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Rude Warfame Partners


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It is when fame gets over someone's head. Just post what you are speaking of to the developer team and they will conclude on the proceeding. It is their best interest to keep their partners behavior in check as well and being famous is not a special privilege or license to forget community guidelines and rules. You could be a royalty for all people care, it would still not change anything.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

 making sex jokes that i doubt anyone finds funny by just a tick 

I do find some of them funny.

However I'll agree with statement above that in his post AMA video he'd outdone himself and not in a good way. Not advocating his poor attitude here. 

On the other hand, I think some people could benefit from growing a bit thicker skin when it comes to trashtalk from random people on the interwebs. 

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Not really my table as a new player, but those peoples whom take serious youtubers and any partners of this game instead of trying the game by themself, those peoples not really wanted to play this game. Very small that playerbase who turn against a game-community just because of negative sources the majority not care at all of this. I personally found an advertisement from the game then I instant tried out and I like this game overall despite it's flaws.

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Not going to name names, but I've seen a Warframe partner being extremely disrespectful towards multiple warframe partners a few months ago and don't know why DE didn't do anything about it. Don't know why they didn't, probably cause they don't want to make the issue bigger. I honestly don't know *shrugs*

Edited by xXDeadsinxX
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Best thing you can do is report to DE directly or if you don't want to do that because it was not that big of a deal just ignore that Partner/Youtuber. I had a similar experience a while back, making fun of my MR and stuff like that but to be honest I could care less seeing the poor content this Youtuber was putting out so ignore and keep enjoying the game. Don’t let them ruin your experience.

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Friction in a community as large as Warframe is hardly notable. Reddit tends to have a much more pessimistic view of the game, versus official forums and partnered content creators, where you'll definitely find a more positive spin.

The occasional snarky video or Reddit post is to be expected, and ultimately doesn't amount to much. 

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25 minutes ago, MadHatHacker said:

I love Rob and his content; he puts a ton of time and effort into researching and making solid videos, and I've been subbed to his channel for years. 

The video was still a bit much. Do I think it really matters or that people should get as upset as they are? Absolutely not. But the fact remains that it was far more inflammatory than his usual thoroughfare. 

I agree with this.  I watched that video and didn't see anything that was really offensive.  I mean he did bash the Reddit community as a whole, but he's not the only person to do that.  I liked the fact that he didn't sugar coat his words.  I like it when Shy does it also. 

Seems to me that the only people who would be offended are those that had weird suggestions or whined in the Reddit AMA.  So, why bring that here in this forum instead of making an official complaint using the proper channels.  All this does is prove true some of the things that was said in that video.  Then again, if you don't like something on the internet, just don't watch it.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
spelling correction
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For me and what I said, I'm not disrespecting who he is and what is sexual orientation is. He's a warframe partner and should be respectful towards others and other partners but he isn't what so ever. He has disrespected multiple warframe partners on Twitter a couple months back and DE sadly didn't do anything to resolve it. I'm shocked that he never got a consequence from it. It's just wrong...

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10 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

For me and what I said, I'm not disrespecting who he is and what is sexual orientation is. He's a warframe partner and should be respectful towards others and other partners but he isn't what so ever. He has disrespected multiple warframe partners on Twitter a couple months back and DE sadly didn't do anything to resolve it. I'm shocked that he never got a consequence from it. It's just wrong...

Like I said in a later post than that one, if the shoe fits. 

Some people like you just want DE to have a serious talk with him about toning down a couple things, and then they can decide if he improves or not and if anything should be done if he doesn't. 

Some people clearly have a vendetta because of his out and proud persona. I'm only criticizing the latter, just to be clear. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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6 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Like I said in a later post than that one, if the shoe fits. 

Some people like you just want DE to have a serious talk with him about toning down a couple things, and then they can decide if he improves or not and if anything should be done if he doesn't. 

Some people clearly have a vendetta because of his out and proud persona. I'm only criticizing the latter, just to be clear. 

Sounds more like you're excusing his toxic behavior just because he's "out and proud". No one here is criticizing his homosexuality. They are criticizing him using his homosexuality as an excuse for behaving in a disrespectful manner towards the community. It is not hard to see that this is what people are saying, but you are intentionally deflecting to make this an issue of his homosexuality and not an issue of his rude behavior.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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10 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

Sounds more like you're excusing his toxic behavior just because he's "out and proud". No one here is criticizing his homosexuality. They are criticizing him using his homosexuality as an excuse for behaving in a disrespectful manner towards the community. It is not hard to see that this is what people are saying, but you are intentionally deflecting to make this an issue of his homosexuality and not an issue of his rude behavior.

Actually I am indirectly referring to some comments that are unnecessarily bringing his homosexuality into the mix to attack him, and it is clear those people have an axe to grind that has more to do with an inflammatory video or two. 

Like I said, if the shoe fits... it's really simple. 

If you are criticizing him for behavior you think is inappropriate there are official channels to go through, and I have said multiple times there is nothing wrong with making those reports if you think necessary. 

But thanks for playing. 

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I'm inclined to agree with the first fellow. From research, as much as his words were indeed filthy and disgusting and make me hate the fellow with a passion I reserve for very few, his inflammatoryness is irrelevant in the grand scheme of Warframe.


If he's actually ""attacking"" company and Warframe assets however physically or verbally? DEFINITLY bring it up to the bosses attention, need to whoop his arse before he does something truely idiotic that harms the community, such as, say, drive an employed individual or two away.

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17 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Actually I am indirectly referring to some comments that are unnecessarily bringing his homosexuality into the mix to attack him, and it is clear those people have an axe to grind that has more to do with an inflammatory video or two. 


11 hours ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

certain homosexual partner

If by chance you were referring to this part of my post, i don't see anything offensive in calling homosexual person homosexual.

Especially since said person felt like specifically pointing out that part of their personality in the name of their channel, which I can't even repeat on these forums without potentially upsetting mods with the G-word.

Edited by Tachibana_Hibiki
cleaned up the quotes for less clutter
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5 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

If by chance you were referring to this part of my post, i don't see anything offensive in calling homosexual person homosexual.

Especially since said person felt like specifically pointing out that part of their personality in the name of their channel, which I can't even repeat on these forums without potentially upsetting mods with the G-word.

I'm not referring to anyone specifically for good reason. 

If the shoe fits wear it, if not don't. Unless you want him removed as a partner mostly because you don't like his showy homesexuality, then my post doesn't apply to you. 

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Yeah... not naming any names for obvious reasons... but I wouldn't mind seeing A certain Guy who has shown to not have any respect for free speech, acts super condescending and disrespectful towards the community, and who constantly makes unfunny, crinGy, immature sexual innuendos that only aPpeals to equally immature memelord middle-schoolers get canned from the partners list. 

Jut saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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33 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Like I said in a later post than that one, if the shoe fits. 

Some people like you just want DE to have a serious talk with him about toning down a couple things, and then they can decide if he improves or not and if anything should be done if he doesn't. 

Some people clearly have a vendetta because of his out and proud persona. I'm only criticizing the latter, just to be clear. 

From what you're telling me, you're encouraging the bad behavior and disrespecting that he has done. He should get a consequence for what he has said.

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2 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

From what you're telling me, you're encouraging the bad behavior and disrespecting that he has done. He should get a consequence for what he has said.

I wonder how you got that from my post -- perhaps you wanted to? If you are trying to get something like that from my post, it's going to be hard to have a conversation. 

If you think there need to be consequences, you can report him officially. DE will decide, not a mob of players who are angry at something he said or did. 

And even without naming names, this has already become a witch hunt lol. Such good form... forums, stay classy. 

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I'd like to remind you people of some things:

  • When someone who is homossexual is rude, that doesn't mean they are so because of their homossexuality - there are tons of heterossexual terrible people and their orientation isn't obligatorily the issue.
  • And let's all remember that just because someone being criticised belongs to a sexual minority, that doesn't mean that it's their sexuality that's being attacked.
  • That said, using his poor behavior as a vehicle to complain about his sexual orientation/expression is a really sleazy thing to do,
  • But that doesn't mean that you cannot find his rudeness despicable. Because it is.

And, please, stop taking the part by the whole. I'm constantly accused of being an "SJW", and I utterly despise the person we are refering to. Not due to their sexuality, or even how they act as if that's their only defining feature (frankly, there are thousands of people, with all sexual orientations (including heterossexuality), who seem to display their sexuality as their only defining trait, and that's really innocuous. They aren't, at least by default, hurting anyone, so no point hating them unless they start doing so), but due to their unmatched arrogance, their trollish personality, their utterly dense head, and in short, for being, purely and simply, mean.

Edited by tnccs215
Clean up
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Hey All,

Just want to leave a comment here for a number of reasons. First, I have gone through this post and cleaned up various Off Topic/Disrespectful remarks but for the most part the discussion here is healthy. That being said, I would also like to thank everyone for resisting the urge to "Name and Shame" as it defies our community guidelines.

As a Warframe Community Coordinator that works closely with the Warframe Partners, this type of information/discussion is obviously interesting to me. I just want to remind people here that for specific instances of hate speech, bigotry, etc. we implore you to send reports to us through the forums so that we can take a better look into the situation. On an overarching level, the Warframe Partner program is relatively hands-off with the private lives of our Partners, however, none of them are able to espouse hate without consequence. I would also like to remind everyone that hate speech does not equal disagreement, especially on the subject of a video game. It is a real practice with real and terrible consequences. 

Additionally, many people here speculate towards inaction taken by the Community team in these instances. Managing the Warframe Partners is essentially a full time job in itself and requires constant feedback and communication. Just because you don't see anything happening directly does not mean discussions have not been had. 

Lastly, if a certain Partner's content doesn't really interest you, or you find it unappealing for reasons other than outlandish hate and virulence (sorry couldn't resist the urge to pun) then please just don't watch it. Find a Partner whose style you appreciate more, there are a whole bunch of them.

Thanks Tenno,


Edit: Upon being asked to clarify "hands-off" please think of it this way. So long as a partner is not espousing hate speech, we are "hands off" of anything that is not strictly related to Warframe. Again I will reiterate, we are aware of these behaviours and circumstances, we do not ignore it.

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Pretty sure I know who you are talking about since they recently uploaded a video and ripped into a lot of different sides of the community for different reasons, but in all honesty its just drama, and that drama is kind of rare in the Warframe scene, at least on a grand scale, there are jokes, and memes, and silly little things the partners do, but they are just playing around, after all they are people too. As far as you having friends that "lost interest in the game before starting it up because of those partners" if they watch a couple videos (they wouldn't understand anyways since they don't play the game) and judge their own experience off of not liking a person producing youtube videos or streaming on twitch, then honestly they would probably just feed the negative rabble that already overtakes the forums and reddit on the daily. If the partner is truly being a problem for the community and are producing caustic content that gives that sour of an image to the game, then you should let DE know directly, and if that isn't something you would like to do then it isn't really that big of an issue IMO. 

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On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 12:38 PM, Tesseract7777 said:

I'm sure plenty of people who are gay do find his act cringeworthy, and some don't like his opinions. But he's entitled to them all the same, and being cringey is not a crime. Having a personal bias is not a crime deserving of losing youtube partner status -- which some people who can't just do the whole, not watch him thing, would really love to see happen to him. 

I never suggested or outright said it was a crime, so please don't put words in my mouth. I really don't appreciate that. I'm just saying that I think the man is obnoxiously in your face with his sexual orientation and that anything he has to say with regard to the game should be taken with a massive block of salt because of their bias.

He's entitled to his opinions and we don't have to agree with them. If he's willing to share those opinions, he should be prepared to take agreement and disagreement from other people over said opinions. And if he's willing to be in your face about his sexuality and make comments that serve to stereotype gay behavior, then he should be prepared to take legitimate criticism for it.

If - and only if - his comments violate YouTube's and  / or DE's terms / rules, then his privileges as a partner should be yanked because he broke the rules. Note: This applies to any and all Warframe partners / promoters who have YouTube channels, not just a specific individual.

Say I'm hosting a party. You're entitled to say whatever you want at said party. I'm also entitled to tell you to shut up or get out if you say anything I feel is out of line at said party.

Edited by MirageKnight
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6 minutes ago, [DE]Aidan said:

Hey All,

Just want to leave a comment here for a number of reasons. First, I have gone through this post and cleaned up various Off Topic/Disrespectful remarks but for the most part the discussion here is healthy. That being said, I would also like to thank everyone for resisting the urge to "Name and Shame" as it defies our community guidelines.

As a Warframe Community Coordinator that works closely with the Warframe Partners, this type of information/discussion is obviously interesting to me. I just want to remind people here that for specific instances of hate speech, bigotry, etc. we implore you to send reports to us through the forums so that we can take a better look into the situation. On an overarching level, the Warframe Partner program is relatively hands-off with the private lives of our Partners, however, none of them are able to espouse hate without consequence. I would also like to remind everyone that hate speech does not equal disagreement, especially on the subject of a video game. It is a real practice with real and terrible consequences. 

Additionally, many people here speculate towards inaction taken by the Community team in these instances. Managing the Warframe Partners is essentially a full time job in itself and requires constant feedback and communication. Just because you don't see anything happening directly does not mean discussions have not been had. 

Lastly, if a certain Partner's content doesn't really interest you, or you find it unappealing for reasons other than outlandish hate and virulence (sorry couldn't resist the urge to pun) then please just don't watch it. Find a Partner whose style you appreciate more, there are a whole bunch of them.

Thanks Tenno,


Thank you for the direct response sir, instead of immediately slamming the thread shut. Also agree on the whole "tame discourse" folks have had here.


Basically, let the fellows mouth run foul till the cows come home, just remind him to shut his gob whenever he tries to aim at YOU or your other personnel.

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