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Why is wukong so underrated?


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People mostly say "hurr durr why play wukong when valkyr is 15x better"

In terms of damage, close. In terms of tanking damage, hell to the no.

I will go briefly why i concider wukong better in regards of his abilities:

His 1 Ability: Iron jab, is a dirt cheap cc, can be compared to something along the lines of mags pull, nothing more nothing less, meh dmg that knocks down enemies, simple yet useful

His 2 Ability aka his bread and butter: defy, amazing skill, with rage makes you the best tank in the game, AND you can use all of your weapons while it is active, perfect for any sortie level/kuva flood level content.

His 3 Ability: Cloud walker, opens enemies for prompted finishers, similar to valkyrs paralasys, gives you invunerability and untargetability while active and allows for flying. Pretty bad ability for the energy it drains, but it is useful in its ways.

His 4 Ability AKA the BFS: Primal Fury, with its augment, Primal Rage, you can achieve red crits very easily, it has nice range and ok damage, killing sortie 3 enemies is a breeze, doesnt drain a lot of energy at 175 efficency and rage. Stance is garbage and needs work on tho, its very clunky and needs some QoL changes.

But seriously, every time i mention wukong people say he is a worse valkyr, what are your opinions on the frame?


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Because 1 and 3 are bad compared to similar abilities from other frames, 2 is boring but OP invulnerability and 4 has bad animations. Especially the swing before you have to do something different to activate combos.

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18 minutes ago, TDIDiamond said:

People mostly say "hurr durr why play wukong when valkyr is 15x better"

In terms of damage, close. In terms of tanking damage, hell to the no.

I will go briefly why i concider wukong better in regards of his abilities:

His 1 Ability: Iron jab, is a dirt cheap cc, can be compared to something along the lines of mags pull, nothing more nothing less, meh dmg that knocks down enemies, simple yet useful

His 2 Ability aka his bread and butter: defy, amazing skill, with rage makes you the best tank in the game, AND you can use all of your weapons while it is active, perfect for any sortie level/kuva flood level content.

His 3 Ability: Cloud walker, opens enemies for prompted finishers, similar to valkyrs paralasys, gives you invunerability and untargetability while active and allows for flying. Pretty bad ability for the energy it drains, but it is useful in its ways.

His 4 Ability AKA the BFS: Primal Fury, with its augment, Primal Rage, you can achieve red crits very easily, it has nice range and ok damage, killing sortie 3 enemies is a breeze, doesnt drain a lot of energy at 175 efficency and rage. Stance is garbage and needs work on tho, its very clunky and needs some QoL changes.

But seriously, every time i mention wukong people say he is a worse valkyr, what are your opinions on the frame?


It's worst in almost all aspect compare to valkyr , not even mention that valkyr can buff the team . For common rule , if all people , many with a lot more experience/knowledge/time in the game tell you something and you are totally opose to that ... most likely you are wrong and not the rest of the world .

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i don't the general idea, but honestly - i just don't like him.

I don't like his aesthetics, i don't find his skills interesting and honestly i just sold him after got him to rank 30. He's just not my type and that's it. I couldn't find anything of what he does fun for myself.

If i wanted to spam exalted weapon - i would use Excalibur. I like swords more than staffs.

Also i don't like monkeys. At all.

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That Iron Fury Weapon looks like a squeaky toy and also sounds like one. Wukong desperately needs an animation rework tbh :3 but I kinda enjoy Defy though its a bit OP. Defy is the only reason most people still play Wukong i guess.

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I love monkey boy in short bursts. He is one of my favorite frames and has saved my team multiple times in sorties when everyone gets downed. I love face tanking any sortie 3 raptor assassinations. Whole team is running around dodging this that and the other but I'm just whacking away at that stupid giant osprey. I will admit he needs a small change to help the team other than be the pickup guy. But at least he is dependable (except when defy gets shutoff by jackals, roller blade weirdos, and nullies).

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21 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

i don't the general idea, but honestly - i just don't like him.

I don't like his aesthetics, i don't find his skills interesting and honestly i just sold him after got him to rank 30. He's just not my type and that's it. I couldn't find anything of what he does fun for myself.

If i wanted to spam exalted weapon - i would use Excalibur. I like swords more than staffs.

Also i don't like monkeys. At all.

Personally, I view it as a sellout to China...especially since there is a China version of the game.  Just my opinion though.

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I think his ablities could be more interesting like the first and his ultimate. 


I would like to see this attack animations for the first and fourth abilities. Worth a time to look the other abilities too because in dota2 he is a solid hero in warframe could be more interesting with tweaks and ability changes.

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I've never thought of him as underrated, but I have definitely thought of him as boring. His kit is just...not fun. His 1 is a melee jab, his 2 just keeps him from dying while doing nothing flashy, and his 4 is simply a melee override to a stick (and it's not as versatile as Excalibur's, nor does it leech health and make you a tank like Valkyr's). His 3 is kind of interesting, but it's entirely too slow for a fast-paced game like Warframe.

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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

Probably because he is a selfish frame: does not contribute to the squad with any of this powers in terms of Buffs, CC or Enemy AoE kills.

Like anyone actually cares about that when they decide which frame to run.

Wukong is good at what he does - surviving. He doesn't need teammates for that, and so don't some other frames like Mesa or Nidus for example that's why you will rarely see them in public, they're too busy runnig solo survivals.


That's because you can't into FashionFrame.

No fashion frame can change the fact he's pretty ugly. But if you will get used to his looks, he looks okeyish with his normal helmet as it is in black color, no special fashion frame needed. At least he's not as ugly as Nezha.

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Because people don't know how to use him in a team

Because they tried him with a magnetic self damage weapon

Because they don't use his augments 



I have a cc and a dps build, both with godmode from defy. 1st augment with a slam build jat kittag (it will kill most mobs, and hard cc HL mobs)

And full combo + max range Primal Rage for dps, even if yeah, I needed a lot of time to get used to those weird moves


Both with weapons I can't spam with "regular" frames (not BDSM ones :clem: ) Penta Secura and explosive Hikou P, with Penta's augment you can pack them for your Jat Kitty, and since Wukong don't give a clem about self damage you can detonate in the center of the pack


If you find him boring you should try that Jat Kangaroo build

Edited by Xgomme
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I don't like a single part of his aesthetics.
Can't bring myself to like his general design or any of his helmets.

His entire kit to me is :
1-A fist bump
2-A invincibility toggle
3-A boring and long wind tunnel
4-A giant... laser stick with weird animations?
1-If you want a flashy fist bump, Atlas does it better. Maybe not CC wise, but it looks deadly at least.

2-I absolutely despise being invincible at all time, and it's literally the one ability that you can't stop using at all cost.

3-At no given moment would I want to go Invisible, Invincible and enter a slow-motion while not being able to shoot all at the same time in Warframe.
No matter the benefits.

4-The staff that resizes makes for a really awkward stance to look at.
I'd rather keep my giant sword that can do just about the same amount of damage at this point.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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