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Why are people hate Operator that much? what is the true reason?


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For me, the concept of physical operators teleporting onto the battlefield is just weird and awkward. Like, I don't see how it would play out in a movie. They just teleport themselves? As ghost? And walk around? So all of the transference stuff was BS? The pods? The vines? 

I honestly see that aspect being ignored in a comic or animation. It's so anticlimactic. 

I did like the powerful void apparitions though. THAT made sense to me. The Tenno using the power of their mind to turn the tides of a battle. Almost like the Avatar... That was cool. Then they just dumbed/dulled it down to what we have now.

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1 hour ago, FireSegment said:

Because operator purpose isn't to tickle heavy gunner but to blast kuva, take teralyst shield down, being invi while thinking how the heck to kill him, and negate sentient adapting defense. You aren't suppose to use Arca Plasmor vs Ogma, without AW. 

If the operator's only purpose is Kuva and Teralyst then their existence is merely a gimmick and having such an impactful part of the game & such hard work devoted  just to make a gimmick work is a bad idea, and this is coming from someone who enjoys playing with the operator to a certain extent.

The core gameplay is based around Warframe combat and motion, now i'm not opposed to change, but its the change of pace that just sticks out like a sore thumb. The combat itself just doesn't offer anything outside of being a gimmick and that's why its bad in my opinion, the movement feels slow, the survivability of the operator is very low and outside of Void walk you really don't have anything that is worth using. now I'm not asking for Volt or Nezha level of mobility or Wukong level of tankiness, i just want the operator to be more than a gimmick while staying somewhat optional to players who simply don't like playing with the operator.

You can tell that DE wants the operator to be more then what it was before, that's why they redesigned the operator and gave it more "Combat" presence, i just don't like the drastic change of pace that makes it seem like I'm playing a different game that feels unfinished and unrewarding to play.

You can attempt to fix these changes by simply giving a better parkour system to the operators and buff their base health a little bit, because right now he feels too squishy, I understand that you can buff his health with arcanes or focus, but both of these systems are way too grindy to be required for something that should've been there to some extent from the beginning. and the other issues maybe can be ironed out in the future like scaling whether its the operator or the enemy scaling.

but right now i cannot defend the operator for being merely a gimmick, playing with it can be fun, but this amount of significance shouldn't be devoted just for a gimmick that wont matter to the 95% of the game that don't contain Kuva or Sentients

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Because they’re slow, weak, squishy, and half their dialogue is cringeworthy and repetitive AF, yet we’re forced to use them if we want to do certain things (Eidolons, Kuva-farming, etc). When I want to play Warframe, I want to play as a WARFRAME. Not some little twerp. IMO, their gameplay shouldn’t have been taken farther than the state they were in immediately after TSD.

And let me just reiterate: the dialogue. Hoo boy.

”So the Corpus are just a cult... worshipping money.” 

Yeah, I know that. I’ve known it since, like, my first time on Jupiter.

”So the Corpus are just a cult... worshipping money.”

You don’t need to keep saying that. I get it already.

”So the Corpus are just a cult... worshipping money.”

Just zip it already you little-

”So the Corpus are just a cult... worshipping money.”


”So the Corpus are just a cult... worshipping money.”

*internal screaming*

...There’s a reason DE lets us turn off their mid-mission transmissions.

Edited by Jackviator
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I don't hate the operators, but i do have an issue with them.For one they feel like gimped warframes rather than something different. Especially since EVERYTHING they can do could have been implemented into the warframes in some way. Oh you need their abilities to take down eidelons?Not really, you could have made a gear item with the same functions.Same can be said about kuva farming and any other features that are operator only.That is the problem with the operator is that it feels forced and unnecessary. Because once again EVERYTHING it can do could have been implemented into the warframes in some way.

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1 hour ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

Aesthetically hypocritical?  I do not understand.

Let me take up some devil's advocate here.  You say they're whiny kids when they should be mature and intelligent warriors.  The only interaction anyone probably had with the 10-0 children that didn't leave the interactor horrifically scarred, was through transference, that is, the Tenno being projected into a warframe.  Transferrence is said to be a dream-like state.  I don't know about you, but in dreams, I don't always act in accordance with my conscious personality.

You missed the colon, I take it?

Those were loose groupings of associated reasons. I dislike operators on an aesthetic level because they are physically ugly (in the uncanny-valley potato people sense), personally obnoxious to interact with/listen to, hypocritical in their opinions, and because they are less people and more parrots constantly repeating a handful of phrases.

In simple words, those are aspects of them which I feel are in bad taste (rather than being bad design as a game mechanic or bad writing as elements of a story).

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Because I simply don’t ever want to play the game as that character. I want to play only as a Warframe, and be able to do ALL parts of the game using strictly Warframe. 

I would prefer that the operator was never introduced, or could be permanently disabled as a gameplay option. 

It turns out that with the reset of focus due to the launch of Plains of Eidolon, if you don’t unlock any of it, you actually do lose access to the operator. I ignored the screen telling me to select a focus at first, and I couldn’t access the operator. It was awesome. Unfortunately I made the mistake of unlocking a node again. Wish I hadn’t. 

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The only thing I don't like is that I can't make the operator appear older.

Outside of that I've found their invulnerability really useful in void mode. If I'm hit with poison or fire I can just go into void mode and return when it's over, I can dash past certain enemies to knock them down and then finish them off. I wasn't the biggest fan at first..but once I became use to switching back and forth I loved it.

Reviving teammates without worrying about damage is a big help as well. I've seen some people have an almost deep hatred for the operator..which is crazy to me lol. I understand having a dislike for them, but when people start cursing you out for using them(happened last night)...that's when I'm like "You need to go get laid" lol.

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The true reason why people hate operators is because they are too meta.

I mean, imagine, you're running through a spaceships and whatnot, slaying hordes of enemies, you're a Badass Space Ninja... And suddenly you're reminded that you're just a kid sitting in a comfy chair in a basement...

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For me, they just feel out of place.
They're slow as hell, have 0 survivability aside from the temporary crouch mode, and everything operators can do, a mediocre primary/secondary can do better.
With the one exception of killing the teralyst's shields of course, but the problem with that is that the only reason to kill the teralyst is to be able to kill the teralyst slightly faster.
Then there's also the lore thing, about how they're supposed to be the most powerful things in existance but somehow struggle to kill random lvl 50 enemies.
And the abilities of focus 1.0 felt way more badass than running around as a kid with a laser pointer.
Basically archwing all over again

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6 hours ago, FlyingDice said:

You missed the colon, I take it?

Those were loose groupings of associated reasons. I dislike operators on an aesthetic level because they are physically ugly (in the uncanny-valley potato people sense), personally obnoxious to interact with/listen to, hypocritical in their opinions, and because they are less people and more parrots constantly repeating a handful of phrases.

In simple words, those are aspects of them which I feel are in bad taste (rather than being bad design as a game mechanic or bad writing as elements of a story).

No, I saw the colon.  Which is why I asked.  The way you used it in the preceding and subsequent lines, the stuff after the colon pertained to the stuff before the colon.  How was I supposed to know that only half the stuff in the Aesthetically line actually pertained to aesthetics?

I also hated the repetition of the Operator speaking.  It felt super out of place (like pretty much all the operator stuff to me), so I turned it off.

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I don't hate Operators, I hate horrible lines written for them - both in quests and in general. 

And that they behave/react to environment like pre-/early teen children, despite DE trying to convince us that they are much more than just kids with superpowers. 

I like the idea of operators, I don't like the way it was and is being implemented. 

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there are a few reasons a lot of people don't really like them :

1) the core of warframe is a fast-paced, high mobility, crazy powers, action shooter. when you switch to operators, you take away the high mobility and a good portion of the fast-paced.


2) when it came out, just like the archwing, it was basically a completely separate game-mode. it had 0 use outside of kuva / passive bonus. that kind of things tend to stick with people. still now, though operator's mode uses have been increased, point 1) prevents it from mixing correctly with the general flow of gameplay.

2bis) regarding archwing : most of the problems it had with the flow have been fixed, but due to the nature of maps (except eidolon) it still remains mainly separate from the normal frame mode. uranus is the only place when you can switch between archwing/frame, but even there you're restricted to one or the other depending on the nature of the area you're in. that's understandable given the enclosed nature of the maps in the game, but it still tends to segregate the activities. the use of archwing in eidolon is a step in the right direction though.


3) tastes are something personal and vary wildly from person to person. some just don't like the way the operators look. that's not my case, i personally like my operator a lot (except for the crappy stance forced on them by the amp).


4) when the operator came out with focus 1.0, being a totally new system, there was a lot of grind to do, and it was locked behind lenses that were not really easy to get. now that things have been reworked, the grind has been increased on all fronts : focus 2.0 has seen all required amounts vastly increased, and the operator role that has been expanded (with the amp etc) is locked behind a syndicate grind (which was very slow at the start when no one had any gear).


on the plus side, the operators are a solid development of the lore, and that's very appreciated.

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What I want, is to see the Operator grow past the irritating teenager stage. In fact, I want him to grow up entirely. It doesn't have to be right away, growing up is a journey in itself and perhaps we're already on this track. Right now, he remains an irritating teenager.

The Warframe is a shell the operator fills with power to control. The warframe serves as a type of focus that alters what exactly what that power can do in that case.

The Operator being the source of the warframes power is there. If I imagine the warframe as training wheels for the Operator growing into an adult with great powers of their own and the ability to move like the warframe? I can only hope. And with the idea that the warframe could possibly be made to move on their own (closer to canon that you might think). Well it could be pretty nifty. Going from proxy/dreaming space ninja to actual force of nature space ninja is pretty cool in concept.

But. Until my Operator can move like my warframe, it will always be second place. The slide and void dash are ok... but...

Its the run and bullet jump into the air, I peg a few targets with my rifle as I come back down and roll as I hit the ground and continue running at full speed. It's the barreling down a corridor, the floor falls away and I seamlessly leap into a long jump. I hit a lone platform and continue into another long corridor as it narrows. I bounce from surface to surface, still flying along at breakneck speed, I hit the floor running but there are enemies there. Barely even slowing down I spin while pulling my weapon and they go all to pieces, but by the time the parts hit the ground I'm already gone.

The Operator DOES NOT do that. It doesn't have that feeling of freedom and charm. Even the movement ability is more mechanical in nature being a straight blink as opposed to the wonderfully tuned and organic movement of the warframe. Its almost like I physically got out of my chair wobbled around and waved my hand at things to try and get them to go away. It's gotten better, but it has yet to develop the same charm that using your warframe has.


I'm also waiting for them to release some armor for the tenno that's sleek and deadly looking as opposed to the bulky space/functional aesthetic that the Ostron have. Great. my clumsy tennager tenno got himself some clumsy, bulky looking armor. I'm not thrilled. So yeah, unfortunately, I don't like the first offerings, but I guess that means I don't have to spend as much in Cetus grinding up rep.

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IMO, they were executed badly. I'm not even talking gameplay-wise where they're still terribly niche and grindy after Focus 2.0 + Amps. I'm talking story-wise.


After that immersive and even emotional-to-some cutscenes from TSD you're treated with character creation. And then you see their face. And then you see their hairstyles, good god their hairstyles. What happened to bloody barbers in the future? I honestly thought they just put a literal POS on my head when I previewed one of the hairs. And then you pick a voice. Which... Well, to each to their own but I can only stand the Raven voice which kinda forced me to try and make a female PC. So I did my best to make one and failed miserably.

So now I'm done with appearances, I zipped their hood up and went on a mission, and then they told me that Archwing was, in fact, being deployed! On Ceres. Which back then had no AW mission. So I looked them up and from there I found out that they have this selection of terrible dialogues that they randomly spout and since then I have my operator muted.

Then come TWW where the whole thing feels like like a Saturday morning cartoon. Don't get me wrong I liked Kuva fortress and the lore bits about continuity and how the Orokins basically held auctions for child-slaves they abducted from all over the solar system so that they could break their minds and take over their bodies. But the whole thing with the operator saying that s/he's not a kid to Teshin or how flat the Elder Queen is ("I'm evil and have absolutely no other characterization!") ruined the story for me.

And look at it from the PoV of someone that has never played Conclave before. Who even is this Teshin guy and why are we so emotionally attached to him to the point where we want to save him? The last time we saw was in the Natah quest where he was generally being cryptic and dislikes the Lotus for no reason.


One of the things I liked about Warframe is the silence from the player character. It really fits the whole elusive space ninja-robot-assassin-mercenary thing. You look at their name, the "tenno", an entire race of beings literally called "emperor". They were mysterious, practically a myth after the war except for a select few individuals. They had their own culture, a distinct art style and architecture that they adopted from their former masters that they themselves slaughtered for unknown reason. 

Or look at some of the lores from certain Warframes. Limbo, Mirage, Chroma, Inaros... Some of these have good enough lore to stand out by themselves. They have their own character, Limbo was a quirky guy that speaks in weird math poems, Mirage 'laughed' as she dies, Chroma survived the old war and was described as "one of the strongest Warframe", Inaros became a god of Mars, Gara solo'd a giant angry Sentient to pieces, Saryn Prime was used to wipe the infestation off the entire Earth, Nekros Prime terrorized the Grineer to submission, Vauban Prime was made to deal with the Corpus, etc. Some of their character are shown in their idle animations too, and I really like what they did with speargun idles.

Them being revealed as mere puppets doesn't really sit right with me. The only hint of them being sentient is at the very end of TSD and we don't know if they (the warframes) actually did that out of their own will, or if the operator somehow managed to remotely control them at the last second. 

And then you found out that the name's just a pun of the ship they were in. 10-0. Ten-zero. Ten-oh. Tenno. Haha, get it? 

And then the first thing you hear from your potatoface is some stupid babble about how ugly the Grineers are, or how greedy the Corpus are, or how your Warframe is 2stronk4me.

In short, they ruined a part of what made me love Warframe. I still very much enjoy the gameplay but story-based missions doesn't excite me as much anymore. If they could write them better and fix their appearance then maybe I'd learn to like them but for now, no.

...this post is way longer than I expected yikes.

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I love this game for the gameplay.

Operators intruced gameplay I don't like.

Since I'm forced to use them (it's not an side feature like Conclave or Lunaro), I have the right to dislike them.

Make them optional and I will just ignore them.

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I supported (founder here) this game back in December 2012 (not Feb 2013 as my forum profile says) because I liked the idea of space ninjas.
Also, I like the extraterrestrial looks of the warframes.

The operators were a turn off for me as the focus system. If the focus system were to be a passive exclusive for the frame themselves then I would like it.
Riven mods were another step in the wrong direction in my humble opinion.

I don't like the operators because of movement, teeny look, humanized discourse and all that trash quests (I hate quests and I'm more of a PVP guy), because I simply like to play the frames themselves and don't like to be forced to play with the operators and any of the reasons anyone else listed.

I don't like the operators. I play warframe and spent over 5k usd in here to play with Warframes - to play it my way.

I also don't like any fluffy, cuteish, character or items that are present in nearly 99% of the online games out there.
The more brutal, chaotic, terrorizing and explosive the better for me.


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20 hours ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

Either have the Operator remain solely on the Orbiter doing Transference or allow it to be unleashed as a full Void Demon.

  • If the operator controlling Void Energy remains on the Ship then I'd like one or even both of the following explored:
  1. The in mission manifestation can be fully customizible,  where I can choose to have an energy entity (not my Operator) and continue to be able to mistify enemies like Alad V who do not know the truth.
  2. Instead of the Void Energy escaping the Warframe when in '5' mode, the Warframe continues to move around, but with the limits of the new format with new energy emanations from the Warframe. Lorewise, the difference is that regularly the Void Energy is being contained to power the mobility of the Warframe for superhuman feats, in '5' mode Void Energy is being supercharged and used directly around the Warframe bypassing normal movement and the native powers of the Warframe as a direct conduit of the Operator's will.

Personally, I find some level of misinterpretation here. 

1) We are not "full Void demons". We are not daemons that are beings of pure light. Vor's phrase of us being "light" was, in my opinion, wholly metaphorical. My interpretation on this front has always been that we have the Void beating in our hearts; running through our veins. We are not Void beings who choose to manifest physical avatars. 

This obviates your first idea, because we are not capable of manifesting in such a form. And Alad does seem to at least grasp the idea that we are separate from our frames. 

2) We have no evidence that we can do something like that. There is no evidence that the Void provides energy to move the Warframes; only that the abilities draw their energies from the Void (I would think that energy orbs are non-canon, and that we naturally regenerate as we need it). 

Also, the entire point of Transference and the Warframes is to limit and focus our powers; not provide a conduit to excise them further. The entire reason we have Warframes, especially when, canonically, we are far more powerful on our own (and there are hints that we may be able to resurrect without a Warframe), is because the Orokin wanted to put a leash on us, a way for them to focus our devastating abilities into a narrow cone. 

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I suppose I can comment on this.

The concept itself of operators is what really gets me to dislike them and, in a way, the game. When I started, the game was shrouded in mystery and mysticism, having little lore to explain several things that... well... didn't really matter as long as the vibe was there. The coming of Operators not only broke all the suspense and intrigue behind the Warframes, but it replaced it with an overly used and cliche story in The Second Dream: Child Soldiers. Killed the vibe right off. They intended to make it dark but had the opposite result in the way of delivery. It became dull, annoying and entirely deal breaking for some. The whole vibe of the game was gone. A lot of the lore didn't matter anymore. A lot of the things we saw before took a turn for the worst (Mirage dies? lol kid is ok eating doritos and drinking mountain dew. just get a new mirage).

We've seen this so many times I simply saw it as a wasted opportunity. I had always seen Warframe as a new take and alternative to other games and to see it fall into that kind of cliche just made everything take a turn for the worst. Ever since then I've felt an increase on overly-dramatic story lines that feel more cringy than deep alongside the colorful new ways the game has gone. It's no longer about ninja mercenaries but magical girls in space with bright colored abilities. One of the things that made them annoying was how useless they were. We did complain about it and the answer by DE was to slowly make them a necessity in game. Further down the line they will be equally as used as Warframes or even more depending on how bad DE wishes to sink into it. This isn't what I signed up for. Of all the possibilities the story could've gone to, we ended up focusing on a sad child that plays pretend with an expensive, infested puppet. Story quests so far are all too focused on this and they are just so... so unappealing.

I feel like the worst part of Operators is how they have with every upgrade become more and more mandatory. The idea what we need to work on those kids to remain relevant in game is incredibly off putting. Not only is the concept bad that turned ridiculous (from a paralyzed kid pretending to be a warrior playing a video game to a magical girl that turns into a ghost and plays from inside their puppet), the characters themselves are pretty bad. Now I'm sorry but DE can't model humans or design appealing clothing, so there's also the visual aspect of them that annoy me. The entire deal with operators is just entirely unappealing to me and the way it has been established just makes it worse... I just don't think the story is working out anymore. Someone up there has gone berserk and, knowing that DE takes no criticism and covers for their mistakes, there's no one to say "this is... kinda stupid".

Sadly, no matter what I say, the DE-fense force will come here saying that this is the best concept ever and how original they are and how much they love operators. And, not unlike DE's GMs, they'll just say "don't like it? don't play it".

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Wereduck_of_Arrakis:

OP reminds me of a thread I saw once where a guy wanted to know why everyone was against incest besides those 'fake' arguments about inbreeding & child molestation.

You already know the reasons.  Just because you find them unpersuasive doesn't mean everyone else is lying.

This so much


„I want to know the reasons not the problems“

so here is the big secret everybody tries to hide:


the problems are the reasons


good that this is out now. But who would have thought about that? Mind boggling to say the least




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