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Anyone else disapointed in the Quills/the grind to level your kid?


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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Is the Eidolons the only thing people are doing?

If you want to vaguely go up the ranks on the Quills, yes.

1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Welcome to life. Welcome to video games. I've been playing Shadow of War lately and having a blast, killing orcs is fun even though that's the only thing to do.

Reward vs Effort guys. If the reward isn't worth your effort, then maybe don't play. But it's worth mine, so I put in a few hours in over the day.

 So you've been playing the game that gets criticized for shoehorning grind to cover the shoehorned microtranscations?

Let me turn your argument around: just because you think something is worth your time and energy, it doesn't mean the rest of people do. And frankly, other people are allowed to have fun too. And the fact that this game obviously started to only catter to a  very small minority - people with seriously OCD issues that have no self-care and have a lot of free time (I'm not trying to be offensive or even kidding, I seriously think this level of grind will only catter to people like this - and even them will feel trapped, not satisfied) - is rather problematic.

This is more than a simple "dont like it dont play it" scenario. I like playing warframe, games (and everything really) are more than the simple sum of their parts. But I don't like this grind. Hell, I depsise it, I despise having to dispend hours of my days just to make a bar slightly go up. I don't have the time, nor the patience necessary, and I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people don't have them either. 

This is not an healthy system, this is not engaging, this makes warframe worse. we can all happily conform to that, as if it is an immutable, uncriticizable reality, or we can try to make it better.

If not for the good of the game, than at least to make sure the plains don't get empty, just like Lunaro, Archwing and whatever more got.

Edited by tnccs215
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I've given up doing operator stuff its just not worth the effort, something that could be great fun has been totally ruined for me and many. many other players.

I hope DE take the time to re-look at the system and lower the grind. I don't want to have to work in a game, i want to earn things as i have fun.

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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Reward vs Effort guys. If the reward isn't worth your effort, then maybe don't play. But it's worth mine, so I put in a few hours in over the day.

Oh, so you love those Cyan Stars from bounties which are 5 part missions? Glad to see you know what is rewarding and telling us there is nothing wrong.

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Not only is Quills standing a massive grind, it's also self-defeating grind. Operators are absurdly weak so you (presumably) need a decent gear to make playing as operator more palatable/fun. But to do that you need to grind standing.

So while operator gameplay might be fun at some time in the future with all the bells and whistles I'm not exactly motivated to try and get there if I'm gonna be forced to do so in my current weak state.

Also who's bright idea was to add fall damage to operators? I appreciate they made switching more fluid but you better stick to the ground because if you switch mid bullet jump you'll just eat fall damage to your already tiny hp pool. So I have to deliberately stop and land in the middle of fighting so I don't risk flinging my operator off a hill and this makes the entire fluidity of the system completely pointless.

At the current state the beam could have infinite energy and it still wouldn't be very good much less OP. Which makes good number of the focus nodes rather weak as well.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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After multiple eidolon fights, and having gathered about 100 intact cores and 3 exceptional ones, I can agree this is rediculous. I love the operator changes and the way they work now, but to be able to make 1 amplifier takes way to much effort. If they could gives us small quests like we do for the main ostron faction during the night/day that would be one thing, but instead we have a small 50 minute window to kill as many sentients as possible. And that is if we got a group good enough to take the Eidolon down.

Edited by Vevvev
Grammar mistakes
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Just reading all this made me not want to return in the plains after 1st attempt of doing things there. I'll just go forma my sentinel and kill some infested in survival mission somewhere instead of going back to plains.

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An easy way to help the grind would be to:

A) Make at least the intact cores a 100% guaranteed drop, instead of ammo popping from the little ones. There's no reason why ammo should be popping from them, since they don't use guns.

B) Have the sentients on the Moon drop a different kind of core, with a different Quill standing gain. Then, buff the rates that the sentients show up. In fact, make it 100% for every Moon mission, and then have the 'rates' determine how many sentients show up. If we can gain +25 standing per PoE Eidolon mini every few minutes (or less), then have 10-20 sentients show up on the moon in each mission. It's a more difficult area than PoE, with more difficult sentients, so why not?

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They could make the Conculyst and Batalyst sentients on Lua drop the mid-tier cores, and making them spawns on the Plains might be a nice bonus too.

Just a suggestion for accessibility of cores since the first thing I tested was wondering if the older sentient enemies dropped cores and I was fairly disappointed they didn't.

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I find it amusing how people assume that every group is even capable of getting an eidolon down.

Especially with the baby amps given to us.

PS: Check the blueprints you get from the Quils. It will make you regret even looking.

6 hours ago, Praxxor said:

The small ones only drop the intact cores and at about 50% chance (or even less). You need to kill at least 200 of them to get to the first rank if you get lucky and each one of them drops a core. That's ridiculous.

200 if all of them drop, with 40-60% drop rate you are looking at 400-500

Edited by phoenix1992
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It is just rediculos.

It must be the same standing as all Ostron. Now it require cores to lvlup and standing. I see no sence here.

Or special bounties and standing just for killing Eidolos. Much more rewardful. Actually, both syndicates are have same progression in standing, but there is 0 way to get few thousand just for doing regular missions. And, actually, no missions for Quills at all. Only drop in minor amount.

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25 standing per core is ridiculous. If you don't want to try (for now) to kill the Big eidolons you have only 1 alternative. Kill the little one for some standing. Now... If I want to complete the first rank. I need to have an amount of standing. Let's do the math and see how many eidolons you need to kill for the x amount of standing.

  • 1st rank:  5k standing -> kill 200 Eidolons.
  • 2nd rank: 22k standing -> kill 880 Eidolons.
  • 3rd rank: 44k standing -> kill 1760 Eidolons.
  • 4th rank:  70k standing -> kill 2800 Eidolons.

And that's just to rank up. In this case you don't buy anything. Of course, you need to kill a sh*t ton more if you want to buy armor/other AMP's. Are you guys OK with that kind of grind ?

I don't know if the littles eidolons drop other type than the intact cores. But I only had intact cores for now.

I love how the many new things about this update are hidden behind those grind or "wait" walls (yes, I'm talking about you archwing launcher). The archwing should be an important part of the PoE gameplay. But nope, that's just a new thing that cost a ton of ressources. Same goes for the non-reusable blueprint for the fishing part (baits & walkhack water thingy).. But that's an other subject.


To conclude, the little eidolons should give at least 135/150 per intact core and have a % chances to give the 2nd grade core. Imagine you need to rank up to the 4th rank. to have the 70k standing, you'll need to farm 450/500 eidolons depending if you have some of the better core or not. Or I don't know, use cyan/amber stars to boost the cores ?

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10 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Nope! Just get out there and do it. It's now something new and interesting to do that isn't grinding the same mission over and over. It's now a 9km squared area with tons of different things to do. So do them. The grind really isn't that bad.

Couldnt have said it better. Ppl really suck at adapting and just enjoying new things.

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39 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Couldnt have said it better. Ppl really suck at adapting and just enjoying new things.

if you like killing the same boss litterally100's and I mean 100's of times to get a minor power (and I really mean minor) improvement to your operator then all the more power to you.

But for most people, we want to play games for fun, not spend like 500 hours to do the same ONE thing over and over and over.....

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I'm more disappointed in the mechanics of Focus 2.0. I don't like that the schools have nothing to do with their descriptions, and that the abilities have mechanically remained the same. Void Beam 2.0 is still Void Beam 1.0, just with ammo. Void Dash 2.0 is still Void Dash 1.0, just with different buffs. Void Mode 2.0 is still Void Mode 1.0. Void Blast 2.0 is essentially still Void Blast 1.0, just with different fancy effects. I didn't like these abilities for the old Operator system, and I don't like them now. So, yeah, I can't stand the grind, but even after they improve that, I still won't have much of a desire to use Focus 2.0 outside of occasionally Void Dashing through my Warframe to heal it.

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1 hour ago, morningstar999 said:

if you like killing the same boss litterally100's and I mean 100's of times to get a minor power (and I really mean minor) improvement to your operator then all the more power to you.

But for most people, we want to play games for fun, not spend like 500 hours to do the same ONE thing over and over and over.....

Then dont. Ppl have been gridning void and what not for ever now. Its just a different grind and its REALLY not that bad.

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