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[SPOILERS] Man In The Wall


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It could probably be the "Man in the Wall" trying to break through as well. I don't know for sure, but it might be the Tenno's minds, and something about Margulis' training is what kept us from succumbing? Rell was an easier target because he was autistic and never learned to control his powers properly.

Edited by 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4
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13 hours ago, OkniolasPrime said:

Honestly, "The Man it the wall" is giving me the creeps...



Also why does it get to have a smugface and we don't, no fair!

I know, right!? I love your tenno's face by the way, looks pretty cool... If only I had the Saita Prime hood haha...

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40 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

It could probably be the "Man in the Wall" trying to break through as well. I don't know for sure, but it might be the Tenno's minds, and something about Margulis' training is what kept us from succumbing? Rell was an easier target because he was autistic and never learned to control his powers properly.

I also took it as the man in the wall, a sort of ominous hint of him coming, of breaking through. I don't think he targeted Rell because he was autistic; I think he targeted him because of Rell's centuries of Void exposure due to his extended transference. Or maybe the man in the wall didn't target Rell, and Rell was actively fighting him, holding him back.

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8 hours ago, 45neo said:

he should have appeared regardless of your quest result... However alignment does affect where "he" appears

yeah i replayed the quest, seems it was gliched the first time cus on the replay i got it :) 

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Don't think too much into those as most are just made so that players has something to related to (now a lot of players just go around typing rap-tap-tap meaninglessly isn't it? lol)

Also, from the comic, Rell seems to be abandoned by other Tenno when they're still in Zariman nor as children not yet as Warframe users yet... so how does Rell has a Warframe and knew transference?

So a lot of stuffs still doesn't make sense. Things are now made just for the game sake so don't think too much about it. 

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I got mine behind the radio/ snowman very far back to where I would have not notice him if I was not actively looking for him.

queue the ghost hunters' theme.

Has anyone got him in the infested room yet?

I would think it would be neat if he shows up sitting in the chair waiting to get "operated" maybe as a hint to the next quest or what happened in the past.

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2 hours ago, TheFinalEpic said:

 Nidus's quest is not well designed

Fixed that, only the first mission in Nidus's quest was worth anything, the rest was a repetitive bore of a mediocre event with slightly different hoops each time.

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The void is a living entity like a god, and when the Zariman passed through the void that entity made those kids into what they are now, Tennos.

Best guess? That entity wants a physical manifestation, and that's why "HE" , that entity, created the Tenno.

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3 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

Fixed that, only the first mission in Nidus's quest was worth anything, the rest was a repetitive bore of a mediocre event with slightly different hoops each time.


3 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

Fixed that, only the first mission in Nidus's quest was worth anything, the rest was a repetitive bore of a mediocre event with slightly different hoops each time.

Well I know a lot of people dont like a lot of quests in warframes but I think I like that way of story telling. Its in all games.

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13 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

I also took it as the man in the wall, a sort of ominous hint of him coming, of breaking through. I don't think he targeted Rell because he was autistic; I think he targeted him because of Rell's centuries of Void exposure due to his extended transference. Or maybe the man in the wall didn't target Rell, and Rell was actively fighting him, holding him back.

At one point in the quest they did say that Rell was trying to actively fight it so no one else would succumb, since prolonged Void exposure is bound to happen if their spaceships use it to travel, especially if time does move slower in the Void like I was guessing

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Well now if we didn't have the infested, grineer and corpus to worry about now we have to worry about being possessed by a void demon, god or manifestation of the void like an avatar or actively fighting one lol.


This questline was really disturbing like deadspace type disturbing almost and if this was just rell being possessed by this void god or whatever it is I can not wait to see how disturbing things get when this thing actually breaks through whatever barrier it's behind.

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I feel robbed. When I did the quest I avoided spoilers so I didn't know it would happen back at the ship. I heard the audio very clearly and saw the subtitle, but there was no doppelganger anywhere on my ship :( I specifically hunted high and low to see if I could find where the voice had come from. Then I assumed it was just an auditory hallucination courtesy of the void demon in our heads...

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On 1.7.2017 at 0:05 AM, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

Like @(PS4)Silverback73 said, it seems that the "Man in the Wall" and the "Kiddo guy" are different entities. The Man in the Wall was agressive and evil, while the Kiddo Guy looks more calm.

Heck, even "Janus" from Vor could be a entire different entity.

Then again in mythology Janus is the two-faced god. Considering that, it could indeed be one entity.

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I did the quest again, and happy to report that this time my twin was sitting there grinning at me back in the ship.

I suppose Margulis blocked "it" out when she stopped the voices taking hold.

Rell alone knew about it and the implant probably didn't work on him,  so she cast him out. It was unclear if she knew about the entity or not,  indeed if the Orokin even knew.

Makes you wonder if it was playing a game with the crew and kids on the Zariman. 


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I think there may be a explain......about this, I mean, this is what Rell saw in all those years.

What we can know from the quest:

1, Rell was awake and exposed in void for a long time, from the old wars to now

2, Rell's mind and body(as a Tenno) was almost destroyed by the void in some ways, then he abandoned his body and directly "put" his mind inside his Warframe, Harrow.

3, Rell always see "The man in the wall" with him, not as enemy but a friend.

4, The shadow named Rell we met in the quest is a kind of creature based of Rell the Tenno's twisted mind, which has same skills as Harrow and solid model.

5, Rell was on "The ship full of kids"

6, Seems like Rell use those chains to constraint himself and something else

As above, Rell seem like twisted, tortured by the power of the void. more over, the chained thing in the end of quest does not look like a Warframe at all.

My theory is, Warframe and Tenno are some sort of container of void energy, like a boiler, which can turn this power into other forms. Directly transform energy to substance(eg: all of Vauban and Nidus's skills), use energy to strengthen Warframe, deal damage(of course!), even making time stop and changing property of space. All these can be done by using void energy, which means the shadow Rell may be form like this. Along the quest we can find no other source of void energy except ourselves and Rell, of course we can not make a shadow Rell in any way so this must be what Rell did. 

Then, why there is a shadow Rell?

As I said, Warframes are container of void energy, what if a warframe contained too much energy even far beyond its capacity? If we consider this energy as a kind of radiation, just think of Doctor Banner, taking too much radiation and turns to something inhuman. Rell may been through something similar, which makes his warframe swelled. Rell must found this a long time ago so he chained him self.

Also, it may be the result of "cycle of transference". There must be a damage control system inside warframe to make sure operators' mind will be back into his/her body when warframes are going to be destroyed, to protect the operators' mind from death. Rell's warframe must been though something activated this and casted his mind out rather than put it back to his body(which was abandoned).Before continue we must discuss about the self consciousness of the warframe. We can learn about this must exist from the quest of Inaros and Titania and that wont be detailed in this post, if you need a proof I will leave this in reply. So, now Rell is casted out and the self consciousness of the warframe take controll, then Rell get back into warframe because he has no place to go and casts out by damage controll again, and the cycle begin. shadow Rell may be the self consciousness of the warframe from Harrow, or with some parts of Rell, as the result of this cycle.

After all this, what make you see two operators?

To get this answer, we need to know another thing first: why those people of red veil get crazy. Rell's mind was twisted by the power of void, as a Tenno which can bear transference, this may not be too serious. But, for normal people, this may even kill them. So, when those red veil solders receive message from Rell, which (almost)must be transmitted by using void energy, there may be a leak occurred. Those people's brain were affected, or damaged by this leak of energy(like put your head into a microwave oven), and we got what we saw on the ship.

Also, you received those messages with too much void energy too. Remember the time when your ship become black and red? Every time you experience how Rell lean to define feelings? That's it.

In the last fight(such hard, very Dark Soul.....), when you use your operator to free Rell from his chains, every 3 chains you break your operator will benn through a headache or something, that is caused by releasing those energy chained inside Rell's warframe, after all chains are broken, you almost take all those energy Rell took in the long awaking nightmare. So, you will see what Rell saw, you will been through what Rel had been through.

You are the inheritor of Rell

You will become Rell



Edited by BenkerDevice
post unfinished by accident
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