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Favorite Warframe based on looks and personal meaning


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I'd have to say Nyx.

Mind manipulation, I mean how much better can it get? Force enemies to become your weapon.


Too bad she isn't THAT tough ingame, tho her tanky side is awesome.

That aside Saryn (Prime) is also nice. Not just her looks but her abilities in general (especially post rework).

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Nekros Prime with the Raknis helmet, no question. Theme is Death, look is Death, his name means Death...you couldn't get more Death in there if you had an elec-tro-matic Deathifier set to maximum Deathifaction.

I'm a pretty sunny, cheery and softhearted guy. I love guinea pigs and puppies and posting pictures of my cat on Facebook. But Nekros is my jam.

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ember was the first frame I ever went out to make for myself back when she was sort of a tank with overheat, not all that fun to play, but she was different enough a tanky caster, then she got reworked and never really got any funner to use. I got it in my head that I'd do everything I could to boost ember up, arcanes, primed mods, rivens for specialized weapon builds, madurai focus for more fire damage (that doesn't work on abilities), a shrine for that sweet &#!

at least she looks good, while I'm waiting on a rework that'll make her more interesting beyond the 4 key and her over reliance on augments


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Mesa just for the fact she remind me of my all time favorite Gunslinger in all existence and that i always loved that type of class/character.




Even made a only Pandero loadout for her which can go through any sorties with ease

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Based on looks?

I love tokusatsu, so Chroma with Deluxe skin is my favorite frame looks-wise. He looks exactly like a monster suid on a TV show. Sadly, beyond the look, he's just a one-trick pony. But hey, at least I can use this pony any other 150 minutes.

And following the same tokusatsu theme is Mesa. With some tennogen I've made her into Kamen Rider Build HawkGutling form, which makes me happy, utz.

Ash has similar potential to get on this list, for very similar reasons, but I have no idea what to do with Ash gameplay-wise, so he don't get the fashionframe treatment and love from me.

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Saryn takes the cake for me. She always struck me as a frame with personality, and I became much more attached to her after playing through the Second Dream with her.

I think Mesa is the most aesthetically consistent and satisfying frame in the game. I love cleric, paladin, and priest characters in most media, and our resident spooky priest Harrow is no exception (though I haven't actually played him yet). Equinox's dual personality support/defense/offense fantasy really appeals to me, but doesn't quite translate well into gameplay, otherwise she would probably be my second favorite, after Saryn.

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Default look definetly mesa ( my crusor went to purchase button upon saw it)not knowing her play style or wether she was enjoyable to play. Worried about the prime ver if it will alter or change her look drastically.

With skin thats hard to choose.

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Love the basic look. It's simple but great.

He is also my starter frame. The reason why Excal is my "main" goes way back. When I started playing Warframe ,early U10, he was very much seen as a pretty meh frame, being a one trick pony with radial blind. I liked how he was bit of an underdog compared to the powerhouses of that time like Nova. I took him into endgame missions to prove to others that he could be a great frame if you knew how to play him. Then enter Excalibur prime. When I had learned of the founders program and found out that was the only way to obtain Excalibur prime, I had to make a decision. Do I actually want to put money into this game? Keep in mind that I have never spent any money on a F2P game prior to that so it was a big deal to me at the time. I decided I was enjoying the game enough to warrant putting some money in the game to get Excal Prime, so in that way he was also my first purchase in a F2P.

I had stuck with Excalibur for years, eventually becoming the go to for anything as far as builds,advice and techniques for Excalibur in my clan. Of course I spent a lot of time playing other frames for decent periods of time, such as Saryn, who is still one of my most played frames, Rhino, and Ember. Eventually I started to play more and more Trinity along with Excal as well as Mag. Trinity may be my profile picture, and honestly she is a VERY close second to excal as far as favorites. Infact I would say that they are both my #1 faves. ( I could go on and on about her as well and where my affinity for her comes from but I won't. Actually screw it I will.)

As far as Trinity it's a bit of a different story. While I was still very new to the game I was running trough some void missions with some clanmates. The Warlord was running Trinity with the aura helm. I honestly had no idea what she was all about but I thought her and her abilities looked cool. Shortly after I picked her up from Earth and built her. Fast forward a bit and a Trinity main joins our clan. He was our go to Trinity for missions, but he eventually stopped playing WF due to real life obligations. I decided to try and play some trinity, since I have always loved playing support in games. I loved it. I remember setting up in a hallway targeting heavies with WoL and EV while keeping blessing up. I found it so satisfying to make a clutch save and prevent players from going down. That was fun but Trinity only got fun when they had gotten rid of the invincibility mechanic. Now, I would wait till me, a team mate or even my sentinal was low enough to get the maximum damage reduction. That was loads of fun and got me playing trinity even more than I had before. However, there was a time that I would not bring Trinity to any public games. I never fancied the EV spam build and wasn't my style. I was just getting so annoyed with people constantly complaining to me about not having energy to spam their abilities, that I avoided bringing trinity to pubs and mostly use her for solo play now.

Edited by nickelshark
spelling error
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Excalibur is definitely my favourite. In terms of looks, I actually didn't like excal prime during the period when the founders pack was available and I never paid for any free to play games in my life up to that point. 

I splurged to support the devs in this game because I saw what the game could become and watched the updates that came out in reaction to the community and game balance. There was so much potential and I wanted to give them my money even if I would stop playing it eventually just because they seemed to be a bunch of excellent individuals who truly cared for the product they were crafting. 

DE never really gave me a reason to question my near thousand dollar(I think?) expenditure on Warframe over the years. Excalibur reminds me of what used to be and the potential of the game that is still very much there thanks to the team behind it.

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Trinity, I main healers in games whenever it is possible.

A lot of time people think of beating a game by being high DPS and high speed, don't get me wrong.
But none of that would be possible without HP and Energy.

A gun is only useful when it is functional and ammunition is available
A warframe is only useful when it is alive and there is energy. 

A MR15 with 75% trinity usage isn't too usual I guess
Since with all the kill count and time in missions I could have been easily MR24 instead.

Trinity is kind of my first and only frame to be bought with plats from the market, that spells the level of importance.

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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It's gotta go to Zephyr!~      *note: those are my favourite weapons as well in the picture, though I think Euphona Prime is now my favourite secondary~ following her, would be Octavia, Limbo, and Equinox.
edit: oh my. now I feel kind of edgy, as I'm the only person thus far to say Zephyr lol.

It's kind of funny thinking back. I was MR10-ish at the time, still experimenting and trying all these different kind of Warframes available at the time (around when Mirage debuted), and remembering she was one of the last few female Warframes I haven't tried yet (another being Banshee then I remember).
I specifically thought "eh, doesn't really look like my cup-of-tea. I'll give her a shot though and at least level her to 30". And almost 3 years later, here I am, still using her to date. She really grew on me, what can I say?

Gameplay wise - that sense of freedom you get with her abilities, especially at a time when Zephyr was the only Warframe to have a passive that redefined really how a Warframe plays, and how all her abilities (well less so with Tornadoes) feel like a real extension of her, and not something disconnected like a fire/ice/electric ball or something along those lines. It didn't feel like they were external from the Warframe herself if that makes any sense.

Personally....well, I can't think of anything too specific but for some reason or another, she just really clicked with me these past few years and generally how I identify myself when it comes to this amazing game. She's the largest reason why I have stuck around with this game for the long haul honestly lol.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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I'm the guy who always looks for a summoner/necromancer class in games and when I saw Nekros, boom, all other warframes became useless to me.

Aesthetics, animations, skill set. It all screams "YES" to me. 

Heck, I have 50% of my playtime with the normal Nekros before switching to his prime and even then, I still prefer the normal variant. 

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Mag. Always has been mag tbh.

She was my starter because her powers description sounds interesting, and i really like the space helm design coupled with the simple jumpsuit which fits my general aesthetic taste of sleek simplicity with a touch of complex accents. She pretty much carried my newbieass while learning the game. 


On top of that, her revisits really made her a good all arounder. Not to mention the alata, orbiter, and pneuma skins are all really good looking for her too.

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10 hours ago, Gabenight7 said:

Just want to see why some people love a certain Warframe over others for reasons beyond the battle capabilities.


Personally I love Frost Prime because he was my first Prime and I just love the ice theme.

Nekros because I’m an edge lord. Yeah, I like raising an army of the dead.

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13 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

It's gotta go to Zephyr!~      *note: those are my favourite weapons as well in the picture, though I think Euphona Prime is now my favourite secondary~ following her, would be Octavia, Limbo, and Equinox.
edit: oh my. now I feel kind of edgy, as I'm the only person thus far to say Zephyr lol.

It's kind of funny thinking back. I was MR10-ish at the time, still experimenting and trying all these different kind of Warframes available at the time (around when Mirage debuted), and remembering she was one of the last few female Warframes I haven't tried yet (another being Banshee then I remember).
I specifically thought "eh, doesn't really look like my cup-of-tea. I'll give her a shot though and at least level her to 30". And almost 3 years later, here I am, still using her to date. She really grew on me, what can I say?

Gameplay wise - that sense of freedom you get with her abilities, especially at a time when Zephyr was the only Warframe to have a passive that redefined really how a Warframe plays, and how all her abilities (well less so with Tornadoes) feel like a real extension of her, and not something disconnected like a fire/ice/electric ball or something along those lines. It didn't feel like they were external from the Warframe herself if that makes any sense.

Personally....well, I can't think of anything too specific but for some reason or another, she just really clicked with me these past few years and generally how I identify myself when it comes to this amazing game. She's the largest reason why I have stuck around with this game for the long haul honestly lol.

That is an awesome looking Zephyr. Got my fingers crossed that she's the new prime

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Excalibur for me. So many cosmetics, so many options. 

But more importantly than that, Umbra.


..on a serious note, Excal was my first frame, he is also my main frame at 90% most used. I'm a sword collector IRL and I love Arthurian legends, so naturally Excalibur is my first and only pick.

About to take up a lot of page space, sorry in advance.



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