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DE's chat censorship and punishment. Does it need attention?


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I think the issue lies more with the use of an automated system that (until true AI comes about) cannot fully determine context. Surely a better solution would be to recruit more moderators; the amount of puerile and coarse comments I've seen that aren't banned is quite remarkable and presumably quite off putting to some players.

As @More-L said above, I sometimes hang around in chat to help people out if they need it - met a few new friends that way too...   

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2 minutes ago, Sean said:

Words are already censored by the in-game profanity filter if a person has that enabled.

That should be the only censorship for words in-game.


Everything else should be behavior based, but from what I've seen, the people who do moderate those chats seem to arbitrarily decide on what is and is not ban worthy which is one of the reasons I keep Region Chat disabled.

Most of it is just a bot, some is done by a moderator but some may be a bit more lenient.

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12 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Because straight is used as a direction, homosexual and gay aren't.

And yes it is an excuse because region chat is for game chat. It's the same reason politics and religion are banned from being talked about too in 99% of games. It's to keep the general peace.

Ok you know what? Homosexual is not a suspend-able or banned word, every single one of your arguments has now come crumbling down because your "Don't talk about sexuality" and the fact the word 'homosexual' is not treated the same as the g-word contradict each other, gj. Straight is also used as a sexual orientation just as the g-word is. 

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While I do normally hate censorship, especially in a game where murdering millions is the status quo, I do understand that most of the time, it's to maintain a clean environment. Admittedly, I too have been on the harsher end , like when I was kicked for saying "trump" in my sentence (the kickbot thought I was referencing the PotUS). It's stupid, and lazy, but it kinda works at keeping the chat clean, so eh.

Now the Forums on the other hand....

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Just now, Sean said:

Then the bot needs adjusting.

There's no reason for it to target words due to the fact that the game has an optional profanity filter. Anyone who chooses to disable that is already saying they don't care what words they see.

If there is no reason for the word to be used then no the bot doesn't need to be changed, it is working as intended. It is you whom needs to change.

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12 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

I'd love to see the bot explain why saying "Zephyr is a trap" is okay while "Nezha is a trap" leads to instant chat ban.

Because most of the "trap" jokes have been about Nezha, so KickBot only kicks when both "Nezha" and "trap" are used together. It prevents people from getting kicked when using other meanings of the word.

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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

If there is no reason for the word to be used then no the bot doesn't need to be changed, it is working as intended. It is you whom needs to change.

Lets ignore whether or not the words should be censored for a bit. Do you agree with a 24 hour suspension without any warning what-so-ever, no pm, no kick, just instant 24 hour suspension? Part of my initial topic was also about whether the punishment fits the crime, which obviously, I don't think it does.

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I think people misinterpret the reasons behind censorship of potentially harmful words. It's not to just censor "bad" words in general, it is to make sure, that they can't be used in a derogatory manner, because some people are indeed "affected" by such words. Like many people have said it already, it's there to maintain the general peace.

General explanations aside, my own opinion on the matter is, that censorship should be optional. If you easily get hurt by words, you should be able to switch on a profanity filter. That way, other people can swing along with the words they're used to, and people hurt by those words, don't have to see them.

To be quite honest, you shouldn't even be on the internet, if words can hurt you to such an extent, in my opinion. This whole "safe space" mindset seriously ruins our society.

EDIT: Oh, and I do agree, that a 24 ban is far too much. It should be a temporary kick, at best. Only after repeated offenses, though.

Edited by Ferah_Frithu
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2 minutes ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

I think people misinterpret the reasons behind censorship of potentially harmful words. It's not to just censor "bad" words in general, it is to make sure, that they can't be used in a derogatory manner, because some people are indeed "affected" by such words. Like many people have said it already, it's there to maintain the general peace.

General explanations aside, my own opinion on the matter is, that censorship should be optional. If you easily get hurt by words, you should be able to switch on a profanity filter. That way, other people can swing along with the words they're used to, and people hurt by those words, don't have to see them.

To be quite honest, you shouldn't even be on the internet, if words can hurt you to such an extent, in my opinion. This whole "safe space" mindset seriously ruins our society.

I agree with most of what you say, but a main issue is the punishment not matching the crime. The bot deletes your message anyway, but also instant 24 hour ban's you (at least that is how it was for me.) To be completely honest, I believe that the reason things like that are punished so severely is because of who owns DE (which is not DE) and 'them' forcing their rules on to us. But I might be wrong.  

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2 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Because straight is used as a direction, homosexual and gay aren't.

And yes it is an excuse because region chat is for game chat. It's the same reason politics and religion are banned from being talked about too in 99% of games. It's to keep the general peace.

but gay is used to say you're happy or light hearted and straight isn't

same logic so now allow the word gay and ban the word straight

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1 hour ago, cghawk said:

but gay is used to say you're happy or light hearted and straight isn't

same logic so now allow the word gay and ban the word straight

Except gay in that form is an archaic use of the word. The contemporary meaning has shifted, the same cannot be said for straight.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Out of curiosity, simply because it is "archaic", does that somehow invalidate it's use?

It means the likelihood of it being used outside of the most common current usage is significantly diminished. The two meanings of straight see much more balanced use.

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