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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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Yeah, definitely not feeling the plants. Especially considering his other abilities aren't plant-based either. I'd settle for the old carpet, though improved effects would be nice. The current one you can barely see with a lot of energy colors, it's too flat.

I get a holy fire vibe from his kit, not a plant master vibe. He's supposed to be a paladin after all. The plants seem like something that would work better on a unique frame.

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Their direction is now clear for Oberon to have a mixture of classic paladin's righteousness/"faith" and druidic nature's themes combined, going as far as to name Oberon Prime "King of the Forest".

As much as a defender as I was of the flames, if that's their current vision, then let it be. But for God's sake change the description.

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I could go for a mix of "ethereal plants" (translucent, glass-like, iridescent) and planet-specific ones if available.  It will look kind of strange to have lush green grass growing out of rusty Grineer deck plates, or the snowpack on Europa

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29 minutes ago, Momaw said:

Grineer deck plates

How about Vestan Moss?

29 minutes ago, Momaw said:

snowpack on Europa


Still...otherwise I'm kind of...unsure on the foliage as yet. Purifying a space may be what Hallowed Ground does but I'd rather that purification to be reflective of the space, if that makes sense?

Oh well. If nothing else, if it at least looks alright can get used to it, perhaps.

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1 hour ago, Momaw said:

I could go for a mix of "ethereal plants" (translucent, glass-like, iridescent) and planet-specific ones if available.  It will look kind of strange to have lush green grass growing out of rusty Grineer deck plates, or the snowpack on Europa

Yeah, this is my problem with it.

I'm fine if they want plants but I want them to make sense and not look so tacky. Can't wait to go to Uranus and grow grass out of the metal rafters and underwater rocks!

The demo we were given made the ferns from the Prime look terrible, as well. I imagined they'd do a grow effect then have them wilt and die as the power wore off. Not pop in and pop back out of existence. I'd honestly prefer the Prime to get grass and flowers instead of... ferns.

2 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

Their direction is now clear for Oberon to have a mixture of classic paladin's righteousness/"faith" and druidic nature's themes combined, going as far as to name Oberon Prime "King of the Forest".

As much as a defender as I was of the flames, if that's their current vision, then let it be. But for God's sake change the description.

This has nothing to do with going against their vision so much as, "you are saying one thing and doing another." If they change the description, that's fine. But they still need to not make a moon on Jupiter grow grass and ferns when I use the power.

I've been a big supporter of the idea of making it Earth exclusive because the foliage they're choosing makes sense there. Make the foliage make sense and I won't be fully happy, but I will be happy enough to not worry about it. Keep the foliage as just plain grass and... ferns... and I won't be happy at all unless there's a toggle option so I can just see the glowy energy bit.

Edited by Chipputer
uranus is under water, not under ground.
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1 hour ago, Chipputer said:

Yeah, this is my problem with it.

I'm fine if they want plants but I want them to make sense and not look so tacky. Can't wait to go to Uranus and grow grass out of the metal rafters and underwater rocks!

The demo we were given made the ferns from the Prime look terrible, as well. I imagined they'd do a grow effect then have them wilt and die as the power wore off. Not pop in and pop back out of existence. I'd honestly prefer the Prime to get grass and flowers instead of... ferns.

This has nothing to do with going against their vision so much as, "you are saying one thing and doing another." If they change the description, that's fine. But they still need to not make a moon on Jupiter grow grass and ferns when I use the power.

I've been a big supporter of the idea of making it Earth exclusive because the foliage they're choosing makes sense there. Make the foliage make sense and I won't be fully happy, but I will be happy enough to not worry about it. Keep the foliage as just plain grass and... ferns... and I won't be happy at all unless there's a toggle option so I can just see the glowy energy bit.

Why? Because you don't like it, mainly? I mean, don't take me wrong here because everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, but this is a bit, well...

Should I remind everyone this is the same game where you get to play space kids with powers controlling metal and infested golems flying in space and on practically places where you shouldn't even be allowed to breathe as we fight decaying clones and spacesuit guys as we can bring back the whole Moon out of a pocket dimension?

Also, ethereal plants will look terrible. Mainly because they're going to be confused with the ground energy at certain angles and distances.

Edited by NightmareT12
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13 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Why? Because you don't like it, mainly?

Yes. It also makes no sense to grow Earth plants on a non-earth planet(oid).

You ignored the rest of the post and pointed out that one part when I gave you the why within the same reply.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

Sorry OP. Gonna have to disagree with you. This is WF space magic at work here. If fire weapons can hurt Ember than HG can sprout plants on Uranus. Lol

"WF Space Magic" isn't an excuse for something to not make sense when it easily can with a small(ish) tweak. Ember being able to be hurt is a game balance issue, not a distracting visual thing.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


We are arguing about what plants should spawn but...



No one else weirded out by the fact he can spawn plants...with radiation?

Its an antithesis of life yet it spawns plants?

Not even void magic can ignore logic to this extent. 



The radiation can also be 'holy light'. And plants love light :D

I would agree with something more ethereal though. Maybe some small glowing flowers in the midst of the grass/ferns to break up the greenery.

Edited by RunningTree3
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57 minutes ago, RunningTree3 said:

I would agree with something more ethereal though. Maybe some small glowing flowers in the midst of the grass/ferns to break up the greenery.

Its not that i care really its just so weird that we have a -Protects Nature Frame- with...


RADIATIIIOOOOON. Nuka-a-world the frame.


1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

Because Warframe is all about that logic. Because we play this game because of its scientific accuracy.

Exactly! Glad im not alone!


We should totally exchange information and discuss this further!

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