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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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2 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Ironicly alot do accordign to alot of builds i seen.

Working with Rage, Primed Flow and Quick Thinking is effective enough for me with, rather going on survibalbility then pure strength.

I'm working with rage and streamline only, got 75% energy efficiency but I still manage all of my power with Syndicate weapons/energy drops and maybe one energy pizza every 20 minutes when a parasite shows up.

I prefer to have a little mix of efficient survivability with renewal and a better/more powerful usage of Smite/hallowed ground and reckoning.
Still no energy issues to be seen though.

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22 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

This isn't just about giving Oberon energy, it's about making a frame other than Trinity grant energy to other frames.

this will be an problem, since oberon become already useful like he is right now (or even inside an team that use Rage, since he can regenerate health constantly and give one life every 90 seconds with Phoenix Renewal), but let this feature to other frames

anyway, there's already other ways than trinity to regenerate energy:

- Blight and Entropy weapons can help (Supra, Gammacor Synoid, Cernos Rakta, Kunai...)

- Rage can covert some on your health's damage to Energy

- Octavia's passive give 1 energy regeneration for 30 seconds whenever she use an ability for herself and allies nearby

- Limbo's rift grant 2 energy per second

- Harrow (the new upcoming warframe) will become the official 2nd frame to actively regenerate energy for allies with this 3° skill Thurible

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Yeah I am not really talking about Oberon's personal energy. I carry tons of energy pizzas for that. But if Oberon is supposed to be as much of a support frame as Trinity they need to be able to perform the same roles (but differently).

Nekros can do something similar, but he cant really heal the group or protect his allies directly. He is a support frame in the indirect sense. Meat shields, pooping health/energy orbs and fear. No onw takes a Nekros thinking "dont worry, he will keep the group alive". So he and Oberon can have some overlap in that regards.

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7 minutes ago, Crashen said:

Yeah I am not really talking about Oberon's personal energy. I carry tons of energy pizzas for that. But if Oberon is supposed to be as much of a support frame as Trinity they need to be able to perform the same roles (but differently).

Nekros can do something similar, but he cant really heal the group or protect his allies directly. He is a support frame in the indirect sense. Meat shields, pooping health/energy orbs and fear. No onw takes a Nekros thinking "dont worry, he will keep the group alive". So he and Oberon can have some overlap in that regards.

If anything, Trinity's role as a support is outdated, she's too centered on giving energy and keeping blessing and link up to actually fight the enemy...
Oberon and Nekros are free of will in that matter, they can give support abilities, but it's mostly indirect and they're not forced to.
I'd rather have Trinity be brought to their pace.

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Did anyone ever stop to consider that the issue was Trinity herself, and not that frames couldn't act similarly to Trinity?

The energy economy in the game is already horrendously broken with energy pizzas, Zenurik, and probably most (in)famously, Trinity's Energy Vampire.

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I just want to be able to pick oberon, and know he is good at something. Not be like "I will take oberon because I can...oh wait...no I should probably take this frame instead for that"

I don't really care what changes they make to get him to that point as long as it happens. 

Edited by Echorion
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2 minutes ago, Echorion said:

I just want to be able to pick oberon, and know he is good at something. Not be like "I will take oberon because I can...oh wait...no I should probably take this frame instead for that"

I don't really care what changes they make to get him to that point as long as it happens. 

He's already good, if not great, after his rework.

Frames don't need to infringe upon another frame's identity just to "be good".

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16 minutes ago, Crashen said:

But if Oberon is supposed to be as much of a support frame as Trinity...

He's not.

16 minutes ago, Crashen said:

No onw takes a Nekros thinking "dont worry, he will keep the group alive".

I actually have a build specifically for this. Turns out Soul Survivor can be very useful.

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4 minutes ago, Echorion said:

I just want to be able to pick oberon, and know he is good at something. Not be like "I will take oberon because I can...oh wait...no I should probably take this frame instead for that"

I don't really care what changes they make to get him to that point as long as it happens. 

You underestimate his ability to be good at something then. He has everything to clear the current game and hold his own.

Other warframes with 100% armor stripping, 40 meters CC and 99% damage reduction are the one who break the balances, you're never going to take any other frame if you always look for the one warframe that does everything 500% better than any other. ( that's a mathematical exaggeration in number, but you get the idea )

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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7 minutes ago, Vargras said:

He's already good, if not great, after his rework.

Frames don't need to infringe upon another frame's identity just to "be good".

No, but having their own would be nice, which is my point. He doesn't really have an identity, he almost does now I suppose, but it's not quite there yet.

Also I wouldn't say he is great after the rework, he still feels like he could use some improvements, it's why this thread and others still exist for example.

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I know I for one, used to rag on Oberon a lottt before his rework, and now I am linda eating those words because his updated kit makes you feel like a true Field Medic and Support. Sure, his 1 could be coded differently to offset the weird scaling calculations that are currently implemented, but other than that, I'd say he is in a good place to at least be considered viable. And I am happy about that.

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14 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

People that have trouble with Oberon's energy fall into one of four categories:

1) They place too much emphasis on Strength and not enough on Efficiency.

2) They keep Renewal toggled on for too long (you can turn it off prematurely and still benefit from Iron Renewal)

3) They keep Renewal toggled on because of Phoenix Renewal and there is a Nekros in the party (Guardian Derision helps with this by pulling aggro to yourself and allowing you to stay topped up via Rage) This problem also doesn't exist if you have Arcane Energize, but its not necessary.

4) Similar to the first, they are modding Oberon incorrectly. Vitality+Primed Flow+Rage with max efficiency will allow you to stay topped up in energy. Add in Phoenix Renewal for a 90 second safety net (keep in mind that once every 90 seconds if you die you come back to life with essentially max health and energy)

Another thing with rage+iron Phoenix- if you aren't dying Evey 90 seconds, you can use the safety net of iron Phoenix to top you off on energy.

Its not too hard to gain energy from rage, CC, then escape.

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So, the way renewal currently works, if you(oberon) enters a nullifier bubble, the buff(s) are stripped from you. However, renewal still remains active. On one hand, this is nice because it doesn't instantly gip your teammates of their buff, but on the other hand, you still have to cancel it manually and reapply it to yourself every time you touch a nullifier bubble of you want the buff(and you probably do).

However, if a teammate enters a nullifier bubble, they lose all of their buffs. I would expect that to happen. HOWEVER, this means that if you want to keep all three of your teammates buffed for the duration of a coprus mission, it will inevitably devolve into constantly cancelling and reapplying renewal to you and your team.

Perhaps this could be tweaked so that the buff is reapplied to allies who exit a nullifier bubble? As compensation, the buff could cancel when you(oberon) enters a nullifier bubble.

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Allies entering a bubble and losing a buff you've given them is literally how every other buff in the game works so Renewal doesn't deserve special treatment just because you don't want to reapply it.

It only being removed from you, if you cast it and enter a bubble, is awkward but I prefer it that way. Sometimes I'm not so worried about keeping myself alive as I am my team.

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10 hours ago, Aimop95 said:

Mag has always been on the roster of Warframes the "community" thinks needs to be buffed. Because her rework feels unfinished. It'd be like if DE stopped with the Oberon changes after their first implementation. 


At this point I'd just love it if Pull could reliably drag people where I want them to be instead of ragdolling them to infinity and beyond.

I feel like the pull ragdoll is intentional. Because pull actually used to just pull all enemies directly in front of mag, and they changed it.

Also, a lot of people think a lot of frames need a buff. Pretty much if you arent loki, ivara, frost,mesa,octavia, nidus or nekros, rest assured there are sizable chunks of the community calling for your frame to get a buff. The community on the whole doesnt know how to deal with what is, only what they want things to be. 


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15 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

People that have trouble with Oberon's energy fall into one of four categories:

1) They place too much emphasis on Strength and not enough on Efficiency.

2) They keep Renewal toggled on for too long (you can turn it off prematurely and still benefit from Iron Renewal)

3) They keep Renewal toggled on because of Phoenix Renewal and there is a Nekros in the party (Guardian Derision helps with this by pulling aggro to yourself and allowing you to stay topped up via Rage) This problem also doesn't exist if you have Arcane Energize, but its not necessary.

4) Similar to the first, they are modding Oberon incorrectly. Vitality+Primed Flow+Rage with max efficiency will allow you to stay topped up in energy. Add in Phoenix Renewal for a 90 second safety net (keep in mind that once every 90 seconds if you die you come back to life with essentially max health and energy)

You forgot the people that think they need to constantly press 2 and then spam 4, whether they keep Renewal up or not. They are their own group, they exist, and they are the worst of the bunch.

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That what I did the othere day in a 55min corpus survival.  Was hard to keep the energy up as the recasting holy ground for the armor each time cost me a fortune. But it was fun and tense in the end but luckly I have the focus with instant revives. As the rest of the team was falling like domino in the end so had to run around picking them up.  But I just love oberon how he feels as a support frame he my favorite non tank frame.  But Still don't get why ppl complain he squishy for I was only going down 1 time when I accidently hit a nullifer.

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Well I think that the way it should work is if Oberon enters a nullifier bubble, everyone should have the buffs stripped, since it is pretty much a channeled ability anyways, it should only work if the ability is being channeled. However, I don't think allies should get it if they leave a nully bubble. Renewal acts as a wave-like ability, so maybe if the ally catches the wave again (assuming it's still travelling) then they should get it back, but no other buff ability refreshes itself on allies if they enter and leave a nullifier bubble.

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3 minutes ago, Emolition said:

That what I did the othere day in a 55min corpus survival.  Was hard to keep the energy up as the recasting holy ground for the armor each time cost me a fortune. But it was fun and tense in the end but luckly I have the focus with instant revives. As the rest of the team was falling like domino in the end so had to run around picking them up.  But I just love oberon how he feels as a support frame he my favorite non tank frame.  But Still don't get why ppl complain he squishy for I was only going down 1 time when I accidently hit a nullifer.

 Try getting fleeting expertise with streamline for 175 efficiency. Strength will take a sizeable hit but abilities won't cost very much.

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33 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

You forgot the people that think they need to constantly press 2 and then spam 4, whether they keep Renewal up or not. They are their own group, they exist, and they are the worst of the bunch.

Eh, it's just the fact that people don't know.  I mean it's not like Oberon is the most played frame.  Most people (at least at this time) don't know that they just have to have his carpet down and as long as renewal is up and targeting a team-mate they can and will be buffed once they touch the carpet (aka hallowed ground).

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