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Dev stream 100 Tactical Potato ..Chroma Prime confirmed ??


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Even though iam not that long a Tenno (shame on me i know ) one off my favorite streamers is Tactical Potato .

His Chroma love shines very bright so i wondered and speculated off course would it not be appropriate to announce our next Prime ; Chroma Prime ??? 

Sure i did put on my tin folded head but it would be great imho .

You'll have a great day never did meet a community that breaths this much positivity :inlove:.

DE can be proud off the game for sure but they also have one off the best maybe the best community ever.

This is my best gaming experience ever and for those who care i am a crazy old fecker :cool:

  ps. if not we will blame Dave ...:crylaugh:

Edited by Zarrostarr
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5 minutes ago, Zarrostarr said:

Even though iam not that long a Tenno (shame on me i know ) one off my favorite streamers is Tactical Potato .

His Chroma love shines very bright so i wondered and speculated off course would it not be appropriate to announce our next Prime ; Chroma Prime ??? 

It will not be Chroma, the MMFF system requires a Female frame to be Primed next, Probs Zephyr or Mirage...

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

The next is female even Zephyr or mirage will be next chroma is coming very soon 2018 @_@ anyway hopefully zephyr >_<

It should be our favorite primed bird, I've been holding off reforma-ing my Zephyr to make a PoE dive bomb build just for it.

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2 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

It should be our favorite primed bird, I've been holding off reforma-ing my Zephyr to make a PoE dive bomb build just for it.

Me 2 I want to make my zephyr very powerful but sense the nex access coming in 17 days I have been saying to myself to wait  

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

We will know in 2019...,

Not necessarily, like I said his addition was from outside of the current system. It didn't matter that we'd just had a Male frame (Atlas), it didn't matter that U18 and Ivara were right around the corner. Chinaframe required it.

If his prime version is also required for Chinaframe then we'll absolutely be seeing him out of schedule, after the timed exclusive release of course. Potentially even whilst another PA is on sale.

That or we'll never get him, and if thats the case I'll be a very very unhappy Monkey.

(Yes I'm dreaming. Don't burst my bubble)

Edited by DeMonkey
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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Not necessarily, like I said his addition was from outside of the current system. It didn't matter that we'd just had a Male frame (Atlas), it didn't matter that U18 and Ivara were right around the corner. Chinaframe required it.

If his prime version is also required for Chinaframe then we'll absolutely be seeing him out of schedule, after the timed exclusive release of course. Potentially even whilst another PA is on sale.

That or we'll never get him, and if thats the case I'll be a very very unhappy Monkey.

(Yes I'm dreaming. Don't burst my bubble)

True also u should be angry monkey :P 

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1 hour ago, Zarrostarr said:

who care i am a crazy old fecker :cool:

nice to see Warframe is appealing to older audiences as well!

unfortunately, Chroma won't be any time soon as the next 2 primes will be Female. most reckon Zephyr or Mirage but I have a feeling Mesa might get picked to ensure good holiday sales.

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54 minutes ago, -Trey- said:

You don't want it.

If it happened they would "fix" chroma and reduced his dmg.

yeah the same way they "fixed" Saryn and turned her from a one-button mid-level frame into the Queen of death and destruction that melts everyone and everything no matter the level.

Or how they turned mag from a broken Corpus anihilator into a frame that is useful against more than one faction.

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20 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

yeah the same way they "fixed" Saryn and turned her from a one-button mid-level frame into the Queen of death and destruction that melts everyone and everything no matter the level.

Or how they turned mag from a broken Corpus anihilator into a frame that is useful against more than one faction.

You are right, Mag is extremely good now. All the threads i've seen around stating otherwise are simply wrong.

Also just like they fixed Ash, now everyone is using him !

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4 hours ago, -Trey- said:

You are right, Mag is extremely good now. All the threads i've seen around stating otherwise are simply wrong.

Also just like they fixed Ash, now everyone is using him !

all the threads I have seen that claimed the rework was bad used the removal of their beloved anti corpus cheese as justification for their hatred of the rework.

The removal of an ability that negates all gameplay bar nullifiers is something that was neccessary.


on the topic of Ash.

Ash was cancer!

playing as ash was watching a cutscene over and over. playing with ash was waiting for that split second between two bladestorms where the enemies were not invincible.

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5 hours ago, -Trey- said:

You are right, Mag is extremely good now. All the threads i've seen around stating otherwise are simply wrong.


A significant percentage of the threads that whine about her are wrong.

You have to keep in mind most of the community simply have no idea what they're talking about and just repeat stuff they've read somewhere, made by someone else who had no clue what they were going on about because they'd read it somewhere, etc., etc., ad nauseam.

In this particular case, an old warframe whose niche was hiding in a sewer fighting one faction while pressing one button was transformed in a multi-role area denial warframe that could function on her own in any environment. Oh, and didn't have to have a Trinity in her back pocket while doing it.

Her revamp was a net improvement.

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Or Mesa, remember it is a holiday Prime Access


A remote possibility.

Safe bet is Zephyr and Mirage in this cycle. With PoE now a thing and still shiny new, Zephyr is actually a pretty good bet, especially if her rework goes live soon.

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