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What Prime Weapons Should Be Next?


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There usually a lot of talk on the next Prime warframes but not as much on the next Prime weapons.

If its Hydroid, then Nami and Skyla Prime is a distinct possibility as well as Nami Solo Prime. Destreza Prime might be a good idea too.

As to weapons that I feel need a prime by now, Kunai Prime, Kogake Prime, Furis Prime, Bolto Prime, Gram Prime, Strun Prime, Kestrel Prime, Attica Prime, Ballistica Prime, Magnus Prime, Magistar Prime. Id also like to see a Lacera Prime personally.


Maybe DE should add some more unvaultable [so far] weapon primes like the Braton Prime, Akbronco Prime and so forth?

Edited by Ascythian
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We have to consider the trend that Prime Warframes come with rather random weapons or other prime items. Which might not always fit the theme of the prime frame. So Hydroid Prime might come with Itzal Prime and a primed Archwing weapon. Or Karyst and Dethcube Prime.

Though personaly i think Nami and Skyla Prime and AkBolto Prime would be a good combo.

Since the AkBolto have a bit of a flintlock pistol look.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Strun Prime?

Yes, please. I'll take two.

Furis and Bolto have been neglected for a very long time and should be due. Archwing is almost an untapped resource for potential prime goodies, but in its present state it might not be the best idea from a PA sales perspective. Still, it'd be worth it to see heads explode across the community.

There are so many possibilities, many of which I'd like to see for various reasons.

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Tiberon Prime, (Ak)Bolto Prime, Dethcube Prime w/ Deth Machine Gun Prime, Daikyu Prime, some form of primed Machete (Nami Prime??)

There's a lot of choices but not a lot that make sense to do, necessarily, unless you go back and look at the older, less powerful weapons and choices.

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8 hours ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

That was the joke :p

Ah, gotcha.


8 hours ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

No thanks. We have a singular Vasto Prime, so why not a singular Magnus Prime

I think he mean both singular Magnus Prime and AkMagnus Prime. All dual sidearm Prime so far require the single counterpart.

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On 6/18/2017 at 6:56 PM, DarkFlameZealot said:

Hydroid Prime with Magnus Prime and Tonkor Prime or Elytron Prime

Sorry to break your heart but Tonkor will never be primed, it's a grineer weapon and they only prime Tenno faction weapons.

Magnus is def. viable though and I know I would love it. 

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I would like to see umbra design of old weapons such as the grinlock, spectra, flux rifle, jat kittag.

Both the corpus and the grineer had sciencist who worked with warframes so they have the knoweledge to make "prime" weapons of their own designs.

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