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Finally a REAL Menace: The Nox


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He does need a little touch up. If you are using Radiation on your weapons, you are golden, he;s very weak against it. For some reason, he's immune to slash procs, not even Executioner Gorth is immune to them and he';s the toughest of the bunch. 


Edited by aligatorno
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An Eximus sortie 3 Nox is the first unit in a long time that have had me dodge out for a quick heal and an overview to figure out what just happened before jumping back in and killing it off. Looking back it must had dealt near 7000 damage to me before armor reduction before it died. Was just mindlessly meleeing it btw.

Edited by Golmihr
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at regular levels, Nox are just an accuracy test, just unload your entire mag at head height as best you can. at Sortie levels and as Eximus units though, they can be problematic. surely you've all figured out that Nox are basically a more subtle version of that "weak point Eximus" enemy that was shown a long time ago? you know, the one that Rebecca struggled to kill with a Tigris Prime, because of how stupidly broken it was. we all came together to say how bad of an idea it was, and thus it never got implemented.. until the Nox came along.

While I don't think Nox need nerfing, I do think they shouldn't spawn so much in Sorties. they could be made like Bursas, where they only appear if the alarms are raised. this way players have a reason to think about alarms on Grineer maps, and since they won't appear that often, DE could even buff them, to make them feel like a more menacing encounter.


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Since they have come out I have killed about 100 of them while using nekros, and enjoyed the fight and when they have frozen me and knocked me down - good fun. However, I am not enjoying RNG not dropping the mods I want. That's not really a valid complaint though - RNG will RNG...

I like Nox, and want his primary stug variant. 

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I was wondering just how long it would take for the community to ask for a Nox nerf.  LOL

11 hours ago, Teloch said:

Based on my observation, more than a half of WF playerbase can't into gunplay. Some rely on warframe abilities, other cheese spin attacks melee all day long. People with decent accuracy stats (45% and above on auto and 70% and above on non-auto weapons) are quite rare.  

I will say that most tend to use more shotguns as there primary because they don't need to be accurate.  :D

10 hours ago, Teloch said:

Yep. Invited a couple of MR6-7 bow gurus to my clan. I personally hate bows, but these individuals do wonders with them.

Anyway, my comment about the observation of players gunplaying tendencies isn't a cause for arguing. I tip my imaginary fedora to thee - the comrade ballistics enthusiast - and bid ye a good day.

Fellow Bow/Sniper user right here.  :D

5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

at regular levels, Nox are just an accuracy test, just unload your entire mag at head height as best you can. at Sortie levels and as Eximus units though, they can be problematic. surely you've all figured out that Nox are basically a more subtle version of that "weak point Eximus" enemy that was shown a long time ago? you know, the one that Rebecca struggled to kill with a Tigris Prime, because of how stupidly broken it was. we all came together to say how bad of an idea it was, and thus it never got implemented.. until the Nox came along.

While I don't think Nox need nerfing, I do think they shouldn't spawn so much in Sorties. they could be made like Bursas, where they only appear if the alarms are raised. this way players have a reason to think about alarms on Grineer maps, and since they won't appear that often, DE could even buff them, to make them feel like a more menacing encounter.

This is a good idea. I don't have any problems with the Nox, but I do see how they could effect those who aren't aware of ho to kill them. 

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Is it bad that I find Nox more balanced, more enjoyable to fight and more fair to fight than Bombards? I mean, sure if you can't headshot them it's a pain, but at least I can dodge their attacks, meanwhile I can dodge a bombard missile only to have it go around and hit me in the back or hit the floor/wall/obstacle next to me and send me flying back to heaven, or they just keep firing more missiles anyway and one is bound to hit, and then once one the follow up will most likely hit if you didn't sacrifice a slot for a very specific mod that only works under very specific conditions and that's useless at high level since the one thing it's good against will one hit kill you anyway.

Plus Bombards are way too common comparing to Nox. I never saw Nox spawn in pairs or even 2 of them under the same minute, meanwhile Bombards...

And I have crap aim which is hard to improve when you don't have a proper table and your body weight is sitting on the arm you use with your mouse, and a small mouse pad, and an old regular mouse (at least it's not my good old logitech with the ball!).

Edited by God_is_a_Cat_Girl
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11 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Yeah, that thing ate a dozen shots from my 20k Slash Sancti Tigris and kept on coming.  Insane.

I'm not surprised that Nox laughed at your Sancti Tigris - you used a weapon that's poorly suited - or at the very least is extremely inefficient - against it.

More specifically, you used a Slash-based weapon that spreads its damage across several projectiles that fan out over distance...against an enemy that heavily RESISTS Slash damage due to lots of Alloy Armor and that also has a damage cap for its entire body (except the head). That being said, a Nox necessitates a Puncture-based weapon that allows you to headshot with decent reliability and focuses its damage onto a single projectile.

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2 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

I'm not surprised that Nox laughed at your Sancti Tigris - you used a weapon that's poorly suited - or at the very least is extremely inefficient - against it.

More specifically, you used a Slash-based weapon that spreads its damage across several projectiles that fan out over distance...against an enemy that heavily RESISTS Slash damage due to lots of Alloy Armor and that also has a damage cap for its entire body (except the head). That being said, a Nox necessitates a Puncture-based weapon that allows you to headshot with decent reliability and focuses its damage onto a single projectile.

So very true.  When I first ran across the Nox I found out a few interesting things.  You can't stealth melee kill them.  A spread weapon will work but only at close enough range for most of the blast to hit the helmet.  It isn't good to stay too close to the body as it dies.  Even with all that, I still like the tanky mofos.  I have to actually think about how I want to face and take them down. 

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Wait, these s.o.b.s are difficult to fight? First time I met one at the shipyard, I melted it in ten seconds with my Cycron headshot beam. Do a large portion of the population only aim for center mass on all the enemies they meet or something?

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My squad chicken out in sortie when a level 150 eximus nox appeared with augmented armor. It took me a while to kill it, but I kept that as a trophy. One of them actually came back and said "You still fighting that thing?" So I guess the nox is the new juggernaut under certain sortie effects. Still a terrifying but fun guy to pick off. lol

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16 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

Not asking for a nerf :/

I did have a serious a-hole response, but realized that you really might have just meant for this to be a discussion for strategies to beat them.  I would suggest a rename of the Title to reflect that.  Currently it kinda leads one to think it's a nerf/complaint type topic.  :D

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

I did have a serious a-hole response, but realized that you really might have just meant for this to be a discussion for strategies to beat them.  I would suggest a rename of the Title to reflect that.  Currently it kinda leads one to think it's a nerf/complaint type topic.  :D

Is it better now?

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12 hours ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

Yesterday i was doing a survival mission on titan trying to farm toxin resistance mod

I found it was so easy to kill the nox.

Shoot his helmet with my telos boltor, blade storm him twice, and bye bye

now maybe because during the BS, Ash is immune to dmg, but i was barely affected from his toxin.

Maybe you should try it

In Sortie, I took him head on with my 100% status Lesion with Healing Return w. Chroma for Gits and Shiggles.

Others in the Squad not used to him were downed in seconds.  so he is tough and fun.

A good "Nyx 2" prospect.

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I am so glad to have a special enemy that isn't watered down to nothing. Manics were sadly watered down and now barely even appear. Bursa's have been watered down too much as well, and die pretty fast on sorties. 

Nox are an actually interesting enemy. They require you to pay attention to the right bit of them, and strategically stay away from them to avoid that toxin cloud at the end. They are very heavily armored even with headshots and the glass cracked. I like that. I want something now and then to actually be TOUGH. Grineer are supposed to be heavily armored. This guy is a fun opponent. 

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