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Coming THURSDAY: Devstream #90!


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1. Can we expect a new set of Oddities soon?

2. Are there plans to add lore to all codex entries? Possibly integrating Synthesis findings into the appropriate codex entries so that we have access to them from our ship? Additionally, will we ever have a Simaris console on the ship, the way we have a Conclave console? There is an empty slot right next to Syndicates, and it would be really convenient. And speaking of Synthesis, are we ever getting a new target?

3. Is it possible to have all Challenges added as Steam achievements? A great number of them exist as both, but some Challenges (for example, Tenno of All Trades, Sword Alone, boss Challenges) are missing from Steam.

Thank you!

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Has there been any progress on making older quests replayable? The three we have so far are great, but there are a few others (Silver Grove, Hidden Messages, Natah) that I've been dying to play again.

There are still a few stances (Pointed Wind, Sinking Talon, both the polearm stances) that only have one or two non-basic combos attached. Are there any plans to revisit stances like that and add a bit more variety in combo options?

Any plans in the works for a non-Tenno katana weapon? Maybe some kind of Corpus laser blade? (All you have to do is say yes and I'll start throwing money at my screen.)

Any Corpus shotgun ideas on the table? Currently there's just the Convectrix, which...isn't really much of a shotgun, at least in the traditional sense. It'd be nice to see more.

Anything in store for Archwing at the moment? New weapons, new Archwings, new locales--anything?

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Salutations,It appears the team's back in the game...lovely!...also intriguing,what will we hear about in this stream,hmm...hopefully nothing of a soldier in Dubai

Now,as far as questions go;

...Can we see some love for our (spoiler) spoilers?

...such as interacting with pets,having a way of ...well,creating some sort of "emotion" while ingame...since,currently,if I try one of the new nartas with my spoiler,it appears like she wants to put a bullet in her skull ("Let me end it,make it stop")

...Can we have an option to start in the Orbiter with our Spoiler by default,now that...well ..you know

...could we see handshakes for them too?It doesn't have to even be the syndicate ones,despite loving them...a simple handshake will do,maybe the one we do in relays,clans and when the 2 players don't share the same syndicate

...could we see some actuall archwing in the kuva fortress (And here I shall also say thanks for adding the archwing extraction,and what is more,while talking wings,thanks for adding the option to toggle the "experimental flight mode") - im not asking for much,hell,even an intro,the one that we do in the war within will be more than enough....

...Kingpins....hah kingpins....will we see them soon(TM)...just recently I ended up in an active clan,with some rather cool folk,and such kingpin could unify us even more...odd enough but human and tenno alike bound the most when fighting common enemy

...Can you tease us,just a little bit,with what to expect of our new tenno saga....also,what happened to helminth...will that infested room be forever kept as nothing but,well....a virus cure?!...

Love ya',kisses hugs and coffee mugs!

Edited by UnknownCoffeeRebel
It appears I severely suck when it comes to English
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2 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

I think there is a disconnect between what is considered fun and challenging by the devs and the community. Invulnerable enemies are not fun. Enemies that force us to switch our strategies, prioritize and think are fun. What portions of the community say they want isn't always what is positively responded to.

What can we as a community do to help bridge this gap? What portions of the community say they want isn't always what is positively responded to.


Can we get a revisited melee system?

  1. With a two button melee system of light and heavy attacks combo will make more sense to use. Ambiguous timing that currently plagues the system with pauses can be removed all together. 
  2. Current charge attack can be replaced with heavy button press.

Two button melee system is one of the worst ideas ever and would probably upset (or make quit) half the pc playerbase; I agree with the first part though.

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- Oberon rework, whats the plan?
- Can we expect changes/additions to the music making function of Octavia?
- When will Baro Ki Teer have a new weapon again, like a prisma Gram or Orthos?
- When will we get Riven Mods for melee weapons?
- Ever though of putting weapon specific functions in Rivens like range extenders or syndicate effects like blight or other functions that change the weapon more?
- Will we ever return to the feeling of losing the fight that the game had in the beta, perhaps when reaching outside our solar system?

- what does the team think about my personal complaint that bosses do that have the fear factor they really should have?
Especially with the last octavia quest, I really dont think Hunhow should have been behind it, it seems...beneath him.
Here is Hunhow, the self proclaimed destroyer of worlds, turned into annoying little hacker dude, hell the lotus does not even bother chiming in, thats how much of a non-threat Hunhow has become.
Or take Kela, from unknown powerful position in the grineer leadership, having direct contact with the queens themselves...to ermm.. presenter...VJ if you will.
And us even being able to touch the queens also greatly deminishes the threat feeling the lore once had.
I feel warframe does that with pretty much all its bosses, we get overexposed to them, simply kick their &#! in some event and they lose all threat levels, its a bit like Dr Claw going "next time gadgeeeeet", you just feel sorry for the guy.
I feel it should be made more clear that in a straight up fight, someone like General Sargas would straight up murder any tenno that would attempt to take him on.

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Dear DE,

we all hear about Clem (yeah he's awesome, he's grineer so EVEN MOAR AWESOMENESS!!!) but where did John Proman go? Did he change work? Did he start feeling the corpus teams were too weak for him? Did he Open some kind of "space hot dog restaurant" in someway? Is he the one that took away the regular Machete from us? Don't tell me he openned a sushi-bar because of it PLEASE!

Edited by N3PTUNI4
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I think there needs to be a system where we can for say 5 plat reset your frame or weapon to "Foundry Default" where all forma and potatoes are taken off and and the frame is set to Unranked. The potatoes and and forma are not lost and returned to the player. This is for players like myself that after using forma for something then having that changed would like to "fix" it without putting in MORE forma. ex. i had forma'd my Frost Prime to function with only snow-globe when abilities still had mod cards(this was 5 forma) but now that this has changed and frost's abilities have changed(not by much) i would like to have the option to change his polarities without adding More forma. Now i'm not saying reset then be allowed to put all those forma back on right away, no i'm saying RESET the frame so i have to rank it to 30 for every forma again and i believe this would balance it out. Thank you for your time and consideration and if you could address this in the next live stream i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again and have a nice day.



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I know dojo additions are inbound: can you give us an idea of when we are looking at new rooms and decor?  Also what about being able to move the dojo's physical location in the system?  As far as rooms are concerned, will we be able to break the 100 room limit in the dojo? We have capacity and power to spare, but we are currently limited to 100 rooms per clan dojo. One last dojo question:  when will we be able to adjust the ambient lighting within dojo spaces: we really want to be able to dim or turn our lights out altogether in order to take advantage of all the lanterns we have made.  

One last question: I appreciate that the Kuva fortress is being integrated into sorties and alerts, but I would like to see Kuva (the resource) make it into the fortress as a cache award or as a dedicated reward in spy missions: it seems weird that we aren't able to find Kuva in the place that has Kuva in the name.  They gotta store it somewhere,right?

As always, thanks to DE for all you do,

Warframe Rocks! 

Edited by (PS4)THREEKLAW
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Are there plans to do another buff and rebalance pass on other underused weapons? Flux Rifle, Embolist, Convectrix, and Mire are some neat concept weapons that are not used much due to their low performance. Maybe put "Deth" into poor Dethcube?

Where does the Void stand in the developers' opinion? Is it finished, or is it being expanded upon in the future? We'd really like to know who or what this "Neural Sentry" the Lotus mentions, and how or why Vor became corrupted. Is this Neural Sentry responsible for fissures? Will the Void ever get a dedicated boss?

Is the Focus system getting a revision soon? It's had the beta tag on there for a while now with very minor changes.

Are there any plans for new Raids?

How is the Nef Anyo rework coming along?


Edited by Finedaible
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

You do not speak on behalf of the entire PC player base.

Or even half for that matter. You can only speak for yourself.

Passive-aggressiveness at its finest.
I can speak for the people I know as a statistic sample, and I can tell you that modifying the melee system in such a way would make melee combat unnecessarily clunky especially since we could use the parry button to trigger combos just like many stances already do, it should be polished but no need for a total rework.

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