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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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I would just like to say this about latest?cb=20160209134700.

It's a bit easier to use, but it still feels like you are trying to heall a Genji.

Proposal: In addition to having allies stay in it for at least 1.5 secconds, let us click on them like with enemies. By this I mean not dragging them in to the Undertow, because then people will complain about trolling. Instead, have said clicks on the same 1.5 seconds timer so they can't be spammed, but still let Hydroid heall from range for those kinds of team mates that just have no idea this augment even exists.

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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so hydroid after his "revisit" is in an okay-ish spot that has a lot of room for improvement.

passive: needs to go and be replaced completely. i.e. give hydroid and allies status resistance or healing when in the range of his abilities

tempest barrage: nothing really notable but it really needs to do something meaningful, probably scaling dmg from weapon mods would be nice as well as please restrict each salvo to an area and make power strength increase the frequency

tidal surge: the best thing i would think is to merge it with undertow or make it akin to atlas's tectonics boulder so that you could send enemies off elsewhere. this opens hydroid for some area control to set up for Tempest barrage / tentacle swarm at long range.

Undertow: i love the QoL improvements to this ability however enemies need to be able to be damaged by allies and make it scale off of enemy count/health. the movement needs to also increased to be at walking speed to encourage me to "hunt and devour" enemies. alternatively, create a trench like fortress that tenno can hide in (puddle is waist deep and you can hide in it for cover - would be extremely useful in survivals). Visuals a good but make it look like a raging sea when Tentacle swarm is cast from this ability

Tentacle swarm: kraken is way too passive and needs to do something meaningful like spit water vapor into enemies to blind them or strip their armour or disarm them or what ever (just be creative!). And most importantly of all keep these enemies in place  Either by holding them in air or root them to the ground and flail them off only after the ability ends!

with these changes hydroid should be in a good place but please at least give him a niche other than loot farming.

Edited by Aquasurge
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17 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:


Hydroid Revisited

Please use this thread to give us your feedback on Hydroid Revisited. We will be closely monitoring your practical feedback - feel free to share videos and discussions after playing with Hydroid's revamped abilities. Non-constructive feedback, dev-bashing, and any other content that violates the Guidelines will be removed.


The sea has a revamped fear creeping in the depth, and his name is Hydroid.

With Hydroid Prime emerging to the surface soon, the team took another glance at Hydroids power and what we could do in order to achieve ability synergy. Hydroid now brings barrages, puddles, and tentacles into a deadly oceanic horror. 

General Hydroid Changes

  • Hydroid’s base Shield and Armor has received a buff! 
  • Shield is now 375 from 345. 
  • Armor is now 200 from 65.

Tempest Barrage:

  • Tempest Barrage can be cast while in Undertow and will now hit enemies submerged in Undertow.
  • Tempest Barrage can now be charged for longer Duration (more explosions) and more Damage for more Energy.

Tidal Surge:

  • Tidal Surge can be used to move around without canceling Undertow (note that Tidal Surge speed - and hence distance - is halved when used in Undertow).
  • Tidal Surge will now pull enemies along for the ride.
  • Tidal Surge can be interrupted at any point by casting Undertow to go into your puddle, sinking enemies being pulled along.


  • Hydroid can pull enemies into Undertow by aiming and clicking on them.
  • Undertow can be cast while in air.
  • Jump and roll will break Hydroid out of Undertow.
  • Hydroid can now move while in Undertow at the expense of Energy.
  • Submerged enemies in Undertow receive Damage Per Second, increasing every second they are submerged.
  • Enemies that die will be released from Undertow instead of dragging their dead bodies along for the ride.

Tentacle Swarm:

  • Hold onto your ships, Tentacle Swarm has received a new look straight from the depths of the sea! Can you summon the Kraken?
  • Tentacle Swarm can be charged to get more tentacles over a larger area for more Energy.
  • Hydroid tentacles will now seek out nearby enemies and attempt to slam on top of them rather than just always flailing randomly and hoping they hit something.
  • Tentacle Swarm will protrude from Hydroid’s Undertow if active when cast.

My honest suggestion is to DE, kindly advise the developer/creator of Hydroid to be re-done at your own pace in gentle manner. :satisfied:

Thank You. 

Edited by IIWingSaberII
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Hm, he has become so much more fun to play and he now really feels like a watered down frame.


But because he is still pretty squish, he relies a lot on his abilities, namely his Undertow for the most part.

But the energy drain it have when you want to drag enemies down to you, or use abilities when when being puddle is quite hefty for barely any dmg with his other abilities. When not using his Corrosive Barrage augment that is.


So i think the energy on it should go something like this:

Casting costs - standing still does not drain and you can get energy from trinity, etc. - move and it starts to drain and block energy restores as when you are standing still currently - grabing enemies remains as is

And his Tentacle Swarm is kinda better, but that whole flailing and not being able to hit them and the tent doing minimum dmg is annoying.

What if when you activate the ability again, all enemies that has benwn caught are pulled to where you aim and dropped on the ground, ready to be shot?

Otherwise it's just what i wanted.

Edited by MortTrevari
got a new idea, me not grammachecking much
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Mobility is great and all, but he needs something more than that.

I know he is a cc frame but he could use more damage, "Mesa Treatment" would be a good way to do it. He would use melee mods and he may/may not proc status from it, reach would extend the length of tentacles and attack speed mods would increase damage tick speed of the tentacles.

If that is too over the top, maybe tweak AI of tentacles a little more, they could slap much less, because now when they catch someone you can't really shoot them.

TL;DR Melee mods on tentacles and even better AI

Honestly, you did a great job making Hydroid somewhat viable. (Big thumbs up for you DE)

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1 minute ago, Pumpkin_Head said:

Mobility is great and all, but he needs something more than that.

I know he is a cc frame but he could use more damage, "Mesa Treatment" would be a good way to do it. He would use melee mods and he may/may not proc status from it, reach would extend the length of tentacles and attack speed mods would increase damage tick speed of the tentacles.

If that is too over the top, maybe tweak AI of tentacles a little more, they could slap much less, because now when they catch someone you can't really shoot them.

TL;DR Melee mods on tentacles and even better AI

Honestly, you did a great job making Hydroid somewhat viable. (Big thumbs up for you DE)

Just got an idea for his Tentacle swarm, not sure if it'sany good, but it's an idea

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You forgot to do a 2 of the most requested things.

Innate corrosive proc on 1, and pilfering swarm should prime the enemies to drop on death.

Also please don't add stuff to visuals just to let it sit there, I understand those are the kraken's tentacles but let his head be useful and let the tentacles bring the enemies 1 by 1 to his head and chomp stuff to produce energy since he now needs a ton of it.

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Hey DE till now i like the new hydroid is does some work in high level missions saving my teammates from being overswarmed by enemies. i know you all have a lot on plate but i hope i can share my suggestions on hydroid if thats possible. this is my first forum by the way i dont if im posting it in the right one. so ehre are my opinions i hope it wont make hydroid not hydroid but here it is.

this is what i think that would make hydroid cool is just my opinion

tempest barrage- instead of marking a location for bombardment would be cool if just was a radius and only in that radius he bombards

tidal surge- the rework is good 

undertow- was unexpected but i like it now 

tentacle swarm- his augmented mod pilfering swarm needs to be changed instead of saying when he kills a enemy with his tentacle he gets a drop chance buff but it should rather say when his tentacle touches a enemy either be killed by his tentacle or his allies he gets the drop chance buff

this is just my opinion dont know itll happen like this but i hope it will

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For the first time ever, I can honestly say I'm very disapointed in a frames changes. This revisit didn't solve a single thing about hydroid except make him a little tankier. This honestly feels rushed and not very well thought out. Let's go over it piece by piece.

Passive:  Still lackluster, relies on rng, and is still unreliable. I thought this would be the first thing changed since it always felt like a placeholder. The tentacle that spawns doesn't even attempt to hit an enemy, and just lamely flops around. Some consistency could have been added at the very minimum. Or a complete change. There are dozens of ideas scattered around these forums that are leagues better than what this passive does. 

First ability: can't rely on it to kill, can't rely on it to CC. The damage is too low no matter how long you charge it, and explosion damage is resisted by a good amount of enemies. Second, the projectiles can be blocked by any terrain, making this ability completely useless in cluttered areas. Third, it has a very slow start up, which means most of time, enemies have already walked out of the range. Again, some consistency could have been added, like making the launch point from hydroid, and it's a huge arcing watery ball that knocks away enemies. Holding it down means you can Barrage them. And that's if we stick with the original idea of the ability. 

Second ability:  just another rhino charge. It's CC is highly situational, and is only good for the mobility. This could have been much more interesting, but it isn't. 

Third ability: Now here is where I feel more than disappointed. You know the real reason I wanted to play hydroid? Apparently it's to cosplay as a damn puddle. So much "synergy" was tossed into an ability that struggles to kill level 20 Eximus Units. But hey, you can use a highly inconsistent first ability to hit enemies you drown, and use a flat 50% reduced rhino charge while you play a puddle. Really? This is the defining move of hydroid, the one reason the players pick him up?  And the grab mechanic is so precise that it's frustrating to use. At least the ability is as useful as a real puddle, so A for effort. 

Finally, the fourth. You made a model, and made the tentacles actually try to hit enemies, and yet the ability is the same with a sad looking slug just sitting there. It's the same. Yes, you can use it with the perfection that is "result of a leaky roof" but for what reason? It's the same damn ability. It looks pretty though. 

I honestly expected more from you DE. Every frame that has been reworked or revisited has had some kind of backlash, but those turned out to be good in the end when players got used to them. This is just a fresh coat of paint, and a new windshield when we needed a new engine too. This is more of the same.

If you're going to add synergy, don't force it, and don't put it in areas where it will not help. Abilities should work well on their own and amazingly together. When you force synergy, you actually design frustrating and bad game play. Especially since all the synergy is in "I can look like pee" puddle. Here's something a buddy of mine thought up of hydroid. I urge anyone at DE to give it a read and maybe consider something from it. 

Hydroid - ocean king (excal size+ rework)


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So, after playing with him for a while today and yesterday after the update, I will say it is somewhat better but there are a few remarks and suggestions I would like to make.

  1. Un-nerf the ranges on his abilities a bit at least if possible.
  2. Barrage: the targeting is still wonky, would be kinda cool if the charge-up or range mods affected the splash/blast/explosion zone of the projectiles.
  3. Tidal Surge: it is okay, but this should have been changed into a channeled ability where he gains increased movements speed (and rides his sea monster maybeh? it is kinda a shame to not use the nice model).
  4. Undertow: is fine, apart from the range nerf.
  5. Tentacle swarm: this is just me spitballing, but  it would be cool if instead of flailing the enemies around, it would hold them in place for a while and dealing a small DOT. Now for the sinergy with undertow, if you cast it while in puddle mode, the tentacles would no longer be confined to that area, but would spread out like normally and pull enemies into undertow from wherever (trade off would be that the duration of the tentacles is only for as long as the enemies are being pulled in, then it cancels).

I was trying to come up with stuff that would not completely change the abilities, but both Limbo and Oberon got some bigger changes and it would be nice to have hent... I mean space pirate receives that much love. I know you are working hard on POE, but with Pirate Prime coming out soonTM, it would be nice to give him some more love.

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19 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

1.) Combine his 2nd and 3rd powers into a single Water Form power, with "dashing" costing more energy while in Puddle form, and open one of his slots for an interesting new power.
2.) Touch up his 4th (which they did, fairly decently too)
3.) Do...SOMETHING with his st1......I don't know, maybe give it some new sort of effect, and maybe make the projectiles hone in on targets "World on Fire" style, but with the Rain effect. (Remove some of its RNG)

I like that. Combining Tidal Surge and Undertow should be fairly simple(?) and would free up a power slot. I think the devs should make his 1 an AOE where anything within it gets hit, or make the projectiles automatically home in on enemies, Lotus knows we have more than enough RNG in the game already...

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As I'm sure everyone is talking about this, Hydriod's rework just came out and with it, some interesting and sometimes nice changes came about. However, there were some changes that were not so nice and definitely not needed. On top of that, they weren't even mentioned in the rework forum. I'm specifically talking about the huge range nerf to his 3 and 4.

Originally, his 3 was base 18 meters (I believe). Now, his 3 has a base of a pitiful 4m... 4 meters... that's absolutely nothing. With a Stretch mod, I get a little over 5 meters or so and that's pretty ridiculous. And his 4 now must be charged up to get to a decent range since it's base range is now 5m. DE, if you're going to make these changes and they're not bugs, you need to tell us. These numbers are pitiful and, if it's not a bug, it's a HUGE nerf to Hydroid.

The changes that need to happen (if you're still wanting to keep his abilities the same and if some aren't just bugs) are as follows: 

1. His 1 is still extremely random and either needs a way to hit the enemies directly or have one big splash that hits the entire area followed by the barrage of the current water bullets. Something needs to change so it's not so innacurate. The big giant bomb in the beginning could be a wide spread knock down and the small water drops could be what keep them down. This would make it so they don't have to be accurate because the ability would be based around the first big splash. Also, whatever happens, either the first big splash or the more accurate water droplets, they need to hit something as soon as it's casted. It takes too long from cast to hit which can get him killed.

2. His 2 is kinda buggy and, instead of gathering up enemies, kinda just flings them forward... And sometimes a little too far. Because of this, he can't put them in his 3. It needs to be like a broom for his 3.

3. His 3 NEEDS to be back to its original range. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but 4m is not nearly enough for this. Even only 15m would be sufficient but 4 is not.

4. His 3 NEEDS to scale damage much faster. Exponentially faster. Not jumping up by 10s, but more like a percent increase or something that doesn't take 10 minutes to kill a lvl 100 heavy gunner.

5. His 3 is currently buggy where if you have enemies inside and you move away, they escape. This shouldn't happen. If they get in the puddle, they need to stay in there unless Hydroid releases them via jumping, rolling, or pressing 3 again. Because if enemies can just get out if you move a small distance, he can't utilize the scaling damage at all and he'll just become a stagnant frame like the old nekros.

6. Please oh please make him move faster when he's in his 3. The speed at which he moves is as slow as Nyx using the Assimilate augment with a Hobbled Dragon key and an ice proc on her. It's just too slow. The ability feels like it could be this really cool hidden water stealth ability but I don't think assassins move at the speed of a snail.

7. His 4 needs to go back to its original size. At this point, all we have is an ability which we now have to use more energy and charge up for a period of time to get the same results as previously. Now, given, charging does give more tentacles but still.

8. Why not more power strength = more tentacles?

9. His passive... it just doesn't work. When it originally came out, it felt like it was a random idea and you guys didn't have enough time to think about it and threw it in. He needs a change there. 

Now, I understand that DE is probably super busy with PoE but I want to see Hydroid be an amazing frame. C'mon, pirate space ninja? How cool does that sound!? I fell in love with this frame as soon as I got him but I never used him because he just kinda sucked... But hopefully if DE sees this, that will change. 

Thank you and have a good one.

Edited by Sycebel
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Why do we have to negotiate each rework?

Reading suggestion threads, I assumed community had similar ideas for how his powers should synergize.

1 - mark enemies in LOS cone and blast them with armor reducing projectiles. Augment = corrosive DOT puddles on hit

2 - channeled ability, Hydroid becomes semi-liquid having reduced damage, dash becomes wave. Augment = healing and removing procs from allies, corrosive bonus on enemies

3 - puddle is stationary but you become semi-liquid and move around the surface with normal speed, no jumping or rolling. Pulling enemies with tentacles with LMB, creating tentacles where they stand with melee. Walking off the puddle keeps you in second power state for limited amount of time unless you come back to the water field. Augment = healing allies and yourself.

4 - tentacles have extra loot chance with enemies marked by first power, if they survive projectile hit. Shaking them has also chance of dropping stuff, mostly credits - not just kills. No augment required for extra loot. Augment = tentacles create corrosive puddles similar to ones made by first power augment, these new puddles have 25% chance of spawning another tentacle.

PASSIVE: If we have to keep slam tentacle, make it 100% spawn with three max at a time, third one replacing first one and so on.

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Tempest Barrage:

i really like the ability to charge this skill and the interaction with Undertow is awesome.

However, the skill is still very reliant of RNG in order to hit something. I'd like to see this fixed. Maybe reduce the damage and increase the size of the impact radius of the projectiles. Thus they whould hit more reliably, so enemies are hit more often in order to compensate the reduced damage?

Or maybe give it the same effect as Tentacle Swarm, confining projectiles to Undertow, when undertow is active?

Tidal Surge:

Again, I really like the interaction with Undertow.

However, there is hardly any reason to cast it alone. I'd like to see a cold-procc added to the ability. Right now, it's only role is to provide further utility for Undertow. Adding a cold-procc whould give Tidal scurge something so that it can stand on it's own, as an ability.


Undertow became a really great ability, which is now practically Hydroids signiture, since it has so much sinergy with his other moves. Also, being able to quickly switch out of the ability and even activate it mid-air makes Hydroid a lot more "fluid" to play.

The only problem i saw, when playing around with it is, that relativly often enemies manage to get out of the ability, when you move a lot by using Tidal Surge, though i'm not sure, if this is intentional or indeed a bug.

Tentacle Swarm:

The ability to tightly cluster Tentacle swarm by using Undertow is great. This helps a lot and makes you very flexible, when you are otherwise using a fair bit of Range mods.

However, unlike Tempest Barrage it feels like charging the ability is not worth it, since you don't get as much of a bonus, compared to Tempest Barrage.

Also, since it's still very hard to hit enemies, which are constantly ragdolled by the tentacles, i think it's finisher damage needs to be increased to compensate for the lost weapon damage.

A great opportunity to adress both ussues simultanly whould be giving Tentacle Swarm bnous damage when charged. Just saying ;-)

Edited by Walkampf
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What if they took his tidal surge and turned it into his passive in a smaller scale?, and have an ability like a whirlpool or something in a similar sense to Nidus's 2 ability?. With his 1 you could probably do something about it's RNG and make more effective. Finally with his 4 the Kraken head is cool but please can it be more involving and more ally friendly becuase while the new visual's are nice I do feel Hydroid would greatly benefit greatly overall from a rework; but this revisit so far feels like a nice start but definitly needs more work  but So far he is more fun to play. One more thing is his energy usage/ efficiency really needs work becuase its a great restriction and runs out too fast. but so far so good Thanks DE and I hope things get better :) 

Edited by Bloodymanjf12
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Sup guys ^.^ 

So i was playing Hydroid to test the revisit.

I saw some hydroid saying that its not a good rework and the range got decreased and that he is funny but less usefull.

Here is my personal thougth.

I was playing Hydroid before the revisit and rly like the fact that he can control 3 area at the same time but the fact of not being able to cast spell when in undertow form was annoying.

But with this rework we can move in puddle , combine it with tidal surge and cast spells while being a puddle.

So basicly hydroid can control 3 spot at the same time in interception wich is quite interesting.

Sadly he still do not damage well due to the fact that he is very energy dependent and is very rng dependent on spells

I like the rework and its fun but when i use hydroid i have a lot of control but cannot deal almost no damage. 

Some tweek may be required but its a huge step foward in the right direction ^.^ 

Lets say for exemple

Barrage is rly rng based but if when an enemy is stuck in tentacle maybe the tentacle could try to make the current grabbed target get hit by the barrage projectile( like look i cought something shoot at it !) .

Edited by trunks013
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Obligatory statement: "i'm a console player who's not touched the rework.  But i've been playing the game for a really long time and I know exactly how the rework performs from notes and footage."  Now that we've gotten that out of the way lets get into it.  People as usual are calling the rework bad among less tasteful things.  Well i'm going to explain somethings.  But before I do one final mention.  I'm not saying the rework is perfect.  Nor that it shouldn't receive a few tweaks.  I'm merely pointing out what's actually happened.  and why the rework is yet another amazing thing DE has done with the older more dated frames.

So i've always seen hydroid as one of the only true blue cc frames that exist.  IMO his problem was that his cc wasn't very consistent or safe.  This was because his 1 had a delay.  and range played a huge factor in it's grouping.  his tidal wave was consistent ish.  But always threw the enemies VIA ragdoll physics.  Not to mention you're still vulnerable to damage while in it.  His puddle was the most consistent CC.  but it didn't do much for damage.  was a death trap to leave since the enemies recovered faster than you.  and it was clunky.  His 4 was decent cc.  and alright damage.  but had consistency issues.  Both with AI behavior and where it spawned.

The rework addressed nearly ALL of this:

~his barrage is now nearly instant.  and you can charge it to effect the range and damage.  Lastly it's castable from his puddle.  and does damage to your enemies in puddle.  This does several things.  his 1 can now be used as quick CC more efficiently.  the player has more control over the range now.  Which I believe is why we got the range nerf.  You can go with a smaller patch for more quick and small AOE cc.  Or if you want to cover a bigger area and have a bit more damage you can charge it.  Range still effects it I believe.  which is good.  If the values were locked in from the nerfs I could potentially see an issue.  (though not a huge one)  and it being castable from your puddle means it's safe cc/damage.

~His tidal surge is now able to be comboed with his puddle.  you can grab enemies now and go into puddle.  OR you can dash in your puddle with this ability.  The former solves the ragdoll CC problem.  the later means you can be a lot safer when trying to block off choke points.  or go nab enemies around a downed ally and let him be safely revived by someone else.

~His puddle.  All abilities can be cast from his puddle.  he can nab people at ranges beyond his puddle.  and you can now move around in the puddle.  So basically the first change makes hydroid a LOT safer when doing everything.  That is being hugely underselled.  Being able to nab people at a distance means you can pick high priority targets.  and set up descrate targets of interest (or shadows) easier for nekros.  being able to precisely move around in puddle means you can adjust yourself if you had to panic puddle but you are not that far from where you'd like to be.  And being able to get into the puddle VIA the air. and exit it quickly with a jump or role all help in it's flexibility and resolve it's clunky feeling issue.

~His kraken.  The AI got a buff.  and some changes were made on it's grouping.  it also has an interesting synergy with puddle.  The AI buff means you should be nabbing enemies more consistently.  resulting in better cc.  the grouping change came in 2 ways.  the nerf to the range.  and the pathing of it.  being able to charge it to cover a wider area is again giving more control to the player.  The synergy lets you basically tightly group tentacles.  why is this good?  Well.  Say you were running pilfering swarm.  You can now cherry pick the enemies you're trying to loot.  simply puddle up on them.  and nab the rest with puddles nab ability.  then drop your 4 in puddle.  and leave puddle.  OR.  if you wanted to block off a choke but didn't want to sit there in puddle cause you wanted to be else where you can now put the tentacles in the doorway.


People are saying he didn't really change.  and that reworks are meant to change frames.  I for one believe reworks are meant to do more than just one thing.  Limbo for instance needed a more drastic change.  where someone like hydroid did not.  You can also technically say Hydroid plays different now.  as a lot of his play is now around puddle.  Either way I think it fits the bill as a rework and people are just nit picking.  That being said though it DOES need a few tweaks:

~the scaling damage of his puddle should be better.  Some how.

~better passive.

~you should be immune to damage while using tidal surge.  or at least be proc immune.  (admittingly his armor buff does help him survive in surge better.)

~enemies that are in your puddle should STAY in your puddle regardless of how far you move.  and only leave the puddle if they die or you leave THAT cast of his puddle.

~lastly I think that his tentacle swarm should be able to hurt the enemies in hydroids puddle.


Also yes.  it does suck that DE (purposeful or not) neglected to mention the range changes.  However I believe I understand why they made the changes (and have noted on such earlier in the thread) and I don't believe they need to be reverted at all.  Maybe i'm in the minority here since i've loved every other rework they've done so far.  and Perhaps this is just day 1 knee jerk reactions i'm seeing.  But I still thought it important that I explain why hydroid actually got buffed.  Anyway.  thanks for reading.

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1.Tempest barrage should be a channeled  ability or have a more engaging mecanic like ash's 4th, It feels so lacking in comparison with other abilities in wf. 

2. Undertow is not an ability  worth existing as such maybe as a posible pasive(slap a 5 s cd on there and his tumble will be actually  somthing that adds skill to know when to use to survive) similar to limbo's .

3. Puddle only thing i would put there is the kraken moving around like a shark other than that it's an original thing  and the damage  boost is welcome. 

4. The hentai attack feels so weak after lev 50 ... It needs some scaling damage ,(maybe armor striping per slap or % damage per slap) or more base duration if it's intention is to be a cc ability with somo damage. Also remove the kraken...  He only is a glorified  marker for the cast target ... Or make him do somthing at least <,<

Overall this rework really  feels like a rushed job considering all the time this wf was out and the other recently done reworks but i guess the lights must be paid so  6/10 .

Edited by kaotis
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