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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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40 minutes ago, KotoKuraken said:

I have a potato for a computer, so I run on all low settings. I should be able to see the carpet regardless of the settings

I 100% agree, all i was saying is that it is visible if you turn your particles up.

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things that i think need to be fixed:

- raise base % damage done or don't divide damage among the orbs

- reverse the duration effect on renewal OR have phoenix renewal be effected by the armor buff

- increase base armor debuff, from his 4th, % to 40 and OR make it to where the armor debuff will stack( 2 uses of his 4th = 40% armor defuff at base)

Edited by (PS4)TwilightGrim
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things that i think need to be fixed:

- raise base % damage done or don't divide damage among the orbs

- reverse the duration effect on renewal OR have phoenix renewal be effected by the armor buff

- increase base armor debuff, from his 4th, % to 40 and OR make it to where the armor debuff will stack( 2 uses of his 4th = 40% armor defuff at base)

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Maybe not one as messy as the original, but it just needs more to it.

It's very hard to tell sometimes if you're actually ON the field. The original effect had a very clear border and a very distinct visual effect. This one does not, and it blends with other abilities, making the field rather vague. I can't be watching my buff bar constantly to see if I'm on the field or not.

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25 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

Oberon had many issues with his kit which were solved with this rework,


Indeed, I had a lot of problems with Smite killing low level mobs with the extra projectiles. I am extremely glad DE finally got rid of that troublesome feature, while at the same time keeping it from killing high level mobs as well. We dodged a serious bullet there.


I'm also glad they made sure to keep Hallowed Ground's damage low enough as to never be a factor in anything at all. I was concerned they might bring it up to a level where it might scratch a level 30 Lancer, but, again, DE came through in the end.


I am similarly pleased that they managed to both take away Renewal's infinite range, not increase the healing it delivers, AND still keep it's travel time on the heal. A truly spectacular feat of ability engineering.


And finally, the """"""armor strip"""""" they added to Reckoning is magnificent in it's devious worthlessness. They made quite sure to keep the percentage low enough to never matter at all: Anything with low enough armor for it to make a dent on dies instantly without stripping armor, and anything with high enough armor to be worth stripping has so much armor that Reckoning makes no meaningful difference in it's damage received. Combined with having to cast a separate, immobile ability first, is just icing on the trolly, douchebag cake.


Indeed, DE has outdone themselves with this Oberon """""""rework""""""". 12/10, would look forward to the Hydroid rework again.

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4 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Behold as I say this about basically every other frame in the game because most of them are just twists on basic concepts.

Yeah? Except they have their own things each in the game itself- they don't only borrow mostly from what already exists in the game. They have a more clear identity to them. Not really the same thing.

Edited by Echorion
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Smite projectile targeting is also awful. Still getting that thing where they all spin in a circle.

11 minutes ago, Elvangreen said:

inb4 Oberon prime with +heath or armor, and + energy pool.

Were his stats even buffed with the rework at all? He has practically no armour and his energy pool no longer fits his kit.

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1 hour ago, Aarnwulf said:

Just ran Sortie II as Oberon. However the theorycrafters want to slice it, and complain about it not being good enough, there were eleven revives needed in that mission, and ZERO needed for Oberon. He did a respectable 19% of the damage, in addition to having good utility and crowd control. Obviously, the other frames were all to squishy to actually heal in time, but Oberon himself is now viable there. Before, he was not.

Wait, you're saying you just did the corpus intercept secondary only with oberon and didn't die once. You're saying he now is viable there because of "good utility" and "crowd control". Before he was not? What? Am i missing a hidden super ability or how does he have crowd control now and before not? It's the same CC as before aside from maybe the chance-based carpet raditation traps. Let's go through the changes and your latest sortie experience:

You said yourself that healing your mates wasn't possible so that part falls away. Smite does scaling damage now but it's so measly, that i highly doubt you were doing much with it there. Hallowed Ground now CAN proc radiation and thus you can theoretically lay down carpets where when enemies trip on it, they attack each other which can be pretty nice. But at the end it's still just radiation proc, which he could always do by spamming his 4 and he still can. Now his 4 does bonus damage upon rad proced enemies which doesn't scale and easily falls and the armor debuff while being cool, you gotta have to spam it to really strip the armor away. Also not really useful against corpus.

So all i can dig out of your message is that you just performed well enough with how you were playing probably due to much ingame experience. But that doesn't mean oberon itself is a good frame. With a good weapon, maybe even cc heavy team or just dodging good enough you theoretically don't even need abilities at all. Fact is, he is better than before. But not MUCH better. I'd go as far and say not better enough. He could really need some higher numbers in his abilities, then i might consider otherwise. He really needs more than just that

And frankly, just saying you performed without deaths in a sortie doesn't mean much. And then go and say "whatever facts and numbers theorycrafters bring, oberon is good enough because i didn't die" doesn't help it either. If we're going that route, Oberon is now just as "viable" as before. There are FAR better frames for CCing. Also leaving that here to show what i mean: "Before, he was not." Yes he was. You just had to try hard enough:



Sortie 2 Grineer Interception. Eximus Stronghold. No deaths. Zenurik focus was used.

TL;DR: You can do sorties with oberon, yes. But as oberon you're just gimping and nerfing yourself.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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5 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

It's a graphic settings issue. I have heard others who have tested it have said that on the lower settings, with particle effects turned down, it is essentially impossible to see. It probably needs a visual overhaul so its easier to see it on lower graphic settings. 

I have it maxed and the field is still hard to see sometimes.

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I agree.

Personally i really liked the old hallowed grounds effects. I honestly cant even see the new hallowed ground,and i've tried 10 different colors of varying shades. Like its literally invisible. I play warframe on the minimum settings and in windowed mode, so maybe thats it. But the only way i know i'm on hallowed ground is if i look at my buff indicators. 

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14 minutes ago, Buddhakingpen said:

I agree.

Personally i really liked the old hallowed grounds effects. I honestly cant even see the new hallowed ground,and i've tried 10 different colors of varying shades. Like its literally invisible. I play warframe on the minimum settings and in windowed mode, so maybe thats it. But the only way i know i'm on hallowed ground is if i look at my buff indicators. 

I have most settings maxed out and it's still a pain to see. It's practically invisible on lower settings.

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Honestly i have no clue why Oberon has hollowed ground as his 2 and renewal as his 3, they are not strong enough on their own to do what new do now. Renewal and hollow ground need to be rolled into one ability, now that it works with an expanding ring, healing as it does now, applying hollowed ground to the floor as it passes, giving people regen, status immunity and Oberon's armor value + power strength when they stand on the hollowed ground. As soon as you leave the hollowed ground, you loose the status immunity and armor buff, but keep the regen for a duration that is affected by duration mods.

Then he could have reckoning move to his 3 and a new ability replace as his 4.

That is a rework, what DE did was screw up because they took the short way out, again.

Edited by Darkvramp
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If we're being honest he needs a real rework with a new kit that just makes him into a guardian (like a king protecting his people) with a nature aspect and solve the identity crisis once and for all. I mean he's only a paladin in name only and a druid because he looks like malfurion's not talked about distant cousin who knows basic parlor tricks.

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28 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Wait, you're saying you just did the corpus intercept secondary only with oberon and didn't die once. You're saying he now is viable there because of "good utility" and "crowd control". Before he was not? What? Am i missing a hidden super ability or how does he have crowd control now and before not? It's the same CC as before aside from maybe the chance-based carpet raditation traps. Let's go through the changes and your latest sortie experience:

You said yourself that healing your mates wasn't possible so that part falls away. Smite does scaling damage now but it's so measly, that i highly doubt you were doing much with it there. Hallowed Ground now CAN proc radiation and thus you can theoretically lay down carpets where when enemies trip on it, they attack each other which can be pretty nice. But at the end it's still just radiation proc, which he could always do by spamming his 4 and he still can. Now his 4 does bonus damage upon rad proced enemies which doesn't scale and easily falls and the armor debuff while being cool, you gotta have to spam it to really strip the armor away. Also not really useful against corpus.

So all i can dig out of your message is that you just performed well enough with how you were playing probably due to much ingame experience. But that doesn't mean oberon itself is a good frame. With a good weapon, maybe even cc heavy team or just dodging good enough you theoretically don't even need abilities at all. Fact is, he is better than before. But not MUCH better. I'd go as far and say not better enough. He could really need some higher numbers in his abilities, then i might consider otherwise. He really needs more than just that

And frankly, just saying you performed without deaths in a sortie doesn't mean much. And then go and say "whatever facts and numbers theorycrafters bring, oberon is good enough because i didn't die" doesn't help it either. If we're going that route, Oberon is now just as "viable" as before. There are FAR better frames for CCing. Also leaving that here to show what i mean: "Before, he was not." Yes he was. You just had to try hard enough:

  Reveal hidden contents


Sortie 2 Grineer Interception. Eximus Stronghold. No deaths. Zenurik focus was used.

TL;DR: You can do sorties with oberon, yes. But as oberon you're just gimping and nerfing yourself.

This so much!

Thus, my suggestions

Your thoughts on the changes?

Would be better than now?

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10 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Oh good, I thought I couldn't see it because of my low settings, glad to be wrong.

That's not helping, because as I said it is significantly more of a pain to see on low settings, but it's not just that, so yes.

Even if it just had a clearly defined border like the original effect, it'd be a huge improvement.

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1 hour ago, Phyrak said:

Give it a 20m boost in range from 15m along with making is circle rather than cone.

Agree on this, don't agree it should be a complete circle.  It is difficult to tell due to the vfx being so hard to see but my "angle" is currently 240.75 with 175 power strength, that is nearly a full circle already.  Having the angle scale with PS is a great idea and I wish other cone abilities did the same.

Also don't agree it should have a self aura buff.  You are sanctifying the ground, not yourself.  As much disdain as I have for the "Faerie King" to be a holy paladin, it makes sense to leave it on the ground.  

Although and again its hard to tell right now, but it would be nice if it traveled across the ground's elevations.  It can be cast in mid-air, does that leave the sanctification in the air or does it travel the ground up and down valleys and such or is it a flat effect that could levitate in the air?

1 hour ago, Phyrak said:

Renewal has been given a buff in armour...which is a little iffy at times...and a nerf to range

Agreed here, the duration based is just silly.  This ability was the only 'faerie' effect that I actually liked.  Motes of energy or willow wisps as it were that traveled the air regardless of range to reach allies anywhere made it so neat.

Also I tested it just now and it no longer increases bleedout timers on allies.  Bug?

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7 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

There's a bug with renewal, heal duration takes negative effect regarding power duration, it even decreases the more you level it up.

Heal duration is inversely affected by Power Duration. It's so people who build positive Power Duration can shorten the heal time, letting their teammates heal faster.

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4 minutes ago, Darkvramp said:

Honestly i have no clue why Oberon has hollowed ground as his 2 and renewal as his 3, they are not strong enough on their own to do what new do now. Renewal and hollow ground need to be rolled into one ability, now that it works with an expanding ring, healing as it does now, applying hollowed ground to the floor as it passes, and giving people regen, status immunity and Oberon's armor value + power strength when they stand on the hollowed ground. as soon as you leave the hollowed ground, you loose the status immunity and armor buff, but keep the regen for a duration that is affected by duration mods.

Then he could have reckoning move to his 3 and a new ability replace as his 4.

This is a rework, what DE did was screw up because they took the short way out, again.

There could also be other things being worked on behind the scenes that we do not know about

Such that certain things must be pushed - this means that reworks such as obe come out as they do

Just a thought

I think the excal rework took a similar time if memory serves

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5 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

There's a bug with renewal, heal duration takes negative effect regarding power duration, it even decreases the more you level it up. 18121636_1649560221738672_16722182409915

Forgive me for being a plebeian, but wouldn't heal time dropping but the amount of the heal increasing over that shorter duration mean it heals you for more in a shorter period of time?

Looking at this picture, the only beef I have is that this is the exact opposite of what Phoenix Renewal is for... still. Phoenix Renewal benefits from keeping up Renewal as long as possible to prevent your allies from dying entirely.

As a Varazin player, I want all them heals and having nobody go down whatsoever (and if they do go down, I get them up just about instantly).

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1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

Agree on this, don't agree it should be a complete circle.  It is difficult to tell due to the vfx being so hard to see but my "angle" is currently 240.75 with 175 power strength, that is nearly a full circle already.  Having the angle scale with PS is a great idea and I wish other cone abilities did the same.

Also don't agree it should have a self aura buff.  You are sanctifying the ground, not yourself.  As much disdain as I have for the "Faerie King" to be a holy paladin, it makes sense to leave it on the ground.  

Although and again its hard to tell right now, but it would be nice if it traveled across the ground's elevations.  It can be cast in mid-air, does that leave the sanctification in the air or does it travel the ground up and down valleys and such or is it a flat effect that could levitate in the air?

Agreed here, the duration based is just silly.  This ability was the only 'faerie' effect that I actually liked.  Motes of energy or willow wisps as it were that traveled the air regardless of range to reach allies anywhere made it so neat.

Also I tested it just now and it no longer increases bleedout timers on allies.  Bug?

Not the factor of self sanctifiction, rather bringing the sanctification with you as you go - wf is a game of mobility

Having both is a buff obe needs

I think they're keeping obe as a paladin as that is what the game files say he is even though he has the aesthetics of a druid

Renewal needs a buff to pulse out said orbs along with where it is now to save allies who are far off

Yes, I do think it is a bug - report it in the bugs forum

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