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What is wrong with buying in game items and stuff from Tenno Gen?


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I never tend to take part in forums but this is a question I have for the community? There are some members of this community who have this elitist view that if you buy in game content  from warframe with real money and the stuff from tenno gen that you are some how committing some type of crime.

Normally this would not bother me everyone has the right to their own opinion. But when you preach your opinion like it is the in game law that is when I have a problem.


This all came about from a random encounter while doing an alert. All I was doing was minding my own business when another player made a comment about the cost of my tenno gen scarf and how it was a rip off. I did not reply to this comment  back but this got me thinking.


I am of the opinion that a person can spend their money on whatever the hell  they want and if they want to support digital extremes or the tenno gen creators who put a lot of hard work and dedication into the things they create. We as the community should be able do so freely and without ridicule. I know that it is satisfying to be able to trade for platinum and to earn it though a nice hard grind. But I have no problem spending real money on this game because this game is my favorite MMORPG and it has given me hours of fun over the last four years.


So to all the players who like earning plat though the grind. Good for you most of the time that is how I make my plat. But can we please stop treating people who spend real money on this game like crap because they are what is keeping this game running if it was not for them this game would not be free to play.


  • Ronin Out   

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This particular example seems less like him judging you for wearing it and more of just him thinking they're overpriced. Though that's just what I read from the words "rip off". 

But yes, there are cases when people think using money on the game they love is bad or stupid, but I'm assuming that they are of the minority. 

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Tennogen is a bit expensive but worth it coz fashion. But I do see as really dumb to buy, say, a regular weapon like the Soma for plat in the market. You are basically shooting yourself in the foot by skipping the only point this game has: farming. And regular weapons are so easy to get. Plus, the prices of such things is just... insane. You can usually buy the primed version of any weapon in ingame store for half the plat of less depending on what case.

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For the record, if I buy a Tennogen I Don't go out to eat fast food for a lunch, that's how I summarize/excuse the costs.

And anyway, I find it's a great way to give something back to the artist who worked hard to make something for, say, a less popular Frame or Syandana design, and incentivize future artist to try their hands at such works as well.

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Don't sound like Fashion Critique, more like Insult like @TheErebus. said.

Don't mind them, you are free to "Ignore". You did be surprised of really "in-Toxic" peoples of all types hence being Internet/Dark/Deep to begin with.

Take it Easy, Have Fun. Yeah there has been suggestion for " Trying out Fashion or Preview" of Cosmetics like Tennogen too.


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I was asked why I spent £50 on first game after Hydroid Release - my response simple " I am not wasting £50 on Destiny 2"

Sort of works out really.

Money saved on not buying games I will never play and cancelling XBOX Live = £50 per month

Money spent on discounted Plat, Prime and Tennogen = £50 

Difference is that my warframes look Badass and I give stuff away to Clan Members that I don't need.

Now buying guns for Plat I draw a line there.  

Can spend more on lunch than on a Tennogen Skin








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:inlove: just buy what ever you want dont let others tell you the diffrence


you support Digital extreme on certain ways 

if its Tenno gen or just for normal platinum 

you decide if you want to spend real money on stuff or just farm prime parts to sell those for platinum

i personaly dont have much with Tenno Gen .. however the stuff looks cool for those that wanna buy certain items 



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I have no issue spending money on the game, nor do I have an issue with those who choose not to. Tennogen makes me mad, though. I haven't even run out of plat since the last time I bought the 4,300 plat bundle, and yet instead of being able to use that plat on those cosmetics, I'd have to spend even more money.

Nothing short of a Nezha helmet and skin that makes him look even more like a girl is going to make me bust out my PayPal for Tennogen.

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I don't worry if other people want to buy stuff etc but from a personal perspective I have 3 issues with tennogen.

One I HAVE to have the steam version to buy them (I assume they'd show up in the non steam version once bought) and well I don't like steam...although I did install the game via steam (for quicker reinstalls), I run it outside of steam via some adjustments to the file address in the shortcut which gets rid of the steam overheads (not that my pc has any issues with it).  DE also has a system in place where they could sell it direct from their own website but don't etc. 

Two I personally feel they're overpriced (especially the helmets versus full skins with helmets) and I work in the 3D design industry albeit a different sector.

Three I have to use ANOTHER currency, yes I know it's the same as what we use to buy plat, but DE already has their own plat currency in place for game purchases.

Edited by LSG501
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havinig blown over 15o actual cash on plat on the only MMO i have played nonstop in two years  * battle of immortals\ perfect world* not withstanding , i honestly feel no remorse for people who say things like that , however i do agree with the view *ie i thought EMBER was gonna have her MARKET outfit  and it turned out to be meh .....* i actually own the plushie tho but thats for my car in real life.

to the dedicated fans , rock on , and ignore the bad vibes 

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Im confused about a good chunk of this post how is saying something is a "rip off" (unless youre selling it yourself) an insult to a person who bought something??? 

I get where most of you coming from but the OP is making a big deal out of literally nothing, the person wasnt criticizing them for buying the cosmetic but that it was too expensive in their opinion, so can someone alleviate why most of you up in arms here?

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9 hours ago, Ronin-Sama said:

This all came about from a random encounter while doing an alert. All I was doing was minding my own business when another player made a comment about the cost of my tenno gen scarf and how it was a rip off. I did not reply to this comment  back but this got me thinking.

He was just hating.  That's all and nothing more really.  Since he/she didn't use their money to make the purchase, they can't really comment other than saying that's nice or nothing at all.  

Honestly, I receive way more compliments on my Tennogen and FashionFrame than anything else.  Thanks again HitsuSan.  :D  


The True ENDGAME!!!

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Short answer: They're just jealous. 

They can't justify purchasing something themselves so they point out the people that do. "You spent 6 dollars for coffee?! I can make the same thing at my house for half the cost". 

It's not like it was their money anyways. What you do with it is up to you. No need to be bothered by it.

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Because people think that pay to win is something that happens in Warframe and does not backfire at all.

It may also have something to do with the fact that for many players (myself included), the thrill of hunting down gear in the void/events/baro/wherever, trading and acquiring things that are perceived as rare and luxurious is a major drive behind playing the game. While I dislike tennogen due to reasons that are more or less : Too expensive, some frames have rather limited skins (Vauban and Hydro for example) and DE should work on them instead of "well you have tennogen" and things that are along the lines. 

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This topic is really toxic, and the OP is the toxic one. From what they told us it's nothing more than a player complaining that an item is overpriced. It does not mean it is whining, nor does it give you the right to generalize and say "haters just want the game to close down" or "just poor people being jealous and hating". Do people seriously $&*^ride their favorite game so hard just a simple mention of somebody being displeased with the game is enough to get everyone hating on them? 

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