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Why am I so weak?


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I've recently been playing warframe for the past 2 weeks and I cannot seem to get stronger.

I main both Frost/Ember prime and they both seem to die pretty fast from enemies.

I have a good build going for both of them with a world on fire build for ember prime and a good snow globe build for Frost prime

on the other hand my friends which they are a much higher mastery rank than me can with stand against high lvl enemies while I can easily get killed if get hit a couple of times from the enemy.

i was wondering how do players get stronger instead of mods and warframe 



I typed this all on my iPad so it might not look so good

Edited by Wikipeidia
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14 minutes ago, Wikipeidia said:


I've recently been playing warframe for the past 2 weeks and I cannot seem to get stronger.

I main both Frost/Ember prime and they both seem to die pretty fast from enemies.

I have a good build going for both of them with a world on fire build for ember prime and a good snow globe build for Frost prime

on the other hand my friends which they are a much higher mastery rank than me can with stand against high lvl enemies while I can easily get killed if get hit a couple of times from the enemy.

i was wondering how do players get stronger instead of mods and warframe 



I typed this all on my iPad so it might not look so good

Sounds like quite the dilemma. I find it interesting because there is no other way to get stronger outside of mods... You're definitely doing a couple things wrong either you're not fully ranking up mods which is a major factor. Or a second factor could be that you're simply not experienced enough, get your head in the game and use your frame's abilities to your advantage. If you feel you are dying often then it is your fault. Your builds aren't working, I'm sure you can find a decent build somewhere on the forums. By the way I'm not ragging on you it's just constructive criticism, good luck! 


Edited by (PS4)P1NOysKi4
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YEah, lvl up mods, farm that endo.  Also, Frost and Ember, well, truth be told, neither of them are the tankiest frames around.  Ember is especially weak, specializing in her #4 ability, press 4, run around, nuking the world.  Frost is best used from the safety of his snow globe.  If either are caught outside their paradigm, they die fast...

Also, yeah, parkour, and abuse the 3rd person view around corners, hide mostly behind a wall or door and shoot the enemies while thye cant really fire back. 

And yeah, what are you fighting?  The Corpus are generally big time pains in the &#! and if you got to Sedna, well, yeah, the mobs are vicious there.  Watch out for Bombards(Big grey rocket launching Grineer), best to take them out fast, or start parkouring around trying your best to avoid the rockets.  Grineer also have the Napalm(big fat yellow/spotted lookin guy with a flamer thrower), he kills real fast to, that fire, it kills.  The Grineer Shotgun guys sometimes do alot of damage and their roller balls can stun you to pieces.  Also, their little skinny chicks and their pull wires can get you killed sometimes.  Also, the big gun turrets, walk around the corner and see one, boop, down you go.

  If vs the Corpus, watch out for basically everything.  They are annoying to fight.  Knock downs, pulls, stuns, debuffs, ability cancelers, energy drain, Bursa pains in the &#!, bomb drones, shield stacking drones, Supra heavy machine gunners(big red guys, especially dangerous), basically everything they have is annoying to fight.  Keys vs them, pop the humans in the head and pop the Moas(walkers), between the legs and/or in the grey box on their backs, it can be hit from the front below the crotch area. 

Try to stay as mobile as you can and still be accurate. 

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Frost survivability revolves around Snow Globe. Ember survivability revolves around World On Fire (with Firequake mod). Always use max rank vitality. Use Steel Fiber where it matters such as Frost because he has good armor base to start with. You wouldn't use Steel Fiber on Ember because her armor base is too low to matter. Also look at ways to stun or crowd control enemies not just with abilities but with weapons. For example: Tempo Royale (Heavy Sword Stance mod) has a combo that has a guarantee knock down of opponents and using the Proc "Blast" on any weapon will knock down enemies keeping them on the ground and not shooting at you. Look up builds for each Warframe on Youtube. It will probably help you realize you may not have thought to build your Warframe a certain way and you more than likely are missing a mod that is crucial or not have it max rank yet.

Knowledge is power in this game and there is almost all of it on Youtube thanks to Youtubers like NooblShowtek, TacticalPotato, BroZime, the list goes on. Check out the comments in this link as there is a highly detailed list there: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/5xzfm1/bestworst_warframe_youtuber/





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Since we dont know your mod setup, its hard to determine if that is the deciding factor.

However there are tactics to improve survivability:

- parkouring. Constant movements means weapons are less likely to hit you. Bullet jump, slide, roll, aim glide.

- melee blocking. Blocking with a melee weapon reduces incoming damage.

- using abilities. Frost can slow enemies with ice wave, provide protection using snow globe, or even freeze everything with avalanche (and temp reduce enemy armour). Ember accelerant can stun enemies and increase your WoF damage to enemies.

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With only two weeks of play your mods will be low ranked, and you will lack most of the good ones, or you will have the broken ones.

Have your mods got any broken line in the picture? That means they are damaged mods, good for starters, but it is better not to waste endo on them and just get the good ones ASAP. Then level them up.

And take it easy. Leveling up a vitality, steel fiber or redirection to max rank will take you 1 million credits each, + a LOT of endo. In fact I'm MR 14 and I haven't got my steel fiber to max rank yet (lots of thing to pay for!)

I agree with many here that you should post your Frost P and Ember P mod setup so we can help you.

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3 hours ago, Wikipeidia said:


I've recently been playing warframe for the past 2 weeks and I cannot seem to get stronger.

I main both Frost/Ember prime and they both seem to die pretty fast from enemies.

I have a good build going for both of them with a world on fire build for ember prime and a good snow globe build for Frost prime

on the other hand my friends which they are a much higher mastery rank than me can with stand against high lvl enemies while I can easily get killed if get hit a couple of times from the enemy.

i was wondering how do players get stronger instead of mods and warframe 



I typed this all on my iPad so it might not look so good

Ok. Caster frames are like paper. So you cannot get hit. 

That is a very easy task if you are frost because he is very defensive. I usually get 0 or 5% damage in sorties playing as frost. And I dont die, unless I get distracted.

Just play, try builds and gamestyles.

Cannot say anything about ember because I dont use her.

P.S.: add me to friends and I can help you with frost if you want to.

Edited by DP_KRoM
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Your friends probably have arcanes plus the best mods on their sentinels to restore their shields and health. Plus you're not even using tanky frames. Some other frames can get a ton of effective health (armour scaling) and some are literally unkillable when their abilities are up.

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It's ok to die, sometimes. I suggest you to build Ember with Energy Siphon and Quick Thinking, this will help you with keeping her alive. Zenurik is obvious a must have. About Frost, go full str and armor, it will make his Snow Globe much stronger and he will get sturdier. I personally like to use Stand United as aura, it's a nice buff. Use only Stretch, it's more than enough for range. Good luck!

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Lots of good replies in this thread, I'll go into more detail on a few of the replies:

Mods and mod capacity: this is your bread and butter for "becoming stronger", to have more health, shield, energy, movement speed, power stats (duration range strength efficiency) etc. you need to increase your warframe's mod capacity, this is done by leveling to 30 to get 30 slots, and at any time installing an Orokin reactor for frames and a catalyst for weapons, having 60 slots to work with instead of 30 will boost your potential strength a lot. When you install and maximise an aura mod on your frame you will go up to a maximum of 78 mod capacity, this, along with "forma" which increases capacity even further, can really make you a lot more powerful. Mods often come with "polarity slots", you see a little symbol over the mod slot, and if you put that "school" of mod into that slot, it will cost less capacity, this can make for instance high rank "vitality" cost 7 mod power slots instead of 15.

The next thing is installing the right "leveled"/ maximised mods, red ones are common mods, silver are uncommon and gold are rare and often hard to get, a lot of frames benefit from having all of the warframe power stats heightened (range duration strength and efficiency).
 A few frames even benefit from using "corrupted mods" to have certain power stats lowered, in exchange for others heightened, such as a -duration trinity with the "energy vampire" mod, which causes it to regen energy for your squad VERY quickly, or a -strength nova which causes mobs to run at you faster, useful for say a defense mission against infested, causing you to complete the mission faster if you can handle it.

Basically, if your definition of strength is taking and tanking a lot of damage, you need to 1. play the right frame with the right "base stats"
2: level that frame and these mods and install them: vitality, steel fiber, and maybe even vigor (except on inaros, there it could be a waste, as he has no shields), hunt these and other mods down using either the site warframe.wikia or tennodrops,
3: adjust your playstyle to that frame

good tank frames: inaros, valkyr, rhino, nidus

If your definition is controlling enemies and stopping from doing things, you need to play those frames and set them up for that... damage, likewise, healing, like wise.

good control frames: nova, nyx, mesa, excalibur, mirage, loki with "irradiating disarm mod", equinox with "peaceful provocation" mod can slow and reduce damage by up to 80%.

good healing frames: trinity, oberon, and next patch: harrow (but you will need to have completed everything ingame).

which ever playstyle you choose to go for though, see what "natural" "innate" strengths these frames and weapons have, for instance, slowing frames like frost and nova can capitalise most on single shot weapons like the ferrox and all sniper rifles, 

 there ARE certain weapons and mod combinations which are just flat out more powerful than others, for instance at "endgame" picking the weapon "lesion" which you make by first making the tipedo, which is also made by making a bo, kunai, and then combining those with the right blueprint, well, if you use the lesion, and rare (gold) mods with +elemental damage and +status chance, you can get 95% status chance, then install, if you can get your hands on it, condition overload, which, for every condition effecting a monster will make it take 60% more damage, so for me, that's 180% more damage, minimum, and then the base stats of the weapon itself, basically, it allows me to kill everything in seconds, and on a stealth frame or with the stealth "school" naramon, that 180% is multiplied by 8, so, 1240% more damage. Of course, that is an endgame set up and one i use because i have everything available to me, it's easier when you are low level to roll with mods like "true steel" and "organ shatter" both common "bronze" mods, and simply double / quadruple your damage output that way.

final Tips: don't expect too much from yourself too soon, don't compare yourself to high mastery rank players, don't think you are "weak" because you can't kill level 50/100/150 enemies when your friends take you with them.
enjoy the ride, play with the weapons and frames you want, focus on something definite.
all frames are good for something, a lot of weapons are useless compared to others, but still useful for increasing your mastery rank.

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Ah the 'pain' of a new player.... wants to play with the big boys (your friends) who have had the time to build up their money and endo to such a level that they can can level up their mods to make their frames stronger (with the help of forma, eximus slot and potato most likely).  We've all been there.

The problem is a new player quite simply won't have the funds or endo to build to the same level as an old player, a casual player will likely not have enough money (still too low a reward imo, especially from higher level enemies) or endo (ayatan has helped but they don't seem to drop as much lately outside of sorties....) to fully level all the main mods in a year.

Simply put, you'll basically need to suck it up for a while until you get the money/credits etc.  What I'd suggest you do is get survival things like vitality maxed first rather than 'power strength mods' and then look at getting a decent set of weapons (your friends can advise) and the mods needed to add elemental damage. 

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5 hours ago, Wikipeidia said:


I've recently been playing warframe for the past 2 weeks and I cannot seem to get stronger.

I main both Frost/Ember prime and they both seem to die pretty fast from enemies.

I have a good build going for both of them with a world on fire build for ember prime and a good snow globe build for Frost prime

on the other hand my friends which they are a much higher mastery rank than me can with stand against high lvl enemies while I can easily get killed if get hit a couple of times from the enemy.

i was wondering how do players get stronger instead of mods and warframe 



I typed this all on my iPad so it might not look so good

Learn to play and problem solve . And ... if you have friends that are doing well , why in hell dont you ask them instead of asking in the forum ...

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8 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

Learn to play and problem solve . And ... if you have friends that are doing well , why in hell dont you ask them instead of asking in the forum ...

Maybe they want a broader pool of knowledge to draw from? Or perhaps the advice they are getting from said friends isn't helping enough?

Got anything to actually contribute other than "git gud"?

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4 hours ago, (Xbox One)Ubern00ber88 said:

Maybe they want a broader pool of knowledge to draw from? Or perhaps the advice they are getting from said friends isn't helping enough?

Got anything to actually contribute other than "git gud"?

No its absolute imposibel to "contribute" when the question is:  "i have a good build (seems that it's too hard to really put the build ... and if he really has a good build , the only viable answer is git gud ) for "x" frame and iam weak" (unknown weapon , mods , companion (?) ) . If the person put zero effort even in doing the question , it's pointless put effort in the answer . In other words , he has the same problem in the game and in the forum ... it's lazy .

PD : Your answer was basically learn to move .... not so different .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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Prolly your movement which is lacking, ye sure even if we do move quick the bots are still able to hit us but not as often. Every frame has a different playstyle imo in terms of surviving in combat. I play Frost when i PvE too, i too have a globe build but it's heavily based on maxing range and not a lot on strength. Because you do not need strength for globe since it can stack and if you got range then you can use his Icewave Impedence augment which is one of the best CC augments in the game.

Too many enemies? ice them and walk away. Need to kill them? Ice them and shoot them one by one. With Frost you can get away with not moving much because of the augment and if you don't have the augment then i'd highly recommend it.

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For me, I had to set my squad to "invite only" in order to learn how to survive. I found that playing with advanced friends/players in the beginning prevented me from gaining the necessary experience. I agree that movement is priority, but in order to master it, you need to play solo to gain essential knowledge, for instance, how each enemy faction moves and reacts to your movement. Playing with advanced players prevents you from gaining this experience and knowledge, because they are probably wiping out maps and completing missions in such a quick time. I suggest just taking an hour or two to solo missions, it will also help with understanding mission objectives and get you used to different maps.

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