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Octavia’s Anthem: Update 20.6.0 +


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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Clan Contributions are now tracked and viewable! Credit, Platinum, and Resource contributions can be viewed per individual by any Clan member. 

*Please note that contribution tracking is ------> not retroactive for things already completed, <--------- but is retroactive for anything currently in the pending state.

I am very dissappointed. My clan has been around for years and years, and none of mine or my members contributions have or will be recorded or honored in any particular way, since we have nearly full completion of our research, and all of our rooms were built by me years ago... :sad:

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Octavia’s Anthem: Update 20.6.0


The delicate form of this Tenno Rapier conceals its ferocious and resilient force.
Nidina Armor Set
Broad swooping curves are the essence of the Nidina armor set.

Broca Syandana
This flowing Tenno cape is supported by an intricately sculpted brooch.
Inaros Noggle is now available for your Landing Craft decorating pleasure! 
Halftone Glyph Pack - A collection of Glyphs sure to give your profile the comic-book styling you’ve been searching for. The pack includes the following:
•    Nidus Halftone Glyph
•    Inaros Halftone Glyph
•    Octavia Halftone Glyph
•    Ivara Halftone Glyph
•    Maroo Halftone Glyph
•    Atlas Halftone Glyph
Machete Stance - Cyclone Kraken - Brutal strikes with deft movement
*Find this new Stance in Grineer Fortress Caches!
Machete is back for a limited time! Don’t miss your chance to grab the Machete or the Machete Blueprint in the Market before it’s gone on June 1st at 2 p.m. EST.
Clan Contributions are now tracked and viewable! Credit, Platinum, and Resource contributions can be viewed per individual by any Clan member. 

*Please note that contribution tracking is not retroactive for things already completed, but is retroactive for anything currently in the pending state.

  • Chat now includes a max character indicator for the current channel like so:
  • Veiled Riven Mods can no longer be equipped on Sentinel weapons. This was causing the Unveiling progress to not be tracked/completed. 
  • The Ayatan Sculpture screen now has a search bar and sorting options.
  • Nova’s Antimatter Drop will now auto-detonate upon Nova dying. 
  • The Defense objective in the Grineer Fortress now begins the same way as all other Defenses by walking up to the circle and initiating the auto start.
  • Improved handling of corrupt cache data.
  • Optimized several things to save 5MB of RAM and accelerate content update.
  • Removed unintended 25 Impact damage AOE when Mutalist Quanta orb expires (it still does 100 Electrical damage). The Impact damage never scaled with Mods and would only have hit if the target was inside the orb.
  • Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead can now summon Eximus units! This fixes the issue of Nekros being unable to summon Eximus units at all. 


  • Fixed various doors appearing stuck in a half-opened state for Clients. 
  • Fixed Banshee's Sound Quake doing slightly less damage at low frame-rates (1.7% less at 30 FPS, 0.8% at 60 FPS).
  • Fixed the Sancti Tigris Health buff not working for Clients and only lasting 10 seconds in total for the Host.
  • Fixed (for real this time) interrupting Hydroid’s Tempest Barrage animation causing the FX to repeat.
  • Fixed not receiving any messages if a Chat channel only had exclude filters.
  • Fixed extracting as the Operator not saving Syndicate Standing in cases where the player's Warframe had a Syndicate Sigil equipped in a regular mission.
  • Fixed Chat not suggesting linked Prime Warframes. 
  • Fixed Operator running out of Void energy at high FPS in Captura.
  • Fixed the Zaikhya Syandana and Incubus Syandana not moving independently from each other. 
  • Fixed the Covenant Syandana appearing stiff and clipping.
  • Fixed Operator hair rendering/blocking in front of the Operator's face when in a room that has had the windows broken (ie Corpus Ship).
  • Fixed flickering glass on some Grineer Sealab extraction tiles.
  • Fixed buttons in some lists becoming offset after scrolling.
  • Fixed some list entries sometimes extending through the scroll bar after scrolling.
  • Fixed the Sentinel Regen Mod not working when controlling the Operator.
  • Fixed Focus icons appearing over numerous Market items.
  • Fixed not being able to see what gender your Pet is when it’s out of Stasis.
  • Fixed not being able to hear Syndicate Status effects while invisible. 
  • Fixed Sortie Defense targets dying to Grineer Fortress traps.
  • Fixed the Igaro Syandana clipping into Volt’s legs.
  • Fixed Chat filters shortening the available text area.
  • Fixed Credit balance display precision for the exceedingly wealthy.
  • Fixed Ember’s Flash Accelerant Augment Mod description reading ‘Fire’ instead of ‘Heat’.
  • Fixed Operator Void Blast costing more Energy for Clients than for Host.
  • Fixed Warframe mesh being applied to Operator when changing loadout in the Navigation screen.
  • Fixed various Clan room titles using the description as the room title.
  • Fixed some animation pops when casting Oberon’s Reckoning. 



Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix

  • Removed the Mastery Rank requirement from the Nidina Armor Set.
  • Removed the Mastery Rank requirement from the Endura Collection
  • Changed the Endura to be Mastery Rank 7 required instead of 8.

Excellent additions, sweet fixes. Very happy. Thanks DE. Been waiting for this Machete stance mod to level all my machete weapons. (Machete Wraith back in the day with Sundering Weave was a nightmare for me.)

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Machete is back for a limited time! Don’t miss your chance to grab the Machete or the Machete Blueprint in the Market before it’s gone on June 1st at 2 p.m. EST.

I  wish you would bring back ethers daggers for a limited time too, i accidently sold it when i was new ;-(

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I guess you guys don't read reddit too much.  I've recommended a change for Oberon a lot there.  Take the gating away from Hallowed Ground.  Make it apply a timed (refreshable) armour buff every time allies step on it, and make it reduce armour of enemies every time they are damaged by it.  This makes it synergetic with the rest of his kit without forcing the requirement down the player's throat.  Hallowed Ground has an actual identity and a reason to cast it on its own.  Best of all, this should be a super simple code copy that takes an hour or two tops to move and test.

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Looking forward to farming up that new machete stance, namely cause I just want to be able to use the machetes in the game with a stance that's more fluid (hopefully).

Still need that fix to the Panthera's disarming purity mod which translates the 40% disarm over to secondaries with alt-fires like the Euphona prime or Pandero. (Also a little punch through goes a long way with shred...but I'm just a broken record on that by now.)


Anyway, I'll be sneaking through the Kuva fortress for awhile actually learning the tileset and where the caches are, at least until I do finally get that stance.

Edit: Just got the stance, trying it out and personally I like it, definitely faster and pretty fluid moving. Certainly better than the other stance.

Edited by Wes8670
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All in all, not to much of an update in this 'update'.  A trash, mastery fodder Rapier by the name of Endura, from the looks of its stats.  A few small QoL changes, mostly bug fixes.  A few fashionframe things that don't matter, at least not to me.  The Machete was temporarily brought back, which is convenient, but it looks like a cheap ploy to get people to go farm the new Machete stance, Cyclone Kraken.  Which, of course, was put in the place that would inconvenience people most to go to - the Kuva Fortress.  Since nobody goes there for anything other than mastery points for each node, possibly speedrunning Nightmare missions/deploying extractors, and Sovereign Outcast, it's essentially being forced to go out of our way to see if this stance can make Machetes worth using.  So, it's more of an inconvenience than an addition to the game.  Maybe if something, say, KUVA, were to drop in the KUVA Fortress, people would have more incentive to go there, and it wouldn't be as much of an inconvenience.  But we can't have that, now can we?  We need a part of gameplay requiring the operator mode, after all.  Otherwise, it's just a useless addition to the game. 

Edited by shootaman777
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11 minutes ago, shootaman777 said:

All in all, not to much of an update in this 'update'.  A trash, mastery fodder Rapier by the name of Endura, from the looks of its stats.  A few small QoL changes, mostly bug fixes.  A few fashionframe things that don't matter, at least not to me.  The Machete was temporarily brought back, which is convenient, but it looks like a cheap ploy to get people to go farm the new Machete stance, Cyclone Kraken.  Which, of course, was put in the place that would inconvenience people most to go to - the Kuva Fortress.  Since nobody goes there for anything other than mastery points for each node, possibly speedrunning Nightmare missions/deploying extractors, and Sovereign Outcast, it's essentially being forced to go out of our way to see if this stance can make Machetes worth using.  So, it's more of an inconvenience than an addition to the game.  Maybe if something, say, KUVA, were to drop in the KUVA Fortress, people would have more incentive to go there, and it wouldn't be as much of an inconvenience.  But we can't have that, now can we?  We need a part of gameplay requiring the operator mode, after all.  Otherwise, it's just a useless addition to the game. 

would you like some fries with that salt? also the kuva fortress goes around looking for kuva its not like they're gonna have a ton of it lying around if they need to go find it all the time.

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My clan {Angels of General Wishy} has not yet completed the Hema Research. Does this mean that the research is still pending? I have also contributed over 3500MS to the research, and I was wondering Why it said I have contributed nothing to the research, if it is not done being researched yet.

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1 minute ago, Wrum said:

would you like some fries with that salt? also the kuva fortress goes around looking for kuva its not like they're gonna have a ton of it lying around if they need to go find it all the time.

Not salty, just disappointed that there's nothing new/exciting to this update. 

They're not gonna have a ton of it lying around, sure.  But for a mobile fortress that's constantly searching for Kuva, you'd imagine that they'd at least have some marginal level of success finding and capturing Kuva, right?  And that Kuva is the Kuva I'd like to be able to take from the fortress. 

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