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Do you run Corrosive Projection?


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1 hour ago, -Temp0- said:

No one cares about Hek's armor, since he can't stand up to 8 players gang**ing him no matter what anyway.

It's normal units that can be a pain if you need to kill them suhc as drones, G3 or enemies around you in stage 2 and 3. Less armor they have more chances that anyone will be able to kil them and kill them fast. As you can't possibly deal with every single one of them and can't know what kind of weapons others use. As well as there's no real reason or use for other aura mods as in, they're all pretty useles anyway. So might as well get those.

Not sure how thats relevant to what I said. I'm not saying people should just stop using CP in LOR NM. What I'm saying is I have no problems killing high armor enemies in any mission (cuz there are many ways of negating it) so I use Enemy Radar to speed up the flow of missions.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)iBoiz said:

Not sure how thats relevant to what I said. I'm not saying people should just stop using CP in LOR NM. What I'm saying is I have no problems killing high armor enemies in any mission (cuz there are many ways of negating it) so I use Enemy Radar to speed up the flow of missions.

That's the reason why others use it and the reason why at the very least in every nm there's 4 of them. So there won't be false impression that "you don't need cp even in LoR".

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I always forma for dash and have CP equipped by default, sometimes I use shield disruption, for me those are the only auras that matter. I Stand by you @uAir people that see no reason to use those 2 auras are just selfish that only think of themselves. So in a sense you're wasting your time with people that are too selfish to change unless it brings them direct benefits

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Used to a lot but now that i have better weapons not really. Usually on Mesa but that's all. The only other time i forma's an aura slot was swapping rhino p's to a D polarity. After that ehh. If i feel cp is necessary for a mission i'll use a frame with a dash polarity in the slot but it's rare especially if not vs grineer.

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On 7/17/2017 at 9:24 AM, uAir said:

Collectively we could make the game so much easier for us. Why are so many of you choosing to actively make things more difficult for everyone, including yourselves?

Also, for the users of Growing Power over all other mods. Please show me your setup and explain why Growing Power is so much better for your build than something else.

Because we are not sheep and we like different things. 

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I pretty much use it all the time. Yes I have armor stripping abilities but my don't always have them up or hit everything with them.  It also reduces the casts necessary to completely strip armor with static stripping abilities.

Random teammates rarely use it so it helps.  It also helps teammates who don't have the ability to strip armor or ignore armor.

CP gives a bigger boost to damage than Steel Charge on armored targets higher than level 7. Armored targets are pretty much the only thing that will gimp your damage so, yeah.


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Slash/Status/Crit/Viral.  Why remove armor when you can go straight past it?

And you know what I always keep handy in case assassins show up while I'm leveling gear?  A Synoid Gammacor with rad/mag/viral.  It doesn't strip armor but utterly melts Stalker, G3, Zanuka, and any of the syndicate assassins.

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3 hours ago, aligatorno said:

Because we are not sheep and we like different things. 

Liking something that is bad, especially bad for the community as a whole, is not something to be proud of because I'm sure the people coal rolling might use the same argument you just did.

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, uAir said:

99% of players DO NOT run CP...

What is that number based on?

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, uAir said:

...not enough people are running CP...

In your opinion maybe.

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, uAir said:

...their exists a mentality that CP is not needed and you can throw whatever you want in there it forces ALL of us to...

There are mentalities for both sides of that argument.  You can see that from the responses in this post - some people use CP and others don't.  There is no mentality about me doing what I want with my aura slot.  I can throw whatever I want in there.  When I join a squad in a public game my squad mates will respond to that however they like.  Nobody forces anyone to do anything.

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, uAir said:

...Of the frames you listed, NONE of what you said is even remotely good to be doing...

With a couple possible exceptions if I were going to be using the frames he mentions I'd be doing the things on that list.  Why take Ash to anything and not use any of his skills?  Why would I not use finishers with Inaros?  I would be doing those things regardless the number of people in my squad running CP.

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, uAir said:

... If you players would stop thinking about "oh, me me me I need this for my frame"...

If I'm in a squad with people I care about or a squad where we've all agreed to do something a certain way I would consider people other then myself.  Asking someone to care about anyone other then themselves when that someone is a stranger is not something most people will do in any situation not to mention in a public game on WF.

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, uAir said:

...I don't know where you're coming from that I'm not here discussing this...

The title of this post and the first responses to this post would make people think that you as the OP were questioning a part of the game and wanted to know more about it.  Based on some of your other responses it looks like you made your mind up about this topic before you created this post.  You can have discussions where one, both, or all of the people involved have made up their mind(s).  That isn't the same thing as someone asking for information and someone else helping that person by providing it.  A closed mind is going to make some discussions not as productive or even pointless.  Why ask for other people's input if you're convinced you're right and they aren't?  Why not title this post 'Everyone should run CP and here's why'?

I don't disagree with what you're saying.  Having a 4 X CP squad (or whatever the adjusted numbers are for raids) and appropriately modded weapons/frames is a good plan for dealing damage.  You seem to want most or all of the WF community to do this.  How are you going to get that to happen?  You haven't changed my mind.  I doubt you've changed the minds of many other people who have posted responses here.  How are you going to change '99% of players'' minds?


Liking something that is bad, especially bad for the community as a whole, is not something to be proud of...

Bad in your opinion.  When did that person say that was something they were proud of?

Edited by Arcainyx
Added another part to this response instead of creating another post
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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 8:26 PM, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

I never run CP for two reasons: one, I am almost always solo or in a public group (so it's effects are unreliable), and two, I get more out of Energy Siphon (because some powers can strip armor) or Steel Charge (because slash+crit doesn't care about armor).

That said, I mostly use auras as mod point boosters, not for their effects.

This fellow Tenno just happened to sum up my exact reasons for not running with Corrosive Projection. Since I mostly play Ivara, I just don't really need CP.  Here are some others as well.

On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 8:17 PM, Chipputer said:

Because I get more out of Growing Power than I would out of less armor on enemies. Particularly when I can strip armor off of heavy targets.


On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 8:17 PM, Tesseract7777 said:

There are so many ways to get around armor. Kavats, lots of different abilities now, etc. So many more great status weapons. 


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2 hours ago, uAir said:

Liking something that is bad, especially bad for the community as a whole, is not something to be proud of because I'm sure the people coal rolling might use the same argument you just did.

That is one of the most silly, selfish and out right narcissistic statements I`ve heard on this forum since I activate here. Please don't think that your opinion, preferences or needs are the only ones that matter or that they are applicable to the whole population. Reality check, they are not. 

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 10:10 AM, uAir said:

Go to a high level Corpus mission and try to kill Oxium Ospreys without CP or Corrosive procs on your weapon.

I do it all the time with Ivara and a Gas build Rakta Cernos.  One shot them and same with most of the Grineer in Sortie 3.  Don't use CP or Corrosive and don't have any problems what so ever killing lvl 100 enemies.  Should I run into any that are tougher, then Artemis Bow, Gas/Slash build melee and/or Sleep Arrow.  Steel Charge works better in each of those situations for me by giving me extra mod points which translates into more starting energy.  It's also giving more power to Stealth Kills and thrown Glaives. 

All the other frames I use have a way to either strip armor or bypass it.  So, CP just isn't as useful as most would lead players to believe.  Then, I'm also lazy and don't like switching out mods between Factions because it's not needed if you mod right the first time.  :D

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45 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I do it all the time with Ivara and a Gas build Rakta Cernos.  One shot them and same with most of the Grineer in Sortie 3.  Don't use CP or Corrosive and don't have any problems what so ever killing lvl 100 enemies.  Should I run into any that are tougher, then Artemis Bow, Gas/Slash build melee and/or Sleep Arrow.  Steel Charge works better in each of those situations for me by giving me extra mod points which translates into more starting energy.  It's also giving more power to Stealth Kills and thrown Glaives. 

All the other frames I use have a way to either strip armor or bypass it.  So, CP just isn't as useful as most would lead players to believe.  Then, I'm also lazy and don't like switching out mods between Factions because it's not needed if you mod right the first time.  :D

I just saw this... bringing CP and such JUST for oxium ospreys? One of the dumbest things I've ever heard, and the OP is trying to lecture US on "not playing optimally". 

Oxium Ospreys are not a serious threat... just freaking LOLOLOL. 

Also, bringing a specific aura for ONE enemy, that is hardly the priority threat when dealing with Corpus, I cannot even begin to explain how little sense this makes. So many auras that could especially be doing more against Corpus. And against infested, unless you get mutualist spam, so little reason to bring corrosive, when you could bring something else. I feel like I'm in some bizarro alternate reality reading some of these posts, where people are bringing it to things besides high level grineer or infested, and just tossing it in against corpus because "hur dur it's THE BEST" even when it makes no bloody sense whatsoever to slot it, and you are only up against maybe one enemy it does anything against. 

It's like people get so into this sheeple like mindset of "this is meta, it's the best, the very best, always", and stop thinking for themselves. I've seen some pretty intelligent players say they use it "always" when it is simply a logical fact that sometimes there are better aura choices. This nonsense that CP is simply the best aura period in all situations is more than a myth, it's a laughable joke propogated by people who are afflicted by meta cancer and can't think for themselves. 

Bringing four CP against high level grineer or infested if you are going to bother to organize a match is always a perfectly solid idea, but it simply isn't always necessary either. And expecting everyone to do it in a PUG is absolute MADNESS, and just utter ludicrousness on the part of the person who expects it. For the OP, STOP expecting people in a PUG to do what you want, or anything close to what you think is optimal. Go to a sortie high level against Infested or Grineer and don't like that your allies don't bring CP? Organize your own game, recruitment chat exists for a reason! 

But this thread also imo shows ignorance on the part of the OP and some others who claim to know what they are doing. Just because CP is optimal in certain situations doesn't mean it is always the most optimal choice on every frame, in every situation, against every faction especially when we take into account that the majority of missions in warframe are either run with random unorganized groups or run solo. When you are in a situation where you don't know if everyone will have it, it simply isn't optimal to bring it. You can't guaranteed in a PUG that everyone will have CP, and it's effectiveness falls off a lot at higher levels when you don't have four. This is why in a PUG, even in an aug armor sortie, you will see people bring armor stripping abilities instead of CP, because they know they cannot rely on the random choice of a random person. And there is nothing wrong with that!

This last bit is to the OP and those telling others "how to play". There are lots of ways to play, and they are all right in their own way. If you really want to bring CP against the Corpus, that's your choice, but don't try to tell me that's the optimal way to play, you just look utterly ridiculous. 


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Depends on the situation.

If I'm running a Warframe like Chroma, who I'd rather have Growing Power on (for obvious reasons), I'll just slap Coaction Drift to buff everyone else's Corrosive Projection to make up for me not having it. If we have a bunch of Armor Stripping Warframes instead I'll run Power Drift so we can easily strip 100% of an enemy's Armor.

If I'm doing something like an hour long Survival in Void, I'll be bringing some friends along with either the setup above or just four CP's.

Honestly, I get that CP is nice and all, but when you can also just have a few Armor-stripping Warframes with everyone having Growing Power, it's a lot better in my opinion. I don't really know why people complain so much about it when it really only matters in something like a four hour long Defense mission.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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7 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

It's like people get so into this sheeple like mindset of "this is meta, it's the best, the very best, always", and stop thinking for themselves. I've seen some pretty intelligent players say they use it "always" when it is simply a logical fact that sometimes there are better aura choices. This nonsense that CP is simply the best aura period in all situations is more than a myth, it's a laughable joke propogated by people who are afflicted by meta cancer and can't think for themselves. 


I realized this a long time ago.  It's like they all blind themselves to the real faults of those mods, weapons, etc.  So caught up in the META that they miss other good things. Like the AkMagnus for an example of a underrated weapon. 

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8 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:


I realized this a long time ago.  It's like they all blind themselves to the real faults of those mods, weapons, etc.  So caught up in the META that they miss other good things. Like the AkMagnus for an example of a underrated weapon. 

I just finished 7 forma on this. Forgot how fun it was, and it's very comparable to ASP. 

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1 minute ago, Kinetos said:

I just finished 7 forma on this. Forgot how fun it was, and it's very comparable to ASP. 

I didn't forma mine that high.  What I did luck up on was a 100+ Crit chance, 100+ Crit Damage (very first roll) riven for it.  It's without a doubt my hardest hitting secondary now.  Didn't really need the riven, but it adds that extra insult to my enemies.  :D

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7 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I didn't forma mine that high.  What I did luck up on was a 100+ Crit chance, 100+ Crit Damage (very first roll) riven for it.  It's without a doubt my hardest hitting secondary now.  Didn't really need the riven, but it adds that extra insult to my enemies.  :D

Yeah I have a Riven with nothing good yet but also 3 primed mods, so I need the capacity. 

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14 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

That's the reason why others use it and the reason why at the very least in every nm there's 4 of them. So there won't be false impression that "you don't need cp even in LoR".

Well, as I said, CP is not required in LOR. I've been running it almost every day since the game mode was released with 4cp and without any cp without any problems. Having right people that know what they are doing is more important, and its best to run with fewer players(4 or 5) to have less enemies spawn. NM LOR is another story.

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