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Enough RNG BS

(XBOX)Requiem of One

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I'm done being nice about this. The RNG in this game is absolutely beyond stupid. DE probably kidnapped some poor guy and locked him in a room by himself and told him to come up with an extreme dumb idea for their game as a way to obtain "rare" loot. That one poor guy then came up with the relic system and the RNG on top of RNG piece of garbage we have now. RNG on RNG is not the way to do things. Before when it first came out I was a bit wary but decided to let it have it's shot. Toward the middle of my time playing when the rock system was put in and I was trying obtain prime parts for multiple things, it became very annoying. Not getting pieces of things I would need to complete blueprints when I put in a lot of void snot and rocks, only to still not get what I'm trying for after 20-30 rocks of multiple Neos, Liths, etc. etc. with them being radiants.

Now......oh now this isn't just annoying anymore. No no, this is beyond infuriating and I would be fine going back to keys instead of the amount of BS that comes with these rocks. The keys had somewhat of a predictability to them and the specific key for the specific item the player was trying to get, weren't to hard to get either. They are not relics at this point, they're rocks. The traces might as well be snot too. I understand again but more so with much stronger feelings of pure unbridled rage that I'm pretty sure I'm going to stop playing this game all together like dropping a really bad habit. DE: "Oh well play it with other people or friends to get higher chances of the items you want/need by making sure everyone has the same relic, blah blah blah". Sorry to burst your bubble but that doesn't do anything. Your chances don't increase at all and if it does, it's probably by like 0.01% higher which still amounts to nothing. Now as I type this, there will probably be other players who will respond to this in some kind of manner trying to give me advice. Sorry, but you can shove your advice.

I really REALLY hope someone important from DE sees this and realizes that the rock system along with the RNG on RNG was a horrible idea in the first place. All this was brought on by me trying to get Rhino, Banshee, and 2 weapons where out of some many of those stupid rocks that I wasted for nothing but junk, out of all of them, I got 1 piece for Banshee and that was her systems or maybe it was her chassis and that's it. The amount of grind time into this game is not worth it. It's not worth my time, it's not worth my entertainment value, hell at this point it's not even worth the amount of money I put into this game anymore and I put a ridiculous amount of money into this game. Now then, I'm going to go and play a simple game that I can relax to and play music with and that is called Beat Hazard. If someone from DE sees this and decides that it's time to make a change, then it's about dang time. If not or no one at DE thinks they need to change the way the prime item system is, then they must be heading down that path of become a gaming company that doesn't care anymore, other than making a buck. If that is the case, then I can at least look forward to an ACTUAL good game and that's Monster Hunter. It's never disappointed me and just never will.

(P.S. The overbearing amount of control I had to have over myself for not trying make this into a cluster of nothing but F-Bombs was unnecessary but I managed, so get to fixing the game DE.)


To the people who are peeking out of the mother's basements and trying to make an attempt to troll, stop being apart of the garbage generation and either discuss or don't post anything. That simple.

To everyone who has given their opinions on this topic, thanks. I will heavily admit to being extremely angry but to be fair, there is a point in time with just about every game out there that people will become infuriated with. This was mine and it decide to hit all my buttons at once.

Edited by (XB1)Requiem of One
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lol. you might as well cut some letters out of a magazine and paste them into a ransom note and send that to de. i think it would get farther than this awful cluster of feedback.

edit: also the RNG was significantly reduced with the introduction of Relics. That's proven fact, not an opinion, not a guess. The numbers don't lie.

Edited by JSharpie
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"You can shove your advice"

... Soooo... Agree with you, or go away? Pretty pathetic, mate.

If you don't like the grind, then your choices are to suck it up and go without, or become very friendly with trade chat.

Because honestly, you're squat outta luck. The Relic system is vastly superior to the old Void system, and the only downside is that I kind of miss the Void having a purpose that isn't masochism or Vor hunting... Actually, I think that counts as masochism too.

Edited by V1XX
I used a swear and the text didn't like it.
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16 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

Sorry, but you can shove your advice.

Fine I'll go, rant about it yourself mate.


16 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

I really REALLY hope someone important from DE sees this and realizes that the rock system along with the RNG on RNG was a horrible idea in the first place.

Trust me, they won't. There was countless amount of topics like this which just got ignored, people got offended over any tiny puny thing, and did DE seen it? Well, maybe they did, and as you can see... OLD VOID DIDN'T CAME BACK! I really wish people like you really thought about it, and just played the freaking game. Just deal with this RNG, mate. It's not gonna change.

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Baseless rant topic detected.

Lord of the Rings spam?

Lord of the Rings spam!


Edit: By which I mean I'm going to see if I can get away with replying entirely in LotR memes, not that I'll actually flood the thread.

Because double-posting is wrong.

Edited by Dreddeth
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47 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

The numbers don't lie.

Yup, especially the number of new relics you have to farm before you can even think of farming the newly released prime stuff... I'm still farming for Oberon relics, all I got so far is his blueprint... not a single part of Silva & Aegis and yeah, still need that Sybaris Blueprint.

Tbh I didn't read anything of the OP, but at least the edited part of your post is complete BS.

Edited by O.O_
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7 hours ago, JSharpie said:

also the RNG was significantly reduced with the introduction of Relics. That's proven fact, not an opinion, not a guess. The numbers don't lie.

The numbers also only ever look at a 4 person squad.  So while they don't lie they do only look at a single aspect of group composition.  

Though people do seem to enjoy the DE version of lock-boxes.

Edited by Loswaith
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It's a free to play game.

You either fork over the real world cash to bypass the Grind and RNG or you suffer through the grind of obtaining relics and the RNG of opening relics.

While the old Void Key System got you better bang for your buck in ENDLESS missions, non endless ones where at a disadvantage. The Relic system evens the playing field a bit more. It's not perfect, no...and I personally prefer the old system but it's not deal breaking. All the "junk" you got could get you something from Baro or you can sell it to newer players for plat in order to get the pieces of gear you need. I know, hard to find people who sell pieces and not sets but..hey. At least you didn't buy that plat.

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13 hours ago, O.O_ said:

Yup, especially the number of new relics you have to farm before you can even think of farming the newly released prime stuff... I'm still farming for Oberon relics, all I got so far is his blueprint... not a single part of Silva & Aegis and yeah, still need that Sybaris Blueprint.

Tbh I didn't read anything of the OP, but at least the edited part of your post is complete BS.

How is it BS? If anything your post here seems the bs. Without even trying to gather the same items you are claiming to be farming I have through just playing in pugs opening random relics earned several full sets of each. Play more complain less and it will come.

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2 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

How is it BS? If anything your post here seems the bs. Without even trying to gather the same items you are claiming to be farming I have through just playing in pugs opening random relics earned several full sets of each. Play more complain less and it will come.

Old system -> new items got added to existing keys -> no farming for new keys, you could directly start farming the parts (you had more then enough keys by just playing the game).

New system -> new items come with new relics -> farming for new relics before you farm the parts = double the RNG/grind... not reduced at all.

That's the reason why the second part of his post is BS and you both should think before you post.


P.S. There was another advantage of keys, you only needed a single key in an endless mission and had every 5 minutes a chance to get a prime part out of the same key... relics suck.

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