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Yes, someone has to say it.


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Saryn nuke has been dead for ages.

Limbo nuke has been recently obliterated.

Nidus doesn't meet usual nerf standards (being picked over everything else, having map clears. Also he did get a nerf to his passive)


Edited by BeeOverlord
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2 minutes ago, BeeOverlord said:


Saryn nuke has been dead for ages.

Limbo nuke has been recently obliterated.

Nidus doesn't meet usual nerf standards (being picked over everything else, having map clears. Also he did get a nerf to his passive)


no, no limbo nuke has not
i just watched someone yesterday on hydron use a build that is not something that can even be considered as legitimate game playing

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1 minute ago, perdigm said:

no, no limbo nuke has not
i just watched someone yesterday on hydron use a build that is not something that can even be considered as legitimate game playing

Those enemis are only like level 30-40. Even a Lato can one-hit those with a proper build.

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19 minutes ago, perdigm said:

no, no limbo nuke has not
i just watched someone yesterday on hydron use a build that is not something that can even be considered as legitimate game playing

This is why we can't have nice things.


23 minutes ago, Xionyde134 said:

You're a little late, m8. All of them already got nerfed.


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18 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Those enemis are only like level 30-40. Even a Lato can one-hit those with a proper build.

Lol at people asking for nerfs against things that can clear lvl 30-40 enemies. A naked Frost can clear those.

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With this again... Stop treating "nuke" frames like if they're the cancer of the entire game just because they don't suffer from line of sight.

Like, seriously, this is all that you nerf fanboys see: omg it killed enemies with its ability. Really op! Must nerf

We really don't have many nuke frames left (especially because of these BULLCRAPS) and the ones we have need an entire build for them to work as nuke bombs up to some levels wich is fair.

The only nerfs I understood were on Mesa's peacemaker and Ash's bladestorm, where all you needed was just a bit of range, a bit of power and efficency instead of the whole build and the help of buffers.

Edited by RyuGold
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33 minutes ago, perdigm said:

It's time to nerf Nidus and the limbo/saryn nuke builds 

Wha... what?

Nidus was nerfed. Still kinda broken, but it really doesn't matter because this whole game is broken.

And Limbo/Saryn nuke builds don't really scale. Like, at all. 

At least for the level of enemies I fight...

Edited by KX297
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39 minutes ago, perdigm said:

It's time to nerf Nidus and the limbo/saryn nuke builds 

I think you are confusing broken exploits with squad synergy, something we are sorely lacking in.  If Nidus is linked to another player, he is not taking advantage of the massive DR gained by linking to an enemy.  Combining the efforts of two or more teammates to benefit all is a good thing.

If only Octavia worked so well with other frames, or you know, at all.

Also, I will happily say IT because IT's time is near and IT will return with a vengeance.  27 years has passed and we all float down here, Georgie.
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1 hour ago, perdigm said:

It's time to nerf Nidus and the limbo/saryn nuke builds 

I think you need to go outside.... please.


Anybody asking to nerf something that plays a way they don't like in a game revolving around OP space ninjas should stop playing said game. You're not helping.

Try thinking of ways to have weaker frames play on an even field with the good frames. 


Try playing against lvl 150+ enemies and then talk. A point where enemies 1 shot most frames.

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5 hours ago, perdigm said:

hope a DE dev sees what happens when you use limbos' cataclysm to banish mag inside of it then polarize with mag
needs nerfed 

Is this guy... even serious...

current Mag polarize... OP?

Are you sure you're up to date man?

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22 minutes ago, perdigm said:

go try what i wrote before you reply, k

If what you mean is "My abilities can damage enemies while I can't be hit", yeah that is the properties of Limbo's Rift Plane. And it applies to EVERY Frame in the game.

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2 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

Is this guy... even serious...

current Mag polarize... OP?

Are you sure you're up to date man?

think they're omitting a few steps.

1) Cataclysm; ensure enemies are nicely contained within. Avoid on strict edges.

2) Mag Magnetises units, pump with damage from wherever you wish.

3) Limbo casts Stasis; enemies within Magnetise spheres are now trapped in spheres of doom taking damage

4) Mag Polarises; enemies take the damage, shrapnel feeds into Magnetise from clustered enemies within, doing even more damage (with bonus from the armour removal)

Whilst I only found this out from doing a PUG alert defence on the Kuva Fortress (you know, the place that gets crazy traps as you go), honestly I found it a rather interesting bit of incidental teamwork considering I wasn't expecting any accidental cohesion whatsoever.

Is it overpowered? That'd require people more interested in running Sorties than me to check, but I do think it's debatable purely because a) it takes cohesion, b) it takes effort, c) may not scale far at all in terms of practical effort needed.

Fun though, I think. Though then again, it's just nice to find Synergy between Frames of an incidental nature.

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"guys. I saw someone killing everything on earth defense while afk with a dethcube....pls nerf"

if you build a frame that has a lil bit of large scale aoe dmg for PURE unadultered dmg. its going to kill lvl 30s (just like old limbo did before his rework) the only difference is its not a REAL viable build...because it takes about 30 energy pads (or a trinity battery) just to work cuz of blind rage and the abysmal effecincy the build will have.

hell we might as well nerf pets and sents cuz they can kill things on planet without you having to even look at them.

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