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Ignith Wraith free?? What a mistake


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Yesterday i finished the research of the bp, so i decided to give 20 ignith free, (daily).. and what a mistake it was,

I really regret that

I went to the trading chat, sent the msg: Free Ignith bp. PM for invite

and yes in fact, seconds and i was flooded with messages

I invited 18 players, and gave them the bp free,

On player insisted to give me 3 plats in return (thank you very much)

i logged out, and came back to the game after 1 hour, i went to the trade channel again to give away the remaining 2 bps

surprisingly, i saw some players who got the bp from me for free were trying to sell it in the channel for 5 or 10 plat.

What a shame and abuse

My move was to help tennos who did not get that weapon, and since it's in the dojo, i said why not?

But after seeing that, i guess my decision was wrong,.

Just wanted to take it off my chest and express my deception

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Sucks that this happened. But you know what they say about the philanthropist life: If you give to 10 beggars and 9 of them were faking it, be glad you were there to give to the 1 that needed.

Or something like that. I'm not... good at cheering people up. I commend you on your actions! Does that work? Agh.

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57 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

surprisingly, i saw some players who got the bp from me for free were trying to sell it in the channel for 5 or 10 plat.

an idea i've heard is that the secret to solving this is to bloat the market so damned full of free ignis wraith blueprints that noone asking to sell em for 1p could be taken seriously ;3P

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38 minutes ago, Sean said:

I just can't give things to random people for free.

People in the same clan as I or on my friends list? Sure.

But random people in trade chat? Nope.


I found going to the Bazaar and just asking for any Ayatans in exchange for the BP is far more rewarding to both parties involved in the trade as that means the person receiving the BP is less likely to go and sell it and I get one stop closer to achieving my goal of being at max capacity in the ship. Interestingly enough, I've had some pretty nice people come by and tossing more and more Ayatan Sculptures into the trade despite me continually hitting "ready" and even had a few people toss in some platinum as well. Again though, all I did ask for at the very minimum of one Ayatan Sculpture.

I'm going to try this.  I've had good luck today selling things at my usual prices but advertising "Comes with free Ignis Wraith!"

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thats not odd at all i have given alot  of them away and within minutes ive seen the same people trying to sell it in trade once they have it thats up to them.

Its a shame to see someone ask for it free then try to sell it but as they say karma is a b####h and may it forever affect there rng ...

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

Yesterday i finished the research of the bp, so i decided to give 20 ignith free, (daily).. and what a mistake it was,

I really regret that

I went to the trading chat, sent the msg: Free Ignith bp. PM for invite

and yes in fact, seconds and i was flooded with messages

I invited 18 players, and gave them the bp free,

On player insisted to give me 3 plats in return (thank you very much)

i logged out, and came back to the game after 1 hour, i went to the trade channel again to give away the remaining 2 bps

surprisingly, i saw some players who got the bp from me for free were trying to sell it in the channel for 5 or 10 plat.

What a shame and abuse

My move was to help tennos who did not get that weapon, and since it's in the dojo, i said why not?

But after seeing that, i guess my decision was wrong,.

Just wanted to take it off my chest and express my deception

Do not let the actions of those you helped bless with the item tarnish what you were attempting to do for others. You were a god of a player giving to the weak......some were grateful for your providence while others just saw a way to get easy plat. Who knows, you may have given hope to one of them that failed at getting the event weapon for whatever reason and your gift gave it to them.

Never be shocked by the actions of your fellow players as they are just humans. Besides, you took plat for one of them which was basically a sale as well. Your intentions in your mind are what count....not what others do with the item once given out (or sold by you). Hek, i want a second BP just to have in my FOUNDRY....and it looks like it will cost me something to get one. That is the life in this game.

Keep doing your thing and it will work out fine.

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2 hours ago, JSharpie said:

I'll be the minority here, but you gave them for free, they're no longer yours. You're judging people on what they chose to do with their free item. If you were worried about what they were going to do with it, then you shouldn't have given it away at all!

I have to agree.

There is a lot of Prime items and mods that I'd happily gift to players but since I don't want to deal with what OP is dealing with, I'm pretty stingy with what I give away and to whom. 

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40 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DShinShoryuken said:

Do not let the actions of those you helped bless with the item tarnish what you were attempting to do for others. You were a god of a player giving to the weak......some were grateful for your providence while others just saw a way to get easy plat. Who knows, you may have given hope to one of them that failed at getting the event weapon for whatever reason and your gift gave it to them.

Never be shocked by the actions of your fellow players as they are just humans. Besides, you took plat for one of them which was basically a sale as well. Your intentions in your mind are what count....not what others do with the item once given out (or sold by you). Hek, i want a second BP just to have in my FOUNDRY....and it looks like it will cost me something to get one. That is the life in this game.

Keep doing your thing and it will work out fine.

He insisted that i take 3 plat. I only asked for ammo drum 

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

Yesterday i finished the research of the bp, so i decided to give 20 ignith free, (daily).. and what a mistake it was,

I really regret that

I went to the trading chat, sent the msg: Free Ignith bp. PM for invite

and yes in fact, seconds and i was flooded with messages

I invited 18 players, and gave them the bp free,

On player insisted to give me 3 plats in return (thank you very much)

i logged out, and came back to the game after 1 hour, i went to the trade channel again to give away the remaining 2 bps

surprisingly, i saw some players who got the bp from me for free were trying to sell it in the channel for 5 or 10 plat.

What a shame and abuse

My move was to help tennos who did not get that weapon, and since it's in the dojo, i said why not?

But after seeing that, i guess my decision was wrong,.

Just wanted to take it off my chest and express my deception

While I agree that people can be underhanded...  not all of them are that way.  The ones who are obviously needed the platinum.  While selling the gift you gave them out of kindness is rotten... they still got value out of it.   So it's no loss on your part.

just make sure you aren't giving the same person multiple ones over the course of a week or so by personally writing their names down.  You've done your part (shown them kindness) and that isn't diminished by their greed.

edit: also keep an eye out for the low mr players the ones who message you out of the blue... they 'could' be a new account from one of those people trying to fool you. while it is stupid and against the ToS and very bannable... people will still do it.

Edited by achromos
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