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What do you remember most about the early days of Warframe?


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male ember, running out of ammo when fighting boss, most memorable moment when i first time tried infested mission and my party was ahead of me, everything was so dark and lightning was red and i see some kind of thing running at me in coridor, i miss that most, becouse of how scary it looked, over all everything was alot darker,

now derelicts i havent done them in long time, i did yesterday and from pods some misterious dark figures removed, that snake something in wall which got people scared, forum, chat and devs trolled everyone that stalker doesnt exist that was fun for sometime, i remember needing to farm some of old materials like rubedo which got buffed so too much that now they are just pointless to farm for old players,

stamina is was meh, P2W with patatoes, becouse you couldnt level past level 15, farming rhino was so amazing, everyone was talking party and people didnt leave party so we would continue doing missions, damage 1.0 it was more easy to understand how it worked, hek and gorgon best weapons, i remember how people complained that hek is OP and they nerfed all shotguns to useless for long time

actualy people was failing sabotage mission becouse of 5 min timer for extraction, ofcourse there was no parkour actualy, parkour got in i think in update 5 with frost, no primes, so farming standart warframes was great, starters warframes was excalibur, volt and loki, farming pluto boss for meele weapon drops,

ash bladestorm omg that old effect hurt eyes, seeing not starter warframes felt amazing, lets not forget that old star chart i am happy that its back in someway, some rooms got removed, capture had specific one room which doesnt exist anymore, ohh yeah delivering data was slow missions too

here old warframe

here more of old gameplay, thats what i am talking about when i say it was more darker


Edited by godila2
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Really convoluted for me, but here goes:

I remember the card mission choosing system, picking loki on the old white space tutorial because he could teleport and shooting knees whiling panicking from the walking tanks that ancients used to be along with the armies of stun locking infested dog things.

Was so confused back then, that once open beta hit, i chose volt instead lol. Was really surprised when they added wall running on it too.
I am still impressed at the performance and community management of the game, years later too.

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The "pro" system is always the one I remember when people talk about the bad old times. 


I'm sure no one at de wants to remember that mess but you used to not have potatos for warframes and weapons. You'd just pay something like 50 plat to upgrade the weapon or frame to its full potential. This went hand in hand with the upgrade system at the time. Mod slots were opened by unlocking nodes on a sort of tree that everything had. 


The kicker was that for warframes the abilities were on this tree. So you had to go pro to have access to all your abilities and there was no other way to do this than to pay plat. To make it even worse mod slots were also in these pro sections and back then mods were not limited to one per thing and multiplicative off each other so the best build was just +5000% shields. 


Everything died in one hit and you couldn't die. But only if you had the plat. Kind of strange now to think back and see how close warframe was to being pay to win. 

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20 hours ago, Spartan336 said:

This is, obviously, a post for Warframe Veterans, so this should be interesting.

I could go on and on about my early experiences with this game, but if I had to pick one it was when the map generation broke, leaving a space you could jump out of the ship in. We all did so, and ended up at the bottom of a box with stars all over it since there wasn't anything to teleport players back up. We laughed our butts off, sent in a ticket, and screwed around for about an hour. It was senseless fun, and it was great. Couldn't complete the mission due to not being able to get back up though, so we eventually had to quit. 

Maining mag, orthos/galatine, Paris and when the bosses where actually hard. I remember the map the most I think. 

I started quite early but quit for a while and when I came back, I made a new account. But back then,  don't remember much, the biggest thing I remember is the star map 1.0 and 1.5. I really loved those cause it looked more like a solar system where they slowly spun around. I remember having to wait a few minutes for some of the planets to become visable again when they hid behind the sun (yes that actually was a thing, it was slightly annoying, but way more immerse) 

One the other things I remember is maiming the acrid for a while and starting with Loki. For all those new players, Loki was a starter frame, and with damage 1.0, the acrid was a beast. It ripped through enemy armor and abliterated the infested. But I remember plain as day, doing the vor boss fight with my Loki, Braton and acrid with my trusty orthos way back in the day. I had one other pub with me and it took us 10 minutes to kill him and we where fu*king sweating by the end of it. I really miss the days when the bosses where ligit hard and scary. Where you planned for hours or sometimes days with your mates in class about how you where gonna take the boss down later that night. I seriously miss those days. 

The feeling of being new and having so much to do, and really enjoying the game is what I remember and miss the most. 

Now days, everything is easy and I have everything so I currently don't have a goal or anything to do in the game. 


One last thing that I remember so much and enjoyed with my friends, laughing our asses off was parkour 1.0. It was so janky and glitch but so much fun. I remember when the dojo's first came out, me and a mate spent hours challenging ourselves to parkour to the top of the dojo. Back then, it was really really hard. There was no bullet jump, no easy wall riding and no wall climbing. You had to find the perfect spot to wall run off or the perfect spot to jump of and god it was fun. 

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21 hours ago, lordpie said:

I have distinct memories of running away as fast as possible from toxic ancients.  Also rainbow builds.

Omg yes, rainbow builds. It's funny cause me and a friend called them rainbow builds not from the community, but from playing magika. You could design rainbow spells with every type of element and they where so powerful, so when we played warframe, we did the same thing, made rainbow builds and the naming was a perfect coincidence :P

Also all these:

21 hours ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

1. The old tutorial. It felt like we had awoken in a simulation inside the cryopod or awakened in a VR like room at the home base of the lotus, and it felt we were safe unlike now with the new tutorial.

2. The vandal braton and vandal lato...wish I had them again..I accidental sold both thinking that I would be able to buy it again any time.

3. The bosses were pretty much the same, except tyl regor was like semi excal.

4. The old guitar rifts from lvling up, and the old combat music.

This one 


And this one

5. The old story for warframe. Instead of operators we were suppose to be people inside suits who taken a religious like silence and we had some sort of telekinesis that allowed us to talk to one another.

6. And of course stamina and wall running. Stamina removal I can get over..I didn't like it. But wall running...we feel like god damn rabbits now...

7. Oh yeah....this...


I wasn't around for the braton and Lato vandle, I started playing for the very first time about half a year after closed beta, nearly a year. Really wish I had started earlier but what can you do :P

Edited by Arniox
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21 hours ago, Orabell said:

Paying plat for revives, stamina

Hated both these. After I got valkyr, I mained her cause I didn't die. Back when valkyr was duration based, I build for full duration and never had to worry about my f*cking revives. 

And the stamina bar was cancer. I could never properly enjoy heavy weapons cause when stamina ran out, you had to pause swinging for a bit to gain it back and then your weapon was slow to start up again 

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21 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Hanging on for dear life with a few hundred ehp, broken modded,  rank 20 mag, hiding to replenish shield. 

Carefully looking through the market for the best affordable weapons,  ended up buying the bp for karak,  dual ether swords,  and a furis with the spare credits.

Farming resources to make the weapon,  and getting excited trying them out once they've finished building. 


Got awestruck by the tankiness of rhino,  and the super usefulness of nyx (which i accidentally got by doing some invasions) 

Remember the old market? And I mean the old old old market. God, that was cancer to navigate. 


OH, and remember looking at your mods? Pages and pages and pages of redirection :P my fingers got sore from scrolling through the mod menu so much :P

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20 hours ago, Fiftycentis said:

the warframes ability mods, running ember only WoF (old wof), loki only invisibility and disarm
the stamina, it putted a limit to what you could do and gave a more strategical meaning to movement
playing stealth all the mission in pubs because there were so few players that in most of the mission you had problems finding a squad

So much Forma was wasted when they changed that. I had so many builds that just had 1 or 2 abilities on and the rest of the slots had been formaed. The change effectively deleted so many forma :P

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20 hours ago, yles9056 said:

I miss Excalibur's old Radial Javelin. It fires bunch of Skana(real Skana, not energy sword) in all directions from Excalibur. It's way cooler than current one.

And super jump :P hehe

I have 8 Forma on Excalibur now cause I used to have a super jump build and had to Reform Excalibur so many times 

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  • 2 weeks later...

That I had massive Metal Gear solid vibes from the game and the first thing I did was to color my first excal in Gray fox colors and it worked.

That the theme was dark and morbid.

That everyone was mostly excalibur

That we spent our days trying to fit as much element effects on our skanas as we could

That collecting materials for crafting was nearly impossible

That Excalibur had a superjump ability, that you could mod to jump a bit higher ;)

That having a dual latos felt super badass

That I spent my first complimentary plat on revives

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better parkour styling

slide to flip jump to copter into a wall run with the fling out then copter mid air to change direction of flight and land that into a new wall run and repeat




I freakin really miss it. now its just bullet jump over everything and gliding air rolls QQ

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I realy miss the time where bows were real stealth weapons. Now when you kill an enamy the corps is flying across the room and the hole room is seeing it.

Well etleast now we have the ability to deactivate the alarm. back in the day when alarm is activ you have to deal with it till you are done with the mission.

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what i remember the most

1: Music

2: Greneer quotes and corpus robot noises

3: Mixing Fire,Cold,Electric -only toxic at this point was only with Saryn -

4: No void,forma only Excal,Lato,Skana primes

5: Greneer on corpus ships

6: The intercom on said ship

7: Old Lotus voice

8: The UI,old star chart/menu

9: Affinity orb pick up noise

10: Fusion cores

11: THERE HERE! or stay close to the walls

12: Abilityes were mods

i wish there was a classic option to bring some of this stuff back to be honest




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