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EA planning on buying Digital Extremes


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1 minute ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Next you're going to tell us that EA is actually one of the best companies in the gaming industry. Are you an EA shareholder by any chance..? Because for the life of me I cannot understand why any gamer would ever defend EA.

EA is Unicronic Arts, they buy a company, they milk the associated IPs dry, then they discard the company and keep the IPs for possible future abuse, look at Visceral, at Maxis, at Westwood. That is what EA does.


They only disband a studio after it has been under performing, they have never dissolved a company that was in it's prime or had the potential to retake it's prime.
Visceral for example had been under performing since Dead Space 2, and failed to grow the franchise past niche market.
EA doesn't want niche market, they want mass uptake of a game or it doesn't interest them.
Why do you think it took so long to get Mirror's Edge 2? The first might be a cult classic and loved by it's niche, but it's still a niche game.

I might personally not like what they've done to several franchises, but they've at least kept them alive rather than being dead and unable to be touched by anyone.
( good example here is their acquisition of Bullfrog studios back in the day )

Also never use anything Jiminquisition, he is an outright hypocritical prick, I can't even be bothered writing out my essay on how arrogant and horrid he is.

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11 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Paying could only get you so far, like I outlined in my post that you obviously didn't read.
Paying only got you up to Tier 2 upgrades.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get Tier 3 or 4 out of loot boxes, they can only be EARNED via gameplay or crafting.

Not to mention that the Battlefront series has never been about the Heros/Villains it's about the troopers, you have to earn the right to even get to play as a Hero/Villain, so sure you might have payed to unlock a hundred loot boxes, but that Tier 2 damage negation for your Boba wont mean anything if you don't have the skills to even earn the right to play as him on the battle field as a trooper first.

Originally in the BETA all tiers of Star cards were available only from loot boxes. The system you describe was implemented only AFTER the backlash and even then players felt this wasn't enough.

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Just now, (Xbox One)Ubern00ber88 said:

Originally in the BETA all tiers of Star cards were available only from loot boxes. The system you describe was implemented only AFTER the backlash and even then players felt this wasn't enough.

Yes originally in the BETA, you know that thing where you test how a system works.

Please tell me, if the Tier 3 and 4 cards weren't in the BETA which was HEAVILY stripped down to test the basics of the systems in play, and did not have the achievements or crafting system available for people to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards as they do now.
How would people get Tier 3 and 4 cards if they weren't in the BETA's loot boxes for testing reasons?

There is NO EVIDENCE that EA had intended to keep the Tier 3 and 4 cards in loot boxes and thus the game actually be pay to win.
The only thing we've heard from EA and DICE on that is that it was necessary to have them in loot boxes during the BETA because you wouldn't have any other way to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards.

It's the same argument that people have about DLC being cut content from games, when there is literally no evidence to support this for any game at all.

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1 minute ago, Klavinmour said:

There is NO EVIDENCE that EA had intended to keep the Tier 3 and 4 cards in loot boxes and thus the game actually be pay to win.
The only thing we've heard from EA and DICE on that is that it was necessary to have them in loot boxes during the BETA because you wouldn't have any other way to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards.
It's the same argument that people have about DLC being cut content from games, when there is literally no evidence to support this for any game at all.

There's no evidence to the contrary either.

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2 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Yes originally in the BETA, you know that thing where you test how a system works.

Please tell me, if the Tier 3 and 4 cards weren't in the BETA which was HEAVILY stripped down to test the basics of the systems in play, and did not have the achievements or crafting system available for people to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards as they do now.
How would people get Tier 3 and 4 cards if they weren't in the BETA's loot boxes for testing reasons?

There is NO EVIDENCE that EA had intended to keep the Tier 3 and 4 cards in loot boxes and thus the game actually be pay to win.
The only thing we've heard from EA and DICE on that is that it was necessary to have them in loot boxes during the BETA because you wouldn't have any other way to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards.

It's the same argument that people have about DLC being cut content from games, when there is literally no evidence to support this for any game at all.

Look man, if your definition of "pay to win" is "things affecting gameplay locked behind paywall" - then you are right, it was not pay 2 win, I haven't personally seen a p2w game in years in that case.

For most people, however, pay 2 win constitutes gaining immediate advantage over other players by buying upgrades. Which is exactly what Battlefront 2 had. Ok, it's not always a serious problem, e.g. Warframe has the same system, but the huge difference is that Battlefront 2 was a PvP game where it actually does matter a lot, because it's competitive, unlike Warframe.

Arguing about this is pointless. Most people don't like it and you will not tell the majority of community what to like or not like.


Also, really, this thread needs to be closed.

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4 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Yes originally in the BETA, you know that thing where you test how a system works.

Please tell me, if the Tier 3 and 4 cards weren't in the BETA which was HEAVILY stripped down to test the basics of the systems in play, and did not have the achievements or crafting system available for people to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards as they do now.
How would people get Tier 3 and 4 cards if they weren't in the BETA's loot boxes for testing reasons?

There is NO EVIDENCE that EA had intended to keep the Tier 3 and 4 cards in loot boxes and thus the game actually be pay to win.
The only thing we've heard from EA and DICE on that is that it was necessary to have them in loot boxes during the BETA because you wouldn't have any other way to get the Tier 3 and 4 cards.

It's the same argument that people have about DLC being cut content from games, when there is literally no evidence to support this for any game at all.

Condescending tone aside we also have no proof that they wouldn't be loot box only. Given the EA microtransaction track record I'd wager heavily they planned to keep things as is especially with the beta lacking any hint of a progression system otherwise.

As for the DLC/ cut content arguement I've seen that  happen was with Destiny which datamining discovered some of the DLCs on the base disc so there was some credence to it. Do you have any examples I could research?

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4 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

I might personally not like what they've done to several franchises, but they've at least kept them alive rather than being dead and unable to be touched by anyone.

Right.. like Command & Conquer..? One of the oldest RTS franchises that EA drove into the ground with C&C 4 in 2010, and then canned entirely in 2013, we've not heard of any official C&C game since then. The most I'm willing to give you there is.. partial agreement, EA did keep C&C alive for a while, hell, I enjoyed the EA LA produced C&C 3 and Kane's Wrath quite a lot. But that doesn't change the fact that the C&C IP has been sitting in EA's vault since the cancellation of their ''was originally Generals 2'' game in 2013, unused, unable to be touched by anyone beyond that S#&$ty 2012 browser game Tiberium Alliances.

Also, it's worth remembering that half the times a studio starts under performing, it's because EA starts pushing and prodding, forcing things into a game that has no place being there, like Dead Space 3 microtransactions, rather then just letting a developer work their magic as they always have, like Bioware did with the ME trilogy or Dragon Age.

On the topic of Bioware, I will in fact give you something there, Andromeda was run into the ground by it's Bioware Montreal developer team, they didn't need EA to do it for them.

As much as I despise EA, and do blame them for many things, again, Westwood, Visceral, Maxis. I am willing to recognize that dev teams aren't always saints, and publishers not -always- the devil in the downfall of a specific title. Again, look at Andromeda, or hell, look at Destiny 2, Bungie S#&$ the bed with that one, Activision had little to do with @(*()$ that one up.

I still find your defending of Battlefront 2 to be absolutely incomprehensible however. That game kicked up such a @(*()$ stink that even governments are now investigating lootboxes, a mechanic that is, especially by EA, used with malicious intent.

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Unless DE or EA says otherwise, consider this to be nothing more than a rumor. EA has a reputation for ruining franchises and putting money before what their consumers want. Look at what happened to Visceral. They were making a game that EA couldn't monetize and were likely shut down as a result. Then, shortly afterwards, they obtained Respawn Studios with the likely intentions of further monetizing the Titanfall franchise.

While it would seem like a lucrative deal for EA to obtain rights to Warframe, I can tell you that the negative reaction from the consumers would be overwhelming given EA's current reputation and would likely result in more intrusive monetization implementations (something DE has clearly been against given their far better and less intrusive model) that could ruin the game and DE as a whole.

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What you're saying is only partially true. Games like Battlefront 2 were made grindy specifically to "encourage" to pay money instead of play the game. Make the game progression annoying enough so players prefer to pay for progress. It didn't really matter if you were doing well in a match, only playing longer earned you better rewards. They even got rid of cosmetics for some bizarre reason, even though they were there in the first Battlefront. Just because you can get something by playing doesn't mean it should be hidden behind a huge grindwall, which was the case with Battlefront 2. Look how Warframe community flipped when Hema was released. And Warframe is a free-to-play game.

And Dead Space was killed off because part 3 was full of annoying microtransactions. That's why it was underperforming. 

If it was like you say, there wouldn't be such a huge backlash against EA. They even managed to get attention of governments.


Regarding the topic, even if EA was planning to buy DE I doubt they (or anyone at all) would be willing to join them considering EA's reputation right now. It would be a bad decision business- and reputation-wise.

Anyway, I hope what I wrote makes at least some sense.

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8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)N7 Sinner said:

Unless DE or EA says otherwise, consider this to be nothing more than a rumor. EA has a reputation for ruining franchises and putting money before what their consumers want. Look at what happened to Visceral. They were making a game that EA couldn't monetize and were likely shut down as a result. Then, shortly afterwards, they obtained Respawn Studios with the likely intentions of further monetizing the Titanfall franchise.

While it would seem like a lucrative deal for EA to obtain rights to Warframe, I can tell you that the negative reaction from the consumers would be overwhelming given EA's current reputation and would likely result in more intrusive monetization implementations (something DE has clearly been against given their far better and less intrusive model) that could ruin the game and DE as a whole.

Didn't Andrew Wilson or Patrick Söderlund, one of them EA bigwigs, literally say that they canned Visceral's Star Wars game because ''they couldn't make a lot of money from it''? Along with corporate lines about how we don't want single player linear games.

Edit: Ah, here we go.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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18 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Didn't Andrew Wilson or Patrick Söderlund, one of them, literally say that they canned Visceral's Star Wars game because ''they couldn't make a lot of money from it''? Along with corporate lines about how we don't want single player linear games.

You are correct. Their current games-as-service model seems to disregard what many of their consumers want; rich and engaging stories that further develop the worlds we have come to love with characters that provide meaningful interactions that further engrain a player in the world. EA instead focuses more on multiplayer franchises that can earn them more money from in-game monetization. While it is true that BioWare Montreal was shut down (thereby dashing any hopes of future single-player DLC content) due in no small part to Mass Effect: Andromeda's poor reception, EA has continued to support the game's co-operative mode as it provides them the only real opportunity for them to make money off of the franchise with its co-operative mode's in-game loot boxes. 

Edited by (XB1)N7 Sinner
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1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

So your "brother" heard something. A rumor.
And you can't give any more detail either.
Seems legit as hell.

there was a post about "my friends dad works at nintendo and ____" story similar to this and it ended up being true lmao.

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1 hour ago, Klavinmour said:

EA didn't do anything to BioWare.

If you're referring to what happened to Mass Effect: Andromeda, that was entirely BioWare's fault.
It was a team of newbies that had next to no experience, and was led by a prick who is racist against white people.
That studio has since been shut down and staff shuffled into other studios until they learn and get experience.

EA give BioWare all the freedom they could want.

1-battlefront 2 was and is p2w. the lootboxes are baked into progression system and can be bought, making progression much faster for those who bought it.

2-bioware had several of its employed quit or fired cus they wanted to make a game fitting their own capabilities aka single player games based on story. and ea did not like that cus its not easy to monetize. it WAS ea's fault. but yeah the entire crew that made a huge franchise like mass effect is surely "team of newbies". uhuh. 

3-even if you dont care about bioware, pls do tell us about other studios they destroyed. what did westwood do? what did visceral do? what did dreamworks studio do? what did blackbox do?

4-since youre obviously some kind of ea employee or flat out trolling, i'd suggest you to go somewhere else with your bullcrap. 

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