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How do you deal with depression?


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  • Sleep
  • Watch a movie/show
  • Have a hot drink (whatever your favourite is)
  • Talk to friends/random people on the internet
  • Play a game you can enjoy
  • Eat chocolate ice cream (dark chocolate is good for you, technically...)

Just some suggestions, no idea if they will be effective or not.

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-Selfexpression like dancing, drawing, writing, reading, being creative like making things, or just working on things to keep you busy while you get companied by a friend,...

-Get a notebook and write 3 positive things ONLY positive things, each week at the beginning, and as soon as you feel comfortable with it, each day. Also ask your friends what they find positive about you. Write that last part onto a diffrent page but see that you leave enough space for that first part, or switch it. 

-Get stickynotes, get creative, ask friends and/or family to write down some positive words and stick each onto some item, like a drink or something else... 

-Sometimes getting a diary helps...

-Watching a movie, reading a story that is so good that your living with it...

Edited by bloemkoolmeeworst
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Mindless gaming always helps me to stop thinking about those stuff. Things like journey, abzu, warframe (yes).

And lately, i've been into a lot of lofi musics to calm some nerves.


I dunno about op, but these

On 11/16/2017 at 9:07 AM, bloemkoolmeeworst said:

-just working on things to keep you busy while you get companied by a friend,...

-Get a notebook and write 3 positive things ONLY positive things, each week at the beginning, and as soon as you feel comfortable with it, each day. Also ask your friends what they find positive about you. Write that last part onto a diffrent page but see that you leave enough space for that first part, or switch it. 

-Get stickynotes, get creative, ask friends and/or family to write down some positive words and stick each onto some item, like a drink or something else... 

-Sometimes getting a diary helps...

Doesn't really help.. (still worth a shot i guess)

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How do I deal with it?

I do manly stuff like bottle up my feelings and repress the hell out of them. Totally healthy for you, would recommend.

Whilst I realise ofc that my comment isn't overly helpful, I hope you know that you aren't alone. Many people across the world will be suffering tonight, so I raise my glass carton of soya chocolate milk to you all, hope you all have a better day tomorrow.

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13 hours ago, MagPrime said:

I let it eat me up and ruin my life until I hit the kill switch on my emotions, spend a year or two that way, eventually thaw out and rinse repeat. 

It's hell on relationships. 

Take it as a sign they weren't the right person for you. Better to move on to other things than stew in a relationship that isn't making you happy. 

Or do what I do, full on narcissism. 

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Sad to hear tenno :(

Take a stepback and list all the problems. Then take that list and give a kick in the balls to each one of them one by one^.^

I know it may sound weird but listing your problem may help in solving them.You need to not let them all stack up 

Some problem may require that you change your state of mind before facing them full upfront. 

Sometime you may need help.

Of course some problem cannot be solved you just need to adapt to it.

Good luck tenno

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On 11/19/2017 at 12:39 AM, MagPrime said:

For the most part, I don't.

I let it eat me up and ruin my life until I hit the kill switch on my emotions, spend a year or two that way, eventually thaw out and rinse repeat. 

It's hell on relationships. 

Mag this sounds... like fun.

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On 11/18/2017 at 9:39 PM, MagPrime said:

For the most part, I don't.

I let it eat me up and ruin my life until I hit the kill switch on my emotions, spend a year or two that way, eventually thaw out and rinse repeat. 

It's hell on relationships. 

D: ... I just want to hug you omg.

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Well, sometimes you gotta look at the good things in life, and if you're having a rough time, try to cheer yourself up a bit. Look into the past, and value all the little things that made you, or still make you happy, use that to be happy. If you're depressed, well, most importantly, take medication [hopefully perscribed by a Doctor] to help with it. If you're not currently in contact with a doctor or cannot get any perscription, use moral support, hang out with friends, play with friends on a game you play, bring some good experiences for you to look back to and say "Wow, that was a good time." 

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On 11/15/2017 at 5:13 AM, Nakak said:

I'm having one hell of a rough night, any ideas fellow players?

If you are feeling down, Watch this video

She has a great Point, just give it a chance, it will inspire you, or make you feel better

Shes dealt with bad stuff, just like everyone else, but punches it all in the face







Also, i use humor to just try and ingore it all



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I can't tell you what I do, because it's unhealthy.

What I can do is tell you what not to do:
Bottle it up - A lot of people here said that they bottle it up, while I'm not gonna antagonize them for what they do this isn't a good idea because eventually all those emotions just crush your mind. Let it out to someone who you think cares about. 

Self harm: Don't do it. Period. I'm still guilty of this. 

Think of suicidal thoughts: Now of course, just saying "don't think about it" is impossible and highly irresponsible, but bear with me. It's a mix of both of the previous ones. I know quite a few people who thought about suicide. One of them is a dear friend to me, and it kills me when they say this. So what you should do is talk to someone if you're feeling suicidal. Your family, your closest friend hell even the prevention center. 


Edited by TheErebus.
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13 hours ago, Nakak said:

D: ... I just want to hug you omg.

Honestly, don't take the advice of like, 90% of the people in here.

Find someone who can make you laugh even when you don't want to (comedian on Netflix, friend, lover, whatever) and don't let go.  No matter how often your brain tells you to sabotage everything because you're somehow undeserving.

It gets better, you just have to breath, find your life vest and keep doggy paddling. 

We're happy to help here, please don't be off put by the responses you've gotten.

Edited by MagPrime
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Ha ha, it's 1am and most likely going to make some mac and cheese and re-watch the incredibles movie. Honestly didn't think this post would survive this long so far, thanks everyone for your input and will be keeping a lot of these words in mind. 


1 hour ago, TheErebus. said:

I can't tell you what I do, because it's unhealthy.

What I can do is tell you what not to do:
Bottle it up - A lot of people here said that they bottle it up, while I'm not gonna antagonize them for what they do this isn't a good idea because eventually all those emotions just crush your mind. Let it out to someone who you think cares about. 

Self harm: Don't do it. Period. I'm still guilty of this. 

Think of suicidal thoughts: Now of course, just saying "don't think about it" is impossible and highly irresponsible, but bear with me. It's a mix of both of the previous ones. I know quite a few people who thought about suicide. One of them is a dear friend to me, and it kills me when they say this. So what you should do is talk to someone if you're feeling suicidal. Your family, your closest friend hell even the prevention center. 


Yeah... Having done all three already but there isn't much of a band-aid I can just slap on myself and smile. Well, besides warframe that is. This game means a lot to me and is probably one of the biggest things keeping me alive. xD As stupid as that sounds.

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