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Passive--A percentage of all damage Osiris [that's his name now, heck off] takes is returned to his team as healing. If he has no team or all of his allies are at full shields and health, the damage is instead mitigated.

Mummify--Osiris wraps up enemies at a target location. They will be unable to move and deal reduced damage for the next 6 seconds.

Enlightenment--Osiris gains movement speed as he hovers in the air. Enemies beneath him will take damage and be forced to attack him. While hovering, his shields will recharge at 50% speed when he is taken damage.

Jesus, Take the Wheel--Osiris gets in a boat, then immediately gets out as Jesus drives it into enemies, damaging them and knocking them aside. Jesus only stops when he hits a wall. Osiris or allies near him can press C to drive the boat themselves for up to 4 seconds.

I Need Healing: While bleeding out, Osiris heals his team. If he dies, all allies are healed for a percentage of their health and shields. Also, Osiris may move around and use his melee weapon while bleeding out, but sustaining more damage makes him die sooner. He heals himself as he does damage, and if he heals himself above a certain point, he revives himself.

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3 hours ago, Nelizar said:

So far we've gotten almost no information as to the general feeling of the 'Frames power's besides the; "Supporting his allies at any cost" <-- Not sure as to the direct quote but, yeh!

What kind of power-set would you like with this upcoming 'Frame? Any unique idea's come to mind that may fit the theme of "Priest"?
Keep in mind as well, "Priest" in this sense can be a Priest of the Void, Priest of Souls, etc.

something that won't get nerfed after a month

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Couple suggestions: 





Now that my urge to reference FROM is out of the way:

Given that Pope Frameus the 33rd is going to come from the Red Veil this time, I'm thinking his name could play into some of their themes, one of which being "a Cleansing Fire".Having looked up this phrase, I was brought to a couple articles on Purgatory. With this in mind, I thought perhaps Pope Frameus the 33rd could probably have some kind of hermit/spiritual guide aesthetic to him.

I'm mulling over names like Charon, Janus, and Virgil.

Perhaps a name relating to the Geography of Purgatory and/or Hell could work too

perhaps named after one of the Rivers of Hell: Styx, Acheron, Cocytus, Lethe, Phlegeton

Though, scrapping these last ideas all together, perhaps something simple like Testament could work, assuming Ishiwatari doesn't catch wind of this

Times like this where I wish I could get into the Design Council and figure stuff like this out more often...

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11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Onyx Guarrd said:

If they don't decide on a name by themselves. It'll be a design council desision so, might as well wait till it happens. 

Nah, mate, Design Council could only give name suggestions. If DE see one fits the Priestframe, they'll apply it directly. Just like Octavia ... So many good names there, but they took Octavia instead. For me, Octavia is too common for a unique name.

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He will probably be a support frame, plus he is supposed to be highly accurate so...


Passive:  While standing still 33rd gains an armor bonus for each allies within range and increased accuracy for all weapons.

Unveil:  33rd flashes a symbol that marks the guilty within range, marked enemies will take increased damage.

Herald:  33rd begins chanting and reduces recoil and increases fire rate for all allies within range.

Absolution:  33rd kneels down and becomes stationary (armor bonus of passive activates), during this time nearby allies gain heavy health regen and minor energy regen. Status effects are also cleared once every 5 seconds.

Forfeit:  33rd sacrifices all armor to give all nearby allies a divine shield (think an aoe iron skin) OR 33rd makes a blood tribute losing 50% of current HP to fully restore all allies HP and 25% Energy, 33 gains full shields and minor HP regen for X seconds.


Also from his concept art and the introduction of the 1 handed pistol + 1 handed sword stance, id like to think he will use that incense burning mace and pistol at the same time, I can see him being able to charge up the mace like a glaive and throw out the incense pot to create a small aoe gas cloud that puts enemies to sleep.

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Immolo Deus = I sacrifice to the God. The literal meaning in context would be, "I sacrifice my enemies/life to God". For naming purposes, it could be transformed to 'Imoldeus'.

Relinquo in Deus = I leave to God. The literal meaning in context here is the literal translation, for example: "To protect my allies, I leave(/sacrifice myself) to God". For naming purposes it could be transformed into 'Relindeus'.

EDIT: Episcopus = Bishop/Pope. Literal meaning is literal I guess. Could be altered to 'Episco'/'Episcos' for more fluent pronounciation as a name.

Edited by Marceronni
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