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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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6 hours ago, TheUnknownM said:

I have another theory. When umbra warframes come out. Warframe 2.0? Primes are light and they have more redirection/vitality/armour, But they are weaker in power. Umbra's are weaker in redirection/vitality/armour but they are stronger in power/stretch/efficiency.

For this stuff we have modding system. I hope the new mechanics coming with Umbra will be something more interesting and not related to the general gameplay.

6 hours ago, TheUnknownM said:

IT Would be so awesome if we CAN Make the ultimate warframe with different abilities from other frames. Like a excaliber with volt's speed. Now that would be so cool. Choose abilities to go on one warframe.

I don't think it would be awesome. All warframes have their theme, their kit revolves around it. It would be stupid if Mag could throw Nidus' infested link, or Ash could throw Nezha's Chakram he doesn't even have in the first place. How would other frames use Peacemaker? Pew-pew with their fingers? And what about turning into a little fairy with no wings? It just won't work in any sense.

6 hours ago, TheUnknownM said:

Will the sacrifice quest be about the stalker? Yeah. Possibly. :D. Would it be about the orokin rises again? Will we get to choose to stay with the lotus? Or will we be able to choose to go along sides with the orokin? Will we choose to help teshin? I really hope in this next cinematic quest is that we can choose what we will do and it will affect the story. Ofc there needs to be an option so we can re-pick the option that we chosed so we don't need to stay on that previously option so we can replay future quests and see the outcome of the options that we picked from the sacrifice quest.

It reminds me of DE's April Fool's Day joke about being able to replace Lotus with Vay Hek.

Lotus and Teshin don't seem to represent different sides of conflict. They are more like teachers on different subjects in the same school. IMO it's very unlikely we'll ever get to choose from these two, but who knows.

But Orokin? Really? "Corpus reminds me of the Orokin - selfish, greedy. I love it! It doesn't matter if Orokin despised me and wanted me dead. I wish I could serve them again. Where do I sign up? Oh wait, we wiped them from existence."

Well technically, some of the Orokin survived. You could wait for the Elder Grineer Queen to be reborn and try to serve her as a slave but most likely she will just use your body for continuity.

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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:


i am curious on the next frames powers we only know 2 of them , the other 2 be nice to know

as it stands we need 2 more syndicate mission frames

arbitiers and steel

my assumption is khora is arbiters as she reflects a similar style of design 

If the hyeka master is the hyeka's mom then khora is the mom of kavats. I guess her abilities related with the kavats and somehow can boost them or have some effect when a kavats is active as a pet.

Edited by Sziklamester
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3 hours ago, Ksaero said:

For this stuff we have modding system. I hope the new mechanics coming with Umbra will be something more interesting and not related to the general gameplay.

I don't think it would be awesome. All warframes have their theme, their kit revolves around it. It would be stupid if Mag could throw Nidus' infested link, or Ash could throw Nezha's Chakram he doesn't even have in the first place. How would other frames use Peacemaker? Pew-pew with their fingers? And what about turning into a little fairy with no wings? It just won't work in any sense.

It reminds me of DE's April Fool's Day joke about being able to replace Lotus with Vay Hek.

Lotus and Teshin don't seem to represent different sides of conflict. They are more like teachers on different subjects in the same school. IMO it's very unlikely we'll ever get to choose from these two, but who knows.

But Orokin? Really? "Corpus reminds me of the Orokin - selfish, greedy. I love it! It doesn't matter if Orokin despised me and wanted me dead. I wish I could serve them again. Where do I sign up? Oh wait, we wiped them from existence."

Well technically, some of the Orokin survived. You could wait for the Elder Grineer Queen to be reborn and try to serve her as a slave but most likely she will just use your body for continuity.

When the elder grineer queen is reborn, While she is farming kuva they will release it on every orokin, So, They will rise again. We, The tenno did wipe them out of existence yes, But now the queen and the entire orokin race are scared of us because we the tenno are extremely powerful that we wiped out an entire race and the queen too, It would be so fun to command a huge army at your command and rule them all. Like in shadows of war. :P What if we become greedy and overpower lotus? Will we stay as being her "mother" I really hope that the sacrifice cinematic quest will answer some of our questions and theories?

Give lotus back to the sentinels and have ordis our supreme leader! xD


As for the ultimate warframe, I'm sorry for not explaining clearly. You made sense for a mag to have nidus infested link. That would've been silly. Some warframes abilities would be available but not all. There would be a limit on how many abilities there are to choose from, Just something i thought that was cool and was fun to talk about that.

Edited by TheUnknownM
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Can we just rationalise our expectations maybe?

All we have been told is that:

  1. "Umbra" is definitely a separate Warframe, not a skin.
  2. "Umbra" is a "darker" version of the Primes
  3. DE wanted to add Excalibur Umbra with suitable lore and background rather than just dump the frame into the game.

Nothing there suggests different abilities or any unique mechanics. I mean the only comparison we have is to the Prims and we all know how little difference the Prime's have compared to the regular Warframes, save the visuals.

So can we just expect an Excalibur variant with a scarf, maybe slights better stats, and a neat quest to go with it? Because that is all it seems to be right now. If there is something else then, cool, but all of this rampant speculation in frankly unlikely arenas is just going to make the actual reveal seem less and less interesting.


Edited by SilentMobius
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On 23-6-2017 at 7:17 PM, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

Full Transference( Forced full integration of operator consciousness into surrogate body) 

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

U19 Silver Grove info

The very first tests of Transference probably resulted in some Tenno/people having their minds permanently stuck into the surrogate body. Which prompts Margulis to make something to keep the remnants from affecting the future users of the tech:

"This will stop the voices from taking hold. You will have to dream, my angel..."

Another interesting bit, is the presence she felt when she transferred her mind into Titania:

"These past weeks, I've been secretly testing Transference on myself. I can only survive short bursts - linking to Titania the way only Tenno can stand. I've never felt anything like it. A tortured presence, like an evil ink, staining my mind. But... it worked. I'm going to use this wrong to make right."

 It is likely that Stalker's Operator is trapped in it's Warframe body with the original body being lost. The Stalker may have been one of the original test subjects for Transference as per the silver grove info

Let's say you give up acces to your operator to gain acces to umbra, using transference to literally become Umbra. That would mean that say: you transfere your operator into your Excalibur warframe (Note: Excalibur, not Umbra, just the normal version) to transform/transmorph that excalibur warframe into excalibur umbra, giving it more power, better abilities. Abilities closer resembling your operator's power(s). but by doing so you destroy the physical body of the operator, causing what is seen in the chains of harrow quest, where Rell was basicly a ghost. bound to the Harrow warframe.
Now here's the catch, and congratz if you can still understand my broken english :D
Because you give up acces to your operator, you give up acces to your other warframes. Why? I'll explain, try to understand and read all of this before you comment, because its more fun that way :P


I'm gonna repeat some thing I already stated for clarity.

We get the quest: "The Sacrifice"
Lets say Baro Ki'Teer goes out too far into the void, stumbling upon a sentient holding facility. This is not Orokin, or any of the other "normal" factions, this is sentient. Baro, always looking for loot, goes inside and finds a strange artifact, a linking machine. But it's broken. Irrepairable, but baro understands well that it is used for permanently linking a soul to an object. explaining the sentients even further. not just mindless being, but machines made with one purpose, to kill and irradicate the Tenno.
Baro tells the player that there were other artifacts he couldn't understand, giving you the first mission in the quest. venture into this sentient holding facility, and recover the strange artifacts, later to be known as parts for the linking machine.

once the player has assembled the artifacts, having stumbled upon a strange warframe multiple times during trails that the sentient facility has to offer. the player can craft the linking machine. once the linking machine is used, the player can choose to tranfere into the Umbra frame, needed to defeat some sort of alpha sentient. once the player has done this they can choose to permanently link their soul to the Umbra warframe thye met in the trails. In the process destroying the operator's body and causing a loss of transference to all of the players other warframes, but gaining the immense power that the umbra frame posseses.

Or even just 3 warframes, being able to pick from the abilities of the warframes the player chooses to lose. creating a stalker like idea, where the frame can have the best abilities chosen from 3 warframes.

I would choose Mesa, her shattershield ability is amazing. I would also pick loki, to become invisible is in no way a bad thing. and I would choose oberon for his renewal.

That would mean you choose from 4 frames, as you're using the Umbra Excalibur, Mesa, Loki & Oberon. You must pick one ability from each skillset. Now this will be way to overpowered, so a toned down version of the abilities would be used, instead of having a maxed out renewal up, being able to go invisible at all times, and having a 95% reduction to all projectal based damage. while also being able to slash your way through hoardes of infestation using excalted blade. (taking it for granted that Excal Umbra posseses this ability)

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? Well its just a theory, that I think many payers would love to see in the game. it would break the game massively, but would also make the player think really hard and long about wheter umbra would be worth it or not.


(I am aware that there is major holes in this idea, but I wanted to share anyway)

Edited by Brutal-Error
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It'll never happen. I've bought more than 3 Warframes and Tennogen for even more. DE is still making new Warframes and lots of content is focusing on the Operator.

There's no way they're going to cut off access to stuff I've bought, stuff I might buy in the future, or remove the main character. 

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1 minute ago, Kinetos said:

It'll never happen. I've bought more than 3 Warframes and Tennogen for even more. DE is still making new Warframes and lots of content is focusing on the Operator.

There's no way they're going to cut off access to stuff I've bought, stuff I might buy in the future, or remove the main character. 

Therefor I stated it is just a theory, just like in theory, it would possible for the player to regain the warframes they traded away + who doesnt have atleast 5 sets for oberon laying around? :P

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No Idea if this has been mentioned , but I would like if umbra had different abilities to the non umbra counter parts. As it currently is Prime is a straight advantage over non prime (which makes sense when the lore is considered), but if umbra has similar abilities people would only ever use it if it is better than the prime or if they don't have prime.

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11 minutes ago, raz143 said:

No Idea if this has been mentioned , but I would like if umbra had different abilities to the non umbra counter parts. As it currently is Prime is a straight advantage over non prime (which makes sense when the lore is considered), but if umbra has similar abilities people would only ever use it if it is better than the prime or if they don't have prime.

the thought of them having an amalgam of powers was discussed as stalker can do that as can his acolytes

though we know excalibur umbra prime ahs the same standard power sets in stararmor, and as its global counterpart excalibur umbra is to be a direct upgrade its more likely the case that it has same powers but new mechanic derived for umrbas specifically 

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4 hours ago, Kinetos said:

It'll never happen. I've bought more than 3 Warframes and Tennogen for even more. DE is still making new Warframes and lots of content is focusing on the Operator.

There's no way they're going to cut off access to stuff I've bought, stuff I might buy in the future, or remove the main character. 

Umbra revenue formula (speculative):

Built Prime Frame + Umbra BP =Umbra Frame

Why?  Instantly RE-invigorates demand within the Prime market; incentivizes players to buy Unvaulted packs beyond cosmetics so that they have an additional Prime to convert to Umbra.

Expect Unvaulted packs to coincide with Umbra quest equivalents. 


Sacrifice quest reward (speculative):

Fully Built Excaliber Umbra


Excal Prime is a founder pack exclusive.  No extras and no need to force an either/or choice.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Umbra revenue formula (speculative):

Built Prime Frame + Umbra BP =Umbra Frame

Why?  Instantly RE-invigorates demand within the Prime market; incentivizes players to buy Unvaulted packs beyond cosmetics so that they have an additional Prime to convert to Umbra.

Expect Unvaulted packs to coincide with Umbra quest equivalents. 


Sacrifice quest reward (speculative):

Fully Built Excaliber Umbra


Excal Prime is a founder pack exclusive.  No extras and no need to force an either/or choice.

could be possible 

they stated it would be a new system unlike the primes though  initially

id think that reusing prime parts could work but then add a 4th yet unknown element  

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

could be possible 

they stated it would be a new system unlike the primes though  initially

id think that reusing prime parts could work but then add a 4th yet unknown element  

Sure, like:

1.  It drains focus per second to use Umbra frames 😈...


2.  Umbra BP is re-usable, but if the Umbra frame dies, it PERMA-DIES.  Meaning, you must rebuild it 👹

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Sure, like:

1.  It drains focus per second to use Umbra frames 😈...


2.  Umbra BP is re-usable, but if the Umbra frame dies, it PERMA-DIES.  Meaning, you must rebuild it 👹

or maybe its a hook into the focus system adds energy drain 

or frame is granted umbra lance when operator departs from frame 

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22 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


Theories are supported by evidence. There's a difference between speculation and theorizing.

depends of definition of theory applied imo 

 a scientific theory where youd require proof evidence and supporting data ect , then it would be a hypothesis 

  usually refer to a theory outside of science as a way to explain something, 

in regards to this topic im conflicted as its scifi and we are trying to establish logical chains of discussion :awkward:

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i think you are mistaken


if you heard that VOICE in promo video, voice like a lifesupport machine + hard breathe

1) - someone (player or umbra operator) in deadly state, dying

2) - new person show in the DEV stream is a dealer come to him 

3) - he gave him a choice, death or live with price of their live (who? all tenno operators? may be lotus?)))

4) Umbra is a sword, i thinks quest is about the sword UMBRA, Ex Unbmra just addition, or a tool to do this =) 


because he a shadow frame, like a stalker

only umbra can go to the shadow realm, and take this sword, and then decide ... kill (what persons) or not


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What if in a new quest sacrifice you can playe with Umbra from the start 2 the end. And see experience from his point of view... in the end you kill some clone and corrupt frame so that he becom free of dark power. In the end lotus save the umbra and show him the good way how to save the humanity. Then he combine his power with operator and then you unlock him and start playing with him in the rest of the game....

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                                Space Umbra!                    

(Comedy)Story so far: 

A) Stalker(Shadow) drink too much Kuva, get Hangover, and wake up as Umbra, Dark Side of Lua. However, Stalker-Umbra cant get off Lua easily, thus trying to completely De-Fragment Lua altogether in attempt to end this "madness".

B) Operator got a sip Gallon of Kuva in one-go downed, Hangover, wake up as Umbra, on (Hidden) Lua Node, and start Journey to Find Momma? Lotus? Daddy? Orids?

                                                                                                   Where are thou, UMBRA!

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I check this megathread every couple of months, and each time people's expectations get more and more crazy.

It's not even funny anymore.

Next time I visit it will probably be along the lines of "I hope The Sacrifice will include 60 hours fully voiced story campaign and an Umbra of every frame and they all will have unique sets of abilities and their own quest lines and [DE]Steve will come to my birthday party which is next week btw and will gift me a Lamborghini and congratulate me and say that they waited for my birthday to release Umbra and they will let me to press the button to install the update on life servers and then we will jump into a spacerocket and fly around the moon and make selfies in space! I think that will be so cool!".

The overhype around this update shocks me. I'm scared of the backlash towards DE when 99% of overblown expectations will not be delivered on and the Update will consist of just an alternative Excal P, a decent quest and couple new weapons. 


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