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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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Just now, TheGodofWiFi said:

@Blakrana No one's going to reject or ridicule you for posting on this thread. Longer posts are actually a lot more interesting. Doesn't matter if you write a post as long as Marcel Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu, no one is going is going to fault you for it. 

Whilst I understand that, it's still somewhat more of a reflexive thing than much else.

Although I imagine there's a character limit before one hits Proust. Granted, there's a reasonable limit, considering how long i managed to go for the fics I dabbled with few years back.

Really need to get back to the rewriting...

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Just now, TheGodofWiFi said:

Ah okay. I was just curious. Sorry for prying.

It's fine, no harm. Not the first time been asked, and unlikely to be the last.

Least gave me a chance to write down things for use somewhere more suited. So appreciate the prompt as it were.

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Civility and good manners is underrated in our world.

I too have been known to post wall o text's from time to time, and some people really do take offense to it.

As long as there is substance though,  apologies aren't needed. Even if I do understand.

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

 wonder if the could tie in with the holy grail and unholy grail mythologies... 

You mean because if the Orokin and their way of immortality? 

But what is this un-holy grail then?

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2 minutes ago, arch111 said:

You mean because if the Orokin and their way of immortality? 

But what is this un-holy grail then?

in some regards for holy grail 

the unholy grail is a legend based on judus 

some stories the judus chalice is made from the silver coins he took to betray christ, in older tails was a simple wooden bowel though ....

it was said to be cursed or blessing depending on who told its tale. some thought it had to do with vampires, others think it did other things .. like undeath... who can say, holy grail is more well known 


Just now, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

Some chose wisely.

lol xD

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17 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

That would just be ridiculously and pointlessly unfair... Eh, it's just a hypothetical anyway. We know they won't do that

No... It can merely be viewed as "needless" at best. Definitely "pointless" given the current impact of MR.

...This presumes that DE never makes MR more meaningful than it is right now. Whether they do or don't is one thing. It's enough to know that they can't with the current imbalance intact (as small as it is in the upper levels.... it's still cause for complaint by some).

But unfair? How does making that playing field even for everyone unfair?

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You know how Steve said Umbra may be limited in number?

I just had a thought about why Frost was suddenly given away free today.

If Frost Umbra is in the plans, they may want a good number to have the Prime before that happens.

Just thinking marketing strategies and such.

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On 2017-6-27 at 7:18 AM, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

No not at all I don't care for Excalibur prime . I was just thinking as a company , offering Excalibur umbra up for money would be a smart financial move . Since everyone's so crazy about umbra it would make lots and lots of cash . & honestly I would pay for that scarf

btw it wouldn't be pay to win seeing how Excalibur umbra isn't much better better then Excalibur anyway . Slight boost in stats if we're going by China frame 

"Smart financial move" DE and WARFRAME is famous for giving methods to farm ANYTHING that afrcts gameplay such as any weapons and warframes, the only non-farmable things are purely cosmetics.

So no, it would be a "smart financial move" for another company, for this one in particular it would be a TERRIBLE financial move.

The only reason we keep quiet about excal prime and weapons is because we know that the game is here today thanks to those who bought these packs.

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On 2017-6-27 at 6:32 PM, DxAdder said:

The only reason people are excited about Umbra is they think there going to Excalibur Prime for free.

It's a re-skin with a quest and and a blueprint for a scarf.



Haven't seen a single person yet think that way, so probably isnt that much ppl who think that "they are going to get excal prime for free" i suppose.

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16 hours ago, arch111 said:

You know how Steve said Umbra may be limited in number?

I just had a thought about why Frost was suddenly given away free today.

If Frost Umbra is in the plans, they may want a good number to have the Prime before that happens.

Just thinking marketing strategies and such.

i thought exactly the same thing... same with cromatic blade mod for excal releasing just before tennocon.

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17 hours ago, Ksaero said:

I wonder if U20.8 becoming U21 is gonna push back cinematic quest release.

Maybe the cinematic update won't be U22 but U21.5 instead.

Yea i also hope for cinematic update in U21.5 

Edited by Vlada91
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anyone thinkin with the recent quest

um SPOILERS below just in case.



that the umbra frames might either repress the void or enhance it?

or that the umbra warframes were used by those controlled/who listened to the 'void entity/man in the wall?'

something to think about i guess.



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