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LMAO on mod prices..


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I'm just throwing this out here, no single mod should be worth more than a few hundred plat.  I'm seeing all of these people on forums selling and buying single mods for 2,000 plat or more.  In the store (on xbox), 2100p costs $99.99 and prime access (2625p) costs $80.  So you want to spend $80 or $100 dollars for a single mod? Kinda outrageous in my opinion.  


Anywho, I'm just saying this because I think it's ridiculous to spend so much on a single mod, regardless of its' rarity... and I just have to mention it. 

On another note (a lot of the mods I see over 2k plat is rivens, but even still shouldn't be no 2000p+),

I personally think that rivens should be placed in more areas than just sorties.  Utilize the void, breaking containers could have a chance of a riven.  Caches can have a chance at rivens.  Killing Vor and stalkers (in void only) will grant a chance of dropping rivens.  Sorties would still have them, but the chances for a good riven would be increased (although base chance of a riven in general would still remain like it is now or maybe a little more rare.


Here is that topic.  A very great idea indeed.  Including kuva farming.  Although, I do like the challenges of rivens, I agree with mostly everything else.

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)SAOxSonicKirito said:

I personally think that rivens should be placed in more areas than just sorties.  Utilize the void, breaking containers could have a chance of a riven.  Caches can have a chance at rivens.  Killing Vor and stalkers (in void only) will grant a chance of dropping rivens.  Sorties would still have them, but the chances for a good riven would be increased (although base chance of a riven in general would still remain like it is now or maybe a little more rare.

I don't agree.

The Riven itself should be relatively difficult to get, but the weapon it's assigned to should be less random.

We all want a Riven for our favorite gun. We should have greater control in getting that. Maybe when we unlock a riven, we get 10 choices of different weapons. Maybe when we reroll the stats, we get 3 choices of different guns, as well as 2 choices of different stats.

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alot of the ones selling for that much have near perfect stats on meta weapons, which is rare due to the RNG nature of the rerolling system.

a $100 mod is nothing tbh. primed chamber costs 50,000 plat to 100,000 plat which is $1100 to $2200


also lets not forget that on tf2 there is a "golden frying pan" that is little more than an ultra rare reskin of the regular pan, and that it sold for $6000

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1 minute ago, Archistopheles said:

I don't agree.

The Riven itself should be relatively difficult to get, but the weapon it's assigned to should be less random.

We all want a Riven for our favorite gun. We should have greater control in getting that. Maybe when we unlock a riven, we get 10 choices of different weapons. Maybe when we reroll the stats, we get 3 choices of different guns, as well as 2 choices of different stats.

That could be a decent method. Perhaps we could incorporate kuva as well somewhere along the lines there.

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3 minutes ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

alot of the ones selling for that much have near perfect stats on meta weapons, which is rare due to the RNG nature of the rerolling system.

a $100 mod is nothing tbh. primed chamber costs 50,000 plat to 100,000 plat which is $1100 to $2200


also lets not forget that on tf2 there is a "golden frying pan" that is little more than an ultra rare reskin of the regular pan, and that it sold for $6000

Wow.  That is ridiculous...  

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Well, you know, it depends of the market. On the anglo side of warframe, prices are, just like you said, around 2k sometimes, yet on the french side, for example, the prices are around 50 to 300, and very, very few people are selling Rivens for more than 500.



(PS: Change the PSA tag for PS4. Common mistake.)

Edited by Blade_Wolf_16
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It doesn't matter what people ask. I could ask 5000 plat for ammo drum, if someone decides to buy it without any research it isn't really my problem. Now, of course I would never do that and consider people that do absolute scum, but I won't complain about it so long as the buyer and seller both get what they expected.

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1 minute ago, More-L said:

It doesn't matter what people ask. I could ask 5000 plat for ammo drum, if someone decides to buy it without any research it isn't really my problem. Now, of course I would never do that and consider people that do absolute scum, but I won't complain about it so long as the buyer and seller both get what they expected.

ive noticed that the ones who do that usually have a very quick trigger finger. good example is the other day i tried buying a mod and posted in trade chat "wtb *mod*"

almost instantly i got a pm asking for 150p. i didnt know the mod price and almost took him up on the offer but decided to wait. next pm was a little bit later and was a guy asking how much id pay. so to test the waters i told him "130" he instantly said deal. so i waited a bit longer and then started getting a bunch of pms offering the mod for 20-40p

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It's low availability combined with inflation. People are happily offering 3k+ or 5k+ for right riven, because they know that finding another perfect one could take them weeks if not months.

On the other hand there will always be someone who asks 2k for junk, but that's just how it is.

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Warframe's economy is still better than the Project Entropy online economy. There were peoples whom bought a space station in game for 140 million Huf which is 510-515.000 US dollar so. 

I played that game a little and also EVE and their economy compared to warframes are still worse but stable.

Edited by Sziklamester
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If you don't want to buy a Mod for 2k plat then by all means don't, you don't get to dictate what others sell their mods for though, If someone wants to ask 2k plat for a garbage Riven then let them, if they get a buyer which is unlikely then good for them, if not then they will be forced to lower their prices.

Some choose to sell the Ignis wraith for plat while others give it away for free, its a free market, that's how it works. to avoid confusion when buying normal mods, there are multiple websites that tell you what range does the Mod cost fall under and you can decide how much you want to pay for it. 

For Rivens sadly its how a seller values the Riven and how much the customer is willing to pay, yes some prices are high but if you aren't willing to pay up then look for another seller or do what i do and look for an unrolled Riven and test your luck. 

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While it might take a $100 to get 2000 plat RIGHT NOW, it costs $0 to get 2000 plat in game if you trade.

So for those of us with thousands of plat we paid nothing for, what are we to do with it? Spend it on overpriced rivens I suppose.

And since I cant trade my thousands of plat for real $$$, even if i pay 2000 plat for something, im not spending the equivalent of $100


There is so much plat floating around in players accounts, plat is basically  free - getting instant plat is what you pay for with real money.


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2 hours ago, Fiftycentis said:

mods? try to search for phased ankyros skin (pc steam only), only 10 copies of that skin, if you find someone willing to sell it

about $230 last time i saw one on the steam market

edit: HA i take that back


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People don't usually care how much that plat is worth in cash, because they get plat for free through trading.

Supply is there to meet the demand, so yeah there's nothing wrong with these riven prices.

If you really want to talk prices then take a look at primed chamber and artax rivens...

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The free market is good for those who ge their plat for free those whom paid money for plat not so. I am the latter and paid around 2800 dollar for plat but it was discounted so if we remove the discount then I am bought 10k dollar equivalent platinum. I have no intention to squandering those platinum amount on expensive items because I am only just use my plat for situational mods for lower prices and for slots which I have already a lot. The trading only works well if someone pay for the platinum otherwise the economy is very fragile.

Edited by Sziklamester
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