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Why is there no high level content in the star chart?


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Not counting the Dojo, there are a total of 18 planets in the star chart. The highest level node caps out at level 45.

There isn't exactly a shortage of places for lower level players to enjoy. Why don't we have at least one planet with high level enemies? I'd like to see a planet or two with level 70 enemies.

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Because the Star Chart is 3 years old, with the newest locations being Lua and the Kuva Fortress. Then there's the Void, where the enemies can give you hell with those T4 damage modifiers.

But I think the idea is moving out of the Origin System at some point, so maybe the next System we land on will be higher level content.

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It is because to DE, anything above lvl50 instantly will be from sorties.

For normal starchart nodes, they made it that we have to slowly go from lvl45 to higher levels.

That is their mindset.

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Because you can be damn sure that within a week of there being a higher level planet on the star chart, there would be complaints about that high-level content being repetitive.

At least with sorties, kuva floods, endless fissures, and nightmare missions, there is a constantly changing range of higher level content to do, without it being in static missions that you can guarantee players would farm until they were sick of it, because they'll always do the easiest content for the highest rewards.

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18 minutes ago, Ajreil said:

I'd like to see a planet or two with level 70 enemies.

you are talking about "high level content" but request level 70 stuff?

for me "high level content" starts not earlier than level 200

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Just do any endless mission past 3 rotations and the enemy level should increase accordingly.

I also find strange that players want high level content when in sorties one thing players often do is just equip loki and just skip everything, no decoy, no disarm, no damage and especially no killing whatsoever, the only killing they ever do is in endless missions like defense or survival, also to make matters worse the players are still doing rescues as if it's their 1st time, like hacking the front door, being new to spy missions, only knowing fire hazard sabotage (especially when they know such thing will cause problems for themselves), so if they are still lacking on those missions when enemy level is like 5, why would they want enemy lvl to be 100?

I find the request for mathematical difficulty pointless when it's clear players aren't even ready for the most basic of missions, i remember once when i did a magnetic and ice sabotage, as soon i trigered the magnetic timer, someone asked me why was i doing ice, for those that are new to the game and don't know how insanely agravating this is, this question only points out that:

  • user can't read minimap (4 wps on ice vs 1wp on magnetic)
  • can't hear the hints from lotus (especially when she says specifically the hazard that will triger)
  • can't see what's going on (enemies attack you on ice vs enemies don't attack you)
  • the timer runs different (faster on magnetic, slower on ice, something you know after doing 2 sabotages)

That's so many mistakes that's it's unforgivable, these unprepared players appear pretty much in every sortie, you just need to see the signs, like placing wps on things that are marked, being lost, making insulting question like "is this ice hazard?", being new to a boss and asking what to do, using the front door on rescue, failing a spy vault, expecting others to kill and do everything, not reading sortie conditions, not knowing the tileset from watching the picture,.....

Do you honestly believe that these players are ready for high level content? they can't even bother do missions a 2nd time to do it in a different way when the enemy level is low.

I apreciate the care for high level content, but that's better if left for sorties, kuvas and endless missions, players already struggle alot for now.

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It would be quite simple to add a 'hardcore' tier of missions to every planet that increased the enemies' level by +100 to +200, or 10x, or whatever modifier was deemed appropriate, unlocked when you've cleared the entire starchart on normal difficulty.

24 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

It's DE long overdue homework on how to deal with people who love lvl9999.

Level 9999 enemies could be something that custom clan missions would allow, but I don't think that should be added to the starchart.

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2 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:


By that same logic why should DE write yet another mode that will become stagnant, dissected and ripped apart by players and complained about constantly within a day of its being implemented when challenging high level game play is already in the game for players willing to go to the trouble of getting there. 

People wanted more challenging mobs, DE made bursas, everyone complained bursas were to hard, now they're easy. DE made nullifiers, everyone complains about them DE reduces them to make them easier. Literally everything DE does that would add challenge to the game gets drummed out, watered down and complained about. 

Why should they make another excuse for people to complain?

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3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

By that same logic why should DE write yet another mode that will become stagnant, dissected and ripped apart by players and complained about constantly within a day of its being implemented when challenging high level game play is already in the game for players willing to go to the trouble of getting there.

Because all the code required to do this is already in the game, it would require minimal development and some tweaking of drop tables at most.

Why not take that small effort to give some optional additional content to veteran players?

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I think the question is, is it worth DE's time to do that? Who is the best group to focus their time on: starchart players, or "hard content starts at level 200" players?

I honestly don't know how it balances out, but I'd be surprised if the vast majority of players weren't casual starcharters. 

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