, another that hits hard.


- - - - - 

everything else looks good.
Simulor Series, unbeknownst to most of the Community, does have a lot of great unique features, and these adjustments will actually encourage Players to use those strong features, rather than ignoring them for simply mashing the fire button.

Boltace stuff sounds quite interesting.

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De plans to waste a LOT of people's money with this trash. They are going to fully ruin 3 weapons that are extremely popular, completely wasting all the catalysts and forma people invested in them, and barely buffing a few garbage tier PoS that people will STILL not use (outside of a few desperate hipsters). And no, DE. a single forma per weapon you are ruining is not going to cut it as 'compensation' when most of those use builds between 4 and 6 forma, plus the catalyst.

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personally, the tonkor nerf is something we've needed for a long time..

but I couldn't care less because my tonkor riven still makes it crit viable even with changes

I like the direction they're headed, buff less used (or S#&$e) weapons, and fix the clearly broken meta weapons

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5 minutes ago, taiiat said:

already listed my comments, so i guess just I'll link it.

I'll have to agree wih you on Hind: the fact that they only boost the stats on the Alt-fire creates the same problem as Stradavar: one mode is outright more useful than the other. The rapid fire mode can still be used for popping bubbles, but I feel like they have better potential, like spraying status procs :v

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2 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

De plans to waste a LOT of people's money with this trash. They are going to fully ruin 3 weapons that are extremely popular, completely wasting all the catalysts and forma people invested in them, and barely buffing a few garbage tier PoS that people will STILL not use (outside of a few desperate hipsters). And no, DE. a single forma per weapon you are ruining is not going to cut it as 'compensation' when most of those use builds between 4 and 6 forma, plus the catalyst.

not using meta weapons = desperate hipster


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49 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I'm happy to see Attica getting some love. I've enjoyed it since its release (yes, back when it was garbage) and it was the first Riven I picked up after The War Within (nobody was really sure what to charge for Rivens and I ended up getting it for 60 plat). Little bummed it's not a crit Riven, but it's still quite a nice one I think.


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hello fellow Attica user o/



I'm also stoked for Panthera/Miter/Buzlok/Ogris buff

Eventually, I'll need get Riven for Miter and Buzlok down the road.

I really look foward using them in Sorties/Raids <3 

Panthera Build:



Miter cooking



Ogris Build (I'll need figure out where fit riven though):



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Just now, Kyronz said:

Will have to wait and see, but it looks like they nerfed simulor into the ground for anyone not using mirage.

From what I read they seem shifted all damage toward alt-fire instead: so essentially another Penta w/o self damage essentially.

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