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Thanks for the useless mod, Lotus...


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39 minutes ago, Xylia said:

The complaint is with the disparity between his and mine. He gets to pick up 15 syndicate medallions. I get to try to solo a lv30+ mission AND get a perfect score. lol. that's not even remotely fair.

Life isnt fair. Often times, neither is playing a game based on heavy RNG. You can not like it all you want - but complaining about it gets you no where. Either get out there and do the riven, or dont.

Both the rivens you mentioned as 'useless' are quite easy to unlock with the right tactics. Maybe its not a good metric upon which to judge, but for someone with nearly 5000 posts, *and* who is a founder, I'd think you'd know how to deal with those types of rivens by now.

Adapt and overcome, or do nothing and stagnate - the choice is yours.

Edited by Mavor
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58 minutes ago, Xylia said:

It gave me "Do 10 waves of Level 30+ Defense Solo with no damage to the objective".

 "Do a Lv30 survival without killing anybody".


Very simple, i a;ways do it:

1- Hydron sedna: banshee with a res quake. job done

2- Mot the void: Loki. stay invisible, smash crates to get the air support, activate the big one at 70%. job done

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1 hour ago, Xylia said:

I just feel cheated that my friend got something that is very reasonable, and I get something ridiculous like this.

And a lot can happen in 10 waves and I've talked to my friend about this, and he says that even with using stuff like Frost or Limbo, it is STILL a crapshoot and that you can easily lose the whole shebang, because a lot can happen in that amount of time.

I am very confused here.  You are a Grand Master and you cannot do those challenges?  The defense waves just take a resonating quake banshee and some energy pies to hydron, done nothing even comes close to the target.   The survival one, I got it, it was easy go to the high level void survival, mot I think, and just be a duration inviso loki and walk around and break stuff.  These technically shouldn't be a challenge to a veteran such as yourself.  I don't really mean to come down on you but as a Grand Master you should know that is how RNGesus works.  Did you honestly expect to get an already rolled riven from the alert?

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8 hours ago, sh00chu said:

You think that's bad. I got 'Solo an interception mission with level 30 or above enemies, while equipped with the hobbled dragon key, without dying or being downed'. It's almost as if the Lotus knows how much I despise interception missions.

Thats the easiest of all, just get inaros and its a walk in the park.

Simaris scanning without taking damage with a hobbled key or simaris scanning without getting noticed those are the worst.

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8 hours ago, Xylia said:

So, friend comes on and tells me that the Gift of the Lotus today is a Riven Rifle Mod. He does it and he gets "Find 15 Syndicate Emblems".

Okay, so since the Riven Mod comes out of a lowbie mission, I thought well maybe there's special rules on this that it will give you something actually do-able.

Hahaha, this is Warframe.

It gave me "Do 10 waves of Level 30+ Defense Solo with no damage to the objective".

Yup. Thanks, Lotus, for the useless mod I'll never get to use. Goes right along with the other Riven mod I have, "Do a Lv30 survival without killing anybody". You guys at DE could have at least made this mod give a sensible objective or something, seeing as it is supposed to be a "gift" and it comes from a lowbie mission, or something.

Oh well.

Just pick frost with AOE weapons,you re a grand master this should be easy for you.

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Or you can simply go to trade chat and sell it and then buy another one with a n easier no hands skill mission..... and " Do a Lv30 survival without killing anybody " really??? you put that ....? ..... you know how to public play ? or team play ? find the obviusly answer how to finish an extermination with out !!!YOU!!! killing anybody....... ._. ... but now I think you know how to open that mod..... I want to belive it ....

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9 hours ago, Xylia said:

So, friend comes on and tells me that the Gift of the Lotus today is a Riven Rifle Mod. He does it and he gets "Find 15 Syndicate Emblems".

Okay, so since the Riven Mod comes out of a lowbie mission, I thought well maybe there's special rules on this that it will give you something actually do-able.

Hahaha, this is Warframe.

It gave me "Do 10 waves of Level 30+ Defense Solo with no damage to the objective".

Yup. Thanks, Lotus, for the useless mod I'll never get to use. Goes right along with the other Riven mod I have, "Do a Lv30 survival without killing anybody". You guys at DE could have at least made this mod give a sensible objective or something, seeing as it is supposed to be a "gift" and it comes from a lowbie mission, or something.

Oh well.

The defense one aside, the survival one is a walk in the park. Remove your sentinel weapon and just break containers and use LS for 5 minutes. Literally the easiest challenge there is.

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I bet when you open it, it will most likely be trash

I have 2 riven mods.. one from yesterday.. which was also trash, have about 370hrs in this game.

Have played lots of sortis and have always got trash from that, never once got anything good least of all a riven mod.

Anyway you would think the requirements to open riven mods up would be indicative of how good they are.. nope you get played fools.

Not sure why I am still playing this game actually, focus 2.0 is garbage, farming a stupid creature that  sinks into the ground soon as its daytime is just another re:tarded DE thing..

Edited by Kooglio
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OP clearly doesn't deal enough with riven mods. You get some cakewalk challenges and some that are still a cakewalk but you need the right loadout for. I don't get the complaining, really. Sure, if you compare 2 random rivens (your and your friend's), you'd get such disparity, but when you start doing sorties and start getting many rivens, it all blurs together. That's why empathy levels are low in this thread - that's the case for all of us. There's a defeatist thread running through OP's comments here. He doesn't take his riven challenge as an opportunity to learn the game, rather he's complaining that unlike his friend's, OP's game asks to be played. Why play Warframe in the first place if when the game says "play me, challenge yourself" you go on the forums and complain.

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Frost + Nekros + Vauban + Ember + Tonkor + Zarr + Ignis + Penta + Energy restores

Frost shields the cryopod

Nekros will distract enemies with shadows and also make enemies run away with terrify

Vauban will keep the enemies from even getting close to the cryopod

Ember will kill everything

Tonkoe, Zarr, Ignis, and Penta is for extra crowd control, is Ember isn't enough


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It's easy, pick Banshee, Slowa, Vauban or Limbo-play an Infested defense-if you want to make absolutely sure the objective doesn't receive damage and make it in one run place a few specters around the objective to draw aggro-use Zenurik if you got the no energy pads challenge-maybe pick Infested Impedance to slow them even more and an enemy radar mod-just chill near the objective and kill everything that comes close or search for enemies if they are stuck somewhere.

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There are some ridiculously easy ones, then there are some difficult ones.  OP, this one is far closer to easy.

The way I did it solo:

Frost Prime, maximized my ability range.

Restarted Sechura, Pluto until I got the Corpus Dam tile (best terrain, even map selection can be cheesed.)

Dropped a bunch of specters (Inaros + Astilla wrecks $#!% and never dies, Clem, Moa and Corrupted Lancer for additional fire support.)

Set up the globe right over the pod, tell my guys to hold position in front of the pod.

Take the high ground so I can survey my kingdom.

Half-&#! defending a pod through 10 very dull waves of hopelessly outmatched infested.  The only real threats are the exploding Corpus and the flying ospreys, since they have to be dropped outside a certain range.  Everything else I can take a pee break when they enter the snow globe, come back, and they're still only half way to it.

Edited by Littleman88
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