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Is this the end....?


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Do you ever stop and think, that after the stuff DE are mentioning for the future (frames, weapons, missions, umbra, all that stuff), that that'll be it?

Like after all that stuff is released, DE can't possibly add in more? Or are you constantly thinking further and further ahead of what could and might come? I personally feel like at some point DE has to stop or slow down. Either that, or they have some insanely creative people working at DE to constantly pump out really awesome content.

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they've already put themselves (willingly, I might add), in a situation where they are now expected to constantly come out with new content. I don't know what their ideas are for the future or if I'll like them, but they have to keep going now or else people will notice and/or get salty.

some may argue that DE should focus more on revitalizing older content before focusing on new content, but this doesn't seem to be DE's way of doing things.

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They've already stated that because the game constantly evolves and changes, it's unlikely to end any time soon. In 2 years, the game won't be the same game as it is now, just like it's not the same game it was when it started.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:


they've already put themselves (willingly, I might add), in a situation where they are now expected to constantly come out with new content. I don't know what their ideas are for the future or if I'll like them, but they have to keep going now or else people will notice and/or get salty.

some may argue that DE should focus more on revitalizing older content before focusing on new content, but this doesn't seem to be DE's way of doing things.


eventually, they'll have to come back to older content. Cause as the game evolves, anything released will eventually become older content. I mean, they recently reworked limbo, but I remember when limbo first came out. It feels weird, cause limbo for me was always 'new' ish as a frame, but now it's old enough to need a rework. But I wonder what DE will do when they do stop. Like, DE are very community orientated and talk about stuff with the community. If they're only now doing year 2 of their own convetion, I could imagine another 3 to 5 years. But what happens after that? What if the main guys leave and it's all handed to other people? What happens to the game. At some point, every game finishes it's life. Unless it still remains an evolving game (which is possible), I feel at some point, balancing and scaling with so many frames and weapons is going to be impossible. By 2018, there'll be nearly 50 frames. (or nearly 40 unique frames). That's a lot to try and balance.

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2 minutes ago, Fugana said:

that looks awesome :P I wonder how much our current space is compared to this? Are we getting entire new levels and heaps of new rooms? And I feel like, what are we gonna use all that for? There's so many possible things to do with this stuff.

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They've metion several times that they have like 40 frame-ideas in line. The possibilities are infinite and that is without considering new gameplay mechanics that could always open the door to new ideas.

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World of Warcraft was released in 2004, currently (13 years later) it has about 5.5 million active players. Not going anywhere soon it seems.

Warframe has a much more original (I mean, orcs and elves, how D&D can it get :P) world to play in and as such has incredible flexibility. So from where I'm standing WF has great potential to become bigger then WoW ever was. I personally don't think WF is going away anywhere soon...

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Tbh, I don't think they'll stop,  however, I don't feel like it'll all be connected properly or worthwhile eventually.

So far, the full story of Warframe has come in dribs and drabs. It feels very disjointed when playing the quests, and makes very little sense a lot of the time.

The problem with this, is Warframe was originally designed as just... well a game, something fun that they could finally work on as their final project. However, as it became more successful they realised a story was needed, and so they began developing one, but because the game was already in place, the story started off in a very strange place. After everything is established and grounded in the world, so they've had to try and improvise it by making things as they go, which imo, is a very poor way to make the story.

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They said on one of their Dev streams recently that once you let someone become a puddle there are infinite things to do. They said something like when they were trying to get someone to publish (i think) the people were concerned that they would have trouble making new ideas for frames back when they only had like 4. Now they have so many d:

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34 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Well, the game DOES have a hard stop, doesn't it? Once we hit MR 30, I'm not sure what they'll do. That seems far off, but we're already getting close to 24.

they could easily add more tbh

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