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Prime Nekros is more Evil looking then Deluxe look


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I think the deluxe version should look more sinister and not as some a court jester,and not in a good way.... :sad:



Comon DE he looks like he come out from some cartoon network. The first time I looked, I thought that this is the skin for Zephyer... xD

Edited by Vlada91
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8 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

I think the deluxe version should look more sinister and not as some a court jester,and not in a good way.... :sad:

Comon DE he looks like he come out from some cartoon network. The first time I looked, I thought that this is the skin for Zephyer... xD

Soul Punched from General Discussion to Feedback]Art, Animation & UI.

The inspiration for his Deluxe version comes from a ghost & his chains, and some remnants of bones (spines here and there). I'm ok with it.

Just the helmet feels a bit weird to me. I'd rather see something partially hollow, with a ghostish glow inside... And less angular. Btw, this helmet looks like made for Loki :o

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the content of the picture, the lighting, everything about the prime picture you used is meant to make him look spooky and scary.

the model progress for the deluxe is just that, no special lighting, no effort put into scary poses or anything..
of course it doesnt look as spooky.

with an animation and proper coloring I think Deluxe will look more evil/spooky/scary than prime

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23 minutes ago, Yaerion said:

Soul Punched from General Discussion to Feedback]Art, Animation & UI.

The inspiration for his Deluxe version comes from a ghost & his chains, and some remnants of bones (spines here and there). I'm ok with it.

Just the helmet feels a bit weird to me. I'd rather see something partially hollow, with a ghostish glow inside... And less angular. Btw, this helmet looks like made for Loki :o

Yes man its 100% for Loki 😂👌👏👏 nekros skin need to look more like ash and rhino deluxe style with metalic and spikes... 🤔 and worst of all is a hole in the stomach 

Edited by Vlada91
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How about not buy it, opinions are opinions, but could we stop with the "dark and edgy" stuff.

The world is not just black and white, maybe i then ask Ember Deluxe beeigna walking torch or  campfire then also becasue fire themed.

Nekors is a necromanter yes, but not means all his thmese need ot be dark and shadow jesus, as Yaerion said, its Ghost themed also.

So could we jsut let it first come out when its finished before complaining?

Same people who said Frost Deluxe looks likea Dwarf because resolutions were odd from the screenshot or his "Reindeer Helmet", itsa goddamn hornet helemt themed after Frost Giants, inform yourself before judging such stuff and eventually evne insult the desgin team as some do in some threads.

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40 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

I think the deluxe version should look more sinister and not as some a court jester,and not in a good way.... :sad:

Comon DE he looks like he come out from some cartoon network. The first time I looked, I thought that this is the skin for Zephyer... xD

Put some bright colors on the Prime and he will look just like a bride.
Slap some darker colors on his Deluxe Skin and he will look like Death himself.

Why do you even compare a picture with perfect lighting and perfect background with a picture of a work in progress?

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i think the helmet it's not the best for that deluxe skin, but while the normal prime skin is spooky and more looking to a skeleton the delux is based on a phantom, so it fits the theme, and with the right colors it could be cool too.
For what i've heard also ember deluxe skin is not gonna represent ember base concept.

and i run my nekros prime with black, white and light blue btw, still cool af

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23 minutes ago, Tora.Prime said:

Looks more like a tennogen skin.... not a delux :/

to be honest, to me multiple of the deluxe skins look like they could have been made through Tennogen..

which, might I add, is not necessarily a bad thing.
there has been some absolutely amazing content made through Tennogen

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7 hours ago, Marine027 said:

How about not buy it, opinions are opinions, but could we stop with the "dark and edgy" stuff.

The world is not just black and white, maybe i then ask Ember Deluxe beeigna walking torch or  campfire then also becasue fire themed.

Nekors is a necromanter yes, but not means all his thmese need ot be dark and shadow jesus, as Yaerion said, its Ghost themed also.

So could we jsut let it first come out when its finished before complaining?

Same people who said Frost Deluxe looks likea Dwarf because resolutions were odd from the screenshot or his "Reindeer Helmet", itsa goddamn hornet helemt themed after Frost Giants, inform yourself before judging such stuff and eventually evne insult the desgin team as some do in some threads


Dude translate Nekros from Greek. It literally means Death and Death is mostly known in the form of the Grim Reaper and not a @(*()$ ghost. Ghost is more post death and not actual death and even then this skin looks like a @(*()$ Skeleton Version of a Power Ranger suit. Imagine the deluxe being like the pic I inserted plus glowing eyes from the under the hood and as the Deluxe special effect a black aura around him which swallows light and make him look blurry, therefor making him look gorgous while standing oe moving. This would be the sinister touch he would need. Jees, 44414-The-Grim-Reaper-Of-Death.jpgPeople would go crazy.


Also you may not know the pain but as a Nekros main I have always had one wish and one wish only: The Deluxe looking like actual Death. 

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On 8/19/2017 at 11:12 AM, Dramine7 said:


Dude translate Nekros from Greek. It literally means Death and Death is mostly known in the form of the Grim Reaper and not a @(*()$ ghost. Ghost is more post death and not actual death and even then this skin looks like a @(*()$ Skeleton Version of a Power Ranger suit. Imagine the deluxe being like the pic I inserted plus glowing eyes from the under the hood and as the Deluxe special effect a black aura around him which swallows light and make him look blurry, therefor making him look gorgous while standing on moving. This would be the sinister touch he would need. Jees, 44414-The-Grim-Reaper-Of-Death.jpgPeople would go crazy.


Also you may not know the pain but as a Nekros main I have always had one wish and one wish only: The Deluxe looking like actual Death. 

DRAMINE ,thats on you bud ,honestly i just woulda been haPPy with him looking like DEATH SCYTHE HELL from gundam ...a rotting frame,i thought we had that with NIDUS already *lmao*

however , since NIDUS clearly has the meat and potatoes from his tenno STD *hes an infected frame after all* this below is the only color scheme i could come up with  but the chances of us  getting WITCH BOOTS or bladed kneepads is few and far between , even tho NEK PRIME does have the tattered wings to pull off the look .



the only other design i think we can pull off is  WING ZERO CUSTOM  ,below.... now Op , im not thread jacking bud ,but as a proud fan of JOKER *not wigger leto* most of my frames including MESA and VALKRY vanillas have both joker \harly themes ,nidus however has a TRON RINZLER swatch ...i worked my back off for nekros and let me tell you this farming ,all my blood ,sweat and tears was worth it. i honestly dont see a DEMONIC JESTER as an issue. 



my sole complaint is the fact that the DUAL KAMAS PRIME and VENKA PRIME parts are soooo slagging rare ,like jesus  is that soooo  hard to ask for one almost has to sell their soul for the parts then some frakkwit decides to bleed a few users of platinum literally  with jacked up prices for the sets. otherwise id have my GOD OF DEATH by now .




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15 hours ago, Zanchak said:

10/10 would buy something that looks more deathly and wispy (whats with all the really thick awkward syandanas lately too, they dont "flow"... they thud)


i cant help but feel HARROW was supposed to be NEK prime, but it then got vetoed by the big bosses . and having seen harrow in action today ...im more certain than ever this is what occured

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On ‎23‎.‎08‎.‎2017 at 1:47 AM, Chipputer said:

Not sure why you think Nekros is designed to look, "evil," in the first place.

Well go to any translater and translate Nekros. It means Death in Greek and as far as I recall mythology Death was never connected with something non-evil

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5 hours ago, Dramine7 said:

Well go to any translater and translate Nekros. It means Death in Greek and as far as I recall mythology Death was never connected with something non-evil

Death is generally regarded as a part of the cycle of life even within most mythologies. Death is not inherently evil in most mythologies. Modern day thought processes have painted it that way.

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