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RELL is... the STALKER??


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Guys, just a few observations and thoughts...

First the stalker in the Second Dream grab our Operator's neck and pull us up...

Then, remember this when we choose the option: "a fight" when talked to lotus in the ship after completing the Second Dream? "

  • I remember everyone was laughing outside an airlock. This kid had a boy by the throat. I didn't think it was funny at all.

AND NOW this new comic saying:

  • "He`s not going, I remember him from classes. He`s weird, can`t risk it".

Well... From a personal point of view.. I think this is gonna be a awesome quest!!!!!


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Maybe I'm just stupid, but where the hek is the comic? I looked all over on the chains of harrow page and can't find it. 

Edit : it might be because I'm on mobile right now, I hear it's bugged on mobile. 

Edited by Miser_able
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7 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Maybe I'm just stupid, but where the hek is the comic? I looked all over on the chains of harrow page and can't find it. 

Edit : it might be because I'm on mobile right now, I hear it's bugged on mobile. 

Yeah, it is. Sadly. Had to watch Tenno Defton's stream to even see it. It'll be a while until I spill a lore dump.


What I've gathered:

Bent means crazy

Depicts a dialogue option in TSD

Rell has some sentient looking thing

The Tenno might have some connection when in physical contact with each other

Unless the Orokin beat the vacuum of space and stuff, then how did they not run out of Oxygen? Do they even need Oxygen?

Ultimate realization: Harrow sacrifices shields to do things, and Rell sacrificed himself for the other Tenno (even though unwillingly)

Similarities between things:

Reminds me of The Kill Order with the people going crazy and all that. Sacrifice to save another. Ect.

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29 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Nothing in that comic implies that Rell will become the Stalker.

Matter of fact, the quote you're referring to has nothing to do with what happens after the ship descends into madness, like this comic is depicting.

I think what he means is that the kid being held by the throat is rell 

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15 minutes ago, LoopStricken said:

You guys should try reading that comic from a different perspective. Put a spin on things, You might find that topsy-turvy logic flips all your theories upside-down.

The Tenno are super-powered a$$hole Tweens and Stalker is an innocent kid they repeatedly bully?

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22 minutes ago, XAvICoreZ said:


Look at this, it looks like the ring from the relic segment. From what I gather for Rell it works like a fidget spinner and helps him cope with stress or focus his attention or something. This is why he says '...keep it turning'.


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1 hour ago, Klavinmour said:

Stalker is Tenno, he's a Tenno that saw himself while piloting his Warframe, and couldn't understand it causing himself to go mad.


24 minutes ago, ______Dread______ said:

The stalker was a tenno, when other Tenno makes them free stalker still was on Orokin side, And they (Orokin) gave him immortality for his loyalty.

The Stalker was a low guardian. There is differentiation between him and the Tenno is his own codex lore. Its more likely that he is someone using transference on a Warframe to hunt the Tenno. The Silver Grove did confirm that its possible for non-Tenno to do it but it takes a heavy toll on them.

Edited by Hieracon
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