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Ember's Deluxe Skin Feedback


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Wow. I actually really dislike it. There is nothing good to say about the skin, save for the thin waistline being on point. 

Ember doesn't need to be MORE chicken-lady than she already is. A lot of Deluxe skins change the aesthetic of the Warframe as a whole, but this just dials the same theme that people have been ragging on -for literally years- up to 100. 

I know what it's supposed to be, but that looks nothing like a phoenix. No fire effect, or even decoration/adornment/coloring. Phoenixes are supposed to have grand wings and tails - not tiny baby feathers on shoulders and the tailbone. And the goddamn mohawk. Sweet lord is that not good in any capacity. Not only does it not even resemble feathering, it looks a lot like one of the Guitar Hero mohawks you could customize a character with. 

I keep chickens at my home. Currently have 12 of them, and 2 are roosters. This image is strikingly like them with the blue/green feathers and their redder feet. 


In no way does this resemble the grandeur or elegance that a phoenix is supposed to invoke. It just makes me think about the fact that I need a new feeder for my feckin farm animals. And that is not OK. 

Now, DE is way too far along in this design to just scrap it, I know, but it looks like S#&$e. It takes the chicken meme way too damn far, and they expect people to pay money for a literal joke in skin form that players have been telling since Ember's release. It's actually hard to believe that everyone with decision-making powers approved this. Literally nobody looked at the concept and thought "huh, just maybe we're going a little over the top?" Nobody? 


I wish they would have run the concept for this past players so we could have given them some feedback for it before they spent however long creating this only for people to hate it.

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man that skin really reminds me of a fire based character who's every move is fire, who's very name is fire Kappa


but I guess it's fine since DE's art direction ever since operators has been more on the side of dancing clowns appropriate for school children instead of elite space ninja demigods.

Edited by Obviousclone
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I too am disappointed with DE with the new skin.. I've been keep tracking on my plats for months since i saw Ignis's ember deluxe preview. with being zephyr deluxe is nowhere to be seen, I've been longing for ember's skin that looks like ying-yang based which looks incredible. its like they just moved the thigh webbing to her arm(also got feathers(?) on her arms). and her mohawk looks overly built... i never wanted ember to be a chicken, but i think DE thinks otherwise :'(

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gonna be honest i went a bit over kill with my commitment and .. patriotism ?
im tired ok but yeah i just made a "change" petition ... like it'll actually convince de to make her other skin too or replace this with the other but worth it i guess ;c

im gonna go pass out- if im somehow being sued by DE when I wake up tomorrow for this harmless thing- this pretty much joke of my influence on a comapny's decisions lemme know . ..
feel free to sign if you guys want to maybe it'll actually do some good who knows
snow it wont do much on my twitter or FB that's never gonna do anything

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45 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Esper sparks96 said:

well first off- yes you are correct exaduration would help to get people's attention- honestly people are gravitated better to stronger negatives
blah blah anyways color wise- doesnt matter XD
she still looks like a god damn rooster person and i hate it ;w;
i wanna say turquise- green blue, that'll shut up the dispute for everyone XD

Ikr it was bit silly that I was told of that I called the "blue" Green, but  yeah using horrendous in the title was a fine thing to do, it  really gets more emotion across, glad others understand.

42 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Esper sparks96 said:

if they fired him because of a simple dispute over a mowhawk that's rediculous- f it's his fault for causing problems or if he left so be it, but if they fired him because of their own complaints . .. i hope it wasnt regrettable

From what I gather the artist was really bummed out that he had to leave, it was not by choice. I doubt DE would ever use his designs ever, again, due to stubbornness and pride.

32 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

Wow. I actually really dislike it. There is nothing good to say about the skin, save for the thin waistline being on point. 

Ember doesn't need to be MORE chicken-lady than she already is. A lot of Deluxe skins change the aesthetic of the Warframe as a whole, but this just dials the same theme that people have been ragging on -for literally years- up to 100. 

I know what it's supposed to be, but that looks nothing like a phoenix. No fire effect, or even decoration/adornment/coloring. Phoenixes are supposed to have grand wings and tails - not tiny baby feathers on shoulders and the tailbone. And the goddamn mohawk. Sweet lord is that not good in any capacity. Not only does it not even resemble feathering, it looks a lot like one of the Guitar Hero mohawks you could customize a character with. 

I keep chickens at my home. Currently have 12 of them, and 2 are roosters. This image is strikingly like them with the blue/green feathers and their redder feet. 


In no way does this resemble the grandeur or elegance that a phoenix is supposed to invoke. It just makes me think about the fact that I need a new feeder for my feckin farm animals. And that is not OK. 

Now, DE is way too far along in this design to just scrap it, I know, but it looks like S#&$e. It takes the chicken meme way too damn far, and they expect people to pay money for a literal joke in skin form that players have been telling since Ember's release. It's actually hard to believe that everyone with decision-making powers approved this. Literally nobody looked at the concept and thought "huh, just maybe we're going a little over the top?" Nobody? 


I wish they would have run the concept for this past players so we could have given them some feedback for it before they spent however long creating this only for people to hate it.

This is what I was saying earlier, that she is supposed to be inspired by a phoenix, the everlasting bird of flame from myth and legend. The chicken theme was only a joke by the community since it bared similarity, but to think they would actually run with it and use it seriously, makes me cringe. I really cannot understand why they went with rooster colours, she's a female warframe. 

Edited by Sonicbullitt
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39 minutes ago, Heatnix. said:


Poor, poor, poor Ember. For some, a Deluxe Skin is a blessing. For others... a fate worse than never getting one.

Tackiest thing I've seen. Over designed without purpose. Bland. And memefied.

Don't get me wrong, i like how it looks, but for me that second Deluxe feels more like a tennogen skin them a Deluxe skin, there is nothing that really set this deluxe apart from the original model, it only has more details.

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3 hours ago, Sonicbullitt said:

I think phoenix is what they were actually trying to go for, since you know phoenix is a bird made of flames from myth and legend ? Original Intentions aside she really does look like a chicken or a rooster to be specific with this new skin, I really think they took that joke a a bit to literally, with this skin.

yea, noticed that with ember prime's helm which looks more pheonix-ish.... this new one i cannot brain...rooster my arse

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On 10/12/2017 at 3:04 PM, EmissaryOfInfinity said:

See, people like you are exactly why DE is taking so long deliberating what to do with Ember's deluxe skin. They're worried about people like you frothing at the mouth and spewing hate and anger because your precious cosmetic won't be what you were shown in a rough concept, even though there are deep, real life reasons for it to be that way. You have to remember that the devs behind Warframe are still actual people, they're still hearing and seeing all of this. They're sticking their necks out, making content that they hope people will enjoy, and moments like what you had here make them hesitant to do so.

Well, let's be real for a moment here. 

The skin is, objectively, not as complex, decorative, or thematically unique as numerous other deluxe skins. It basically doesn't change how she looks. It's like a Fire Chicken v2 instead of a brand new look as most deluxe skins provide.

I don't mind never getting the concept we were originally shown. I know that left the table long ago and didn't expect it. But we had no word that this was being worked on, and they didn't ask for any kind of player input as to how she should look. They just kinda....did it. Nothing wrong with that, but I feel that given how touchy the matter originally was, it would have been a wiser decision to say "hey, we're working on something totally new for her" instead of just plopping this...thing down. 


If we'd had the opportunity to tell them that a lot of us are just sick of the chicken theme, there'd be a lot less backlash. Especially if they actually listened one of these days. But the skin pretty much feels like the embodiment of a long-standing joke that even DE has thrown stones at before. There's a ton of salt and toxicity flying around, and some of it is warranted. To put it politely, it's a disappointing skin compared not only to the original concept, but also when compared to more attractive deluxe skins. 

I respect the people who made it. It's hard work doing this kind of thing. I just feel like they went a very poor direction with it and it could have been thousands of times better if there were even a small amount of consideration for the fact that players really don't want the mohawk anymore.

The #1 thing a lot of people were looking forward to about Ember's deluxe was the ability to get rid of the absurd head fins that even TennoGen is required to add to her helmets. But they just gave the problem steroids instead and flipped players a big fat bird. 


Yeah, a lot of people are gonna like it. There's some positive feedback on it already. But, as is demonstrated on the forums, there's no small portion of people who harbor a strong dislike for it already. 

I agree that some people go too far with the hate (even myself sometimes), but the lack of communication from them irks me. It's also kind of annoying that they made it full well knowing how a lot of people were going to feel about it.


"Oh, players have been telling us for years that they dislike the mohawks on Ember. What should we do?" 

"Make it way bigger, and don't make any significant changes to her overall theme."

"Genuis. They'll love that." 

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4 hours ago, Cliff_Racer said:

Wouldn't go so far as to say it's "horrendous", but when I saw it first I thought it was supposed to be Zephyr, not Ember. Looks waaay too much like a chicken.

My thoughts exactly, but less like a chicken and more like a peacock.

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WTF is with DE and not being able to make cool looking skins?

why don't they have their artist make several different concepts then let the design counsel decide?

I mean seriously its just an objectively bad design.


And it would take all of like 2-3 hours per design for the concept artist make. so you could easily get 5-8 different designs in like a week. let the design counsel pick their favorite then refine and finalize before turning it over to the modelers.

It just seems like in DE desire to make something different they forget to make it good too.

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does anyone high up with Digital extremes or one of the good few faces we know say like rebecca ever see this kinda stuff ?
if somehow they do dont take this all too harshly, know this is only mean as frustrated users and criticism over the design- we still love warframe and you guys . . . just . . . this skin is just eugh XD
sorry for whoever the heck made the new one- hey it's interesting but just no- sorry no XD

Edited by (XB1)Esper sparks96
somehow misspelt warFrame even though im sure i fixed the c . . perfectionism stuff
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It really feels like the people designing the skins at DE has no passion. The boss says we need a skin for ember and someone goes "okay fine it will be done in 2 hours."

where as for Ignus design, it feels like he really wanted to make something special, and probably enjoyed making every pixel in the picture. 

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